Thursday, February 13, 2025

President Sata at the A.U summit in Pictures



President Sata with Foreign Affairs minister Wylbur Simuusa and Justice deputy minister Keith Mukata (r) after attending the SADC meeting on the sidelines of the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014
President Sata with Foreign Affairs minister Wylbur Simuusa and Justice deputy minister Keith Mukata (r) after attending the SADC meeting on the sidelines of the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014


President Sata greets Ethiopain Universty Ushers at AU Summit-
President Sata greets Ethiopian Universty ushers at the  AU Summit-


President Sata Greets AU student Ushers at the Summit
President Sata Greets AU student ushers at the Summit


President Sata with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Namibia's President Hifikepunye Pohamba after attending the SADC meeting on the sidelines of the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014
President Sata with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Namibia’s President Hifikepunye Pohamba after attending the SADC meeting on the sidelines of the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014


Rwanda President Paul Kagame (c)  arrives at AU Conference Centre for the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Rwanda President Paul Kagame (c) arrives at AU Conference Centre for the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf  arrives at AU Conference Centre for the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf arrives at AU Conference Centre for the 22nd Ordinary Session of African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014


South African President Jacob Zuma arrives for the AU Summit
South African President Jacob Zuma arrives for the AU Summit


Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan arrives ffor the AU summit
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan arrives for the AU summit


Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni at the Au Summit
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni at the Au Summit


AU Chair Mrs Zuma addressing the AU opening Session
AU Chair Mrs Zuma addressing the AU opening Session


President Michael Sata with other Heads of State's after the opening of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Heads of State's and Government Summit at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014
President Michael Sata with other Heads of State’s after the opening of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Heads of State’s and Government Summit at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 30,2014


President Sata talks Japanese Foreign affairs Minister in Addis Ababa
President Sata talks Japanese Foreign affairs Minister in Addis Ababa


President Sata listens to South Sudan Vice-President James Wani Igga after the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
President Sata listens to South Sudan Vice-President James Wani Igga after the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


President Sata on his cell phone -
President Sata on his cell phone –


President Sata meets the Roll back malaria  team
President Sata meets the Roll back malaria team


President Sata Meets Dr Fatoumata Nafo-Traore Roll Back Malaria in Addis
President Sata meets Dr Fatoumata Nafo-Traore Roll Back Malaria in Addis


President Sata with with Congo brazzaville President Denis Sassou Nguesso after the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
President Sata with Congo brazzaville President Denis Sassou Nguesso after the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union at AU Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


President Sata with his delegation at the AU Session
President Sata with his delegation at the AU Session


First Ladies from Gambia,Ghana  and Mozambique
Some of Africa’s first ladies at the sidleines of the AU summit in Addis Ababa


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba (r) with Ghana First Lady Lordina Dramani Mahama after OAFLA's steering Committee meeting on the sidelines of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 29,2014
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba (r) with Ghana First Lady Lordina Dramani Mahama after OAFLA’s steering Committee meeting on the sidelines of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 29,2014


  1. hahahahahahahaha………………. his legs are as small as a match stick but his waist line is as huge as a 220litre oil drum

    • Pictures can be deceptive
      The new freedom of expression brought by the Internet goes far beyond politics. People relate to each other in new ways, posing questions about how we should respond to people when all that we know about them is what we have learned through a medium that permits all kinds of anonymity and deception.

      Long live our president


    • @Matipa, you have to stop that stupidity of insulting your father. If you want to insult Sata then attack his character. If you were close, nganakuponona.

    • He is the prez of the republic of zed with his small legs as you have put it…my question is who are you.? what are you.?

      Have a great friday

  2. Pic 1-Sata pointing:Let go and greet those beautiful girls
    body guard: *struggles to hide his laughter
    deputy minister: hmm good idea
    foreign Affairs minister Simuusa- oh boy! this man is an embarassment
    Pic7: Zuma: Unlike the Zambian President I do not need to break protocol and greet every skirt on two legs

  3. Ok I find these meetings hopeless and add no value whatsoever to anyone’s countries apart from maybe those at war. African leaders embarrass me. Just look at Museveni in that ridiculous hat. He has been in power since 1986! Then Sata and the only friend he has from abroad Mugabe, goodness. All is not bad though, the Ethiopian women are a site to behold, pretty little things.

    • The meetings are OK. There is a need for African leaders to continue to come together and communicate in one place. The synergy of communicaton is in itself an inspiration for the leaders to transpose efficiency and progress to their countries.

      Talking about African leaders being an embarrassment, what do you have to say about the French president with his escapades? Or the Ukrainian president who has abducted and tortured opposition leaders?

      As for Mugabe, he is not as bad as they say. If you think outside the box, you will see that he is a victim because he stood boldly in the way of western ambitions and refused to sell out Zimbabwe. He is the only rabbit in Africa that has succeeded in chasing away the fox. We should be proud that our president is good friends with him.

    • Sata out smarts all and can not be compared to war monger presidents. He is genuine and has brought a sense of great human in the AU house. He is actually very original. We love him and come 2016, my entire household and i have votes for him.

  4. No malice, not bias: Presido Sata looks unfit. He looks thin and a bit “finished”. He needs to retire and save his life from the pressures of the presidency.

    • My friend, from your writing i can 100% tell that you are sick. Uno mwaka tawapwe ninshi waya ku hell, my friend. So, start putting your house in order.

  5. I can’t help to notice that President Sata seems to be the only one with a uniformed body guard. Those days are over; plain clothes body guards are what is used to remain inconspicuous. Sata looks a a frail autocratic leader hanging on by a thread.

    • What about Museveni and Mugabe? Are they not autocratic and talking of frail, did you see Mugabe? I am sure you will look worse at 77 if you make it that far.

