Sunday, September 15, 2024

KK opens Foxdale office park and Ng’ombe initiative aimed at designing modern neighbourhoods in Lusaka


Dr.Kaunda(c)Lusaka Mayor Daniel Chisenga(l) and Angelike Huwiler managing director of Foxdale(r) at the official launch of Foxdale office park and Ng'ombe initiative
Dr.Kaunda(c)Lusaka Mayor Daniel Chisenga(l) and Angelike Huwiler managing director of Foxdale(r) at the official launch of Foxdale office park and Ng’ombe initiative

Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda yesterday officially opened the Foxdale Court Office Park and launched the Ng’ombe Initiative as part of the Lusaka Centenary Celebrations in Roma Township.

The Ng’ombe Initiative, is a programme to create a model compound. The aim is to design a neighbourhood with street names, clean surroundings, recycling activities, a tourist information centre. Competitions have been launched in Ng’ombe for the cleanest street, house, market stand, and even the cleanest toilet.

Foxdale Court is an office and retail development, and the first development to combine both small and large office space, with retail amenities, within a residential area. Foxdale Court is also the first green commercial building in Lusaka; with energy efficient appliances, a rain-water harvesting system, and a waste management programme; recycling the majority of waste generated within the development.

Foxdale Court has a close relationship with Ng’ombe and are one of the main sponsors of the Ng’ombe Initiative .

Foxdale managing director Angelika Huwiler said in Lusaka yesterday that Dr Kaunda has been instrumental in peace building and the capital’s centenary celebrations would be incomplete without remembering and recognising him.Ms Huwiler said the people of N’gombe will be happy to call the building after Zambia’s ‘first parents’.The two wings of the Foxdale office park have been named Kenneth Kaunda and Mama Betty Kaunda.

“It is an honour to have Dr Kaunda and the contributions he has made to the attainment of peace in Lusaka and Zambia as a whole,” Ms Huwiler said.

Dr.Kaunda thanked the people of Ng’ombe for honouring him by naming two buildings after him and his late wife.He said the “One Zambia, One Nation” slogan was founded on love and it has managed to unite Zambians over the years.
“We have over 73 tribes in Zambia including other nationalities and if there was no love among us, we would have been fighting. Our foundation is love. I urge you to love one another and, above all, love God,” Dr Kaunda said.

Dr Kaunda at the official launch of Foxdale office park and Ng'ombe initiative
Dr Kaunda at the official launch of Foxdale office park and Ng’ombe initiative
Lusaka Mayor Daniel Chisenga at the official launch of Foxdale office park and Ng'ombe initiative
Lusaka Mayor Daniel Chisenga at the official launch of Foxdale office park and Ng’ombe initiative


    • why should KK open those offices it doesnot make sense…. guest of honour yes!! but not `opening` foxdale offices… thats job of the mayor or area MP or minister of finace or the serving president….NOT KK!!! take him to AIDS foundations and other charity works
      PF administration is full of confusion!!!!!!

    • Why the hell am I being force-fed people I elected out of office?

  1. Its wonderful that KK opened this event but shouldn’t President Sata be seen at such events too.Why does he only get out of State house when there is a by-election?

    • Disagree with the first 8 words – but agree with everything else you said

  2. One thing that amazes me is how people internalize kneeling before elders. Even european ambassadors, peace corp guys just within a few months of stay in Zambia, there are at it and do it so well than these local boys and guys who walk with pants exposed . That white boy is cultured. He will go far with that attitude. Anyhow thanks for this business-community initiative. Thats the way to go…..

    • Don’t be fooled. They know what they need to do to get by. That’s how they took your land from right under your nose.
      Believe me, they are smart (cunning) that way.

    • When you are in Rome do as the Romans do, I bet you are not drinking alcohol like a fish where you are in Iraq or Iran.

    • That white boy is not cultured. He has a culture of his own which (trust me) he values more than yours. Bending his knee is a polite nod to your culture, which is nice but bears no substance in the grand scheme of things.

