Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Devil has invaded the Political Arena, Pray for Political leaders-President Lungu


President Lungu at Lubwa Mission
President Lungu at Lubwa Mission

President Edgar Lungu today joined congregants at Lubwa United Church of Zambia mission in worshiping God, with a call on the church to pray for the political leaders in the country. The President was accompanied at the service by first Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda, Muchinga provincial minister Mwimba Malama, cabinet ministers, senior government and party official.

Speaking after the homily, President Lungu implored the church to continue praying for the political leaders in the country. He explained that the devil has invaded the political area, hence his call to the church to pray for the nation. He encouraged the congregants to embracing the love of God in their hearts. Mr Lungu explained that Christianity is not about going to church or carrying the bible but living the life of Christy.

Meanwhile President Lungu has today declared Lubwa mission a national monument. Mr Lungu said he decided to declare Lubwa Mission as a national monument cause of the rich historical back ground the place holds. He further explained that many children will learn a lot about Zambia’s struggle for independence from the site when they visit the place. President Lungu said he will ensure that a Gazette notice is issued to formalize the declaration of Lubwa national monument.

The United Church of Zambia in Chinsali district of Muchinga province have commended government for continuing implementing developmental projects initiated by the late Republican President Michael Sata. Lubwa mission United Church of Zambia Reverend in charge Joseph Kabaso said the church was delighted with government for continuing with developmental projects started by Mr Sata.

Reverend Kabaso cited the construction of the Paul Mushindo university being constructed in honour of Reverend Mushindo as one of the projects initiated by President Sata. He said once the structure is completed it will up lift the face of Lubwa mission to its former glory. Reverend Kabaso also pointed out that the tarring of the Lubwa road once completed will open up the area for development.

Meanwhile the United Church of Zambia Lubwa mission says there is urgent need to rehabilitate the Lubwa clinic which is in a deplorable State. Reverend Kabaso disclosed that one block at the clinic has been closed because of the poor state of the infrastructure.

And Dr Kenneth Kaunda has thanked President Lungu for his humility in congregating with locals in Lubwa. He urged the President to continue his predecessor Mr Sata‘s zeal in developing Zambia. Dr Kaunda said it pleasing that the construction of the university is progressing well. He urged the people in Chinsali to work together with the President in developing the country.

Meanwhile President Lungu in accompany with the former president Dr Kenneth Kaunda visited the burial site Of Dr Kaunda’s parents at Lubwa.

And Nyampande Secondary School and Orphanage President John Mambo says President Lungu’s call on the Church to pray for political leaders in the country is long overdue.

Bishop Mambo in an interview in Lusaka today said President Lungu’s call on the church to pray for leaders is long overdue as that is what is expected.

The clergyman said it was the role of the church in the country to pray for political leaders so that God guides them in the running of the affairs of the country for the benefit of especially people at grassroots level.

He added that the church in the country should take the frontal role as a peace maker by continually praying for politicians


President Lungu and former President Dr Kenneth Kaunda visiting the Lubwa Mission
President Lungu and former President Dr Kenneth Kaunda visiting the Lubwa Mission
President Lungu and former President Dr Kenneth Kaunda visiting the Lubwa Mission
President Lungu and former President Dr Kenneth Kaunda visiting the Lubwa Mission
President Lungu in accompany with the former president Dr Kenneth Kaunda visited the burial site Of Dr Kaunda’s parents at Lubwa.
President Lungu in accompany with the former president Dr Kenneth Kaunda visited the burial site Of Dr Kaunda’s parents at Lubwa.
President Lungu and former President Dr Kenneth Kaunda visiting the Lubwa Mission
President Lungu and former President Dr Kenneth Kaunda visiting the Lubwa Mission


    • Failure to arrest known PF cadres perpetrating violence is devilish. Chartering a plane to go to the UN General Assembly for $300 000 when children are dying of preventable diseases in compounds is devilish. Getting a salary increment when majority of Zambians can barely survive is devilish.

