Sunday, September 8, 2024

Edgar Lungu has stolen this election-HH


HH presser
HH presser


Edgar Lungu steals election

A stolen election does not reflect the will of the people and is not going to deliver.

As you know we’ve yet to hear the final few constituencies announced by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, however it is with deep regret that we now already know the predetermined result.

They intend to announce victory for PF candidate, Edgar Lungu,

The United Party for National Development will always respect the views of the people we seek to serve, and our party is built upon upholding our country’s key democratic values and transparency.

However, what we have seen unfold over the last few days could not have been further away from the democratic process we aspire to uphold and the results announced do not reflect accurately the voting numbers that occurred on the 20th January 2015.

This has not been a level playing field from the start. We have experienced widespread violence against our supporters and party members throughout the campaign as well as deep irregularities in the counting process.

We know that democracy lies not only in the voting, but in the counting.

We have been open and engaged with the ECZ regarding our concerns at every possible point through official channels. However, despite this, there are many aspects of the election process and results that have continued to be highly irregular and fallen far short of the democratic process Zambians aspire for.

Whilst we want to reinforce the personal high-esteem in which we, the UPND, hold the Chairperson and the commissioners of the ECZ, there are some known individuals within the ECZ who have acted with utter impunity, corruption and total disregard for a democratic process by manipulating the election results.

Let me provide you with a few examples of how the process fell short of the standards expected:

  • Yesterday, the ECZ, realising there had been some discrepancies in the numbers announced so far, allowed members of the UPND and PF to be present for verification at the ECZ for all 150 constituencies. Yet, despite recognising discrepancies, the commission has only provided 32 out of the 150 constituencies for verification promising to provide the balance later. The constituencies involved had many serious irregularities involving the accuracy of the numbers. This is a glaring deliberate omission.
  • Following our meeting yesterday we were also assured by the ECZ that we were going to be provided with the full details for each of the constituencies counted, and yet right now we are still waiting for these despite being guaranteed yesterday.
  • Problems have also arisen from the delays in the provision of full results breakdowns for each constituency from the ECZ to the various parties, even three days after some of the results have been announced. In addition, biased and selective release of results, incorrect displays of figures suggesting that the candidate from PF was leading throughout during television reports and on the ECZ website itself have added to the confusion and undermined our confidence at several points. This was happening while people were still voting in other areas just to create an impression that Patriotic Front was winning the election even when it was clear that the race was still very tight.
  • The ECZ has always been very clear about restricting access to the ballot receiving rooms. There was supposed to be strong controls in place to maintain this and no technology equipment is allowed in, and yet we know unauthorized people were allowed in these rooms with smart phones. ECZ knew about this. Where is the vote protection consistency and reliability here?
  • Our own vote protection efforts at polling stations where voting was extended beyond 20th Jan 2015 to monitor ourselves were severely hampered at last minute and without apparent due reason despite prior granting of permissions for our helicopters to fly, these flight permissions were revoked. ZAF continued to delay in granting clearance with no clear reason as to why. This has understandably raised suspicion and concern when the Minister of Defence is himself a candidate in the election.


Our outstanding concerns, in the context of this election has left us deeply alarmed that the wrong result has been arrived at, which does not reflect the will of our people.

Over the last eight weeks of the campaign we have been all over our country listening to the views and concerns of our people. We made a promise to them that we would give everything we have to serve them, and we will uphold that.

On behalf of the UPND I need to thank my supporters across the country for their efforts throughout the campaign. Your support, energy and dedication has been truly astounding and we thank you. we have been truly humbled by your support.

We wish to thank our alliance partners including members of parliament for your support. We wish to thank all the Zambian citizens from all walks of life who have come out in support for us. Regardless of the outcome of this election I have no doubt that this momentum for the UPND will continue to grow.

As we know, this election was brought upon us in unfortunate circumstances following the death of our late President. We have been putting plans into place for the 2016 general election and those plans remain.

Before then though, we firmly believe that the 2016 elections should be held on the platform of a new constitution and Independent Electoral Commission to prevent a repeat of the shambles we have seen over the last few days.

Until then, I, and all citizens working together, will continue to fight for a better Zambia.

Ultimately, this election has been a sham and does not reflect the will of the majority of Zambians. If Edgar Lungu is sworn in as President he will certainly be an illegitimate president going by what we have discovered at the ECZ. Edgar Lungu truly knows that the results that have been given to him by individuals at the ECZ are not from the citizens who voted. Those individuals, who are less than twenty at ECZ, have to bear the burden of over 14 millions Zambians.

We in the UPND, together with our partners and ordinary citizens, will be watching closely and we will be ready to win another election in 20 months time under a new constitution.

Despite the fact that the election was stolen from us, I urge all our party members and supporters across our country to remain calm and peaceful for the good of Zambia.

I thank you all.

May God Bless the Republic of Zambia. May God bless you all.
Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President


  1. HH, this is petty and immature of you. The transparency in this election is unprecedented. Observers, including the British High Commissioner has credited the process. You should have consoled your supporters. This could be the end of you!

    • I knew the freema.son would throw his toys out of the pram.

      This man will never change. Resign, your 15 minutes of fame is up.

      Denounce trbalism mambala , get your refund from Muvi tv and Watch Galu.

    • The winners of these elections are ECZ with an outstanding performance followed by Nevers Mumber who conceded defeat gracefully. Lungu is also a winner for both the key to plot one and his statesmanship behaviour during the elections and counting process.
      The biggest loser is GBM then all the political prostitutes that jumped on flightHH2015.
      I have little to say about HH and his statement above say it all.

    • It will be immoral for ECZ to declare a winner with all these clear and detailed allegation again the electoral process.

      Anyway this is Africa, even dirty results are accepted

    • A chronic, endemic, perpetual and veteran loser. just concede and accept the verdict of the people.

      We warned you that tribalism can not and will not deliver you into state house.

      We thank the Zambian people for being pace setters in democracy in Africa.

      Hakaivotela Heka has finally scored a double brace, unprecedented in the political history of our country.

      Edgar Lungu has also scored a first, a new political entrant barely unknown in political circles and only been on the campaign trail for 45days and scopes the presidency. his message, his humbleness and meekness and how he connect with ordinary people resonates with the desires of the Zambians generally. its just amazing

      Get to work soon after being sworn in and move the country forward

    • Now,,, will see what bush mouse Lungu will do in afew months,,, this will the weakest president Zambia has ever had,,, 2016 is in few months time,,,
      Remember RB stole elections after the death of mwanawasa,,, and now he has helped Lung to steal also

    • Huja munthu Haleisa Haleisa Habwela Hapitilila. How can upnd say Lungu has stolen when upnd had antrigging squad.? When VJ chief was on their team?
      I however salute HH for conceding defeat,straight away start campaigning.
      I will catch HH on twitter and talk real issues.
      Viva EL viva PF…peace

    • Very wise words from a peaceful president of Zambia.

      Yes Lungu has won, but knives within PF and MMD factions will soon start to haunt him.

      We are yet to see if RB ‘s case will be dropped.

      Bravo Zambians you have voted for more misery. Wage freeze stays until 2016 election period. Salaries to be cut further because the PF government has no money and has no credibility left to borrow because it has over borrowed.

      Zambians who voted for lungu ba zanya manzi mange. Foreign envoys, prepare to vacate those posts as Lungu has his own people and relatives to fill those posts.

      Us in UPND are self sustaining and do depend on the government for survival.

      Viva HH

    • 1. PF (especially their incumbent MPs), should very much worry if they lose in Sinda, Kapiri, Lufwanyama, Mumbwa, Chongwe, Kafue etc.
      2. In addition, those thousands obtained in across Eastern, Northern ,
      Luapula, Lusaka and Copperbelt will just grow by next year when new young voters register for the first time, something that has hardly happened since 2005.
      3. The simple intepretation that voter turn out was due to bad weather may be very misleading. It could just mean people are frustrated inPF strongholds but are not sure whether to support the opposition.

      4. Looking foward, Sata laid a firm ground of benchmarks of what he could do. With such milestones people will be watching what Edgar can do with such high debt and will be judged harshly.

      Who celebrates 50% victory?

    • He is just trying to save face. Crying foul play! International observers have declared this election free and fair so I’m not sure why they are crying rigging. Its quite sad that UPND could not beat PF at a time they were most disadvantaged. Like the post editorial says, next time PF will be more organised because they are hitting the ground running. I’m not so sure UPND will ever get this close to scooping it. Atleast not any time soon!

    • It’s is totally unfair for a party such as PF with a heavy tribal agenda exhibited through its gross nepotism in its ministerial appointments, allocation of public sector jobs , allocation of ambassadorial positions, allocation of resources should even have the cheek to call the UPND tribal. The PF government has used its usual thieving character to steal this election. In the eyes of PF a win is a win regardless how.

      The PF should know that NW,South, Western, central has sent a vote of no confidence in them. They are tired of being marginalized and excluded. IF PF continues this devisive vision from Sata they should know that they are the ones festering tribalism in Zambia. So please stop insulting our intelligence South are victims of tribalism and not the actors

    • First they stole UPND votes before they even voted. You then asked them to stop announcing, and they did. You asked for a meeting (yesterday), you were afforded one. Grow up. Change your approach to life, it might help. Stop bragging and humble yourself. It is not always about bank balance. How you relate to people is very important. Didnt you learn something from MCS (MHSRIP)? He always went down to the level of the people he was dealing at a given time. You are your own enemy! People are able to see through that plastic smile. You are not a people person. People skills are very important. Take time and reflect. Forget the blame game and take a closer look at yourself.

    • @Chils, Ndobo, Anderson Chisala and the rest… ECZ already clarified that the problem was with ZNBC and not ECZ, so when did ZNBC become ECZ.? Muvi TV vs ZNBC…guess who won.? The biggest losers are madam Maureen, Masebo, GBM, Munkombwe and Mutati… in that order.

      Now, HH said this election reminded him of the 2001 election – where Levy stole from Anderson, I just don’t know how Maureen feels about that, she became a first lady becoz her husband stole votes.? Hmmm.

