Saturday, July 27, 2024

ZRA Strike illegal, PF government will not tolerate such strikes-Shamenda


Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda
Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda

Government has directed unionized workers at Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) regional office in Kitwe to return to work with immediate effect. The unionized workers had been on a go slow demanding not less than sixteen percent salary increment contrary to the twelve percent increment that ZRA management had offered them.

Speaking at press briefing Labor and Social Security Minister Fackson Shamenda has charged the go slow by the ZRA unionized workers in Kitwe was illegal and that the Patriotic Front government will not tolerate such illegal strikes in the country.

Mr Shamenda said Government would not tolerate industrial unrest at the institution charged with the responsibility to collect revenue for the country.

“ZRA is not an ordinary institution. Without collection of revenue,there is no government to talk about,” he said.

Mr. Shamenda noted that strikes at important institutions such as the ZRA have the potential to bring government machinery to a stand still.

He warned ZRA workers not to ever attempt to go on strike. “In future they should not even think about going on strike or go-slow because they are a very sensitive institution.

Without Government revenue it means we can’t provide medicines in the hospitals and the civil service can grind to a halt and so this irresponsible approach to industrial relations cannot be entertained,” he said.


  1. Those workers should just go back to work.Some demands must go hand in hand with the capital base and how much profit an institution makes and ZRA just limps,so the not less than 16 % demand is not just outrageous but crazy.

  2. Those workers should just go back to work.Some demands must go hand in hand with the capital base and how much profit an institution makes and ZRA just limps,so the not less than 16 % demand is not just outrageous but cr-azy.

  3. A Minster who used to champion illegal industrial unrest as head of ZCTU and a President who while in opposition used to show up at every industrial unrest to support, can today turn around and say they will not tolerate people’s genuine demands

    Money spend on By-Elections and your bloated 80 cabinet ministers each entitled to 800 litres of fuel a month when they can just use 80 litres is the illegality that Sata and his PF need to confront. Not this Strike. Give the workers the peanuts they are demanding and halt by elections and scrap deputy minister posts

    • Well said. How can one person have 800 lts of fuel per month? I did a bit of calculations on the effect of this fuel prices
      Transport has increased up to 130 person per 26 days x 2 school kids = 390
      meal mill 15 x2 = 30
      ZESCO will go up by 200
      Chickens 10 x10= 100
      other groceries = 400. Therefore total =1120. so if a person was earning 1200 net. this gives approx . 93% increase in cost of leaving. Unions need to ask 100% increments and 20%

    • Brothers & Sisters! Does anyone know how much ZRA workers get paid? I thought these were the most highly paid in the country plus the many allowances. Can someone please disclose their salaries and how much they want to be paid after their demand?
      Also, how I wish someone out there can teach us about leadership and challenges.
      Can one person be everywhere in Zambia at the same time coz thats what we asking for.
      Many have been blinded by these desperate president wanna bee.
      What profit is it when you top up on mealie meal but the supply doesnt want to drop prices.
      A problem started in 2009 under some government which was and is still lying that the economy was improving kanshi they where topping up to blind us.
      Maybe they are even shareholders in these fanny milling companies

  4. What a sensitive institution to go on a strike ! Try your best sir to make them go back to work before we lose out much needed rebased kwacha.

  5. Shamenda is not fit for purpose. Since PF government scavenges its leaders from rejects, performance of PF is measured in these incompetencies in the nation. They have not even built a toilet any where. Still acting as opposition to govermnet in power.

  6. A clear lack of understanding of trade unionism coming from a man who pretended to be a trade unionist for a very long time. Would you be surprised if Zambian doctors did not know what panadol was?

  7. Ever since he went into government with his PF, I have never heard Fackson Shamenda say sensible things. A minister worth his salt would have sought an audience with ZRA management and workers’ representatives before holding a press conference to issue threats. Only a person who does not understand why he is a minister can behave in this manner. The PF government is failing to perform to the expectations of the people because the calibre of most of its ministers is questionable. It is very embarrassing to have a government full of characters who behave as though they are drunk all of the time.

    • @voice of reasons;
      Spot on.. Do you surely think a well meaning minister would open his big mouth and start issuing threats to the deserving workers? Those guys collects lots of our monies as tax payers which they just dish out to the careers.. Mr minister,tell yo gvt to stop by-elections and that cash to need areas.. That kambwili said is budgeted for useless by-elections can meet the demands of the zra workers.. Wake up shamenda from slumber and do the correct thing for once.. U have been there…show us that you are worth the salt. *****..

    • Stop dishing out monies to the carders.. That money you spend on induced by-elections is more than enough to pay those workers… Warning:2016 is near… You will never lie to us anymore..once bitten twice shy.. Pf a one term party.

    • Voice of ……….you the embarrassing one. Dont be so sure abt things u dont know. By the time Shamenda was saying this he had ored met the two ZRA teams whilst you were snoring. Gentlemen if we dont know sumthing, lets not assume it does not exist. And lets gather our facts right first before we comment on certain issues or if we dont know we can post enquiries so that we are enlightened by those that know.

  8. For someone who was President of ZCTU, Shamenda sounds short on negotiation skills. If what is reported is what he actually told the striking ZRA workers, then he is actually ‘arming’ and enforcing their resolve by telling them that they’ve successfully got the Govt by the balls! Imagine!

  9. Fire them, you have no idea how many of us are qualified enough to work there!

  10. First tell us how much they get so that we comment intelligently. What I know is that these guys get better salaries than the majority civil servants. 12 % is good enough for those whose pay is high.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

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