Thursday, September 12, 2024

UPND has taken over PF strongholds-Kakoma


Political Landscape
Political Landscape

The opposition UPND says results in Thursdays local government and Council Chairpersons by elections has shown that the party is making strong inroads in PF traditional strongholds.

UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma said the party has won most of the local government by-elections held this week.

He said UPND managed to win the Kalumbila and Mwandi council chairmanship. UPND also won in Keembe in Chibombo district, Ngabwe, Mandondo in Namwala and Mukuba ward in the City of Kitwe, among others.

Mr Kakoma said the victory in Kitwe appears to have stolen the limelight because the Mukuba ward was in Nkana Constituency which was considered to be a PF stronghold.

“Infact, the UPND candidate Graddy Simukoko of Mukuba ward joins many other councillors who won on the UPND ticket on the Copperbelt. There were 46 councillors who won on the UPND ticket on the Copperbelt in the August elections. There are also three council chairmen who won on the UPND ticket in Copperbelt rural as well as two members of parliament,” Mr Kakoma said.

He added, “In the so called PF strongholds of Luapula, Northern and Muchinga Provinces, UPND has councillors. UPND has three councillors in Luapula, nine councillors in Northern and six councillors in Muchinga Provinces. In Central Province, UPND has 70 councillors, five council chairmen and five members of parliament.”

Mr Kakoma said in Lusaka province, the UPND has 36 councillors, two council chairmen and five members of parliament.

“In North Western Province, UPND has 140 councillors, 10 council chairmen and all the 12 members of parliament. In Southern province, UPND has 192 councillors, all the chairmen and mayors of the districts and members of parliament in all the Constituencies.”

“In Western Province, UPND has 16 members of parliament and most of the councillors. I’m still counting councillors in Western and Eastern Provinces,” he said.


  1. What strong holds ba Kakoma. PF won 4 wards in NWP, SP, WP and Ndola Rural. For your information all Lamba land is Upnd and for once PF have scooped two parliamentary seats there. Also check how much PF got in Mukuba ward in August before you expose your ignorance.

    • The point is that never has our country been this polarised since pre1964. And we have PF thuggery to thank for this and the coming PF legacy that will economically and socially bring this country to it’s knees.
      Dununa dununa iiiwwwweeeeeeeee’………..

    • Do all these things really matter who has scooped what seat? When this country is simply drowning in debt and economic mismanagement ? This is were we all get it wrong even laughing at each other about who lost and who won and others being perpetual losers etc People, this is not a football match were being a fanatic is fulfilled only by the feel good element ….these are outcomes on which our very livelihoods are predicated. No wonder people win elections by just singing and dancing Dununa reverse. LETS BE SERIOUS ZAMBIANS OUR COUNTRY IS BIGGER THAN THIS

    • Mr Kakoma, it is not the UPND which has a problem; it is the HH who has a problem.

      If I may ask you, how many of those councillors hast lost elections 6 times?

      It is only HH who has a serious problem because he has over-relied on tribal support.

      UPND as a party had a lot of goodwill when Mazoka formed it. Actually in 2001 he was very close to winning.

      But this man, HH has completely ruined the party.

      He can to take the presidency using tribal advantage, thus changing public opinion of the masses in the country.

      So, Mr Kakoma, you may even win all the wards but with HH as candidate, come 2021, you will SURELY lose the presidency.

      You may please underline the previous sentence for reference and record ‘s sake.

    • @Peace for Zambia : you sound like the usual spoilers who never voted for Mazoka and now claim he was the best President that Zambia never had. Right now HH has more MPs than Mazoka ever had. Changing horses in the middle of a course will only benefit PF. So you continue voting for your tribesmen while others vote for change that will bring development to all.

    • Nice Zambian Color, Red and Green. Where is Miles, Put your orange also that we complete the Flag.. On a serious nte, UPND will win all By Elections people are complaining, things are bad with PF leadership. the guys are not just serious with anything except Violence.

    • @Buck Teeth Lungu,

      Who told you Mazoka was a good president?

      All am saying is that when Mazoka started the party it did not have the tribal inclination that HH has brought to the party.

      Of course I never voted for Mazoka because I did not believe in him, not because he was a tribal man like HH, bit because there were many rumours of him being affiliated to free mansons.