    • We don’t care about devils, demons or whatever they are saying, we just want food. We don’t care about someone always walking like rainman pretending to be humble, we want a vsion and skills to lead us to the promised land.

    • This would be funny if it wasn’t so serious, lol! Man what is wrong with this man, I now think those people who have been calling for this gentleman to be subjected to mental assessment may well be unto something.
      This is a country Lungu, well last time I checked it was. This is not a church for heaven sake. The Devil has entered politics, really, & how? Through yourself? I now agree with Scott, why is Zambia voluntarily subjecting itself to this torture? How many months to go to August again? In the meantime, is that Chainama hospital still operational?

    • This is what happens when you are new in the faith mr president, you start thinking everyone around you is evil, when it’s actually you who has realized how evil you have been in your life, welcome to Christianity sir, but never demonize anybody because only God can judge.

    • What is sad is that a President can make such remarks. At least for once he should exhibit some class.

    • Again he has overstepped his power. Where is the tourism board and nation Museum council. This man really has nothing to do as a president. Now he will allocate his energy to ensure that the Lubwa mission is gazetted as a museum.
      This country needs a new leader. Let us try someone else.
      Is he a chairman of nation museum council?

    • This same preacher.. Which Church does he come from? When was he baptised? Had it not been for politics was he capable of preaching the same gospel? When it matters who was the most important consultant to him between Mugabe, sangomas and the Almighty God? Where did he run to? If he ran to his Church, why build a new one instead of thanks giving? Is this the same preacher we expect to see and hear preaching during festival season? God is never mocked.

    • I suppose he’s referring to himself because politics has been around a whole lot longer than Chagwa. It sounds like this dude hasn’t been sleeping well of lately because of the devil inside him.

    • If the letters E,L and H stand for genes, given that the name of God is YAHWEH and that of Satan is LUCIFER.
      Which of these individuals HH or EL has more genes of the Father YAhWEh?

    • Back to the dark ages of KK. NO wonder there are shortages aand queuing of essential commodities. KK the dictator is back and this time to haunt our children. How I wish Chiluba was here to sort out this mess. We are all and blind to let Jemason bring back KK. THE DEVIL has indeed invaded the political arena.

    • The person truly possessed by the devil is none other than Lungu himself. He is orchestrating and perpetrating violence is his pursuit of a second term. It is clear that he has failed to run Zambia but he will do anything to continue in State House. Lungu is the devil incarnate.

    • Beware of hh zambians. The man is bitter and dangerous. He is too desperate for power. Lets not allow him to come even closer to plot 1.

    • HH is a rejected product in Zambia. No matter how mant times he is dusted and put back on the shelves, Zambians except his tonga relatives cannot buy him. May august come fast so we can vote again for the chosen humble president of Zambia HE. ECL

    • Those crazy old ROUND NECK SUITS are back?? Sure all PF cadres will start wearing them to get Corrupt contracts.. No-wonder we have gone backward.

  1. Failure to arrest known PF cadres perpetrating violence is devilish. Chartering a plane to go to the UN General Assembly for $300 000 when children are dying of preventable diseases in compounds is devilish. Getting a salary increment when majority of Zambians can barely survive is devilish.

    • Tonga tribalism and self importance will be defeated on 11th August, 2016. Your boss HH is very unpatriotic. The downfall of the HH lies in the inexperience and immaturity of those in his ranks. With such juvenile antics, the boastful over-stating of own importance, the slander and the petty pickings on online public forums completes the disastrous jigsaw. Many ‘followers’ are left in shock and feeling uneasy by the shallowness, the low show of morals and ethics and the irresponsible utterances by a representative of the UPND leadership.

