Saturday, July 27, 2024

President’s Son Mulenga Sata is the new Lusaka Mayor after going through unopposed


NEWLY-elected Lusaka Mayor Mulenga Sata (right) and his deputy Potipher Tembo
NEWLY-elected Lusaka Mayor Mulenga Sata (right) and his deputy
Potipher Tembo

President Michael Sata’s son Mulenga is the new Lusaka Mayor after he went through unopposed during mayoral elections held at the Civic Centre in Lusaka today.

Mr Sata who is the immediate past deputy Lusaka Mayor will be deputised by Chawama Ward councilor Potipher Tembo who got 17 votes, beating Silwizya Ward Councillor Chikutano Nkhoma who polled 12 votes with Mpulungu Ward Councillor Christopher Shakafuswa getting 10.

Returning officer Moses Mwelwa declared Mr Sata as the duly elected Mayor at 14:45 hours, saying at the close of nominations at 13:00 hours today, he had only one valid nomination which was from the President’s son.

Among the 39 Councillors that voted was Republican Vice-President Guy Scott.

In his acceptance speech after being declared winner, Mr Sata who is also PF Lusaka District chairperson said his emphasis was on service delivery and the improvement of revenue collection.

He commended the aspirants for the position of deputy Mayor for the maturity they showed in their campaigns as well as others for the support and faith they had shown in him.

Mr Tembo pledged to promote reconciliation, peace and love and that the transparent manner the elections were conducted vindicated the PF as being a democratic party.

In Livingstone, the United Party for National Development (UPND) Simoonga Ward Councillor Milford Maambo has been elected as new Mayor.

Mr Maambo polled nines votes against Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD)’s Mwalibonena Ward Councillor Matthew Jere who got eight votes out of the total 17 votes that were cast.

Patriotic Front (PF) Akapelwa Ward Councillor Fred Sikazwe has been elected as Deputy Mayor after he polled 10 votes against UPND’s Dambwa Central Councillor Liswani Likando who got seven votes.

Returning Officer Vivian Chikoti declared Mr Maambo and Mr Sikazwe as duly elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the City of Livingstone today.
Ms Chikoti said the two civic leaders would be installed on April 10 this year.

In Chipata, MMD Kanjala ward councillor Jelasi Phiri is the new Chipata Mayor.

Mr Phiri polled 15 votes against his only challenger Chipangali ward councillor, Wilson Tembo who only managed 13 votes.

The position of deputy mayor went to Kazimule ward councillor Penias Mshanga who polled 14 votes beating his closest rival Sisinje ward councillor Samuel Lugomo and Nsingo ward councillor Rodgers Mwanza who got nine and five votes respectively.


    • You would be naive to think he was truly un opposed.
      They would have been intimidation victimisation and hounding or anyone that would have shown interest. Common sense tell you that.

      Either way how is this not conflict of interest. ?


    • @Nostradamus
      where is Nostradamus?!…. my friend and brother,your cousin is now Boss mayor of lusaka,,, boi i stood by you when your cousin was always asking for your change during his dog selling dags, those days by pa kangwe. so Nostra boi if he gives a plot and need one also unoppossed

    • confusing like PF, you dont feel uluse when you are nauseated you vomit,, its friday afterall why pressure mulenga is unopposed you will die sad lobe… me, i want plots from PF,MMD, UPND ADD or anyone in control,,, am investing in land period with deeds,,,… hey were is my booze??… hold lusaka time, time out let me get my booze first

    • @man mule your contribution is very impressive,@wnzlu you are spot on with this Ndobo’s contributions that always have some negativity in them.Just for a plot you change sides shem upon you.I actually admire Hh for this consistency../.

    • @Ndobo, but nadabwa Mulenga Sata is now Mayor of the capital city?, its either ubwanga or Lesa, but as far as I remember Mulenga never completed mass at Bauleni Catholic Church, he always sneaked out when its tie of umutulo.
      Congratulations. From struggles of trading puppies to Mayor !!? Lesa wa maka, now I believe that “everything is possible”.

  1. Very Boring. This is like playing against Manchester United and they ask all the opposing players to get off the field and then they pass you the ball in your own half and run across the pitch with no opposing defender and score into an empty net and then start jumping up and down celebrating that you have scored against Manchester United.

    Where is the fun and joy in that? Unless you are sick in your head, this is something you shouldn’t be proud of and people wont even pay to watch you. It is the opposition that make you great and getting rid of them just makes you look useless and worthless.

  2. Potipher looks like his skin has reached maximum elasticity. He was not meant to be fat. serious ramifications for that situation. May be he has execess fluid build up in his body. I hope his ok. I also thought this mayoral thing was over and done with a long time ago? Someone please enlighten me if am mistaken.

    Little Gaddafi empire in the making here. Just gotta love Zed. Hope there cautious.


  3. This is really laughable indeed this Zambian democracy who would dare challenge him when everyone is interested in their bellies…he will quietly slither his way to the presidency that’s when the docile zombies will wake up and start asking questions when its too late!!