      So don’t claim that I ever held Mazoka in any high esteem. Why do you want to lie, even though we know that as a UPND supporter it is your character.

    • The story is that UPND has managed to get back the parts of the country it had under Andy Mazoka not making inroads into PF territory. By the way, what proportion of the Zambian population does this map show is represented by UPND? 58 MPs in a parliament of 157MPs? Wake up Mr Kakoma.

    • @Dununa

      Your analysis is warped.

      How many councillors did Mr Mazoka ever win on Copperbelt (incl Mpongwe, Lufwanyama, Masaite & Kafulafuta) let alone in NKana constituency? UPND has 47 councillors & 2MPs & 3Mayors on CB? Who knew UPND wud hav councillors in LP-3, NP-9 & MP-6? Mazoka left 49 MPs, HH has 58.

      Mazoka was good leader but u tribalists let him down. He performed well in Lusaka but HH has extended this2 CB, LP, EP, & MP.

      Don’t posthumously exalt Mazoka whom u labeled tribalist in life! Just accept this is no mean feat for HH against all odds. People need food not tribalism & abandoned roads. They politically keep flocking elsewhere.

    • @Dununa & @Ndanje khakis

      Since when did Copperbelt rural become a UPND stronghold? Since Mazoka’s time or since Jan 2015?

      When UPND wins its due to Bantustan politics, so Lambas & Swakas of Kapiri are now Bantustans? I thought Kapiri was PF? PF marginally won Kafulafuta MP & Pres yet last year UPND won it.

      So Kafulafuta has been swung from Lambaland when they voted UPND to Bembaland when they have voted PF? Even Mukuba ward is now Bantustan cos of UPND? And so are the wards 3,9,6,47 in LP,NP,MPn+ many in EP?

      If population in 58 constituencies is low why are results ever close shaves save for vote stealing? Luapula has bn outvoted twice by NWP so how do u boast of high populations? Last time u promised to do CNN (Counter Nega Nega) now when beaten (save for vote stealing) u…

    • @Dununa & @Ndanje khakis

      If population in 58 constituencies is low why are results ever close shaves save for vote stealing? Luapula has bn outvoted twice by NWP so how do u boast of high populations? Last time u promised to do CNN (Counter Nega Nega) now when beaten (save for vote stealing) u shift focus to Dundumwezi! THat is when u cud not march Nega Nega formula in your so called strongholds with ghost voters u were even introduced to a shocking voting scenario Dundumwezi formula which is even more ‘toxic’ than Nega Nega.

    • @ Peace for Zambia its best not to fear what you do not know for fact yourself and seeing that you have used the word “rumours” I have formed an opinion of you and how you formulate your arguments! Its just an opinion which serves me good for an opinion is not subject to debate.

    • @ 1.15 FuManchu,

      If you hear a rumour that a lion has gone loose in Luangwa national park, and have been warned not to go to the park;

      You are free to go and verify by yourself if at all the lion has really gone mad.

      Right now, there is a rumour by HH that he won the election, and some people have believed yet with no proof.

      There was also a rumour in 2001 that Mazoka won the elections, also in 2008 that Sata won the elections. Each of them wit no proof, but some people believed.

      Am sure you have also made a decision before based on rumour without asking for proof. If you haven’t you are no better than those who have done so-called it is a matter of choice.

      I cannot go round feeling proud that I have made a decision based on rumour, neither can you go round feeling…

    • Contd…

      I cannot go round feeling proud that I have made a decision based on rumour, neither can you go round feeling proud that you have never made a decision based on rumour.

      Even when you heard that the water before you was contaminated you ignored and drunk it. I equally have reservations for that approach.

    • What is the final position of the just ended local government by-elections.Did UPND win more seats than PF.CAN WE HAVE THE TOTALS IF ANYBODY HAS THEM.

  2. Where is the take over. Except 1 all the other constituencies are in UPND areas. Luapula and northern do not vote on tribal lines, hence giving UPND some seats. That is not the case in Dundumwezi and other 2 provinces.

    • Luapula voted overwhelmingly for PF. It must be the only Province with massive amounts of infrastructure and no powercuts in Zambia.