      Ati RB is not a factor….kikikikikikikikiki

      Jokes aside, pa zed pali tribalism on a grand scale, except Eastern Province.

      How can Southern Province give HH 15000 votes and only give EL 479..?

      Leaders must rectify this issue before 2016 elections.

      Viva EL Viva PF….peace

    • Dear HH,

      Please don’t give up 2016 is around the corner

      Imagine how pf would govern without upnd in opposition

      You are now the leader of the largest opposition party in zambia. Your voice and conduct matters

      Dear president lungu,

      Congratulation on your victory

      Its time to deliver your own legacy, man of humility be a president for all zambians

      Kinako! This is your opportunity next it will be another man’s

      May God bless mother zambia


    • You just came up short HH…..

      I have great respect for Nevers Mumba and Edith Nawakwi….true Zambian politicians…..Nawakwi has shown maturity and she has done very well in these elections.




    • Congratulations to both the winning and losing parties. In essence there should be no loser as our common goal was to elect a president that will reflect the desires, aspirations and character of the nation. If there is going to be a loser, it will be the electorates who will not accept the outcome and bring anarchy and violence. Further, the ultimate losers maybe the electorates if they do not hold the leader accountable for the promises and policy pronouncements that led to the voters endorsing and giving power to that leader. To the elected, its time for serious work; not vindictiveness, victimization and persecution of those who did not vote for you or those perceived or alleged to be enemies; bring about unity of purpose and focus on the critical challenges facing the nation.

    • Always a crying baby. 4 – 0 so far for HH. I said it immediately SP chiefs endorsed HH they showed tribalism and allowed people who followed him to change their mind except of course for Hons. Mutati, Mucheleka and GBM who have no factor in their constituencies.

      Infact these elections are not stolen at all because they truly reflect the will of the people. See how Easterners and Southerners have voted.

      Easterners have given HH more votes than what Southerners have given ECL. My advice to HH is to change his stance on tribalism otherwise he is doomed to failure for the fifth time even in 2016 then cry the same fate.

    • “If this was stolen, if we manipulated the results, we did it together”. Justice Mambilima in response to Hichilema who says the results have been stolen from him.


    • Lungu 47.89%
      HH 47.17%

      Latest from ECZ. Which shows that PF rigged these elections.

      Any we all know that these elections were a sham.

    • Up until now, I have always attributed Mushota with stupidity and foolish comments. But today I want to ask for forgiveness from Mushota. The answer given by Mushota to HH is spot on. The losing candidate must emulate Nervers Sekwila Mumba. HH might just end his political career. His real message to the masses is bad, no wonder we saw that type of voting. You know what I mean.


    • Flight HH2015 is reported to have crashed into the Muchinga escarpment. Suspected pilot error compounded with passenger premature excitement to disembark and excess weight by extra passenger who had forced their way into the plane with the pilot’s knowledge before take off.

    • A stolen election does not reflect the will of the people and is not going to deliver.

      As you know we’ve yet to hear the final few constituencies announced by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, however it is with deep regret that we now already know the predetermined result.

      They intend to announce victory for PF candidate, Edgar Lungu,

      The United Party for National Development will always respect the views of the people we seek to serve, and our party is built upon upholding our country’s key democratic values and transparency.

      However, what we have seen unfold over the last few days could not have been further away from the democratic process we aspire to uphold and the results announced do not reflect accurately the voting numbers that occurred on the 20th January 2015…

    • That’s a cry baby for you. In defeat, be magnanimous and you will do better next time. This is what we look for in any leader. Learn from Nevers mumba and others who have accepted our wish to have Eddie as our 6th president!

    • Why is Mambilima delaying annoucing that Ka Lungu chakolwa is your Zambian president?

      Lets wait and see how this ka lungu will manage to deal with the poor economic out look under PF.

      I am not a prophet but I will tell this, by march 2015, people will start rising up against Lungu and his entire PF because the economy is gona get worse.

      Lungu ‘s eminent death might cause another by election soon before 2016. This election has really over worked his already weak and ill body. He needs serious medical attention very soon.

      Mean while HH will continue to provide leadership from the opposition bench. More people will join UPND in months to come.

      Ignore my predictions at your peril. What I say, 95% of the time it comes to pass.

    • We the supporters of UPND have a lot of respect for HH our president. Our appeal to the PF supporters is to equally show respect to our leader and stop using abusive and derogatory language against him. If you have rigged and won the election, please celebrate peacefully and leave HH out of your thieving behavior. I d want to send a message of good will to the winner but with continued cursing and abuse, I am sorry I cannot. Initially the talk was Lungu will win with a landslide, blah, blah blah. Clearly he has failed lamentably and this is a clear sign of things to come. Viva mother Zambia.

    • After a good reflection of the current events, it is becoming increasingly clear that UPND will perpetually be having their votes stolen. This is because his strongholds constitutes of mostly honest, simple and hardworking citizens who see rigging as an abomination as it does not reflect the will of the people. Unfortunately, rigging is now the standard norm in the Zambian electoral process. Therefore, come 2016, UPND will not make it again plain and simple.

      Consequently, I have two suggestions:
      1. Let Zambia adopt the federal system of governance.
      2. Let the country be divided into two, HH and EL, each gets their strongholds period.

      This will also bring an end to the tribal warfare between the Bembas and Tongas. We are tired of it.

    • mushota, I wonder if you know what you are talking about. May God forgive you because you do not know what you are doing.

    • Zambia is being ruled by Mugabe thru PF indirectly.

      Its not Lungu who has won but MUGABE is officially the president of Zambia through rigging.

    • But we all know the journey of Lungu, he never played it clean, Guy Scott & Kaseba are our witnesses.
      the ghost of Sata will haunt Edgar Lungu.

    • Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.’ Zechariah 5:3
      Two things I asked of Thee, Do not refuse me before I die: Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion; Lest I be full and deny Thee and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God (Prov. 30:7-9).
      God will bring divine…

    • HH is claiming the election has been stolen by PF. But his useless press statement does not even give any trace of evidence about specific stealing of the vote. The character just makes general statements and allegations that are not substantiated. UPND is behaving like the boy that cried wolf. They started talking about rigging before even the ballot papers were brought in from South Africa and continued doing so right up to this time. All along they have failed to prove to the Zambian public the election was being rigged. What makes them think Zambians are going to listen to them now like the boy who cried wolf?

    • Friends in the opposition and those suffering from this latest infection ” we endorse syndrome” wafuma apaletona waya apaleloka…While PF was going through a democratic political wrangle in their case were busy in the campaign mode. If for sure you were all that popular, you would have won these elections with a very big margin. Sad to mmd the party has kept on sinking, that aside ,upnd will never win a presidential election. Our people now know how tribal the party has become, the pattern of voting was so alarming in your so called strong holds. Come 2016 the picture shall be the same even in other parts of the country and I don’t see you guys anywhere near this time. The PF campaign was released went out full blast unleashed by the musungu,trotting like hungry horses.

    • Tongalised party no way, please bream Munkombwe, Maureen Mwanawasa, Charles Milupi etc who campaigned for you on tribal line.

  2. In 2016 more votes will be stolen from you. Rainbow will steal more votes from you HH.

    Remebmber the membership of Rainbow is as follws:

    Mutati Felix,
    Guy Scott
    Kambwili (to join in a couple of months)
    Chiefteness Nkomesha and Chiawa
    Maureen Mwana.

    Way forward. Join us in the rainbow

    • The man is a douche bag , instead of giving hope to his supporters, he adds salt to injury.

      BA elder pa sabatta you want to bring chaos ? cage him please.

      Keep the sabaath day holy polepole.

    • All Zambians need to provide recommendations to ECZ to ensure that their Electoral process has strong controls, is consistent and systematic to the point that anyone who heads ECZ will always deliver quality. Printing of Ballots needs to be critically looked into,it would be important to know whether the foreign companies who print the ballots have Government Security clearance.

    • @Zedoc the best you can do it to peacefully and quietly celebrate your short and ill-gotten victory. Stop adding to the injury because even you have seen the distortion of figures to favor PF. Chil, people are not stupid, they all have eyes to see and they can and indeed have seen. The chief justice herself yesterday confessed that there are people within ECZ changing figures to fanor PF. What more evidence do you need. Are you just saying what you are saying to cover your tracks? You can try to cover all you want but people already know the truth.

      Secession is the best solution.

  3. Is the funeral being held at Mandevu, or Kalingalinga, or Ing’ombe, or Misisi, or Chibolya, or John Laing or in Choma? Wina azalila! Condolences, heartfelt.

    • A stolen election does not reflect the will of the people and is not going to deliver.

      As you know we’ve yet to hear the final few constituencies announced by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, however it is with deep regret that we now already know the predetermined result.

      They intend to announce victory for PF candidate, Edgar Lungu,

      The United Party for National Development will always respect the views of the people we seek to serve, and our party is built upon upholding our country’s key democratic values and transparency.

      However, what we have seen unfold over the last few days could not have been further away from the democratic process we aspire to uphold and the results announced do not reflect accurately the voting numbers that occurred on the 20th January 2015…

  4. It is best that this problem with PF, a party who came to power using lies, be resolved now! It is clear they are willing to do anything to stay in power. If PF is allowed to continue they will only bring more problems for the country. After all, what do you expect from thugs?

    • You fake Maikalange, why can’t find your own pseudonym? Why can’t you be more original? This is one despicable behavior by UPND supporters that I detest – the tendency of stealing Bemba identities.

  5. 2016 elections I call upon all northerners and eastern to emmulate what southerners have done. tribalism is real we cant put a blind eye on it and pretend all is well.

    • We are aware of a lot of wrong activities in southern western and northwestern, we are addressing the activities by undp, it’s not representing the voting pattern in these areas..

    • @Impako
      How irresponsible can you be? What will you or anyone gain if people hear your call to emulate tribal practices? Grow up and look to what is best for the nation… Unity!

    • A stolen election does not reflect the will of the people and is not going to deliver.

