Sunday, June 16, 2024
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  1. For GBM, i would also give moral support because he is not an *****. The man has a big heart. He is not like winter Kabimba who has no respect for anyone except for Sata and Given Lubinda who is selfish.

    But I would not support GBM for presidency

  2. We wait to see how these youths will defend GBM. How I also wait for 2016 to see how GBM will become president of Zambia given that he is so influential as per the youths assertion.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  3. I supported PF and Loved the president but i no longer have that support it has been eroded by the party and many friends are now disapointed with the PF. I will support GBM especially if he joined UPND i think its the only party i can support for now despite being tribal i have been left with no option. This other parties are just jokers.

  4. I’m also disappointed with our president.I’m wondering where we are going.We’ll teach him a lesson in 2016 if continues like that.we love Pf and can’t allow such injustice in the country.Why why why ba Sata?I’m ready for UPND if Pf fires GBM.He just resigned as a minister not as PF member.Tatwakavote PF in 2016.Sata is used by Mmembe and his cartel.

  5. What is there to vote for PF in 2016?
    Disgrace of violence, lack of leadership, isolationism of Zambia by regional and international community leaders, falsehood and deception of 90 days, no constitution, youth unemployment and no money in Zambians pockets?
    Takwaba mukamba wa UFI FITITI.

  6. poverty stricken youths, you dont find such things in countries like Botswana where abantu bonse balekuta, insala make abantu literary do anything. GOD BLESS ZAMBA.

  7. northern province PF provincial chairperson has postpond the demonstrations aimed at chasing away GBM from the province, the party and the constituency. A group of notorious cadres from luwingu, chilubi, mpulungu and kasama where sent back to their respective areas. GBM reisgned his ministrial position and cadres feel insulted. Many civil servants, teachers, agriculturist, doctors, engineers and drivers have resigned from government i have never seen such a thing. all these people above are employed in the name of the president. atini Ndobo? Cadres are just trying to continue tunishing the former good of the president Michael Chilufya Sata. if you rewind from 2009, 10 and 11 one would think is not michael Sata. he has be destroyed by post masters editors. sata was given the entire staff…

  8. The pangas are coming back. That is inevitable. This is the first time in my life that I will support violence because it will be PF against PF and I am so desperate for this *****ic party to vote itself out of power. Just watched Sata addressing the nation as usual in his bored and uninterested way. His new year message which did not touch, not even a bit, on the current crises with regards high cost of living and other contentious issues. it was just the usual nonsense of govt is going to do this and that and create over 300,000 jobs bla bla…. then i changed the channel to cartoon network which I found more informative than what this vomit of a president was blubbering about. I never knew what it felt like to hate a human being until Sata and crew came along.

  9. GBM do not hesitate to Shaw this the that inama nkalamba ta ikuba mwibondo after supporting ba Sata elo twacula ubunga and everything are so expensive more money nifi ma coin cabe, cost of living its becoming more expensive every day. Lubinda,Mpombo,GBM, worry not guys all this will come to pass when Kabimba name ba Data bakalalila.


  10. I guess its time for the president and Mr Mwamba to have a closed door chat. This divisiveness is not good for the country.

  11. This is what happens when you vote for a thug as President………..what do you get? Poor leadership and lack of foresight

  12. When your enemy’s house catches fire, you celebrate and dance. Hand him gasoline and paraffin and diesel and any flamable substance to throw on it. Watching PF self destruct is fun. GBM has resigned but remained in the party. He’ll make a real “pigs ear” and shambles of things before he leaves. More division and in fighting. Yipeeee!

    Watch the monkeys as they try to out do each other in debasing themselves. Hear them “spill each others beans”. The whole country will know who stole what. and when.

    GBM go ahead and be a “bull in a China shop”. everything up!!!!! Post, reveal GBMs darkest secrets, Yes!!!! hahahahahahahaha

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