Vice President Inonge Wina has said that Zambians that judge for themselves on the moral stance of opposition United Party for National Development(UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema, who was named in the Paradise Papers which reveal wealthy people stashing money in countries deemed tax havens.
Responding to a question in parliament today by Kaputa Member of Parliament Maxas Ng’onga who wanted to find out government’s stance on the matter where UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema is named and linked to various companies abroad which have been buying shares in Zambian companies, the Vice President said that investing in offshore accounts is usually synonymous with illicit acts.
The Vice President noted that some opposition leaders have been under declaring their net worth leaving out assets abroad which are denying the country the much-needed tax.
And the Vice President has advised Roan MP Chishimba Kambwili to be conducting proper investigations instead of making allegations. This was after Mr. Kambwili asked about reports that Swaziland King Mswati who was recently in Zambia on a private visit had come to conclude a deal for the setting up of a fourth mobile service company.
Mrs. Wina said she is not aware of such a matter because King Mswati’s visit was meant to strengthen bilateral relations with Zambia and promote the tourism industry.
She however noted that the setting up of a mobile service company is vital for competition and that all investors are welcome.
Mama Wina, your reputation is now in shreds! You are busy defending clear corruption and wrongdoing by your boss, but casting aspersions on other people who have not been found with a case to answer! Please, madam…silence is golden!
She has lost my respect. She recently bot d wrong in therror right way and now thinks by smearing dirt on HH she’s doing service to the country. I hate peoplewho with double standards.
She has lost my respect. She recently voted wrong in the right way and now thinks by smearing dirt on HH she’s doing service to the country. I hate people who with double standards.
I see nothing wrong with her response. She is not casting any aspersions as you imply, she has merely left it up to the people to decide, which is very wise. Personal money matters are not for the others to comment on but people can decide wether or not a person with offshore accounts is credible enough to be entrusted with the country’s leadership role that he aspires.
That said, a lot of people may suspect that anyone with a lot of money got it by taking something from someone else. That’s not always the case. It may just as well be a result of hard work and commitment which pays off with financial progress.
She should Retire, she has mo energy and is passed her sale by date
I like her though
Let’s be honest we all know that HH got his money from privitisation deals thanks to FTJ. Let HH explain how he made that 14 million dollars which was banked abroad, unfortunately we have proper stone brains in govt who are dull as the toilet paper HH uses to wipe his oily bottom. They are all useless cretins – HH, Rupiah, FTJ and yes dare I say it even some members of the current govt are traitors to the late great MCS vision for a better Zambia for all. The Paradise papers have revealed what some of us have been saying about HH, how many ex Grant Thornton employees walked away with 14million dollars only after a few years? Never! Elo HH only got that position in GT because his father AKM pushed some bottons! Facts!!!!
For the first time on this blog @Mushota has said something worthwhile! May be its because she has been in the family way for nearly one year now!As for this geriatic leade who is nearly as old as KK needs a lesson on how tax haven works.
For CK to ask for a clarification simply mean he heard some saying that.and to tell a former colleague in sarcastic manner clearly shows that the allegation was true ant it was one way of shifting attention.What pf is forgetting,especially since the arrival of refugees, mainly from former mmd,is the advice MCS gave them in his last address of parliament that back benchers during one party state behave like opposition and wanted his pf back -benchers to be have in the same way.But pf doesn’t want that.That’s one way of balance the parliament which is full dull opposition mps who concentrate on the presidency.
@2020vision, you are just jealous. You are there in Europe suffering while your friends in Zambia (and Africa) are making money. Even the Kampyongos are becoming richer while you just enjoy the white man’s builds and ranting on Lusaka Time ati “how did these people make money”? So you want HH or GBM or anyone to sit down with you in Europe to explain to you how they are making their money? You are just a loser, come back home and make money also and stop asking those questions>>>>kikikiki
You can never get an intelligent well thought answer from anyone in this Government. The question was, what is Government thinking or going to do about it? How can you say it’s up to the Zambians? Zambians elect people like you to speak for them. What does she mean by saying Zambians? Which Zambians?