      As you know we’ve yet to hear the final few constituencies announced by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, however it is with deep regret that we now already know the predetermined result.

      They intend to announce victory for PF candidate, Edgar Lungu,

      The United Party for National Development will always respect the views of the people we seek to serve, and our party is built upon upholding our country’s key democratic values and transparency.

      However, what we have seen unfold over the last few days could not have been further away from the democratic process we aspire to uphold and the results announced do not reflect accurately the voting numbers that occurred on the 20th January 2015…

    • @ Fake Mailalenge or whoever you are, we know you are Bemba and detest UPND because the Party president belongs to a tribe you detest. But surely, how can you tell that a person who has stolen you pseudonym is UPND sure??? I have changed my identity three times because people are stealing my ID, but it never occurred to me that it had anything to do with party affiliation. I thought it was because I was neutral and always called a spade a spade and not a big spoon, hence someone was trying to tarnish my image because I always came out straight. Dont you think this could be the same situation with you????

      It could actually be some of your fellow PF cadres hmm? Be careful what you say mama, there are no enemies here and we are not fighting. Its Zambia for us all—One Zambia one Nation.

  6. As Rainbow, our target is to still at least 188 votes from all 150 constituencies.

    But learning from the past, we will not do opinion polls for the intended theft. Neither are we going to participate in any form of Presidential debate.

    Rainbow starts campaigning today. In order to catch the fattest worm.

  7. HH you worked extremely hard to spread the message of Hope and Help.

    The “majority amongst the minority voters” and some malpractices may have sealed the fate of the Zambian people.

    Hope the winners have the heart for the disadvantaged and the poor.

    God bless Zambia.

    Viva #TeamHH

    • A stolen election does not reflect the will of the people and is not going to deliver.

      As you know we’ve yet to hear the final few constituencies announced by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, however it is with deep regret that we now already know the predetermined result.

      They intend to announce victory for PF candidate, Edgar Lungu,

      The United Party for National Development will always respect the views of the people we seek to serve, and our party is built upon upholding our country’s key democratic values and transparency.

      However, what we have seen unfold over the last few days could not have been further away from the democratic process we aspire to uphold and the results announced do not reflect accurately the voting numbers that occurred on the 20th January 2015…

  8. Ba HH
    You have fought a good fight BUT YOU HAVE LOST AND YOU BETTER ACCEPT IT
    I VOTED FOR YOU. Therefore calling the new president ILLEGITIMATE is not only
    sour grapes, but telling us that we should resort to ANARCHY. YOU WILL NEVER GET MY

    T. BULL

  9. Even the Post which has been very unfriendly to the PF since Sata died has accepted these results, and everyone at every stage has been applauding the ECZ and judge Mambilima for a job well done. SADC and other international observers have commended this as a free and fair election. Only the loser is crying over spilt milk, naturally.

  10. It’s done hh has accepted defeat,that’s the way to go man..peace is more important than power. My vote will be on you next time

  11. This doesn’t show HH as a great statwsman. His statement might just incite his supporters. If he really loves this country, he should have graciously accepted defeat and moved on.

    This statement may come back to haunt him in next year’s elections. He is behaving as if ke knows that losing this election marks the end of his political career because it appears he wanted to win this election at all costs.

    We all as Zambians love our country. No one should consider themselves as the only ones with the best interest of the country at heart.

    Look at KK, Sata and RB and learn from there response when rejected by voters.

  12. And so the dice are cast….20 months of more mediocre politics and international embarassment. Well done, Zambia 🙁

  13. HH you are missing a point here. In defeat is when you are supposed to show true leadership and humility. When Sata beat your party and MMD to become president you did not at any time congratulate him as any true leader would do. You have however shown resentment and bitterness never seen before in a leader in modern times. I think our ECZ is so independent it has become the envy of other countries and its something all Zambians have to be proud of. In democracy the essence is numbers and this time around EL edged you and you have to respect masses that voted to him and don’t insult their choice. How come other candidates have not reported irregularities that only UPND has seen. I am more concerned about your 98% records though in southern province. That is irregular in my view.

  14. Yama! Just say naba noponona! What a cr@ppy concession. Pobo’d again! Change your strategy and get rid off some of those chaps around you! Such as Siakalima (and his crew) and Hamasaka (ZWD). Free advice

  15. Dear editor, allow me highlight the reasons provinces need to govern themselves through the federal State System.

    Since 2011, we have witnessed unprecedented tribal and regional intolerance from the political part in power and its president towards other regions and tribes. Zambia is a democracy and voting is a right exercised by every citizen to elect a leader of their choice. Thus citizens voting preference and support to political parties should not constitute the reason to victimize other regions and tribes.

    The last three years of the late President Michael C. Sata’s reign we witnessed unmatched victimization of regions and tribes considered not to have voted for PF.

    Some of the witnessed injustices propagated by PF include:
    1. Regional and tribal appointment of…

  16. My President, this fight is not for you alone. We are all affected negatively but remember no labour which has ever gone unpaid for. You shall always remain a Zambian and we shall also always remain behind you. We have learnt something here too, come next year, just nest year will put on the right uniform for the good race. Keep cool and good health and take inn all the insults positively, please don’t react to then but turn then to be blessings and make sense from them. In fact you are just being built to be a better leader soon. My last message is that in every situation expect the best but prepare for the worst too. This is just that.

  17. No, all you guys commenting here don’t understand the political process and what transpired in Zambia. The elections were stolen from HH.

    It’s a shame that most of you dont have the inner details of how numbers were manipulated.

    • He is crying because he borrowed heavily for his campaigned and is at a loss how he is going to pay back. Zambians should not allow themselves to go down with a man who thinks he is more intelligent than anybody else and others are dull. Even Garry Nkombo has called all of us who voted for Edgar Lungu “*****s” on his facebook page. I hope this defeat will teach these characters to humble themselves.

  18. Ba HH, please stop these antics already!

    You have started sounding like the Kenyan perennial loser Raila Odinga who started contesting for presidency in 1992 and has always cried foul after every elections.

    Through these careless utterances, you will just be igniting your supporters and if you don’t watch out, post election violence doesn’t need a better platform.

    God Bless Zambia!

  19. This chap is very bitter. He has lost his best chance to win and is blaming everyone and everything. How can a smartphone affect an election outcome? How can announcing results that show your opponent winning adversely impact you other than to inspire your supporters to come out and vote? Yeezz!

    • A stolen election does not reflect the will of the people and is not going to deliver.

      As you know we’ve yet to hear the final few constituencies announced by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, however it is with deep regret that we now already know the predetermined result.

      They intend to announce victory for PF candidate, Edgar Lungu,

      The United Party for National Development will always respect the views of the people we seek to serve, and our party is built upon upholding our country’s key democratic values and transparency.

      However, what we have seen unfold over the last few days could not have been further away from the democratic process we aspire to uphold and the results announced do not reflect accurately the voting numbers that occurred on the 20th January 2015…

  20. This is exasperating. HH blames ECZ in such a manner! They should sue him for his allegations. The elections were praised by SADC, And International observes as fair. They bent over backwards to accommodate him on recount and it is him who caused the delays in notifications.

    This is really grubby behaviour. Nasty man, miserable and really uncouth. It’s shocking how poor the standard of behaviour he showed.

    He was so mealy mouthed and accused Lungu instead of congratulating his fellow contenders. How ungentlemanly and there is no sign of education nor common grace in his conduct.

    I feel ……mmm disappointed but I have never liked this Joe. Blah yuck!

  21. This was the easiest election to win, given Guy Scott was essentially on your side HH.

    You committed more mistakes yourself. You ferried people to vote. Isn’t this electoral malpractice?. Guy Scott and the Police kept quiet because they were with you. Guy Scott went further to assent unpopular law on the retirement age to help you.

    It will not be any easier than this from now on.

    Try something else my man. This is not the end of the world.

    If I were you I would just share my wealth with the needy, instead of squandering it to such an unprofitable venture as politics.

    Ameno mafupa. Be very careful with the people who eat with you.

    They will now flee to the PF or Rainbow, leaving you exposed, with a red tribal tag.

    What a miserable end of a journey.

  22. One day HH and UPND will learn that you never win elections through force or fake opinion polls. Now he should go back to those who misled him instead of blaming ECZ and the PF. This immaturity must come to an end and besides HH and his company must tone down and stop insulting Zambians. Zambia is not part of Southern Province but the other way. HH has steered away from the vision Mazoka had for the party and it is high time he rested and concentrated on his riches and business. People have decided, who are we to pour scorn at everyday involved. Remember that the institution being insulted will be their again to prescribe over the elections in the future. Mwiponta mukabwela!

  23. Sadly, this the end for HH and the UPND. These elections have also demonstrated the tribal alliances in Zambia. HH made major errors which will haunt the UPND from now on.

  24. I expected HH as an elder in the SDA Church to put God first and be in Church worshiping God today instead of purely focusing on politics.

  25. No hard facts, HH. Saunders didn’t find any evidence of rigging on those lorries at the boarder. Your cadres have not showed the Zambians boxes of pre-marked ballot papers. All you are able to feebly talk about fall under the categories of innuendos, suspicion, etc. No hard facts, HH.

    • A stolen election does not reflect the will of the people and is not going to deliver.

      As you know we’ve yet to hear the final few constituencies announced by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, however it is with deep regret that we now already know the predetermined result.

      They intend to announce victory for PF candidate, Edgar Lungu,

      The United Party for National Development will always respect the views of the people we seek to serve, and our party is built upon upholding our country’s key democratic values and transparency.

      However, what we have seen unfold over the last few days could not have been further away from the democratic process we aspire to uphold and the results announced do not reflect accurately the voting numbers that occurred on the 20th January 2015…

  26. The statement from HH is not a well thought one but highly emotionally charged and this can /will have impact on his political career. There are alot of factors that HH and UPND needs to reflect on and man up.
    cry babie will not change the outcome. Sata was great and Mumba, Nawakwi and more importantly ECZ…

  27. According to the prophecy, if Edgar Lungu wins, he will die after 1year.

    Expect another funeral before the end of 2016.