    • @ Time to enjoy,relax and reflect

      You and Kudos amongst others are agents of failed PF campaign strategy of:

      1. Smear campaign against HH
      2. Demonizing Tongas and equating UPND to Southern province when in fact PF just officially got a percentage point lead last time. UPND has support in half of Zambia apart from Bemba in last election
      3. Religious piety tactic of going to church like Dictator Nkurunzinza does
      4. Heroism. Using old KK and Sata legacy to appeal to Bemba votes
      5. Extreme and brutal violence to eliminate campaign space in Lusaka and Copperbelt
      6. Portray Lungu as poor but generous through corruption provided donations

    • The more you resist HH the more god is bringing him close to state house.VIVA HH they are now crying to remain in state house even if they have failed.

  2. …and the funny part is that by the moment you realize that he’s been using you it will be too late.

    • This is Lungu’s craziness that Scott was complaining about. Lungu stole from a client and was suspended by his own LAZ peers. He stole the party election from Miles Sampa and stole the national elections from HH. Lungu steals from the Zambian people every day with his inflated emoluments increasing every month, steals from the National treasury to buy tickets for a football match against Congo, and steals to construct a Church for himself. Who is possessed by the Devil? Lungu is a disgrace.

  3. Where the man servant raised and entrusted by God to preside over national state affairs can acknowledge and attest the place of God for his country affairs just like this, God takes his contrite spirit to heart for divine intervention. Zambia is surely blessed to have such leadership unshamed of Divine providence. Count me an intercessor for my country till the walls of Jericho falls apart disastrously.

    • Stop mocking Zambians. You know who the devil is – it is your friend Lungu. A woman gets stripped naked and he refuses to condemn! You can brown-nose all you like but Zambians will make their they choice in August.

    • @Senior Citizen:
      When a convicted thief, Lungu, ascends to presidency, then you know the devil resides in state house.

    • of mines. Refusing sda as Christians since not Catholic like Lungu.
      2. Demonizing Tongas and equating UPND to Southern province when in fact PF just officially got a percentage point lead last time. UPND has support in half of Zambia apart from Bemba in last election
      3. Religious piety tactic of going to church like Dictator Nkurunzinza does. Using Catholic bow.
      4. Heroism. Using old KK and Sata legacy to appeal to Bemba votes
      5. Extreme and brutal violence to eliminate campaign space in Lusaka and Copperbelt
      6. Portray Lungu as poor but generous through corruption provided donations.
      7. Using tribalism to get votes from Bemba and eastern
      8. Denigrating the importance of other tribes supporting UPND and just focusing on Tonga who don’t even make a third of UPND voting strength.

    • Senior Citizen
      Shut you mouth you were singing the same rhetoric for Rupiah & MMD against PF today PF is leading you start supporting them. Go to sleep you good for nothing hungry cadre. BEN Kangwa

    • @Mr Kudos: Put that of yours in your thick skull full of rotten grey matter. You mother Ar.sewhore!!

    • Tonga tribalism and self importance will be defeated on 11th August, 2016. Your boss HH is very unpatriotic. The downfall of the HH lies in the inexperience and immaturity of those in his ranks. With such juvenile antics, the boastful over-stating of own importance, the slander and the petty pickings on online public forums completes the disastrous jigsaw. Many ‘followers’ are left in shock and feeling uneasy by the shallowness, the low show of morals and ethics and the irresponsible utterances by a representative of the UPND leadership.

    • Elementse of failed PF campaign strategy:

      1. Smear campaign against HH as mason and privatisation of mines. Refusing sda as Christians since not Catholic like Lungu.
      2. Demonizing Tongas and equating UPND to Southern province when in fact PF just officially got a percentage point lead last time. UPND has support in half of Zambia apart from Bemba in last election
      3. Religious piety tactic of going to church like Dictator Nkurunzinza does. Using Catholic bow.
      4. Heroism. Using old KK and Sata legacy to appeal to Bemba votes
      5. Extreme and brutal violence to eliminate campaign space in Lusaka and Copperbelt
      6. Portray Lungu as poor but generous through corruption provided donations.
      7. Using tribalism to get votes from Bemba and eastern


  5. Let’s keep our Faith in God Lungu, and let’s keep telling the ‘Masons’ that Zambia will never be run by greedy maize smugglers whose sole aim to paint a picture there is …. In the country!