      He will definitely go far if he deals with people who demand so little – in your case, an occasionally bended knee.

  3. Lusaka needs these to replace all shanties and illegal compounds! Lusaka is too kombonic for a capital city … .

  4. Lusaka is celebrating WHAT? You people have you ever moved around Lusaka.I was with a Namibian friend in Lusaka.He asked me: when are we going to reach Lusaka?

  5. Surprising how all the praise begins to flow to KK without any recognition of the bold steps Angelika Huwiler is taking, being just a young enterprenuer and taking up green design, even a model compound. I must say, round of applause to her for showing independence from her parents and a sence of purpose. I’m inspired

    • That’s what struck me as I read the story: that this is very much a picture story. We needed to see pictures of buildings not just people posing. Ba lt send more creative photographers to such events

  6. Great news coming from Zambia, am happy, planning on a vacation, i cant wait to visit all those nice places mentioned by RB MUMBA in his comments on Clinton visiting Zed, i was actually salivating reading through, am so coming home!

    • hahahahahah,,,really!!!! that was poetry for your ears and you are lucky it was done RB Mumba… had it been George Mubanga ilyashi lya pa nosonde!!! awe sure you would have believed

  7. Very interesting…please give us more details, its funny that they don’t have a website in this day and age. what will they be recycling? Paper? Plastic bottles? Wood? Rainwater? Sewerage? Our journalists have to long way to go…what is so unique about street names and clean surroundings we had these 30 years ago in Lusaka, Ndola, Kitwe….bin men form LCC used to empty our bins every Fridays. How much will a plot or house cost? Is this a not for profit project? Why is there a tourist information centre?

  8. LONG LIVE KK!! May you live to see many more years and to see your childrens childrens childrens!! As for you Zealots vomiting rotten stuff about the great father of our nation, PLS this is not a platform for disgruntled,no respect for elders and lunatic haters to use for such insults. ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION!!

    • Not a zealot, and certainly not vomitting.
      I’m not interested in making you see what’s wrong with a 27-year long one party “democracy” with no accountability.

      He will certainly see his children’s children. Their futures are secure. He made sure of that in his 27 year tenure. He does not need your good wishes.


  9. Congrats to ms Huwiler, to every good thing there must be a starting point. let all
    of us with such motives and visions contribute to clean environment and hygien
    as of the past years in the 1960/70s. Councils are no longer called City Council but (Sh**T Council) so to speak!!

  10. Zambia is definitely cursed with Mr. KK’s evil spirit still hovering around. Look at the stability of our neighbours, Namibia, Botswana, whose population and GDP were at time of their independence, almost at par with Zambia. While they have improved on that Zambia has gone backwards and there’s no sign that things will get better. Hatred for each other has deepened it’s a miracle there hasn’t been a Rwanda like genocide. Had Zambia from the get go had a more honest leader with the nation’s interest at heart, we would have been the jewel of Africa. Mr. KK failed in this regard, to turn our intelligent nation into Africa’s super power. Instead he introduced PHD which ensures we don’t get nowhere. PHD is Zambia’s biggest obstacle to development, thanks to Mr. KK.

  11. Wantanshi surely live in another planet. I wish to strongly disagree with you the same as Ndobo. Age before beauty

  12. Shanties mushroomed during KKs reign. Indeed we have short memories. Shanties were encouraged during UNIP days. People were allowed to settle illegally in exchange for votes. All one needed was a UNIP membership card to be allocated a plot in these shanty areas and to trade at markets. Now KK is receiving praise for WHAT? Ha aha aha ha.

  13. We should learn to appreciate. Are Zambian simply cultured to destroy what others are building. What wrong is in recognizing KK? If people can listen to all these attacks, they can’t move forward. Angelika Huwiler is doing just okay and best wishes to her. You people commenting negative staff are not just serious people, look at fake names you are even using when commenting. Anyway, those are your views.

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