Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF has no militia to disband – Bwalya


Patriotic Front Media Committee Chairperson Frank Bwalya
Patriotic Front Media Committee Chairperson Frank Bwalya

The ruling Patriotic Front says it will not disband any militia group because it does not have one.

PF Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya says all the panga wilding cadres have left the party with former party Secretary General Wynter Kabimba.

Mr. Bwalya says other violent party members that have left the party include those that were loyal to UPND vice president for administration Geoffrey Member.
He has disclosed that what the ruling PF however have are ushers.

Mr. Bwalya who is also PF Central Committee chairperson for Information says these are party members that help the police to control crowds whenever the ruling PF holds public rallies.

He says the ushers have been incorporated in the party in line with the Public Order Act provisions.

Asked how the ruling PF will go into an election in which one of the major political parties will have a militia group, Mr. Bwalya has said the PF is not worried.
He says his party will rely on police protection.


    • This dull priest still insists that his militia are part of the police establishment through insinuating that they have authority to enforce the POA. If he is insistent on this angle then PF have a militia. The preserve of maintaining law and order belongs to the police. This role is only delegated when state police fail, what is Fr. Bwalya saying about our men in uniform? PF still needs proper tacticians to handle hot matters and not the likes of this priest.

  1. It is true, very true especially on GBM And Kabimba. Don’t argue, when these two “gentlemen” were in PF under Mr Sata, they were at each other’s throats regularly, and it is a well known fact that they owned and trained militias who hacked each other regularly. Who doesn’t remember Kabimba publicly stating that PF would train cadres in Sudan. And poor Mr Sata had no control over these things since he himself was under the control of the cartel, at the time Edgar was far from this, don’t argue. When those two criminals left PF each for different reasons, they obviously went with their militias knowing that they would resurface politically in different forms under different parties. That is the genesis of militias in Zambia, don’t argue. Now as you can see for yourselves these…

    • Where were you when Sata hacked people in Chawama under MMD? Sata started this and took it with him to PF where thugs and bus conductors were his district and provincial leaders.

    • @ Wise head
      Comment about those thugs who went to disturb DF leader Miles at in Ndola when they closed an international airport.

      We shall indeed not argue because those were obviously not PF cadres….

      Kaya kwamene tiyenda!

    • @Wise head

      So you are saying those militias who waved pangas in the air and scared away Scott and Miles to catapult Lungu to presidency were on loan from Kabimba and GBM, eh? Bane we should learn not to forget. If you are PF then obviously lying comes naturally without you being aware your that utterances are mere concoctions.

  2. …these militias have regrouped under UPND, andbtheir owners are pointing accusing fingers at an innocent new PF.

    • comical ali ! he is a very lonely too much insuna, ngayamwikata kwamba ukubwata bwata nganaupa frankie naukula watushupa nga bamba olo nika ilesensela.

  3. In denial as usual FB kano bakamitile shake shake futi,we know you are just politiking but you have been a joker since you turned from Gods ways, must say you must have insulted the holy spirit your ways are that of a rabid dog EX father bwalya twakupapata Zambians are known to be peacefull and your combine forces with zambia police and militia is causing havoc in people that tend to not agree with you. iwe in your world its your way or the high way.

  4. That’s fine then we all have ushers, let’s move any one who will talk about militia is a fool.

  5. Yaba this father and his all his yapping. He is good at that, just like the post put it he is an embarrassment and very selfish. He is just a liability to his party and all this yapping has not made the country better. Only fools will see sense in this man’s selfish yapping, all he cares about is his selfish interests and not the interests of all. He failed in his priesthood career, it will be silly to consider his advice, what has he succeeded at except decieve us in making wrong choices.

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