    • Home Headlines
      The Devil has invaded the Political Arena, Pray for Political leaders-President Lungu
      April 3, 2016 49 1,347 views

      President Lungu at Lubwa Mission
      President Lungu at Lubwa Mission
      President Edgar Lungu today joined congregants at Lubwa United Church of Zambia mission in worshiping God, with a call on the church to pray for the political leaders in the country. The President was accompanied at the service by first Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda, Muchinga provincial minister Mwimba Malama, cabinet ministers, senior government and party official.

      Speaking after the homily, President Lungu implored the church to continue praying for the political leaders in the country. He explained that the devil has invaded the political area, hence his…

    • @ Mwitwa

      “God Lungu”

      You stupid 1mbecile, how dare you to equal convicted embezzler with our Lord? Shame on you son of Satan.

  6. There is no responsibility in passing the back. The problems Zambia has been experiencing in more than 50 years are related to planning and governance and nothing to do with the devil or God. A mystic horned little creature with a tail burning in hell cannot decide how a country is run.

  7. I hope Christianity is this simple. When I want I take ka beer and ka dance of any secular song but still find time on a holy pulpit to give ka sermon. My worry is that too many hypocrites have emerged on a political arena: A case of a wolve in a sheep’s skin.

    • Tonga tribalism and self importance will be defeated on 11th August, 2016. Your boss HH is very unpatriotic. The downfall of the HH lies in the inexperience and immaturity of those in his ranks. With such juvenile antics, the boastful over-stating of own importance, the slander and the petty pickings on online public forums completes the disastrous jigsaw. Many ‘followers’ are left in shock and feeling uneasy by the shallowness, the low show of morals and ethics and the irresponsible utterances by a representative of the UPND leadership.

    • Tonga tribalism and self importance will be defeated on 11th August, 2016. Your boss HH is very unpatriotic. The downfall of the HH lies in the inexperience and immaturity of those in his ranks. With such juvenile antics, the boastful over-stating of own importance, the slander and the petty pickings on online public forums completes the disastrous jigsaw. Many ‘followers’ are left in shock and feeling uneasy by the shallowness, the low show of morals and ethics and the irresponsible utterances by a representative of the UPND leadership.

    • Of course Lungu is right! When convicted thieves (Lungu included) have gone to state house and are now presiding over state matters, that is proof that the political scene has been invaded by the devil!

    • Tonga tribalism and self importance will be defeated on 11th August, 2016. Your boss HH is very unpatriotic. The downfall of the HH lies in the inexperience and immaturity of those in his ranks. With such juvenile antics, the boastful over-stating of own importance, the slander and the petty pickings on online public forums completes the disastrous jigsaw. Many ‘followers’ are left in shock and feeling uneasy by the shallowness, the low show of morals and ethics and the irresponsible utterances by a representative of the UPND leadership.

  8. Humility is known only to a few and ECL is one of the few humble leaders present today..regardless of what the devil tries to do we will stand firm, the devil is taunting us in broad day light we know his agents that want to cause havoc, we know them by their acts of rejoicing when they see others suffering and we will pray, heavenly father keep the devil and his servants the liars, the war mongers, the authors of hate speech away, let your judgment be upon them, they know themselves even though they pretend their ways are known they are Zambian Watchdog and their cohorts who are purely satanic by their acts.

    ECL 2016 nafuti

  9. Comrade Kudos and others..good to see you are still here keeping the fire alive..we need to keep pumping sense into the dull brains of these evil chaps because their ways and attitudes are a danger not only to other people they hate so much because of differing political views but even to themselves as they say, “don’t throw stones in a glass house”..only a fool talks such hate inciting others to start violence over nonsense..such is the work of Satan their master simple and straight hell with them..2020vision is back to put them in their place..

