Saturday, July 27, 2024

Guy is still acting President , Mukanga tells Parliament


Acting President Dr Guy Scott  (c) with Home Affairs minister Ngosa Simbyakula and  Works, Supply, Transport and Communications minister Yamfwa Mukanga (r)  shortly after Cabinet meeting at State House on October 29,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Acting President Dr Guy Scott (c) with Home Affairs minister Ngosa Simbyakula and Works, Supply, Transport and Communications minister Yamfwa Mukanga (r) shortly after Cabinet meeting at State House on October 29,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

Transport, Works Supply and Communications, Minister Yamfwa Mukanga, this morning told Parliament that Guy Scott is still acting Republican President.

ZANIS reports that Mr Mukanga, who is also Leader of Government Business in Parliament, said rumours that Dr. Scott has been expelled are misleading.

Mr Mukanga said those spreading such rumours are not patriotic Zambians and urged them to be level-headed when dealing with such issues.

He said the office of the President is a respectable and dignified institution which must be respected by all well-meaning Zambians.

Mr Mukanga was responding to a concern from United Party for National Development (UPND) Monze Member of Parliament, Jack Mwimbu, who told the house that expelling Dr Scott was not a good move.

Mr Mwimbu said the happening in the Patriotic Front (PF) government are endangering the security and peace of the nation.

He said the PF government has created a constitutional crisis because the members have taken peace that is prevailing in the country for granted.

Mr Mwimbu said State House must always be protected despite who is occupying it because it is a public office.

He has urged the PF to uphold peace and exercise patience until a preferred candidate for Presidency is chosen amicably.


  1. So who should expel who in PF now? it seems every one has powers to do this and that.i see some part of cowardness in SG.

    • A flock of lost sheep all worried what the future holds of them.

      The truth is they are all worried and are acting.saying in their best interest not any of us.

      Criteria for ministers, age, competence, would be helpful selecting cabinet and not persons who seemingly have no clue whatsoever ever in what they are doing.

      Finance Ministers, who know nothing about Finance etc.

      What on earth is going to happen in January let alone 2016?

      Saying that I hope we have as a good a president as his Majesty Michael Chilufya Sata was.


    • Why Guy Scott is the Acting President of Zambia and why Edgar Lungu is a bush lawyer.

      “Article 38 (2) says whenever the office of the President becomes VACANT, (1) the (2) Vice-President or in the absence of the Vice-President or (3) if the Vice-President is unable by reason of physical or mental infirmity to discharge the functions of his office, a member elected by Cabinet shall perform the functions of the office of President until a person is elected.

      (1) of which is true – the presidency became vacant on 28-10-2014 due to death of the incumbent.
      (2) The vice-president becomes the acting president
      (3) If the vice-president is unable to act as president due to ONLY the following reasons the go to number (4)
      Reasons vice-president not act as president are below:-
      (a) physical…

    • ……CONTINUED…….ONLY due to the following reasons then go to number (4)
      Reasons vice-president not act as president are below:-
      (a) physical or mental infirmity to discharge functions of the office of the president. What is infirmity, frailty, weakness, illness due to old age
      (4) A member elected by cabinet shall perform the functions of President until a person is elected.

    • For now Guy Scott should be allowed to Act since there is a matter before the Courts where we expect a decision to clarify this issue once and for all.
      The problem with Zambians, as evidenced on the various blogs, is that people are too emotional and work on the premise of all things being black and white. We seldom read or research issue inform us but rely on emotions and who we favour.
      Look @One Hit Wonder 1.3 above
      He has quoted Article 38 and 38(2) in particular but fails to even mention Article 39(3) whatsoever. Can he read that article and explain how its relevance or otherwise in relation to the Presidency. This is why Lungu has rightly gone to Court. Whether greedy or not but rules are rules and they should be applied and followed without short cuts.

    • Lamentation!!! Please, calling on all Zambians of all ages regardless of colour, gender, spiritual orientation or lack of, family background, able or disabled, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, employed or unemployed, tall or short, obese or slim, thin or fat, straight or gay! Just Zambians! Come out and give a red card to the PF. We got work to do and not waste time trying to experiment whilst on the job! We don’t want a learn on the leader at the helm of the number one job in Zambia. Edgar Lungu has already shot himself in the foot because as a lawyer he is supposed to understand the constitution which he clearly doesn’t.

    • I have never seen a country in such a mess. The simple description of all this is in one word is ‘turmoil’. I don’t see a way out of this. This is beyond redress. A group of people purportedly running a country not knowing how to do it and also expect to be allowed doing what they don’t know how to do. No credible leader in sight and no revolutionary to save the day. PF could do with first apologising and asking for forgiveness for the way they handled all matters leading to the death of their colleague if they have any credibility left in them, that will be a good start. Then maybe things may just start to shape up.