    HH is the Man of the People.

    • @ Jane Mulenga… Do you think it’s really too early to start wishing Edgar your president dead.? Even if it was true, I for one would not have time nor the courage to write such Bulll. Its simply amazing how HH supporters wish other people dead… May God forgive you.

      Viva EL Viva PF……we told you didn’t we.?

    • always wishing the president dead so that you can take over. There is no greater evil and God wont allow it. No one knows his time. HH could die in a helicopter crash tomorrow (God forbid!)

  28. HH I really thank you. Yes you might have your own reasons for saying all of this, but for me you are a true statesman. If it were other people this would have raised a lot of dust. You are a true Tonga Bull just like me. Uli muchende wini wini. After all that has been said and done a sensible person will accept and understand the way you have come out. As a matter of fact you deserve a lot of respect. As for Edgar Lungu, congratulations. We are all Zambians and will remain like that. We have Zambia as our only country that we need to take care of and EL you will be president over all of us. Both of you HH and EL are actually winners though presidency is for only one person at a time. Zambians will always support a party that has the ability to deliver there needs and requirements.

  29. This election has been rigged. There is no way Zambians would want to continue living in poverty. The dollar is now almost 7 kwacha. Mealie- meal prices have gone up, mines are threatening to close. It is either Zambians are very dull to vote for PF or this election was rigged. As far as I’m concerned things were better in the mmd. This PF government has failed us. HH was meant to win this election he was the man to take us forward. These PF people will finish this country mark my words. Edgar lacks a vision for this country he can’t even speak in an articulated manner. I would rather have nawakwi as leader than this edgar. HH is the true president of this land.

    • Lol; the dollar is not a measure of a good economy. Be sober! HH has conceded defeat; it is simple, he lost in more provinces than he won. He lost in 5 provinces, rather convincingly and marginally won Central Province. HH must console his supporters, not ignite their passions. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is your President! Oh and I can imagine the joy Sata would feel to have heard that news!

    • See, you people from UPND I would urge you to stop insulting Zambians first. Secondly understand that people have different views on the economic happenings in the country. Just because you have success in running private companies does not automatically imply you can run the country. Thirdly, humble yourselves before the majority people you consider dull, the electorate are the masters and you must lower yourselves to be servants of the people and not masters to be. As it stands, for UPND only southerners are intelligent Zambians and the rest are dull because they did not vote for him. What a shame to look at issues.

    • @Joe
      If you are looking for voters who understand why the dollar is at K7, you will find only a handful. The majority of the voters are from peri-urban and rural areas and unfortunately these people vote based on what the politicians promise them. I engage with the so called ‘educated’ people on a daily basis and most of them have a blank stare on their faces when you talk about tax, inflation, or interest rates. If you want to be voted into office by people people who can explain the GDP, you should join Elias Chipimo and end up with 6 votes from a constituency when your counterparts are hitting 10,000.
      Its very unfortunate but its reality also.

  30. im urging you all who are still optimistic about the remaining votes,they wont do you good Edgar has already won.
    now we know the new president CLE- meaning edgar chagwa lungu.thats the new name from now on,i have given him. if u want to pertition let HH do it alone.To the lest i say” ilyashi ishimikune litentamputi”


  32. I loved Nawakwi’s contribution during the ECZ briefing when she addresses the observers EU and SADC who call elections “free and fair” before the election program is over.

  33. listern all of you upnd blind seatupid followers, this your hh head boy should resign and pave way for some one else to lead upnd.hh is so arrogant. believe me hh will never be president of zambia ?and please tell him to go and have an hair cut may he can start thinking propery.

  34. listern all of you upnd blind seatupid followers, this your hh head boy should resign and pave way for some one else to lead upnd.hh is so arrogant. believe me hh will never be president of zambia ?and please tell him to go and have an hair cut may he can start thinking propery.

  35. Zambians, including those who are celebrating, are the losers. The only problem we have is that people are so conditioned to mediocrity, poverty, suffering and docility that they won’t feel the loss but will consider the Lungu mediocre leadership and performance to be normal. The unemployed youth are comfortable with their lot. The marketeers are comfortable with their suffering. All Zambians are comfortable and happy with all the nonsense happening in our midst. Meanwhile foreigners are benefitting from our resources.

    • KK facilitated many things and nationalized the mines, provided free education, heavy subsidies free mealie meal coupons, cheap fertilizer, easy loans and gave free cattle to people to encourage cattle keeping and dairy farming across the country, encouraged farming and introduced rural reconstruction. Did it work? No. Why? Because people love subsidies and cheap things. Zambians failed to run the mines. Why? People tend not to care if there are not part of ownership. Should HH take us back to KK time? HH understands better why mines are operated by foreigners? What can he say?

  36. HH and UPND & it’s supporters are emotional. It is not long time ago you accused ECZ of bringing in ballot papers in the trucks. You offloaded the trucks & found no ballot papers. Going around the country and talking to people does not mean they will automatically vote for you. Others parties have gone to the same areas and are not crying. To tell HH the truth is that the majority of people who have voted for him are people who do not fully understand how to grow economy, but looking for subsidies and free things as a way of life. Look at copper – belt and Lusaka where people understand why they voting and all tribes are represented, how many votes did he amassed in these regions? This speaks of volumes. Very few Tongas, Bembas and other tribes voted for him because of wishful…

  37. listern all of you upnd blind seatupid followers, this your hh head boy should resign and pave way for some one else to lead upnd.hh is so arrogant. believe me hh will never be president of zambia ?and please tell him to go and have an hair cut may he can start thinking propery.

  38. listern all of you upnd blind seatupid followers, this your hh head boy should resign and pave way for some one else to lead upnd.hh is so arrogant. believe me hh will never be president of zambia ?and please tell him to go and have an hair cut may he can start thinking propery.

  39. HH you are a true statesman. You have demonstrated to the world that you endeavor to uphold peace in our nation. We shall go back to the drawing board and prepare adequately for 2016. Its not too long. Lets put everything in place and prepare adequately. We need to put structures in all provinces.

    Victory is certain for us UPND in 2016.

    God bless Zambia

  40. HH says he will not recognise Edgar Lungu as President,this where he goes wrong doing the same thing he did to Late Sata and this is why people continue rejecting him because he has no respect for other people with divergent views from his UPND.

    • If I were HH, I wouldn’t have conceded defeat before all the anomalies are clarified. Fairness should be seen to prevail. When one has won fairly they deserve to be congratulated and supported. But that is not the case here! That is why I like Moslems! Moslems call nonsense as nonsense and will not accept nonsense because people expect them to do so! There is no need for HH to recognize Edgar Lungu. Before the anomalies are clarified, Edgar Lungu is a product of a flawed election. The PF planned and designed all these anomalies we have seen. Why recognize him? Seriously I should convert to Islam. We need a few more Moslems in this country to end nonsense. Christianity is too mild and tolerates impunity!

  41. We thank you Mr Hakainde Hichilema for conceding defeat. For sure 2016 is just months away.

    First of all, I am not here to talk about your submissions but to urge you to denounce the ‘three’ great evils which menace UPND and Southern Province in particular. We have looked at your performance, especially in Southern Province. Something is wrong.

    These three evils are Tribalism, Greediness and Hatred.

    We are seeing here today in our country, especially in Southern Province, a manifestation of bitter anti – Semitic, anti – Other Tribe hatred.

    Who would have believed that in this year, 2015, the malicious falsehoods of tribalism would form part of a campaign agenda? Other tribes are being hated by a region which is purely motivated by the most extreme form of tribalism and…

  42. I do not blame the Zambians because they had only two choices so they had to select better one out of the bad two. In Zambia we do not have good choices do we?

  43. Whether we like it or not we need all of these people (HH, Chipimo, Nawakwi, Sinkamba, etc) in our politics. I know that they have a choice of staying away from politics like many people have done and just concentrate on their lives and those of their families after all they have already made it in life. But they have chosen to participate in public life. I salute them and encourage them to continue for the sake of our country. Truth be told, this election has had many irregularities. HH should not have conceded defeat because doing so is giving way to wrong doing and impunity! Anyway he has chosen peace. But nonsense needs to be stopped even if it means giving up peace for a while! The designers of democracy assumed fairness, they forgot that in Africa there is more deceit/manipulation

  44. Bad LOSER! For a 4 time loser, you wld expect maturity and professionalism, but, NO. Is this the way to CONCEAD defeat? TONGAS! Mwanya, next elections you will lose by far – No 1 will allow you to come this close again! Next time no apathy. Copperbelt will come out with 1,000,000 per constituency. Mwanya!

    • I see many Bloggers want to ignite tribal war in this country. Tribal wars are very easy to start! Please stop tempting fate. Stop this tribal talk forthwith! Mr. Munkombwe’s views do not represent the views of all Tongas. Some politicians as part of their political warfare have placed a tribal tag on HH when he is not a Tribalist and some people have fallen into the trap! I have many excellent Tonga friends who shouldn’t be seen in bad light because of this nonsensical tribal talk! But if Zambians want a taste of tribal war lets go for it may be that’s when we will learn!

  45. Bad LOSER! For a 4 time loser, you wld expect maturity and professionalism, but, NO. Is this the way to CONCEAD defeat? TONGAS! Mwanya, next elections you will lose by far – No 1 will allow you to come this close again! Next time no apathy. Copperbelt will come out with 1,000,000 voters per constituency. Mwanya!

    • God bless mother Zambia and cleanse it of these ills we are witnessing – tribalism, hatred, arrogance, bitterness, greedy, insults ….the list goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Elections are for citizens to exercise their choices – why would Peter think John is dull and useless when he votes for a different candidate? That’s pure arrogance that what I think is good should be good for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Whoever is chosen by the majority (even if it’s by 1 extra person) should be given a chance unless the land’s constitution says otherwise.

      UPND tried very well this time (forget about the circumstances) but unfortunately it wasn’t good enough. All we can say to them is…”well tried but there is next time again”

      Congratulations to PF for scooping this one (despite all the…

  46. HH over-forwarding…
    too much Forward Forward and missed the exit to plot 1

    Now PF and Lungu has to show true leadership…

    Please Edgar keep Guy Scott as the Vice President.

