Saturday, July 27, 2024

Christian Council castigates clergymen prophesying confusion and bloodshed in August


COUNCIL of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) has castigated clergymen prophesying confusion and bloodshed in Zambia ahead of the August 11 General Elections.

CCZ general secretary Susanne Matale said some people who were calling themselves prophets were actually alarmists who should not be entertained.

And Reverand Matale has appealed to political leaders not to listen to such alarmists but uphold peace and not to use violence in an effort to win elections.

Rev Matale said Zambia was a Christian Nation with credible men and women of God through which God could speak and that it could not take foreign pastors to predict doom in a praying nation.

She was reacting to a ‘prophecy’ by a Nigerian Prophet Isaac Amata currently circulating on social media in which the clergyman was quoted as saying that he saw stockpile of weapons ammunition and plans to shed blood ahead of the August 11 election and that this could only be avoided by a 21-day prayer and fasting.

“We have too many of these prophets and most of them just enjoy alarming, confusing, and influencing people usually in the wrong direction. I think Zambians should be given an opportunity for God to speak to them. We should be allowed room to make a decision through the ballot,” she said

Rev Matale warned people against believing false prophecies but instead ask God to give them wisdom of assessing different manifestoes to make their own choices.

“ We will not be paying attention to the so called prophesies but continue praying so that God gives us Grace since we don’t need outsiders to tell us what we should do and who they think has been chosen for us already,” she said.

Rev Matale said it was not right for some Nigerian clergy to interfere with the smooth way Zambia had been conducting its politics and elections, stating that Zambia was a prayerful country where God would speak in His own way.

“Who said God does not speak to Zambians? In fact God has already spoken and He has already intervened against bloodshed,” she said.


  1. Judging Prophecy
    1.Does the prophecy bring you closer to God and others, or alienate you?
    2.Does the prophecy, even if it convicts you, build you up? Or, does it manipulate and condemn you?
    3.Does the prophecy leave you feeling empowered by God or feeling defeated?
    4.Does the prophecy line up with scripture?
    5.Does the prophecy sit well with you? Does you spirit testify with what is brought?
    6.Does the prophecy have grace and mercy behind it?
    7.Is the person delivering the prophecy under authority and accountable, or are they a lawless character?
    8.When the prophecy is given, are you drawn to the person bringing the prophecy or drawn to God?
    9.Who is the word for?
    10.What is the timing of the prophecy?
    11.Who are the people who need to be involved to help bring the prophecy…

  2. 11.Who are the people who need to be involved to help bring the prophecy into being?”Christian Prophecy”
    1.True prophecy comes from God. God is the source. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
    2. True prophecy must build up the Body of Christ, ie the Church. It must encourage not discourage; It does not cause anxiety, fear or confusion. – 1 Corinthians 14:4
    3. True prophecy must agree with Scripture. It does not contradict with His word according to the Bible. – Deuteronomy 13:1-5, 2 Timothy 3:16,
    4. True prophecy must exalt & glorify Jesus. It does not glorify the “prophet”, nor does it put the prophet on a pedestal – Revelations 19:10, 1 John 4:1-3, John 16:13-14,
    5. True prophecy must lead to obedience to God. When God allows prophecy in the church,…

  3. 5. True prophecy must lead to obedience to God. When God allows prophecy in the church, it is meant to lead people to a right relationship with Him – Deuteronomy 13:1-5
    6. True prophecy must produce life & liberty. Because it comes from the Holy Spirit, it should not lead to bondage, captivity, hatred, fear, condemnation or confusion – Romans 8:15, 2 Corinthians 3:6
    7.Biblical prophecy ultimately comes from God and focuses on God and His plans.
    8. Biblical prophecy will always line up and agree with God’s scripture and true prophecy does not contradict with scripture.
    9. True prophecy does not tell as psychics or false prophets predict.
    10. True prophecy is 100% correct and it must come to pass – Deuteronomy 18:22
    11. Diviners, false prophets, fortune tellers etc, walk with…

  4. 11. Diviners, false prophets, fortune tellers etc, walk with and receive their information from familiar spirits and other demonic entities. Their foretelling of the future indeed at times does come true. However their source of information is from the demonic and ultimately the information that they speak actually subtly deters you from God. What they foretell does not glorify God in any particular way. Rather it subtly brings more focus, more praise and more glory on the diviner or false prophet instead of on God.
    12. Diviners, false prophets, fortune tellers etc, ultimately perform signs and wonders and preach in order for you to give them money. They exploit people and manipulate them for money. Their messages mostly focus on materialism, money, self-glory rather than on…

