Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chief Chanje urges Govt to bar people from smoking in public


CHIEF Chanje of the Chewa Speaking people of Chipata District in
Eastern Province has urged the Government to look into tobacco issues
seriously and put strong measures to ban people who smoke in public
Chief Chanje said during the tobacco farmers dissemination meeting
organized by Tobacco Free Association of Zambia(TOFAZA) held in
Chipata on Sunday that  the crop was killing people adding that
people’s lives were in danger from smoke.
He said there was need to curb the illicit trade of tobacco products
stating that this would help tobacco farmers in finding other cash
crops to reduce the global burden.
“For those smoking this is a warning and you should take it very
seriously to serve your lives by stopping  smoking tobacco,”he said.
He said it was reported that worldwide tobacco use driven by the
tobacco industry, marketing, and increased  by social inequities was
killing six million people each year globally.
Speaking at the same function, TOFAZA Executive Director Brenda
Chitindi said Zambia was part to the World Health Organization (WHO)
framework convention on tobacco control, the first treaty negotiated.
Ms Chitindi said it was the most rapidly and widely embraced treaties
in the United Nations (UN) history with over 180 countries to the
“The framework convention on tobacco control was developed in response
to the globalization of the tobacco epidemic and is an evidence-based
treaty that re-affirms the right of all people to the highest standard
of health,” he said.
Ms Chitindi said tobacco was the key ingredient in a set of products
that if used as suggested by the manufacturers would kill more than
half of its users.
She said there was need to mitigate tobacco use which should be a
cornerstone of the Government’s public health strategy.
She said tobacco control consistently faces enormous opposition mostly
from opponents the tobacco industry using arguments with a false
economic logic.
Ms Chitindi said the alleged harm to tobacco farmers from tobacco
control policies has become one of the ubiquitous reasons promoted by
the tobacco industry and its allies for the Governments to slow stop
or even reverse tobacco control efforts.
She said Zambia’s tobacco control efforts would have little or no
short-run effect on farmers


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    • Sounds like a very old story picked up from the archives. This ban has been in force for more that a decade now and this chief and some executive director decide to call a meeting and talk about it???

  2. “put strong measures to ban people who smoke in public places” Mwebantu! How do you ban people who smoke? Just go up to them and tell them “you are banned!?”
    It should be: apply measures to ban smoking in public

  3. Example of a “Private place” please, where the smokers would be having their pleasure?????????????????????????????????????

  4. Smoking in offices, bars etc has been banned and the ban is strictly adhered to. If you have no other means to create allowances just forget it.

  5. This Chief as dull as he may appear, may have meant to call on the enforcement of the law. It is true that smoking is still being done in public places such as the Markets, in shop corridors in bars and almost everywhere smoking *****s are doing so with impunity without any consideration to the non smokers who ultimately end up worse inhalers of the rubbish that come from the smokers. Ifingi ifipepa fimafutu ifishaishiba na value ya life. Fifumyeni apa fimakaka! Ukununka!

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