    • @2.1 Buck Teeth.Luapula voted for PF since they believed that even if the party had not delivered all it promised them, it was important not to “change horses in the middle of the race” as you have put it @1.7 since some candidate was openly heard campaigning in NW that he “would stop the nonsense of developing Muchinga”. Luapula is largely rural with a lot of people not connected to the national grid! What matters to them are things like schools and healthy facilities in their areas and good roads. Load shed is not immediately evident to villagers as they have lived long without electricity from the grid! In fact seeing PF putting up some solar schemes in some remotes parts of the country cheered them even more as it made it possible Health Centres to operate at night and pupils to…

  3. ….The seats in Lusaka and Copperbelt won by Upnd are mostly in “hostile ” territory dominated by pro Upnd tribes. Nothing new and nothing to boast about. In any case we don’t want one party to have an uncontrollable majority. We need strong checks, balances and opposing views.

    • Thanks, you are being generous for wanting UPND to win more seats to provide “checks and balances” – against the massive looting of national resources that PF is carrying on.

  4. Day dreaming at its best ba kakoma..! Upnd winning in Lusaka rural, copperbelt rural, central province rural and the three Bantustan provinces of NW, W, S is not a surprise coz these are your strong holds. U should be worried that Pf has grabbed seats in Nalolo, Mumfumbwe and masaiti..! By the way, is ecz biased towards Pf now that u are winning?

    • Bantustans in Zambia? You deserve the type of treatment Mmembe is now getting from PF. And you are surprised that the people you insult day in day out do not vote for your party!

    • In Mufumbwe UPND did not feature a candidate because PF bought off all those who showed interest in standing otherwise UPND would have carried the day.

      Coming to Central, is Kapiri Mposhi (largest constituency in the country) where PF were white washed not urban and along line of rail? And just to educate you a bit Mr Munene, the only reason PF won in Kabwe Central and Bwacha is that your king crooked mafiaso, Chagwa Edward, conned the people that he was opening Mulungwishi Textile-a week b4 the elctions and went on a propaganda that if HH won, that wasn’t going to happen, otherwise, PF would have lost the two urban Kabwe continuances too.

      I say conned, because when you to the textiles today, you will find people selling Chacoal there and no operations as promised, that is how…

    • how easily Zambian people can be cheated into voting for this hopeless, visionless regime.

      There is nothing special about PF, its just a party of con men, starting with their president, everything about them is all false pretense.

    • @ 4.1 Buck Teeth Lungu,

      What insult is there about Bantustan? We are all buntus, anything wrong?

      Tomorrow someone will call you Tonga and you will claim to be insulted when in fact you are Tonga.

      What is wrong with people calling you Peter when actually that is your name?

      It is a pity we want to criticise everything including our names.

  5. Kakoma is just redefining the meaning of tribalism. I can’t see any any take over here apart from the usual tribal voting.

  6. @4 Munene, I hear you loud and clear. Charles Kakoma should now tell us whether UPND will petition the results where his party lost, like Mufumbwe, Nalolo, Masaiti. Or they believe that everybody else can lose but not HH?
    And where did this Kakoma go hiding all this time? His analysis of politics is surely at donkey level. UPND failed to take over the country last August elections when the economic conditions were ripe and 100% in their favour. Reason? HH is not the alternative that Zambians want. Now he has insulted the easterners, let’s see whether he is going to appeal to their votes in the next elections. His opponents simply have to recite what HH said about easterners.

  7. The map tells it all. This is serious division of the country. We are busy looking at whicj region the person comes from and nit what contribution that person can bring to national development. We are creating a serious time bomb. Lets all start working at this regionalisation as i met call it.

    • And southern province has practiced 100% that tribal problem you are talking about.

      You need to emphasise that point so that those people if southern province can learn that such behaviour is negative.

      No other province has ever done such bad display of tribalistic voting than southern province.

      We need more people like you to conderm such behaviour, otherwise if all provinces were like Southern Province Kakoma would not have an opportunity to celebrate what he is Celebrating about.

    • Luapula Province is the worst. Nobody insults them like Lungu and his minions have been insulting Tongas. Yet Luapula votes for PF like it is the best thing that happened since chikanda was invented.