    I thank you

    • @sos
      Let’s wait and see……yes Bo Inonge Wina…..she is the most loved Zambian at the moment…but we need Guy Scott very close to Edgar….
      2016 is just around the corner.

      it’s all good for as long as PF works as one big family and deliver for the people of Zambia…..and as ordinary Zambian citizens let’s all work together….

      i thank you

  47. I just wonder how HH can lose to a new comer in the race, Lungu is little known in the race , it was his first time to run but beat the experienced hh ; may be you have to check were you have gone wrong , see your speech and the bragging of your greatness this doesn’t go well with common Zambians ,in fact they are the ones to give you a vote,. check the threats to the bembas who seem to be the majority tribe, though they also gave you some votes they are more accommodating ,unlike your own people who couldn’t vote any one else but a tonga ,; voting like they did make Zambians worry about the motive.

  48. I have followed the 2015 presidential election with keen interest, unfortunately everyday throughout the campaigns, voting and tallying of results I keep asking myself what really will the eventual victor have won? Sure they will occupy State House, be called your excellence Mr President sir and wield immense power in our country but at what expense? That is the most important question I keep asking myself.
    The truth is there are no victors in these elections, we THE NATION are all losers in these elections. We have gone from a once shining beacon of peace and harmony on the entire continent to a polarized country whose people are now divided on tribal lines. I was reading comments on another thread on this website, and one individual unashamedly wrote “Before I read a comment, I first…

  49. “Before I read a comment, I first check the name of the person who posted it so I can know what tribe they are”. That comment broke my heart.
    The mark of a Great leader is to appeal to the personal and united strength of character of those they seek to lead. For those who would lead us (Zambians) however, they have appealed to our fears. The fear of one another based on tribe. They have fanned and orchestrated this fear in us until we started seeing ourselves different from people we have lived with as good neighbours for decades, people we have been honoured to call friends before. Today we see our brothers and sister as a certain tribe not as fellow Zambians. Today we are only too happy to purchase a machete for the sole purpose of maiming a fellow country man or woman for holding a…

    • @the armchair analyst

      Yes my dear friend…..very good comment….as Zambians I believe we can still do better….let’s all UNITE….let’s reach out to our brothers in the Southern Province and extend a hand of friendship.
      We can’t just pretend all is well…..NO….just like in the western world….if you are racist…they tell you right in your face that you are racist and you need to change…let’s call a spade a spade…..Do you know that Brian Hapunda received some death threats?

      My only advice to our friends in the Southern Province is to accept Hon EDGAR as the President of the Republic of Zambia…..

      i thank you

      Katondo Boys

  50. Every thing is wrong about this election.Why does it take so long to count results in a Presidential by-election and longer than it too the 2011 Presidential and parliamentary election?Its surely smell s fish and a lot of cooking going on.Mambilima can get away with this for now but not that long.If Edgar has won just announce the results so that the biggest court case in Zambian history can begin in earnest.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  51. Today we are only too happy to purchase a machete for the sole purpose of maiming a fellow country man or woman for holding a different political view than ours.
    They have done this not because they care much for one tribe or the other but because by doing this they knew they would keep us from collectively demanding accountability from them.
    Ladies and gentlemen we have seen even in professions like journalism people have discarded the pursuit of reporting the truth for what is convenient. Media houses that were once the refuge of the oppressed have today become the oppressors, in the fore front of using derogatory terms against some tribes of this country while advising against tribalism. Academia, intellectuals and students at higher learning institutions have published numerous…

  52. The bottom line is we have descended a dangerously steep slope from which it will be difficult to climb back up. It will take the collective effort of every one of us to put things right but most important it will require patriotism and love for one another from all.
    Ultimately people are individual persons first before they are a tribe and even a country. Individually before you make a comment that such people are tribalists it may help to ask yourself if you have personally met all the people from that tribe and have personally been subjected by the to tribal segregation. If the answer is no my appeal to all would be to avoid making the comment and instead practice tolerance. It is called Zambia because of all the people who inhabit it’s every corner. Exclude one part and it cannot be…

  53. HH IS A BAD LOSER!!!! WAIT FOR 2016 AND WE’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO VOTE LIKE YOU TONGAS DID LAST TUESDAY!!!if people like Felix Mutati,GBM,Mutale Nalumango are really wise,they must leave tribal HH alone right now bcoz next year their seats will be won by any PF candidate and Nalumango will continue being jobless for another 5years!!in dry season with young registered voters, expect huge defeat for your HH!!we’ve a learnt a lesson from Tongas and they’ll regret in 2016!HH will be getting 0.1% votes from our areas!!!!CONGRATS TO PRESIDENT EDGAR LUNGU!!!GO PF GO!!!

  54. HH must learn that in 2016, it could not be as close as this election was. He needs to console his supporters and not ignite their passions. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is the President of Zambia and will be HH’s president too. It is that simple. The only genuine problem is that HH is coming to the realization that curtains could be closing in on his political career. Very soon, mark my words, very soon- UPND will get the thought that a different leader could be needed!

  55. HH should have done better by conceding defeat and reflecting more on the causes of his loss e.g. tribal remarks by the likes of Munkombwe during the campaign. Zambians should have respected him more and given him a better chance in 2016. He has provided no concrete evidence of electoral theft and making wild claims that border on endangering peace are not typical of a good leader. He may not like EL, but the man is now President-elect of the Republic of Zambia.

  56. The real winners in these elections are the People of Zambia.

    I like the way Wynter Kabimba has conducted himself throughout the Campaign and voting period…very quiet.

    HH last month you said you are NOT a Politician,just a successful business man…ok now I agree with you.



    I thank you

    Katondo Boys

    • @pazed Kaya

      My dear friend….you can also be part of development….don’t feel bad..i know your preferred candidate HH will soon be forced into early retirement ..Zambians are not enjoying poverty….please

      I thank you

  57. The Problem with my friend HH is that he is too egocentric, bossy, arrogant and pompous. He thinks that he is a highly qualified and better leader amongst all the presidential candidates in Zambia to salvage the economy and spur development. The way I understand the nature of the majority Zambians is that they value education so much but certainly it is not one of the first qualities they look for in our Plot One President, they want a President who is down-to-earth. Who speaks a Zambian Language and not a Tribal Language. Yes tribalism is there in all our political leaders but you should not think that your tribe is the best to run the affairs of the nation. Zambians are quick to discern such wrong thinking. Just look at the MPs in Southern Province they’re all Tongas. Not even Tembo?

  58. In addition to what HH has said, the sympathy vote has played a major role in the voter’s minds. History has taught us that in times of bereavement, the cultural tradition in us Zambians of respecting the dead overrides rational sense. The sympathy vote has favoured Edgar Lungu in the same way the sympathy vote worked for RB in 2008 when RB beat Sata after the death of Mwanawasa. Plain and simple.

    EL admits he has no vision. EL has questionable health. The rational sense tells me this is a disaster in the making.

    Fortunately, the next elections are only 20 months away. We will judge him by how he embarks and implements the “Me too” promises.

    • Don’t simplify the meaning of VISION to the personal hallucinations of HH. It is more complex than your simplistic view.

    • @Ulubunda,

      Which planet have you been living on in the past couple of months?

      Edgar Lungu by his own admission said he has no vision.
      Edgar Lungu said he too would do what HH promised to do.

      Now, which part of these statements do you find difficult to understand??

    • @Katondo boys,

      Instead of mocking about all the time, learn for once to debate like a normal functioning adult on matters that are important to your Country’s future development.

      If its true you are in USA as your flag suggests, then you would have by now listened to Obama’s recent address on the State of the Union. If Obama had no vision, and his if his health was shaky, would he manage to lead USA to greater heights as he is? Learn something from that, instead of making rhetoric statements whether the new Zambian President designate is going to be President for all Zambians or not.

    1. He allowed Dr Banda to be the face of UPND. the guy is a mental patient’
    2. He allowed Maureen Mwanawasa to be in the forefront when she is the most despised and most greedy former first lady
    3. He allowed Dipak a very slippery Indian
    4. He allowed GBM a criminal and political failure
    He allowed Mutati with no following
    5. He allowed Mutale Nalumango a bitter woman
    6. He sidelined stauncj true UPND members
    Advise: Instead of ranting, reflect and respond accordingly.

  60. it was a Nice try for hh however you will never rule zambia I told u and I’m still telling u supporters of the loosing ha ha.

  61. Indeed the announcement of the final presidential results is taking unprecedentedly too, too long. Like in Afghanistan or some such outpost, why this dragging of the feet, Madam Mambilima?

  62. Zambia has never witnessed such a tribalism in our country. We citizens of this beautiful were alarmed that threats were being made to those that are not tonga.

  63. These elections were very free and fair . Just own up and say Lungu is the 6th president of Zambia. We told you with your talkative cadres that you would lose and today you are crying and mourning. Dont think you will win in 2016 , no man, you will not coz now we have learnt another lesson from Southern Province . In 2016 every registered person will vote. The turn out will be an average of 95%. Get this man.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  64. I would have been a little endeared to him if his speech was about lessons learnt and what he wants to do in 2016. With such a close margin it should not be about blame but how he can woe those voters he didn’t catch this time around. He is close to State House so he should be complimenting ECZ and convincing us how he will correct the Southern Province tribalism voting. Also he needs to acknowledge he got this far this time because he included other tribes in his campaign trail. It’s a fact he needs to openly acknowledge. He also needs to respect the incumbent HE Dr Scott and his team including Edgar Lungu. BTW chi HH ECZ is commendable considering the circumstances so uletasha because you will still need their transparency in 2016 if you are still there!

  65. We should now start recruiting thanks to our Mbuyz westerners and N/westerners and a few reasonable bembaz for rejecting this poor lawyer the president of illiterates.

    • @Bantu -Botatwe we don’t need your nonsense. Forward is looking at one unified Zambia for the good of all. Take your backwardness views elsewhere but not Zambia.