    • 12. Diviners, false prophets, fortune tellers etc, ultimately perform signs and wonders and preach in order for you to give them money. They exploit people and manipulate them for money. Their messages mostly focus on materialism, money, self-glory rather than on character, relationship with God or anything Christ-centred. They are part of the devil’s plan to subtly and systematically lead people away from God through deception and false doctrine (2 Peter 2:1-22)
      13. They teach that you will receive salvation and deliverance from your problems when you give money to them or their institution. However salvation and deliverance does not come because you have given money. True salvation and deliverance is FREE and it comes from the Lord Jesus who died for us on the cross. Jesus paid a…

  5. 13. They teach that you will receive salvation and deliverance from your problems when you give money to them or their institution. However salvation and deliverance does not come because you have given money. True salvation and deliverance is FREE and it comes from the Lord Jesus who died for us on the cross. Jesus paid a debt that we could not pay through His blood and by His death. Deliverance and salvation from challenges and problems cannot be paid. Deliverance and salvation comes ONLY from God through His Son Jesus Christ. The gift of God cannot be purchased with money. A sorcerer by the name of Simon thought that he could acquire God’s gifts by giving money or paying for them (Acts 8:9-23)
    14. The false prophet is never questioned or tested by his followers. The voice of the…

    • 14. The false prophet is never questioned or tested by his followers. The voice of the false prophet is compared without question by his followers as being the voice of God. (1 John 4:1 – Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world). 1 Thessolonians 5:21 instructs us to test all things & hold fast what is good. God has given us permission to test the supernatural, because Satan is a supernatural being also. In the future don’t Reject all prophecies, but Test all prophecies! However a false prophet will manipulate followers not to question his prophecies and not to question him because he is “anointed” and he is a “man of God”. Believers should know however, that the reason why God allows us…

    • Believers should know however, that the reason why God allows us through His word to test the spirits and to test everything, is because of the false prophets who are out to deceive people. Therefore it is important for believers to know the word of God and to uphold his word in every situation and above the personal word of other people.
      15. Diviners, false prophets, fortune tellers etc, mostly speak or foretell of events that pertain to fear, disaster, discouragement, death and their foretelling of the future ultimately leads their faithful followers to have a spiritual attitude and condition of fear, hatred, anxiety, anger and dependency on the word of the false prophet, rather than to depend on the word of God through His scriptures.
      16. Diviners, false prophets, fortune tellers…

    • 16. Diviners, false prophets, fortune tellers etc, will mostly create an attitude of dependency within their followers. Their followers begin to depend more upon them because their followers will have an insatiable need to see more of their signs and wonders and to hear more of their foretelling of future events. This dependency on the false prophets automatically removes dependency on God. “Inspired Walk”

  6. These rogues who claim to be “prophets”, “pastors” and “men of God” are not even Christians and don’t even know the Bible, but they prey on the ignorance and gullibility of so many people who are desperately trying to find God. Many of them are ordinary sorcerers and wizards who use divination to “prophesy,

  7. These bandits who parade themselves as men of God are the number one problem in the country, even ahead of the larceny politicians. For a better and productive society Zamban Christians must learn not to absolve whatever these thieves in the pulpit say and make an independent assessment of their deceptive sermon.

  8. Sheep in wolves clothing. And some people will be calling him “Daddy” while he bangs their wives and daughters. These daily news about randy and diabolical men of God? is not encouraging at all.

  9. They rob and steal from the people. They speak lies and utter vain prophecies and visions, leading people astray. They draw people to themselves, claiming to have a special relationship with God, but they lie and deceive the people.They claim to know everything about you but they lie, and know nothing! They sleep with married women and break the hearts of single women. They destroy homes and families. They destroy marriages, businesses and destinies. They are mere diviners and sorcerers and are no prophets of God at all.

  10. Susan Matale should talk againt so called ‘christians for Lungu’ group.
    This group is devisive, sugregative, unchristian bent to fan violence in Zambia.
    All Zambian Christians are for all aspiring candidates that prescribe to biblical truth and practice that truth. If this group led by Leah Mutale compells Zambians to scrutinize the Zambian suffering masses, needless deaths, violence, deception and corruption under Lungu’s watch, what is there about Lungu being christian?. Shame on this group of selfish people dining with Lungu while many ambians are suffering. This will compel Zambians to change government.

    • Itizi, dont expose your ignorance, dullness and stupidity. She is Rev. Matale and not Mutale. Actually Matale is the husband.

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