Saturday, July 27, 2024

Indonesian miner dies in a mine accident in Solwezi District


A 42 year old Indonesian miner has died from injuries he sustained after being hit and pushed by a launder steel pipe whilst working at a process plant at Kansanshi mine in Solwezi District in Northwestern province.

The accident took place on Thursday 23rd March 2017 around 03:00 hours at the mine’s floatation area but the matter was only reported to police in Solwezi on Saturday..

ZANIS reports that Northwestern province Commissioner of Police Auxensio Daka has confirmed the incident in an interview today and identified the deceased as Antonius Simatupang, a pipe fitter.

Mr Daka said Simatupang died on 24th March at Kenneth Kaunda International airport as he was about to be flown to South Africa after being referred there by doctors at Mukinge mission hospital where he was attended to.

Mr Simatupang sustained rupture of the lung due to the accident and was rushed to Merryberg clinic in Solwezi and then to Mukinge mission hospital in Kasempa for surgery.

The Police Chief said the body is in the mortuary in Lusaka awaiting postmortem and a docket has been opened to ascertain the facts that led to the death.


  1. If only we had state of the art hospitals to practice cutting edge medicine. but no the money has to cater for someone gallivanting around the globe.

  2. The mines should consider investing in good health services that can handle such emergencies. It is possible. ZCCM used to do that. People used to go to the Copperbelt to mine hospitals for advanced health services and not to South Africa or other countries.

  3. @mypoint, I agree with you. Lungu wants to waster money on the ICC consultation instead of putting that money into health. ZCCM used to have good hospitals. Why cant Kansanshi have a hospital with all the equipment which they need

    • Sorry for the loss of life, but to travel all the way from Indonesia to come and just fit pipes boggles the mind. I was shocked to read from one Mining Journal which complained about the planned barring of foreigners from doing jobs which can be done by Zambians. The report compared the 2% of foreigners working in the mines to 11% of foreigners playing for Zesco FC. In Europe, Australia etc it’s much easier for sportsmen to enter those countries than normal professionals.

  4. Son of a b1tch flies all the way from Indonesia just to come and work as a pipe fitter. Zambia has a lot of qualified pipe fitters. The Government should seriously look into this issue. Who gives a work permit to a person to come here and work as an expatriate in that field.

    • @Jin Hua. It’s the responsibility of the interviewer and HR to ensure that people with the right qualifications, experience and altitude are employed. That’s why interviews are held when recruiting people. Those who are lazy should then not be employed. It’s not every Zambian who’s lazy. But I do agree with you that I’ve seen a lot of Zambians who are lazy. Even in Indonesia, you’ll find people who are lazy.

    • HR are the ones who bribe immigration to allow entry to ill qualified expatriates. I am talking from experience.

  5. its a global village. whether zambian or whoever, a life has been lost. the key is to identify the areas of improvement in our health sector. a lung contusion is a serious injury that should be treated with the urgency it deserves. i think wusakile mine hospital can hundle the situ, no need to fly to mukinge then lsk, then wait for the next flight to SA, then wait for voyagers to take the patient to the nearest specialist clinic.

  6. Which global village? Zambians are very naïve. Those people would never allow you to do a decent job in their country. They’ll only allow you to do dirty jobs like cleaning toilets as long as you’re black. Just because you’ve seen some lucky politically connected black person doing fine in the diaspora does not mean it’s the rule of thumb. Some of these guys are just running offshore companies for their politician relatives. Look at how Indians treat black people who’ve gone to study in their country. Beating black people and in some cases killing them. Learn to have some pride. You can’t call it a global village when it only benefits some races while disadvantaging others.

  7. How can someone die at the airport mwebantu? What kind of medical attention had he been getting and how was transportation arranged for him to be flown out?

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