Saturday, July 27, 2024

RTSA completes roll out of the electronic system to ZAMPOST and ZISC


THE Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has finalised the roll out of the the new Electronic Zambia Transport Information System (E-ZAMTIS) to the outsourced partners Zambia Postal Services (ZAMPOST) and Zambia State Insurance Corporation (ZISC).

The move is in a bid to improve service delivery in the provision of road tax services among others.

Members of the public are therefore advised to acquire road tax services from the outsourced partners and as well as all RTSA stations across the country.

The roll out of the new system is to accommodate the licensing needs of all motorists as means of decongesting the RTSA Stations.
Additionally, the Agency is also exploring other avenues for payment of road tax and other services offered by the Agency.
Further, the Agency is earmarked to open up another station at Silverest in Lusaka East as means of providing motor vehicles examination.
The Agency is also in the process of opening up a total of thirty additional mechanised motor vehicles inspections centres across the country.


  1. What about Kalulushi which is covering Lufwanyama since the printer was stolen you’ve not replaced. how many years can it take to replace a printer

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