    • @79
      and you expect your preferred candidate to win with supporters like you…


      I thank you

    • @ returning citizen

      Just ignore this Bantu botatwe ……now you know why HH lost…his own supporters were busy putting off potential voters……

      thanks for being part of the winning team

      2016………let’s do it again

      I thank you

  66. HH thanks for showing humility. One thing for sure is that PF will be embroiled with a lot of problems. Edgar truly will find it difficult to govern this nation. He has to fire some staunch PF members like Chikwanda, Fredson Yamba and others to facilitate paying back using tax payers money to the Nigerian and Zimbabwean businessmen were he borrowed using RB.

    Watch the drama unfolding within 3 weeks of him taking office. The same people who campaigned hard will cry the loudest. For UPND you have shown your National character and please do not disband the team of Mutati, GBM, Dipak, Nkombo, Simusamba, Mucheleka and many others. After three weeks when PF infighting starts, UPND team should continue holding rallies. Libongani no excuses please.

    VIVA UPND VIVA HH 2016 within 12 months…

  67. I find it disgusting to resort to insults.Fellow brothers and sisters in our beloved Zambia elections are now over why should people continue insulting each other.? God created all of US for a purpose and hence our existence on this planet is not by chance . I salute H H for the message of maintaining peace amidst disappointment.Equally The new president yet to be announced has a mammoth 5ask of uniting all Zambian s but above all to deliver as per election promises.He will also find it extremely difficult satisfy the demands of those people who joined his campaign team for perusal gain. Joy is for a while but challenges begin now.

  68. I speak peace in our country zambia in Jesus name. As matured christians we must understand the truth that every leader is appointed by God. Thereforê whoever candidate emerges the winner, thats the öne God has allowed lead us. Refer to Románs13vs 1. United we stand divided wd fall. God is seated on His throne making things new for Zambia. Let us cøntinue praying for our niche Zambia, its our responsibility as zambians. May God console, keep and encourage the losing candidate in Jesus name Amen. Pastor Cameron Mayuni, Bsc. Forestry.


    • Southern Province will cote someone else regardless of how much you develop the province. You might as well develop your own province Lungu.

      The triballists are decided.

  70. Hichilema shouldn’t cry foul.It is evident that the majority of Zambians hate tribalism.The victory of H.E. President Edgar Lungu is a victory of civilized Zambians.There is no stealing of votes.Hopeless Hopeless (HH) was deceived by rogues mutati,gbm,lungwangwa,prodtitutes nalumango,masebo,Maureen,poor Mangani ,fake prophets.These are demagogues .upnd assaulted Pf cadres in Lusaka,Southern etc.upnd is not popular no matter H.E Edgar has won after campaigning for 2 weeks.HH shouldn’t dream of victory next year.I can assure him that PF will now be more stronger than ever before.Now we shall deal with your followers gbm,harlot masebo,dipak,willam Banda,Andrew Banda,Mangani,munkhombwe.wait.

  71. Ba H H Ninshi Mulelanda Mwalaba ati mwaletuka abena Zambia . Ati bale panga ama university ku Muchinga ne Ndalama shaku North Western , Wabula na chi shikulu chi Munkombwe na politics ao benefits wa chipalamika . You thot we were blind ala tulamona. How do you tell pipo you r insulting to vote for you Stick with your Strong holds and see if you will ever win

  72. Viva HH, you are a man of integrity. It’s not HH who has lost its the people of Zambia. HH is rich….Some of you, you are insulting HH, we will see what EL and his group will achieve. Anyway I don’t live in Zambia. I think the article highlights the concerns unless someone without knowledge will start posting such provocative comments. Really some of you don’t think! ECZ has chosen a leader for you…..wish you the very best and see you in 2016.

    • Without a doubt! Will be in Lusaka to vote!

      Have finished a digital design for 2016 elections, and asking my university and tutors to guide it to completion. This will be used to promote 2016 election Profiles of PF candidates and others. To make sure 2016, PF campaigns will also be polished!

  73. This election is the most transparent elections Zambia has ever held since the inception of democracy in our country.fact.

  74. Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.’ Zechariah 5:3
    Two things I asked of Thee, Do not refuse me before I die: Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion; Lest I be full and deny Thee and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God (Prov. 30:7-9).
    God will bring divine…

  75. @72.2 Katondo boys,

    Instead of mocking about all the time, learn for once to debate like a normal functioning adult on matters that are important to your Country’s future development.

    If its true you are in USA as your flag suggests, then you would have by now listened to Obama’s recent address on the State of the Union. If Obama had no vision, and his if his health was shaky, would he manage to lead USA to greater heights as he is? Learn something from that, instead of making rhetoric statements whether the new Zambian President designate is going to be President for all Zambians or not.

    On second thoughts, you are all over the place and sound like a minor who still needs parental care. I think I am wasting my time.

    • @90 Cactus
      To be fair, @Katondo, no matter how he comes across, has kept morale up on the site for PF punters. He has posted reliable updates that have proven to be true.

      Also he has posted informative, accurate data and debated, in his own hurried style due to his role as seeker and provider of data.

      He has been far better than some childish, sneering UPND Cadres who have since gone verrucas quiet.

      It’s possible you like all of us are labouring in our anguished wait for the final results.


    • Correction!

      He has been far better than some childish, sneering UPND Cadres who have since gone VERY quiet. not verrucas!

  76. Mr freemanson you also stole those votes from Northern, Eastern, part of central, muchinga, lusaka, c/belt, luapula, so what’s the crap are braging about, now?? Its time go farming employ scandalous Dr mwanawasa as your farm lawer and masebo as your maid, vernon farm manager GBM as elder in freemansonory. Zwa God can not allow son of lucifer to rule zambia christian nation. You hve seen the fire of holy gost. Chiku babe we are free now from bad spirits would hve been induced in zambins from your convent with kingdom of darkness.
    Twaya twaya Edgar tomorrow Heros inauguration.and escort to state House.




  78. HH freemanson no HH freemanson, munkombwe no munkombwe, GBM no GBM, Muvi no muvi Tv, watchdog no watchdog or post no post. God has surely answered our prayer come today Edgar state house. The power of God as we pray without ceasing, Prophecy from Prophets Bushiri and Bro Joshua has come to pass. Which God do u worship at the manson who can defeat our leaving God. Mulungu ayangana

    “TEAM EL” chabe meaning as stated below:-

    T- ogether
    E- veryone
    A- cheives
    M- ore


    Thats the spirit, hamble Edgar Chagwa Lungu 6th President

  79. UPND has been the most violent political party during campaigns, after campaigns up to announcing of results. If ECZ had powers to disqualify a political party based on violence and interfering with the Electoral code of conduct, UPND would have been disqualified from participating in this contest and it’s a sham that HH and his UPND officials have kept harassing, abusing and undermining the credibility and capability of ECZ. UPND has shown the most disrespectful party with no moroles whatsoever to respect the independent operations of ECZ without any interference and I do regret supporting such a disgruntled political party who boost of having the most learned people but does not reflect what they say they are.

    • @Mwene Mushi

      Your regret is understandable. HH has displayed terrible unethical conduct. It’s really unbelievable how badly he has conducted himself. His true colours are now open for all to see and I do believe more UPND people will walk away.

      It looks like he was on a personal journey, using UPND Support for his purpose and not acting for UPND as a whole. He is like an imposter.

      His image has fallen apart from the slick business man to an unreasonable dishonest child.

      UPND has really done so well to mount such a challenge, but HH does not see that, it’s amazing!

  80. My dear brothers and sisters in N/ Western Province, Southern Province, W/ Province, Lusaka Rural, Central and the Lambas, is there still any value and need to belong to the so called Republic of Zambia in the name of unity which does not exist ? How many years have passed now ever since this country attained self government and do you read through the lines the stiff language that is being used against you by the same people who have accummulated vast wealth by stealing your own God given resources in the name of unity ? When are we going to wake up and isn’ t it prudent enough now to seek our own destiny ? I do not see any value in continuing to belong to this so called Republic of Zambia where you and me are looked upon as alliens ? It’ s time to secede from the Zambian Union.

    • @96 Common Sense

      That’s just childish. There has been a calling for Unity, KK delivered such a calling. The whole country is upset with the Southern, Western bias. It’s really shocking that people like you are calling for Genocide.

  81. PF president Edgar Lungu is said to be ill hence the delay to officially configure him as president.

    Lungu was supposed to be sworn in today (Saturday) in the morning, according to the PF rigging plan but he fell in on Friday. See the communication from cabinet office below:

    The ECZ finished tallying elections results to favour Edgar Lungu on Thursday night and were ready to pronounce Lungu duly elected on Friday evening but delayed after being ordered by the PF.

    The fact that on Friday, UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema asked the ECZ to suspend the announcement of results to check and rectify inconsistent figures was just the excuse the PF/ECZ needed. Lungu would have been unable to go through the formalities of being sworn-in as he is sick.

    Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe,…

    • @Jane Mulenga

      Please Edgar deserves respect.

      He is now your President too.

      bitterness and resentment won’t take you anywhere.

      2016 vote PF

      I thank you

  82. HH all is not lost for you.actually HH deserves respect too considering the large number of people whovoted for him as well.
    Remember it took the former president late Sata ten years to be voted Republican president. from 2001 to 2011 and when ever elections took place he lost several times but kept on contesting.
    Just start preparing for 2016 and ensure you do better in the provinces were UPND had poor any case get as much votes as possible in Lusaka and copperbelt towns come 2016.It will just be a land slide victory for Upnd just as it was for pf in 2011.
    Thnk you.One Zambia one love, One love one people ,one people one Africa.

  83. The reason why UPND is so much furious and raring with rage right now and feeling that they have been cheated is very simple, they offloaded alot of money to the people, they dished out millions and millions of kwachas vote buying and media buying but the outcome is totally different, people promised them a vote because they received money from UPND and voted for PF hence the feeling that ECZ is manipulating results. They are no such things like manipulating the results, it’s just that your expectations is different with what people wants and preferred.People are still feeling cosy with PF, they are still feeling satisfied with PF no-matter how much millions you can give them, they will be alone in that small both and make an X on PF. Lets tell HH and UPND the naked truth now.