  4. Of course there was intimidation, threats of being ostracized from the party and so on. However, it is normal in a democracy to be unopposed. We just hope he is a good administrator. He does not have his father’s fierce gaze.

  5. The watchdog foretold us of this a year ago and some blind cadres called all sort of names but it has come to pass.soon the cartel will realize that sata is grooming his son.

    • So what …whts wrong with groomin?…insn’t ZWD groomin ka HH?

  6. Faux democracy with a huge dose of conflict interests.Africa will never progress with such naked nepotism.

  7. Kunnedy groomed his son. Bush groomed his son. Anyone is free to groom their sons. As long as they are capable and ascend via the right channels.

    • The kennedy that groomed his sons was an ambassador not president, when Bush junior took over, it was a different party that had just left. I do not know much about Mulenga apart from what is in the media so maybe he will make a worthy mayor but I sure hope he is not a scoundrel like late Chilufya was. kazim a wama ko! I believe that if we had proper democratic institutions based on a solid constitution with properly run political parties participating freely then the sham that is about to hit zed would not be taking place. Those with green cards, blue and red passports hold on to them, these chaps can do a Malaysian airlines to the ka country ka!

  8. chikubabeniso my brother you are right, Watch Dog told us the Panga Family cried foul and said it was not going to happen. At least I like the Kabwe councilors who despite Kabimba telling them to vote for PF on the Mayor and Deputy decided to give us an MMD Deputy mayor. Even Guy Scot had to abandon DMMU to come and pretend to photo, what a shame.. Watch Dog continue warning us so that in 2016 we can vote wisely. I am waiting to listen to Sata (Cobra)’s campaign promises in 2016. Since he has been a driver I have not seen, cheaper mealie meal, cheaper fuel and more money in our pockets.

    Cry my beloved country.

  9. Mulenga Sata is really riding on his luck;first he won the councillorship when MMD literaly lost support,second he took over as PF provincial chairperson when his challengers developed cold feets and ofcourse he was Deputy mayor when everyone had put a blind eye and now Lusaka Mayor when all would be opponents where shunted in the dark corner and told to shut up.Then you call this democracy,what a crap.

    • He is now primed for kabwata constituency as MP. Given Lucinda watch your space. Given is soon going to be expelled from Pang Family and a by election to vote in Prince Mulenga Sata.

  10. The rot starts when useful id.iots vote in useless MPs who then become useless Ministers… Why is anyone surprised that useless things are now happening? For all his failings Amsterdam said something useful.

  11. Congratulations mr Sata over your election,it would however been better if it was an election and not managed imposition. However try your best Zambians are not difficult to impress.Your Dad managed at local govt you can do the same.

  12. Stop criticizing Mulenga Sata, that man is very humble n he analyzes things before speaking or acting. I hav worked with him, I knw him. He is a gud leader, very different for typical carders turned into politicians!

  13. There is no permanency and structures in politics. President is God in Zaombieland. His children, wives and even concubines become superhumans. Flip side is the moment he goes his children, wives and concubines become worse than ordinary citizens. Mulenga will be back on road sooner than he rose, and that too if he does not end up in Prison for Life.

    • Rupiah Banda’s boy is a good example, don’t even put yourself in a President’s son’s shoes, they develope thorns soon after the father is ousted from power.

    • If this guy was really educated as some pipo say he is he would have distanced himself from his dad and PF.Am told he is not even 50.What kind of a future does he tink he will have coz nobody will want to even hear the name Sata once his dad is out of power.

  14. Zambia ni inchi ya mbwa kula mbwa with no safeguards whatsoever.Mulenga Sata is just another canine with a bigger nepotistic bone thrown by his daddy.

  15. Ma rubbish…Its clear there was intimidation or rather he threatens his opponents…Democracy is about having clear elections, not a one man show ati unopposed… i think there is something fishy about his positions… his opponents just withdraw pa last min… awe i don’t by that…from the time his Father become president all the positions he stands on end up unopposed and u call that Democracy??? If we are not careful he will stand as Zambian president unopposed.

    • Who of the George Bush family ever went unopposed in any election? In a democracy like the USA, UK etc.. they contest freely without any threats by machete-wielding criminals. There is no way anyone could challenge Sata’s son without risking their life. Not long from now this same Sata’s son will be your next Zambian president by going through ‘unopposed’.

  16. Unopposed, the Kaunda style. This chap is definitely being groomed to take-over as president from his father. The Kabimbas are just wasting their time.

  17. Sata is a shrewd man who needs to be stopped by someone. What he wants to do now is achieve what Kaunda never did. Install his son as a sole heir of his throne. This cannot be allowed to happen. Zambia is destined for doom with this approach. Kabimba you have to smell the coffee before you get dribbled the way Chiluba dribbled Sata. Am shocked you are being played for a fool . This man haagot to be stopped by any means.

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