  2. PF members are oblivious to the real 90 day period that a new president must be voted in as leader of the nation. Their in-fighting for leadership is proof that PF was Sata and Sata was PF, his end is the end of PF. ‘Dochi kubeba’ mantra is now in check with real 90 day ultimatum.

    • Vacancy means no one occupies that post in this case it was not vacant as Sata did not die in Zambia and there was no one acting rather he died outside Zambia and there was someone occupying the office. ( acting – Lungu )

  3. No wonder Sata called them all “A BUNCH OF USE**LES S MPs.

    How do you deliberately flout YOUR OWN constitution for the sake of your BELLIES?

  4. this is why i dont trust some media houses,they just bring confusions in the country,look at the way the post newspaper,watchdog and others the way they abuse freedom of speech in the name of practicing journalism.

    • Nor do I trust lawyers. Opportunistic jackals who defend wrong doers and interpret things to suit their masters. Some careers mweee, even dakaboys are better.

  5. Guy Scott is the one bringing chaos in pf,the pf structured was centered on sata ,but now it’s time to have consultative meetings with the MCCs ,the pf format is,the mccs select a presidential candidate,then the name(s)are forwarded to the NC for scrutiny and finally to the conference for Ratification only.

    • According to the PF constitution, only the President can convene a CC meeting and chair the CC meeting. Therefore either HE directly calls it or delegates someone to do so. The General Secretary takes minutes at such meetings. Anything else is ILLEGAL (i.e. Not following the law).

      (1) Therefore SCOTT does not want to be part of an ILLEGALY constituted meeting.

      (2) Any resolutions passed at an ILLEGAL meeting is null and void.

  6. @ Mugala, the Central committee has powers to expel any erring member from the party. GS should know this better. He cannot refuse to attend CC meetings. Doing so is inviting trouble as it appears to be now.
    While the majority say they want Edgar to take over, who is GS fighting for? Kabimba or who? The mood in the country is for Lungu and Scott simply burnt his fingers by resisting the people’s choice. Even in Bauleni where he is MP people want lungu.

    • @John. Scott knows the PF constitution in and out (Maybe he wrote it)

      According to the PF constitution, ONLY the President can convene a CC meeting and chair the CC meeting. Therefore either he directly calls it or delegates someone. The General Secretary takes minutes at such meetings. Anything else is ILLEGAL (i.e. Not following the law).

      (1) Therefore SCOTT does not want to be part of an ILLEGALY constituted meeting.

      (2) Any resolutions passed at an ILLEGAL meeting is null and void.

  7. I was against Scott when he fired Lungu but now I understand why he had to because Lungu and his gang are so desperate to asurp power and the presidency so that they can use public funds/government machinery to campaign but it seems with Scott at the helm they won’t manage to. And it very worrying that the police are just on the fence when it comes to lawlessness because the racist remarks that are being subjected to Dr Scott who is even more Zambians than Obias Chisala MP. The ruling party is more of a threat to the peace and security of this country and I hope Dr Scott will stand firm and protect the integrity and peace in Zambia. Lungu gave up his acting presidency whether under duress or otherwise but the only way he can do it now is through the ballot. Why is he so scared anyhow?

    • The question we should be asking ourselves is this – who does Guy Scott represent.? We who is on Lungu’s side. Guy Scott is up to no good here.

  8. Ba PF – the Clock is ticking – next week you should announce the date of the election. So get organised and start campaigning.

    The good thing is that HH has admired your work. He claims “…shall continue infrastructure development…but will increase internal review rather than borrowing…” Clearly he does not understand what he is talking about. Basically what he is saying is that HE WILL INCREASE TAX.

    Ba PF we voted you into power because you promised Lower Taxes and More money in people’s pockets and clearly you are on the right path. So put your house together!!!

  9. The problem is that PF had never acted within its constitution and everyone expect authority from Sata. The rest were just blind followers of Sata and had no balls to question him or criticize his actions. Scott and Kabimba on the other hand likened themselves to Sata and he only could touch them and nobody else. Now the table have turned and everybody is just doing and saying what suits him. A pity Kabimba is not in the game, I really hope the Zambians can now just give HH the mantle to rule the country because PF has failed us completely. If they cannot resolve and respect their own business within the party, how can they do that to the affairs of the country! Come on you Zambians kick them out in January with your votes! Though I’m afraid there will be mass exodus from PF!

  10. There is nothing presidential about Lungu,it is not the will of the people to disregard the provisions of the constitution. Guy is supported by constitution to act as president,and therefore what sata did by leaving instruments of power to Lungu was unconstitutional and should not be condoned

    • Just as it is unconstitutional to have a Chief Justice who is not ratified by parliament because she does not meet Constitutional provisions. Where on earth have you seen one acting for three years?? Sata legacy.

