Saturday, July 27, 2024

Movie Review : Logan


In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X somewhere on the Mexican border. However, Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, pursued by dark forces.


  • Excellent combat scenes.
  • Good performance by Hugh Jackman (Logan) and Patrick Stewert (Charles Xavier)


  • The storyline was a bit predictable.
  • If you have not watched any of the X-men movies the significance of this one may be lost to you.

Logan: “Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long.”

Laura: “There’s no living with a killing. There’s no going back from it. Right or wrong, it’s a brand, a brand that sticks. There’s no going back. Now, you run on home to your mother and tell her, tell her everything’s alright, and there aren’t any more guns in the valley.”

Laura: “I have nightmares. People hurt me.”
Logan: “I have nightmares too. I hurt people.”
Laura: “I hurt people, too. Bad people.”
Logan:” [sadly] All the same…”

‘Logan’ is the last instalment in the X-men Origins: Wolverine series. The storyline didn’t have the same level of excitement and drama that one would expect from an X-men film. To its credit, the movie is more concerned with character development than the spectacle. It’s more intimate than the traditional superhero picture . Logan(Hugh Jackman) shows vulnerability and is a relatable character. ‘Logan’ has some brutal violent scenes that add a level of intensity . Serious X-men fans may shed a few tears as it has some touching scenes.
Logan is not the best superhero movie iv seen , but it is definitely the best of the Wolverine trilogy.


3 out of 5




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