  8. LT this map is politically and socially dangerous. In my view, it is illustrating that the country is divided.
    This illustration has the potential to incite division in the country. Pictures carry a stronger message than words. Just a thought………………….

    • There’s nothing wrong with the map. It just shows that we have incompatible cultures in the countries – the ntemba traders up north and east who want instant profits and the long termer farmers who plan ahead, can suffer short term but will prevail in the end.

    • Thank Buck Teeth-am with you Bro. The only time the Southern region will stop voting the way they are doing today is after they are also given chance to rule too. But as long indi00ts such as Kabwili keep shouting on top of hills that Tongas must never rule, then it will be like this until the day tribal wars will break-ie Mushala saga!

    • 10.1 If you are still in the dreaming mode that Southern Province is Zambia’s bread-basket, continue dreaming. Check what is coming out of Eastern, Northern and Central – that may help.

  9. Mr Kakoma, it is not the UPND which has a problem; it is the HH who has a problem.

    If I may ask you, how many of those councillors hast lost elections 6 times?

    It is only HH who has a serious problem because he has over-relied on tribal support.

    UPND as a party had a lot of goodwill when Mazoka formed it. Actually in 2001 he was very close to winning.

    But this man, HH has completely ruined the party.

    He came to take the presidency using tribal advantage, thus changing public opinion of the masses in the country.

    So, Mr Kakoma, you may even win all the wards but with HH as candidate, come 2021, you will SURELY lose the presidency.

    You may please underline the previous sentence for reference and record ‘s sake.

  10. If no one sends you a Christmas card, do it Mr Bean way : send yourself a card. Ok it’s ok for Mr Kakoma to pat himself on the back.

  11. This doesn’t change my mind Mr Kakoma. Even if Elections were called tomorrow or the other day you councillors, ward Chairmen or even bus station controllers may win seats but never will I Vote for your HH. Till death do us apart never ever my vote will be for HH.

  12. @Peace for Zambia
    How does Mazoka come in the picture? HH won the 2016 August elections thats why ECL (in fact its not him, but criminals hiding behind him), machinated his stay in state house illegally, through, 1. Local Govt officials – helping on rigging, ECZ facilitating rigging, Police abuse, ZAF abuse, ZNBC abuse, state funds abuse, ConCourt bribery etc! Are you happy that UPND officials are kept in prisons just because HH is not Mazoka?

  13. @Wanya wanya
    You carry one vote, therefore, if you decide to close door for progress, really, it does not affect the over roll picture! And its your constitutional right to choose foolishly!

  14. The map above is the much talked about Northeastern and Northwestern Rhodesia. Don’t play with history. This subject is coming as soon as practicable.

  15. I desputed the gentleman who says Northern Province they don’t vote on tribal lines. Iam Bemba from Kasama. I neither support PF nor UPND because they have the same policies of violence and intimidation. They were voting on tribal lines. Tongas, Lozis Bembas etc. which is extremely dangerous,
    I only thanked Tongas and Lozis for voting for Chiluba in 1991. I don’t trust Easterners not even a single day have they voted for a Bemba man.
    Bembas you should walk a fine delicate line with your political allies.

    • Very true brother, Easterners were anti PF because of Sata and see how they have taken to PF because of Lungu..they called Sata a mad man. Now PF is their party because Mr. ?HUMBLE Lungu leads it. I remember how the Easterner Dora Siliya insulted Mr. Sata in public..with due respect, she shouldn’t be serving in PF!!

    • @ 18 Washington square,

      The Tongas and Lozi voted for Chiluba in 1991. Of course yes.

      But you argument is cry weak if at all it even qualifies to be an argument.

      1991 there were only two candidates – KK and Chiluba, so did you expect them to vote for a blank?

      Because both KK and Chiluba never originated from their region.

      You can only form a rational case if there had been someone from their region and they chose to leave him for Chiluba.

      Anyway, most of the arguments on this media are only fit for social media where anything goes even what merely occupies space.

  16. Wish u all the best as u Continue arguing with each other. I hope u will keep the steam alive until 2021ba mumbwe imwe Ba UPND.

  17. Lungu who has been beating HH is barely two years in presidential fights.HH is now over 12 years. Where will the councillors take you even if you won all wards in the country which can’t happen. PF performed badly because they adopted in popular candidates.