    ECL 2016 nafuti..

  10. Using the devil card works very well in Zed. Some conman called Chiluba used it well and the blind church followed him. Lungu wants to emulate him. Once Lungu has got Christians agreeing that there’s a devil around its easy to get these fanatics into identifying someone else other than Lungu as the devil. What you will see now is the identification of certain gatherings as belonging to the devil. 666 will soon be associated with opposition leaders who pose a threat and born agains will every sunday scream for this opposition leader to fail in his attempt to take over God’s people. Why they don’t pray for Donald Trump to fail I don’t know. It’s because they are myopic and see only the here and now.

  11. Using the devil card works very well in Zed. Some conman called Chiluba used it well and the blind church followed him. Lungu wants to emulate him. Once Lungu has got Christians agreeing that there’s a devil in the political arena its easy to get these fanatics into identifying someone else other than Lungu as the devil. What you will see now is the identification of certain gatherings as belonging to the devil. 666 will soon be associated with opposition leaders who pose a threat and born agains will every sunday scream for this opposition leader to fail in his attempt to take over God’s people. Why they don’t pray for Donald Trump to fail I don’t know. It’s because they are myopic and see only the here and now.

  12. Chagwa is a disgrace to UNZA, someone who has been to school can’t have such a wakashonongo mentality.

  13. Zambia is becoming a laughing stock. Can’t believe they can accept this trash from the head of state. In other countries presidents look for solutions instead of crying foul all the time yet what we see here really is unbelievable. The devil also will judge some of you for doing things intentionally later blame him. Poor planning is no excuse

  14. This smuggling of maize and meali meal, is it being done by a political party? If so then its shameful that you want to make your friend look like he has failed and yet you are the one creating the same problems in the country. Actually it is dangerous to make such a cartel because information may just be made public and even people who were considering voting for you will lose trust in you.
    If a government leadership is to fail let them fail on their own. Not these things of infiltrating the fuel supply chain and disturb it, organise people to be buying US$ dollars in bulk etc. Every opposition party will one day rule Zambia if they just show maturity. Don’t create problems in the country that will be the source your down fall if you were elected into office.

  15. Lungu is a fraud to Zambia,moreover,this man is just too timid & backward,he thinks he can continue deceiving Zambians,please Lungu,Zambians are too far ahead of you Boss!Try to up your grey matter otherwise you are below par hence your shallow perceptions of social phenomena!

  16. Dominion-yours is really a terrible one,you are just too dull dear,how can a person or let alone a party not in power be responsible for all your failures since 2011?These are the consequences of corruption & nepotism!You have failed to rule the country in all aspects of human development,you have succeeded in balkanising & polarising the country!

  17. Admission of impending loss. Just go well don’t make it worse for yourselves by resorting to insulting God. There will be gnashing of teeth when time comes. There will be time to account Mr. President. It is better for you to leave well than destroying even your personal relationship with your opponents and the country at large. We are not foolish to have given you a chance to be in charge of our resources. Don’t break the country. We gave you a chance and you chose to pee on us and we are simply saying, as your masters, you are fired!! If you Mr. President can allow our mothers to be undressed by your own people in full view of your veep and the law, surely that is barbaric and satanic. So please give us a break and don’t make your life outside government a misery by being careless…

  18. to some measure ecl is playing good politics by leaving some amature polititian befuddled with the question: ‘who is/are the devils he’s refering to?’ let those caught up in the web continue struggling to vainly defend themselves with insults and only end up doing more harm to xxxxxxxxxs. quite interesting

    • George if you think this is quite interesting politically for him to issue such a statement you must be politically in diapers, this simply means as commander of the armed forces he has failed to tame is devilish, murderous, violent and disrespectful to women caders that’s why he has called upon the church to assist him, question is how will the church do this, when he is the one in control of the law enforcement agencies.