Because this is a case in the Court of Morality – we do not dispute that there is nothing illegal about off shore accounts, but for somebody aspiring to be a leader of the people to be avoiding paying taxes, that has to be left to the people. That is what she meant.
What is the point of investing in a country (to pay taxes) what will be used to buy a $230K fire-truck for $1M? The Govt also has no moral in the way they use the tax money. They are not the right people to judge someone avoiding to pay tax
HH is not ignorant, he knows Zambia like the UK has a redistributive tax system. People on higher income are taxed more than those on less income. This helps the government meet its social and economic obligations but if citizens like HH are hiding money in offshore, onshore or cyberspace jurisdictions, how Zambia will develop?
I probably would do the same if i was a big tax payer who knows that the hard earned money could be better used to service the nation and yet it is misused and stollen openly.The wise thing to do would be to safeguard it elsewhere and try to help by reinvesting back thus creating jobs .That way i could have control over my resources.The weakness of Zambia is the failure in educating the masses on their rights to demand for accountability.How dare you demand chocolate yet we know not even a coffee seed which is growth within our bounds .How can we know cocoa seed so far from our dreams?
Ha HH is immoral.
HH has done nothing illegal …like disliking you Victor is immoral but not illegal.
Is he making that money locally or elsewhere imwe bakolwe? You people are so gullible that you are a danger to yourselves. Go and open your own offshore accounts and stop crying
The expect him to bank $1 million dollars in RSA banks FNB & Stanbic and Zanco who charge you for putting money there…really laughable..i dont think old hen Inonge is in a moral position to question anyone.
Its like asking Glencore thieves to bank in Zanaco in Lusaka when they sell in Zurich.
What has this old Hen Bo Inonge been aware of….
The issue is not about tax havens but how the mafia earned millions of dollars in few months immediately after the corruptly privatisation saga. Madam inonge has said very well why people who take money offshore do so. This is money earned illegally. The kickbacks he got was directly going to offshore accounts.
1. Under5 keeps insulting the intelligence of Zambians who he thinks are daft. Just look at his comments on the Paradise Papers. This is about tax evasion and yet he twists it to say that it’s about “…..clever and patriotic people like me under5 finding innovative and cheaper sources of money to borrow for the development of Zambia…”!! What’s the connection between hiding money and borrowing cheaply? Its actually cheaper to use your own money to set up industries at home than to hide it away and then go and borrow.
2. I think Veep Inonge Wina’s statement on the matter really undressed under5!
3. In any case the matter is under investigation by the International Committe of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), so what you are saying mr under5 is premature and purely designed to distract…
Do you know what tax evasion is you numbskull?
Mu chembele Mr terrible , before you embarass your self, read the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance ….and while you are reading up find the word corruption in relation to lungu and the 42/42 tender ….
3. In any case the matter is under investigation by the International Committe of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), so what you are saying mr under5 is premature and purely designed to distract our attention.
Who is ICIJ…really laughable…British Inland Revenue is tootless against these things…why do think London is the banking capital?
Hehehehehe actually there is no matter to investigate Mr Terrible they have already established there are no illegalities but probably in some cases an issue of Morality or Patriotism depending on whichever angle you want to look at it …. otherwise indeed you are exposing your level of ?? The Money was raised from the AIMs (Stock Market) which is part of the LSE and put in low to Zero tax havens as it was now being used to invest in Countries like Zambia. So this is what HH means when he says cheap sourcing to invest in Zambia
The badala Mr terrible does not understand those things……bless his cotton PF bombaza…..
The question of tax havens is a moral and not legal issue. Issues of morality are highly subjective. Same as saying my sin is better than the next person’s; For me a government that can procure fire engines @$1M each, ambulances @$230K each and pay @$6M for equipment not delivered 2 years down the line is as immoral if not worse than a person who puts money in offshore accounts to get a tax break. What makes it worse is that they are pointing a finger at another persons immorality while ignoring their own wrong doing. This is totally unacceptable.
You cannot use one to justify the other.
@ abilima
Do you know that there is bilateral agreement between Mauritius and Zambia to avoid double taxation?