  18. Mr Kakoma let’s NOT change topics here, you still owe us an explanation what hapoened to your StanChart account, what is the latest? Was it PF or StanChart? Have you sorted it out? Was it a purely bank-client affair or political victimisation? You started the story so finish it before you divert our attention to your useless donkey politics.

  19. This biase analysis by the under 5 party is very misleading. Mr. Kakoma, how come you are just analyzing results were you won? Zambia is bigger than your three province strongholds.

  20. Can HH surely win an election in Zambia? UPND should start thinking of who to replace HH. Changarai, KONI and Odinga are one and the same. Come 2021 it will still be violence, courts and demonstrations. Look at kambwili and HH in terms of attracting the attention of people.

  21. Meanwhile the UPND lawyer of the moment Martha Mushipe has been declared bankrupt by the Lusaka High Court in a default judgment after she failed to appear to defend herself against a loan default claim of K200,000 by Indo Zambia. On ZR UPND cadres are claiming political victimisation for a purely commercial transanction between Martha and Indo Zambia. I will give a catalogue of the source of Martha’s problens after my lunch. Watch this space!

  22. Mr Kakoma that just shows that while other parts of the country are truly democratic your Southern province is highly tribal given the voting patterns exhibited by your Southern province voters. We don’t care how many seats you win any where in the country but don’t tell your southern voters to vote simply because of tribe. HH a Tonga has won places in as far as Mpulungu in the far north, there is nothing wrong but he should let others win in his own province and not to send thugs to intimidate voters

  23. Ok folks, Terrible has just enjoyed his lunch, a nice traditional meal designed and prepared only by Mrs Terrible. Now to Martha Mushipe’s political woos as promised.
    1. It all began when Ms Mushipe stood on the UPND ticket as a parliamentary candidate in one of the by elections before 2016. This was the beginning of her political career. She probably thought that politics would be more rewarding than her legal practice. She threw in all the resources that she could master. As you know UPND and HH do not assist their candidates financially, but the other way round fir using their “brand name” UPND. Unfortunately she not only lost but her campaign agents chewed her money as they found that she was unsaleable to the voters – association with HH and UPND can be a negative in urban…

  24. Contd…
    Unfortunately she not only lost but her campaign agents chewed her money as they found that she was unsaleable to the voters – association with HH and UPND can be a negative in urban constituencies outside southern, ask Mrs Dr Scott. That is why Mutinta Mazoka chose a safe southern constituency.

  25. Contd
    2. Her next attempt was the August 2016 polls. She threw in everything in support of HH as presidential candidate. When not if he was elected, there would be so.many positions for the taking by loyal HH supporters so visibility was very important. It seems nothing could go wrong as everything that normally throws out governments in Zambia was there. But no one in UPND factored in the huge negative impact and cost of GBM as running mate to HH. Ironically Martha herself would have made a far more suitable running mate but for the gaffe by HH and the docility of UPND leaders in overrating HH.

  26. Contd..
    3. Of course Martha’s hopes were shattered, Hh lost painfully. But there was still hope for her except her failure to contain her frustrations were to cost her dearly.
    4. When the ECZ srarted announcing results ar Mulungushi, Martha wanted to outdo the UPND top brass present like Jack Mwiimbu Gary etc in insulting the ECZ officials including chairperson. She survived this because of the humility and civility of Judge Essau Chuulu the chairperson. He probably took her as one of his lost court officials, he understood her political frustrations and tolerated her as a daughter.

  27. 5. So HH lost. Next comes the petition. This time when the petition is thrown out Martha again throws tantrums, disrespect to the Concourt almost demeaning its authority. Now you know courts do not take kindly to bad behaviour by its officers of court as Martha happens to be. Well, Concourt decided to launch a complaint to LAZ and recommended that she be disciplined. Poor Martha failed to read the far reaching implications of LAZ sanctions, and so she failed or was too proud to tender an apology to Concourt which would have compelked LAZ to stay the matter.