    • @mwene mushi

      Very true…so much money and it never worked out…

      …..and this could be the end of his political career.

      2016 vote PF

      I thank you

  84. True, it’ s time to break away from this Republic thus, it’s paramount to convene an urgent meeting soon. Remember what happened to Andy Mazoka in 2001, the dirty language and all sorts of name calling that was used against the late Levy Mwanawasa and now the same dirty language and negative comments which are being used against Mr. Hichilema, where is the so called unity in this country, is he the only one in the opposition camp ?

  85. Hah, Mutati, GBM, Masebo, Mucheleka, Mangani Nalumango, etc? These characters have no principles and will soon abandon Icilema. You see, he can neither offer them milk and honey nor ZESCO or FRA contracts, etc. In short there’s no longer any potential benefits for pretending to associate with UPND.

    • @Common sense

      Calm down my dear friend….

      Zambia belongs to both you and me…my friend….

      I know losing is painful…but it is what it is….

      And please don’t insult me.

      I thank you

    • @Common Sense

      Threats because he gave his input on a topic??!

      This is a bit out of control surely? We must show tolerance to one another.

  86. What can I say? If EL truly won this election by honest and if no rigging ever took place, may God bless his leadership. However,if he and his team fiddled with the numbers and they rigged the elections, may calamity befall him and all those involved in rigging. May the almighty God deal with him severely.
    If he didn’t rig the election,may his ruling be successful.

  87. Edgar Lungu is sick and will be dying any time, just read the Watch Dog.

    I hate Edgar like I hate the devil.

    Edgar die quickly,

    We hate you.

  88. Emmanuel Mwamba,

    KIndly poison Edgar Muhammad Lungu for me as did to both

    Fredrick Chiluba and Micheal Sata,

    We love you Mwamba,

    Please do the assignment urgently to fufil the prophecy,

  89. All is not lost-the will of God will soon surely rescue his children.His goodness & love will prevail.God is good all the time.

  90. @Common sense

    Next time you visit Zambia please find some time to come and visit me in Matero…..if you you get on a min bus…drop off at Lilanda bus stop and ask for the Katondo boys. I live right next to Lilanda bus stop. It’s a light blue 2 roomed house and am sure you won’t miss it…looking forward to seeing you.

    I thank you

  91. I know better than to read the comments from bloggers because I’m sure they are ungracious and unpalatable.

    To Mr. Hichilema, I doff my hat to you sir. You ran a race better than I’ve seen in Zambia before. Should you decide to carry on and contest, you have my support. I hope you will, sir.

    I won’t pretend and congratulate Edgar Lungu. I will instead offer my commiserations and sympathy to the enlightened citizenry still living in Zambia who saw reason and voted for Mr. Hichilema. Join us in the diaspora where you can fight loftier battles. The last few months, a number of us have gotten down into the mud via various media hoping to turn around what can only be describes as a mental apathy.

    It’s time to go back to higher playing fields.

    • It’s one thing to back a Loser, but another to stick by an ill mannered Loser, ungracious in defeat.

      I would have thought a pseudo intellectual like you, would have auto corrected your bad choices for 2016?

      No…, it’s strange really being such a pedantic blogger.

    • Oh just to ‘auto correct’ myself, the comment above is meant for the ‘Pettifogger’ (oooo did I spell that right Jess?); known as @Jessie Wa Mu Town.

  92. Look at the behaviour of PF cadres bashing HH like there’s no tomorrow. Instead of focusing your attention on the person of HH the “loser”, by now you would have been focusing on what the incoming E Lungu administration will do for you and your families. He’s the one who will decide their fate and not HH. Reminds me of the same cadres get hysterical about Sata’s election and only to be disappointed within few months after realising their mistake that their man was Chimbwi and not Messiah.

    Brace yourself for what is to come. As for HH I guess he will be just fine. He tried to offer himself to lead this nation to prosperity. Lungu bulldozed his way to the PF candidacy and it is nk surprise he’s cheated his way to the national presidency.

  93. Part 3 Fighting starts….Chikwanda, Kambwili, RB and his backers, Muhabi Lungu as Press Aide

    George Chellla no job mwaiche

  94. A word of thanks to all PF supporters,bloggers,campaigners both online and on the ground….Frank Bwalya,Brian Hapunda,Kelvin Sampa, Team7500 Hon C Kambwili.

    The battle is not over yet till we put a smile on each and every Zambian’s face….YES WE CAN DO IT…..IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.

    2016…….AGAIN AND AGAIN

    I thank you

  95. If I were Edgar and Wina, I would tell my supporters to prepare for exit because this HH has come with a bang. You must be sick to celebrate this gap. This was a vote of no confidence.
    2016 is just around the corner.

  96. @katondo and @2020 thanx for your contributions and i only hope pf have learned of the way these elections have turned up! the main thing pf can work on is re-visit strong holds and find out why voters did not vote in numbers like in 2011! we are still proud of pf!

    • @115 Abaakaabaa

      All PF SHOULD know by now why they lost the Landslide of 2011.

      Constitution in 90 days? Failure to deliver and the Kabimba factor annoying voters with his responses to Constitution demands.

      The huge nonsense in Candidate selection, Court Cases and misbehaviour of MPs (Masebo et al). That left a bad taste in the mouth of dedicated PF. I was to stop supporting PF and return to Non Partisan, BUT Lungu’s plight and Inonge and ‘the girls, (Luo, Kapata)’ brave BATTLE FOR HIM WON ME OVER.

      The despicable behaviour of GBM, Masebo and YES, Guy Scott’s undermining
      Lungu, weakened the party in the eyes of many staunch PF. PF cut their own majority as a result of how they were perceived. The huge mounting Debt, and the appearance NOT TO CARE of opinion of…

    • …..continued,

      Not caring for the opinion of voters.

      Kambwili’s hissy pissy fight with university students…….! All the above led to voters seeking alternatives.

      If you think about it, the voting for HH on grounds he’d help the poor made no sense what so ever SINCE, PF were are at this time delivering REAL and meaningful Developments through out Zambia, that will change the lives of remote and pour communities.

      These were top. Although the performance of the Kwacha, rebasing etc did not add favour to PF.

      THE MINES, mercifully Chikwanda held on to the new changes although the fact that we may collect less than from profits rankle. But then again Copper prices have fallen so low that we did need to shit tax collection closer to the base to prevent clever avoidance.

  97. The moment we have been waiting for, Edgar Changwa Lungu is the 6th Zambian President! and i thought Hakainde Hichilema will be sanctioned to resign during his press conference today and pave way to the most selling candidate for 2016? All the best

    • They lack integrity these UPND.

      Their allegation that Sata was PF and PF was Sata is true in reverse of UPND.

      The party only exists as a vehicle for the very ungracious HH. UPND could do soooooo much better with a different Leader. The results for UPND were very impressive, every UPND should be proud!

  98. The so called international monitors who declared the elections free and fair did so prematurely. They declared the voting process and not the aftermath which included the counting and tallying of the results. That process hasn’t finished yet and it is this process that has been marred by the PF fraud charges.

    In Zambia, the ruling party often has the nerve to commit electoral fraud because know Zambians in their docile attitude (mistaken for peacefulness) will do nothing. The delays in vote tallying usually serves 2 purposes: to find ways to manipulate the results and to gauge public mood. PF themselves have been a victim of electoral malpractice and they have cried foul. So PF cadres shouldn’t play double standard here. Sata never lost with humility, a sore loser?

    • @Marverick

      Do yourself a solid and stop posting such lies.

      1. HH asked the results announcement to be suspended and challenged data and sources of misinformation (ZNBC).

      That is why tallying and verifications were upped causing this delay.

      As for quote ‘In Zambia, the ruling party often has the nerve to commit electoral fraud because know Zambians in their docile attitude (mistaken for peacefulness) will do nothing.’ STOP SPEAKING FOR US. WE ARE CORRECT PEOPLE UNLIKE YOU.


      Get hold of your Louise cannon Zambia has a plague of your type.

    • @Patriot Abroad, I’m no cadre like you (I’m not UPND or some other bogus party) and I don’t engage in insults. It is naive to argue electoral malpractice doesn’t happen in Zambia. Your own PF God Father, the late Sata was both a perpetrator and a victim of it. It hasn’t vanished overnight in election. Just because we can’t see it and your party is benefiting from it doesn’t make electoral fraud go away.

      Let’s face it, Lungu would never be elected to any public office, let alone the presidency in a civilized society like Botswana. From a Kaponya thug in Sata to an ailing Chakolwa Lungu. Zambians really know how to vote for them.

      But that is besides the point; rather come back here within 90 days and give us your own score card of how your man will have performed.

    • @118.3 Maverick

      I do apologise for any insults, it was rather shocking to hear you say the delays were because of PF when clearly they are NOT.

      Secondly, is the President of Botswana the one who married a foreign White Lady in preference to his own Black Botswana women folk…this is a patriotic comment NOT racist. If he is, is it not so that the country went on to have his family take control of the Gov’t in some sort of succession right to the family? Civilised, Botswana is very developed for sure, but I don’t think Black South Africans are really YET fully free of apartheid as we are.

      Black access to equal rights to wealth in Botswana is still an issue.

      Zambia is world respected and us a very civilised And democratic country

    • Hey mate, no worries, apology accepted.

      I will probably leave the marital issues out of the discussion because I don’t believe they add any value to the subject. I just can’t reconcile how marrying across races amount to non patriotism. You must be troubled with Guy Scott being an interim president right now. Anyway let’s leave that stuff to the kerb.

      Now are mixing Botswana with South Africa or that was an inadvertent error? About civilization, I guess I’m using development as a measure of civilization, right or wrong, it’s the best measure in my opinion. Zambia could have been much better than any other country in Southern Africa if our politicians were good and didn’t just loot and plunder the resources.