  6. Pics 2, 3 & 4,
    It’s uncouth and unsociable not to maintain eye contact and a smile when exchanging greetings especially if the other person happily smiles. Why wear an angry and long long face?
    Oh I see, the smile was reserved for one and only buddy and bird of the same feather, Mugabe.

  7. So he is going to spend 14 days abroad doing what? The man does absolutely nothing in State House and he has earned himself 14 day break…only in Zambia. We want to live like we are rich yet we are poor…why can’t this man just seat down. He think A.U summit is an opportunity to go and clown around…there was a state funeral for Madela the man never showed up instead opted to go and campaign for a by election.

  8. Wow…its great to see the president. For us in Zambia, it is gratifying because for almost 3 weeks he has been AWOL. We have been wondering where he is! And to top it all, we all do not even know who he has left in charge. Such great wisdom!

  9. Fred Mmembe has misintepreted what Akuffo said in a positive manner and yet the lady meant what the word unique really means- different from the rest. Now let us see if what she menat was positive or negative. There are all those big brains and statesmen from all over Africa, and I wont go into naming them. Did she mean Sata is beeter than them? Most likely NO. She meant he is unpresidential like the others, unique there were they are, not presidential material just like kk said before. It is true that Fred Mmembe is the master twister of every word spoken.

  10. Cobra talks about Sichinga’s Hair at AU.

    12…Cobra seemed “scared” with folded arms.

    Pic 13…The South Sudan Veep emphasizes the Cobra, as it seems, to handle the Barotse issue with contention. And the, must be checking out the urinary wrapped up bag behind and laughing his lungs’ out on Pic 17.
    Cobra said to Justice Akuffo,
    “You should summon this one (Robert Sichinga) to your court and help him manage his hair. Take this one to so that he can explain his problem “.
    The Cobra hissed, ” You madam, you must take interest to understand the cause of peoples problems when you call them to your court”.

  11. @ MATIPA, you are as useless as your name which literally means child of the MUD in Bemba. Can you honestly call or address an elderly person like that!! This is TABOO to all sensible human beings. Don’t invite curses upon yourself by insulting elderly people even though you are not agreeing with their style of doing things. You are an abomination in as far as Biblical tennets.

  12. Men and women of God pray and fast in truth and in spirit for our leaders so that they can come to truth with life. When these leaders become BORN AGAIN, they shall know that the following are demonic:
    4.Considering oneself as always being right
    5.Having an unforgiving spirit
    True believers, come together in oneness and in one accord and ask God through Jesus Christ to help Zambia. I mean serious prayers for our country.
    I hold nothing against our Republican President, but hold everything against all the evil deeds by all evil leadership in Zambia.

  13. One should not your ‘real parent’ to deserve respect, all it takes is age difference serve for those who sleep with their parents. African leadership is mostly a call either out of poverty or to make a country better, whatever the case, respect is always primary. Internet is good, but at times if wrongly used could make you look useless. Those are African leaders, presiding over affairs of all you, like it or not; and therefore disrespecting your leaders simply means yourself you are out of respect or simply very dull such that you would rather say amen to France’s president. Be real guys, say something good about your leadership, it reflects on your nation and yourselves at large. Bitterness will not take anywhere serve soil. Be brave for your nation. with love guys

  14. Really I sympathise with the big man, please let us pray for him even though we may not agree with his leadership style and all that. He deserves some mercy !

  15. Pict 2: That’s not a hand shake. You don’t shake hands from the wrist. And the face for the president was scaring the gilrs. No smile…
    Pic 14: Making a wall post on fb……

  16. Pick 20: Its like the first ladies were told to remove their rings. What are they doing? They all seem toboth mad about it. Its good to be the first lady.

  17. It was not only Zuma he embarrassed, he also did the same earlier to African Court on Human Rights president justice Sophie Akuffo whom she asked to summon his own agriculture minister Robert Sichinga to, and quote: “help him manage his hair.” These jokes of hair are not only stale but highly offensive and most inappropriate. People have complained about them and how they embarrass us as a nation every time he cracks them but the damn ***** in typical Chumbu Munshololwa keeps on raving them off. I have said this before but I will say it again, Sata is clearly manifesting psychiatric symptoms. His bloated face is also a very clear indication that the man is on some serious cancer drugs of some kind. I mean, this behavior of his cannot just be out of character, the man is sick in the head…

  18. Its difficult to see any inspiration in these African presidents except maybe in Paul Kagame, Goodluck Jonathan and a bit in Jacob Zuma. If you take our own, you wonder why he went to shake hands with ushers. This is being trivial. Even his posture as he talks to the Japanese men and the Roll-Back Malaria team does not show a man who knows what he is talking about. Africa will never move if we keep on electing these selfish imbeciles whose only focus is how they can enrich themselves and their close relatives. Look at Zambia for example; all what Sata has done is offer numerous lucrative contracts to his family members and friends. What has happened is that everyone in government has seen this and they have also taken advantage of it and are giving themselves contracts.

  19. Jacob Zuma is one of the worst he doesn’t torture or kill people but has stolen 250million to build his house and has stolen on many other occasions and been accused of rape. The standards are terrible for the poor here in South Africa that’s why people strike , murder and rape. It’s a great country but it has big issues like the rest of us don’t let pictures of Sancton or cape Town fool you

  20. As usual, UKWA never looking anyone in the eyes. Not even his best friend Ka Mugabe.
    That to me shows a luck of confidence.

  21. Pippo, Pippo… mind your language over our leaders. God will bring into account every word u speak. anyway, its not your fault, we understand that. Salvation of your spirit is the best remedy to that problem. Stay Blessed.

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