  28. Puting political issues a way and focus on hw our child will be to morrow zambia is not southen,easten, northen ,north westen ,luapula, muchinga ,central, lusaka and copperbelt alone collectively we call it zambia, we are one provided your abilical cord were burried in this soil ,you never new the one who assisted our mothers during our birth (midwife) which tribe they come from the fact of the matter is that tribal praçtics is being practice? by all provinces which has no future in our country no matta how individual hurt another individual becouse of selfishness it can not help, all zambian has a chance to rule this country hh is human being like any others who can make mistake if at all he did current sting president as well can make mistake bt as far as these are our leaders…

  29. 6. If found guilty Martha could be banned from practising law in Zambia. She did not show any remorse at all and remained arrogant. She begun to miss her court appearances on the pretext of petitions. To observers this indicated a guilty person who stood no chance of winning the LAZ case.
    7. What about her creditors? Well they were watching and alarmed. If Martha lost her practising license what other source of income would she have to pay them her debts? The first to move in was the landlord with his sherriffs. Next now is the Indo Zambia calling in its overdraft facility, now forcing the High Court to declare her bankrupt.
    8. The end of a career in law? And the death of a political career that never was. Can she be saved? Yes, HH can help her, but then he has huge legal bills himself…

  30. Contd..
    So cadres, lets not jump to see the Martha issues as political although they stem from wrong political decisions. I strongly suggest that we help her recover, she is an intelligent and hardworking lady who just went astray and made wrong decisions. Lets support her, beginning with an apology to appropriate authorities, that would help put some confidence in her creditors and we pray that they may give her a chance to start again. Pointing at non existent political victimisation can only make things worse. I personally feel for her and pray that she may abandon politics and focus on her promising legal practice.

  31. Charles Kakoma was given half information as usual!!last Thursday PF did very very well because out of 17 wards,PF won 11 and upnd 6.the only ward PF lost is Mukuba in kitwe and it was because 2 other PF members who stood as independents.if u add votes from these two PF officials to what Mr Mushota got,u would find that PF members got 531 votes.sadly for UPND,PF won wards in mufumbwe,nalolo,masaiti and mushindano.those coucillors who won in PF strongholds under upnd won because voters love they won not because of upnd,but because people love them!!if u check in those wards where upnd councillors won,you would find that hh lost to Edgar Lungu!!!

  32. So many people made wrong political choices, but by donkey reasoning, the easy scapegoat is Edgar Lungu. Choose well next time, unfortunately it’s only five whole years from today, only 60 whole months, only 1,800 days.
    Choose well beginning now, ask yourself honestly is HH a winner or time waster? If you choose the first, then the above time frames do not apply to you, your waiting time 10 times tge above. In short until eternity which may be tomorrow depending on wherher HH changes his thinking and if Jesus approves the new thinking. Before thevwkections HH started convincing us of his belief in God, after he lost he never went back ti church to thank his Lord, for all of us have to give honour to our Lord whether we win or lose. Which church has HH visited since his loss?

  33. i like the analysis. upnd has three MPs in Lusaka Province. where? Chirundu and Kafue. Hope Kakoma knows that Chirundu is former siavonga district. Its like removing money from your left pocket to your right one and later celebrate that you have more money. How can a learnt person claim that they have more MPs in central just because Itezhitezhi has moved from southern to central. Our leaders are full of comedy.

  34. @comrade Terrible well said, we are still waiting to hear from Kakoma on the Stanchart issue which has now become silent as he (Kakoma) fears the truth- apparently Kakoma is a just a mule whose account his been the subject of unlawful transfers from dubious sources. Transfers for the sole purpose of funding misinformation, hatespeech and instability and chaos. The evil plans of these blood thirstry animals will not materialise!

  35. 1.16 neutral do you follow ZAMBIAN political patterns? When Levy Mwanawasa became president, the entire copperbelt rural and Kapirimposhi became MMD ….all mps were MMD and when Rupia took over the region switched to Upnd. Just Google and you’ll see that Mr Katambo is the first PF MP in ndola rural apart Mr Namulambe who was elected as part of the deal to “bury ” his cases.

  36. People of Zambia, to achieve real growth, we need a common purpose. For as long as we stick to blood patriotism rather than constitutional patriotism, know that we will not attain our common goals any time soon. Goal achievement will remain an illusion.

  37. from where I stand I see a northen zambia which is open to the UPND but a southern Zambia which is closed to PF. So who is being tribal then?

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