“Blesser” is a colloboration between Psalmist David and Ariel. A soundtrack off the Fokus Media Production Movie titles ”Blesser”, which was written by Mary Kabwe and had its first Premiere on 23rd October, 2016. The song was produced by Daize and KJoe for Mutamz Records.
“Blesser is a story of a young lady working in a coffee shop,where she met an elderly man who made her quit her job,he then start providing her with material things in exchange of sexual pleasures.for a while the young lady seem to be enjoying the luxury life that she even name the old man BLESSER. eventually She realises she’s been living in circles full of abuse and lust,so she chose to look for the real blesser and found JESUS CHRIST.”
Download the song HERE
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TB Joshua…come and explain to brainwashed Africans and the World why you have disgraced yourself and your god!!!