  19. We entrusted this guy to be in charge of our resources now he wants the whole country to suffer from whip of God because of his misdeeds. Blaming God for what? All presidents before you sir managed to keep our Christian nation proclamation and you have failed because maybe you worship in the wrong places. Step aside we put someone who will be able to protect God’s name as opposed mocking him the way you are doing. Voters should remember that nations’s leaders insult God the way Lungu is doing get punished. Preaching love and practicing evil. Surely God shall show us the way!!

  20. JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a

    I did not know Senior Citizen is a brother in the Lord and an intercessor. I have not sensed sobriety, love and a sweet attractive spirit in your postings. All I have read is about someone who is divisive and hurting. I am not here to judge you my dear brother. But since both of us approach God in intercession, let us ask the Lord to guide the nation with love for everyone. The will of God should prevail.

  21. At least we know who the devil has entered into. If n individual goes around and abuses the church leader by flashing money in front of them, then surely the devil is in the money! We don’t need to be christians to know this no wonder FTJ hoodwinked us for 21 years and we believed him to the last of his breath.

  22. Just looking at the above comments, I can see that UPND has made it a point to lose the elections even before they take place. I am now convinced beyond reasonable that Nawakwi is right about HH.
    But I will not tell you why I think so, I do not want to let the cat out of the bag. But if UPND are so worried about what I am saying, I will give them a hint. Simply read through what you and your leaders say, read between the lines too.

    • “And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
      And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.”
      2 Peter 2:2-3
      Lets not worship God for the sake of votes. Which Church does the preacher come from? When was he baptised? What positions has he held in his local Church?

  23. Dr Canissius Banda has been quoted as saying that either himself or GBM will be HH’s running mate. Never mind their silly internal,politics but neither he nor GBM can ever be running mate without HH losing half the tonga vote. Now look at this. The Dr has no house not even in Kalingalinga. If he became the Vice President of Zambia by virtue of being the running mate, he will live at Government House. When HH’s term is over the Dr will go back to a rented house in PHI because he is there to serve the people and not to look at his own plight, and the salary of Veep cannot build him a house. Meantime HH will have more than doubled his net worth by the end of his term at State House while the Dr is serving “the people”. In simple terms for those who may not understand the good Dr,…

  24. In simple terms for those who may not understand the good Dr, “serving the people” is UPnD jargon for “serving HH”.
    Foot note: HH is not comfortable having a running mate who is worth something as he does not like competitors who may look as important as himself, which is why GBM, Nkombo, Jack Mwiimbu etc can never be running mates for HH.

  25. the devil has been around for ages. Sata introduced him more in politics by his use of Cobra and consultation of sangomas whom KK, RB and you Changwa have consulted. The blood you have shed thru your cadres is the work of the devil. your oppression of the opposition thru your PF police is the work of the devil. Your corruption and your salary increases 4 times in a year when there’re many poor people is devil’s work. so the devil is already using you. you repent first.

  26. The day we saw ECL weeping publicly at Heroes stadium, someone asked whether such a man can be an effective commander-in-chief. Looking at what is going on, perhaps that guy had a point & I wish more Zambians could have such foresight.

  27. Now I know why there are shortages and queuing, KK is back on the scene. Next one party STATE, State of emergency, IMF. THIS Chagwa is taking us to the dark ages. KUTUMPA. NO wonder they want to start printing money. These are all KK policies of the dark ages.

  28. Issues of devils are imaginary. When one becomes a failure, issues of satanism come in. Just work hard and make zambia a better place to live in.

  29. Must be the PF who invited the devil to the political arena through their lies, since the devil is the father of liars!

  30. KK @ # 38. I totally agree with you. It seems when people fail, they tend to accuse those working hard of Satanism…pure lazy men’s excuse.

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