  11. If you say Guy Scott has been expelled, it is synonymous to rebellion against PF. Anyone who claims to have expelled Scott is a rebel who has joined other day dreamers who wallow in utopian world. Now that President Sata is no longer with us, PF as a political party has become identified with Guy Scott and Edgar Lungu. Either of these two is indispensable in PF now. Together with other few founder members of PF like Emmanuel Chenda Guy Scott and Edgar Lungu have the obligation to keep PF intact. They understand the vision of late president Sata right from the beginning. If they allow opportunists to pull them apart and tear PF into pieces, it will be the most callous thing to have happened to the legacy of the man they fondly followed. Please, let us keep the legacy.

  12. I can see someone wants to use state machinery to do their campaigns…NO bane, let’s not allow this to happen. No shortcuts!

  13. The late pf president must be held responsible for the chaos in pf. He appointed Guy Scott his vice why did he not appoint him to act instead he breached the constitution and appointed Lungu. The SG came in and corrected sata’s omission and arogance. Whatever reasons sata had held were unconstitutional. Why in the first place appointing him vice while he knew the parentage? Again he breached the constitution.

  14. Why did Sata choose Lungu to Act instead of Chikwanda or any of his tribesmen ? The reason was NOT TO BE LOOKED TRIBAL.
    1. WHO fired Kabimba ? its not Sata but Luo.
    2. God has just decided tht PF shud b off the corridors of Power than the ‘stereotyped’ Cartel thing u r talking about.
    ITS YOUR IMAGIBATION cartel doesnt exist.
    Viva Scott !!


  15. Guy Scott pliz pay zambians better. which method have other political parties used to adopt their candidate? PF constitution is our law we can bend it or change it. NORTH WESTERN YOU ARE THE ONLY PROVINCE REMAINING BUT TOMORO YOU WOULD LIKE LUNGU TO BALANCE APPOINTMENTS

  16. Lets disolve paliament and have presidential and paliamentary elections so that thoose fighting can go and face their voters. This should be done to save the nation from being looted. Guy, can act till the elections are held. Kambwili you caused all this with your big mouth. This chap is worse than Kabimba.

  17. We hope the dust will settle one day in PF. How on earth can a ruling part look so disoriented and confused over the death of a president who was so popular. Maybe all what we used to see was artificial and its now cleansing itself. Zambians we have the last say. Let them fight and at the end we will make our own choice.

  18. Lungu, go form your party and stand uopposed. Simple, dont use cadres and threatening violency. The law will catch up with you. Mind you, as I understand it you are a lawyer and threatening violency the last time I checked was a criminal office.

  19. Why make major political decisions without consultations with fellow big wigs in the party? Is it not the party’s obligation to raise money for a convention? Now Guy Scot raises money for the convention totally

    without meeting the central committee to discuss the manner they are going to find money? Can’t people become suspicious? The man Scot has a hidden agenda.

  20. Mukanga is wrong. The rumours are wrong, however allowing Guy Scott and the Attorney General to get away with breaking the Constitutional rules CAN NOT BE ALLOWED.

    Guy Scott must be asked by the Judiciary to STEP down.

    The only relevant posting on this blog is that by @its a worry, 1.5. He is correct in pointing out that we must challenge the appointment of Gut Scott as per the constitution. People like @one hit wonder, are the bane of Zambian society. The fact is we have to allow one hit wonder to have a say, but he is unable to understand the implications of breaching the rules of the constitution.

    @Dr Eustace Wabo, Zambia has very able Leaders except we have Neo-capitalists trying to bring in foreign whites into our government structures. No need for revolutionists!

    • @ Patriot Abroad

      Where were you when Sata was breaking the Constitution on almost a daily basis??

      You were very quiet then!

      Now that Zambians have seen that Sata could break the law and throw the Constitution in the rubbish, and the docile Zambians would say nothing, everybody is breaching the Constitution.

      The big JOKE is that it will end up in the Supreme Court and the Judge presiding will be…………………



  21. I think the government needs to revitalise the adult education system in Zambia, Alas we need to see a lot of night schools coming back. It’s a shame to see the high levels of illitracy being displayed on this forum as well as on the streets, the storming of cabinet offices by these thugs speaks volumes for me this is just a tip on the iceberg. we can not as a country afford to sit and allow kaponyas to be determining the fate of the country like Zambia especially in this age. The levels of reasoning by some here desires a lot.

  22. oh pf children of the deseased parents and they are confused refusing any advise from anyone arround inculding relatives shame any one can tell the other you are fired even the youngest refuses to take advise what a shame they want runt the house no no it is not possible comreds

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