Saturday, July 27, 2024

kawambwa woman stabs husband to death while 2 men commit suicide


A 43 year old woman of Kapatamoyo village in Sub-chief Mutondolo under
Chief Munkanta chiefdom  in Kawambwa district in  Luapula Province has been arrested for stabbing her husband to death using a knife.

Commissioner of Police for Luapula Province, Hudson Namachila has confirmed
the incident which happened around 20:00 hours on Christmas day and
identified the woman as Florence Chitalu.

Mr. Namachila said Chitalu stabbed the husband, Gideon Chanda, 51 with the
knife in the lower left side of the chest in retaliation after the deceased
lambasted her for accruing unnecessary debts without his approval.

ZANIS reports that the Police Commissioner said Chanda was immediately
rushed at Mufwaya clinic in the same area where he was pronounced dead upon

He said the body of the deceased is lying in Kawambwa Hospital mortuary
awaiting postmortem while the accused who is also breastfeeding a one and
half year old baby is in police custody and will soon appear in court for

And the Luapula province Police Chief has also confirmed the suicide case
of a 17 year old boy of Muyembe village in Chief Munkanta’s area.

He named the boy as Bobo Chama who committed suicide on December 25th by
hanging himself in a mango tree at the neighbour’s house using the shoelace.

Mr. Namachila said police did not suspect any foul play and allowed the
family to bury the body on the same day.

In another development,  atwenty six –year old man of Chipata District has also died after hanging himself as he was celebrating Christmas.

Chief Chanje of the Chewa people said on Monday that Luckson Soko of Bonzo village is believed to have hanged himself after picking up a quarrel with his relatives as he was celebrating Christmas.

Chief Chanje said Soko died on Sunday around 16:00 hours after hanging himself on a tree near the graveyard.


  1. This is very saddening. It is clear that the woman had accrued debts due to high costs of living under the PF government. This in turn led to arguments and now we have lost a life due to PF’s lack of effective governance. People are so fed up and depressed with the current leadership especially in rurual areas. Now we have young people taking their own lives. this is sad.

    • Hey *****, when we are mourning a loss of life of our fellow Zambian, keep your uneducated political mind and its thoughts to yourself. Prayers for the families.

    • The reality under PF is heartbreaking. Just three months ago these people were dancing to Dununa Reverse and now the hard reality of life under PF is biting. How many more will die before 2021?

    • I get surprised by Police lack of respect not oly for the deceased but for their famlies as well by disclosing the name of the dead person and how s/he killed herself/himself. In other cultures only the age, gender and reason, if known, for killing herself/himself. Same thing when road accidents happen. Policing culture in Zed need to change.

  2. Women killing is becoming to much under poor government,killing men to remain with for men hanging them selves I ninshi Nikita.

  3. @ NEZ

    • the only one who is pathetic is you who has failed to give a comment of substance. In my comment I have given you my thoughts on the issue and also given you my reasons for thinking that way. All you have done is make silly childish allegations which zambians are tired of hearing. Give us your take on what government will do to reduce personal debts of poor zambians!! what are your plans mr man?? kikiki ukose. And you wonder why am currently leading as best blogger

    • Meimatungu, you are a stvpid misogynist. You must have observed your own mother run mad for no reason hence your covert bitterness towards women. Pathetic human being. S93rm donor.

  4. Society ought to educate itself on matters of this nature, on trends of this kind, on such ominously worrying patterns.

  5. Murder or suicide is a personal matter that can be attributed to evil present in this world.
    it is wrong to accuse anyone for it. we need to pray for the woman for her to repent.
    God is merciful

    • What has HH done to you?

      People who call HH names, most of you have never even spoken to the man. All hatred flows from what his political opponents say. Some wanted jobs from him and others wanted his money. Others just can’t stand the idea that he is wealthy.

      Do what you want but you’re just wasting your time!

      Those of you who hate him for his political activities, I have a suggestion for you. You too can do the same. Because he is in the race does not mean you should stay out. Just jump in.

    • 1PLUS1 the marijuana you smoked on Christmas day has not left your lungs kikikiki. Robert is talking about praying for the woman, and first thought in your mind is that he is calling HH a devi-l worshiper. Why are you guilty? kikikikiki

  6. Thank heavens the court granted me divorce from a demon-possessed woman who was heading for the same: and that is murder. Why pick a weapon when you can just dialogue?Those are demons at work

  7. Failure to overcome suicide thoughts means the devils disciples are achieving depopulating the world through their wish, making sadness as a reality and yet it’s just an illusion.

    • Really? You think that devils disciples can finish the world by evil wishes? While some people will be killing each other and committing suicide, the population is increasing exponentially. The world is not coming to an end just yet. Some losers will jump ship and die but the world is prospering.

  8. Technology is changing the way things are done everywhere. Before many women used to visit so many witch doctors before they could succeed in their evil plans of killing their husbands and this could take years. With availability of technology like knives, shoelace, belt & guns this is now taking a fraction of a second to take someone’s or own life. Our people are sadly easily using shoelaces instead of sisal ropes, fibre, wires, etc to take their own. Lesson for today, please be careful with how you provoke others because everyone is readily empowered to take your life or yourself to take your own life. Avoid provoking others even as you blog.

  9. OK, we need a statutory instrument to ban Christmas celebrations….it appears these celebrations are causing deaths.,,thanks for your cooperation

  10. This kawambwa woman stabbed her husband to death as 2 men were committing suicide. It sounds so devilish. Were the three in somepact of some kind? Oh no it’s Zambian journalism and its numerous faux pais

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