      Bask into it but there’s nothing to be excited about here.

  99. HH cannot and will never win an election in Zambia HH is a Jentele Koswe by Paul Ngozi

    How can a political party reach a consensus with an electro body ECZ

    Zambian voters administration is the most correct and sincere one without vitiating your agents and polling agents including your agents How do you win the elections or loose

    It was seen on table even before nomination that you were to loose Yu were advantaged by infighting in PF and Milese sampa court cases

    Lungu never did an alround plus a round up trip and was so stressed up and tightly scheduled for you to win So in view of this HH failed 2016 no chance and never after

    • me provide you with a few examples of how the process fell short of the standards expected:
      • Yesterday, the ECZ, realizing there had been some discrepancies in the numbers announced so far, allowed members of the UPND and PF to be present for verification at the ECZ for all 150 constituencies. Yet, despite recognizing discrepancies, the commission has only provided 32 out of the 150 constituencies for verification promising to provide the balance later. The constituencies involved had many serious irregularities involving the accuracy of the numbers. This is a glaring deliberate omission.
      • Following our meeting yesterday we were also assured by the ECZ that we were going to be provided with the full details for each of the constituencies counted, and yet right now we are still waiting…

  100. Tongas and their off-shots are very tribal; any northerner or easterner ignoring their voting patterns in this election and their overall behavior will do so at their peril. Thanks to RB and the MMD for saving the day but this is temporal, it must be fixed in the next 18 months. HH and his media team (ZWD) are apostles of tribal politics.

    • ‘Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.’ Zechariah 5:3
      Two things I asked of Thee, Do not refuse me before I die: Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion; Lest I be full and deny Thee and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God (Prov. 30:7-9).
      God will bring divine…

  101. It will be almost impossible for UPND to comeback from this loss in 2016. Under HH they have missed a moment of opportunity to rule Zambia. This experience will allow PF to regroup and make things very complex for UPND. Also HH will find it difficult to maintain his supporters from other political parties without the blessings of his party as already there’s a word up in the party that there senior party officials who are not amused with thi strategy because they feel left out and their positions threatened moreover…..theirs being a tribal setup.

    • ‘Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.’ Zechariah 5:3
      Two things I asked of Thee, Do not refuse me before I die: Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion; Lest I be full and deny Thee and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God (Prov. 30:7-9).
      God will bring divine…

  102. Aba nabo. You just can’t accept defeat? Just like my 4 year old son who is always looking for excuses like “my shoes are too big, they stopped me from running faster than my friends…” Now I see why they call him under 5.

  103. HH has been given a good run, that’s all. The only way of covering up for this loss is to blame ECZ. For this reason, I can guarantee you that his integrity is been questioned.

    • me provide you with a few examples of how the process fell short of the standards expected:
      • Yesterday, the ECZ, realizing there had been some discrepancies in the numbers announced so far, allowed members of the UPND and PF to be present for verification at the ECZ for all 150 constituencies. Yet, despite recognizing discrepancies, the commission has only provided 32 out of the 150 constituencies for verification promising to provide the balance later. The constituencies involved had many serious irregularities involving the accuracy of the numbers. This is a glaring deliberate omission.
      • Following our meeting yesterday we were also assured by the ECZ that we were going to be provided with the full details for each of the constituencies counted, and yet right now we are still waiting…

    • • The ECZ has always been very clear about restricting access to the ballot receiving rooms. There was supposed to be strong controls in place to maintain this and no technology equipment is allowed in, and yet we know unauthorized people were allowed in these rooms with smart phones. ECZ knew about this. Where is the vote protection consistency and reliability here?
      • Our own vote protection efforts at polling stations where voting was extended beyond 20th Jan 2015 to monitor ourselves were severely hampered at last minute and without apparent due reason despite prior granting of permissions for our helicopters to fly, these flight permissions were revoked. ZAF continued to delay in granting clearance with no clear reason as to why. This has understandably raised suspicion and concern…

  104. The Godfather Hon Alexander Bwalya Chikwanda is the grand master. It’s him who advised Late Sata to focus on Lungu and mentor him because of his correct attitude and approach to issues.
    The plan has always to rebrand the party and be able to deliver services to the citizenry in the 21st century.
    You’re now going to notice the positioning of young and educated cadres like Mayor Mulenga Sata, Miles Sampa, to mention but afew taking over senior and strategic portfolios of the government in driving the party policies.
    In short, what we witnessed of the Panga culture is all in past. Obviously under the leadership of the Servant Leader HE Edgar C Lungu.

  105. As the voting euphoria wanes, one hopes that this new leader will Do What He Said He Would Do – Plus a Little More. (DWHSHWD –PLM). If he does not, then you the electorate will hold him to account reminding him what he promised.if he still fails to live up to his promises, you vote him out. Shame on him..

    Question is, what if this leader who told you right from start he has NO vision, but you still went ahead and knowingly voted for him? And you knew this leader was lying about his health?. Hold him to account against what exactly? If anything, you push him around he could even sue you because he told you in the first place he had NO vision. He does not stand up for anything

    So, its shame on the sleepy citizens, not him.
    This is now the new dispensation in our Country.

  106. HH has spoken well. The biggest losers, though, are the voters who picked Lungu. In this time and age people are still swayed by nonsense? I make no apologies. This is my opinion.

  107. ‘Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.’ Zechariah 5:3
    Two things I asked of Thee, Do not refuse me before I die: Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion; Lest I be full and deny Thee and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God (Prov. 30:7-9).
    God will bring divine…

    • Mercy triumphs over judgement all the time. HH and his media team(ZWD) are already wishing Lungu sick. These people are devil incarnates.

  108. @Harold Muna
    You are right my man, the biggest losers are the voters who have voted for ‘caminermiser’, PF supporters am sure are already drunk with Vodgar judging from their comments. Take it easy and coach caminermiser to avoid vodgar, if you concerntrate on HH you will be disappointed to find vodgar highly vodgared!

  109. I am reliably informed that Gary Nkombo is trying to get a court order to stop the ECZ from declaring Edgar Lungu as the duly elected President of Zambia. Does the UPND honestly think Zambians will tolerate this kind of nonsense? This kind of behavior will be the last nail in the UPND’s coffin because most of us are tired of waiting for the final result and want to get on with our lives!

  110. Ha-Jane Ha-Mulenga has gone mad after Ha-ha-ha lost ..even prophesing death onto others.. In freemasonry of which HH is cult leader and Ha-Jane Ha-Mulenga a inner circle disciple, death is very cheap.

  111. @Maikalange
    What else do you expect Garry to do – buy pangas and spears? Your writing shows that you are in adolecent stage, why dont you skip that stage? I think its easy, just change your mind!

  112. HH and the campaign team gave a good run to EL together with PF govt. Am sure they just wished compeigns ended in shortest period.
    1. Me too
    2. fuel is now cheaper
    3. nurses – promisory note
    4. Famers – Payaed!
    5. Constitution – now too!
    6. Sosala – now too!
    7. Students Bursaries – still consulting HH!
    8. etc

  113. Next time ecz will conducts elections, they must ask HH on how to organise things properly minimising excuses on failure to perform – his campeign organisation was splendid!

  114. This is serious of this person so called Jane Mulenga. You have very bad sentiments, your words always exemplifies that you are a satanist! You always wish others to die. I am read to fight you and will achieve because the God in me is greater than the devil in you! May the Holy Spirit burn your evil thoughts! May you infinitely feel the painful heat of the unquenchable fire of the Holy Spirit! May your fellow satanists, run away from you due the agony you are going through due to the power of the Holy Spirit. May the your blood be purified beyond recognition by other satanists who have infused this demonic blood in you. May your satanic spirit be counteracted. Come holy fire, burn this Bad Spirit in Jane, whether she is aware of such a demonic possession in her. Holy fire! Holy Fire.

  115. You tribal chaps, i mean Bembas, why is it that when your late president practiced tribalism without impunity you never said a word, you worshiped his tribalism because you were beneficiaries of raping the country. You haters of Tongas, no wonder you poor always drinking katata when the Tongas are feeding you.HH for life not this sick chakolwa of yours with chi RB thief.

    • Just to remind you biased as it may have looked there some things you must look at:

      1) It is normal for any President to put people he can trust in key postions
      2) Sata did not have MPs in Southern Province
      3) Sata tried to bring MPs from UPND in his government but those accepting positions ended in being expelled – result ; numerous by elections
      4) Not all senior ministers were Bemba eg Shamenda, Chenda, Simusa, Kapata etc. Only difference is they did not stand in their villages

  116. We musebanya ulakula we kuli GBM, Katele Kalumba, Felix Mutati, Patrick Mucheleka and Chief Puta of Chiengi. You have gone in history as the Bemba speaking people who betrayed their tribe for ministerial positions. See now awe mwasebana balumendo. Did you see how your new found partners almost dribbled the whole nation especially so with your blind assistance? I am just imagining now that the diabolical voting tactic of tribal system of your patners (Tonga) has been exposed how you will sell yourselves as representatives of your people in Kasama, Luwingu, Chiengi! Let us only hope you are resentful and remorseful and repentative of your actions otherwise it is curtains for your political careers. I will make sure that I decampaign each and everyone of you in the northern region.

  117. @Mposa mabwe
    GBM, Katele Kalumba, Patrick Mucheleka etc are heroes, because they are unifiers! If presidency continues to exchange between the north and east, especially with questionable leadership qualities, it will just save as evidence that Zambia is not one.

  118. I want to congratulate EL for wining the by-election and also HH for being a strong opposition. The two have provided the vital ingredients to our growing democracy in Zambia. As we move from one election to another our democracy continues to grow and firm up. We must not focus too much on looking at each other with some degree of hate but realize that up and above we continue as a people to better our lives as Zambians through this process.
    Am sure 2015 will be a year in which the ruling party will be pushed on all fronts to deliver for all of us as Zambian as the opposition seeks to gain political ground towards the 2016 elections. The ruling party will work even hard to serve people and meet the peoples expectation. This for me this is healthy.
    Thanks you All

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