On the other hand, either theft or embezzlement are criminal offences
Alfred, I have always believed that politicians are dishonest people. Look at all politians and dissect them, the finding will be that an element of dishonesty will be embedded in them. Don’t trust politicians. Those who went into politics with view to serve with clean hands have resigned queitly with no time. Look both leadership of Of and Upnd have problems with DISHONESTY we can’t run away from that. Dishonesty is a way of life to politicians. The only thing I would wish to see is changing government so very often so that at least leadership/stealing can be going around the Zambian citizenry as a way of sharing the national cake. Like you have rightly pointed the misgivings of PF in government the opposition HH is busy with offshore accounts quietly can’t even declare until you…
Ba under5 party, my advice to you is that you may not understand such complicated issues, so keep your traps shut lest you complicate things for under5, he is already in a bind with his attempt to cover up and sound innocent. Spare your under5 further anguish imwe ma ***Donkeys.
Please educate us instead of associating us to a Party that we have nothing to do with!!
I still respect her! She is calm, hard working and mature. UPND will never respect anyone in government! Only those from Namwala will be respected even if they burn infrastructure and displace people because of tribalism! The party and its cadres will still respect the culprits and deny that nothing happened.
Today you are Victor ..Sharon!!
Amadokis ma Under 5? They can’t understand basic stuff.
HaParadise _ Hagain?
The likes of Glencore and Zambia Sugar have literally short changing you for years …you have been docile..you hear that this HH is named in company you wake up…what folly.
Because he wants to be President. If he put his tail between his legs and just up, nobody would be interested in his offshore bs.
@ abilima
And yet you are worshiping CONVICTED embezzler?
She needsto get her rationale straightened: the Vice President said that investing in offshore accounts is usually synonymous with illicit acts.No! Offshore a counts are perfectly legitimate and acceptable inany countries
Thank you … I was wondering the VPs level of ignorance or her deliberate need to mislead people like Terrible who are so gullible and will accept anything coming from a PF stooge
It would have been a greater thing Had president Kaunda made education reform. HH and other Characters in The UPND and PF would not even be allowed to run for office. These clowns sold our mines. How are Zambians not upset about this.
How can they be upset when a convicted fraudstar who swindled a widow out of 36 pin is leading them ?
Mama Inonge is wise,only a fool will say she is wrong. We know this man hence reject him.HH has money we all agree,clean or dirty money we don’t care.people with questionable credentials should not be allowed to be presidents in Zambia.
America is asking its companies to return so taxes help it economic growth, while Zambians want tax evaders. What is wrong with Zambians?
By investing in havens that is how they have been able to grow their companies to sizes they have reached the problem with Zambians you are failing to see things beyond your Nose.
Why did American companies go to other countries? Is not because of higher taxes in the USA and cheap labor in other countries? How many countries will return?
…how many companies will return?
I fail to understand why tongas support any nonsense done by HH!!!this is being mad as no sane person can support somebody who avoid to pay tax.think for a second,imagine if 90% of Zambians decided to keep their money in tax heaven economies,HOW CAN OUR GOVNT COLLECT TAX TO PAY CIVIL SERVANTS,BUY MEDICINE,BUILD SCHOOLS,HOSPITALS,ETC?any Govnt seeks its citizen to keep money within so that it can be collecting taxes from their businesses to run a country!!SO WHAT HH DID AFTER STEALING OUR MONEY VIA PRIVATIZATION IS 100% WRONG!!!IF IT WAS IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES,HH CANT EVEN TRY TO TAKE PART IN FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS!!!but i believe Zambian voters will punish HH badly in 2021.privatization issues have haunted HH since 2006 and now that FACTS ARE AVAILABLE,HH WILL BE REJECTED BADLY IN…
Hahahahahaha….. As if you dont complain when your payslip is handed to you and you see how much income tax has been deducted from you… Worse off when you import something and you are looking for that contact from ZRA who can help you pay the least tax or that clearing agent who can help get things across the border cheaply…. Hypocrites!
Njimbu pf cadre you have finally realized that the tax was pay is what you id yots use to brag about government projects. So you desperately need our tax baiche, we have told you that you can’t do without us, by the way if the said foreign companies come back to invest in Zambian company, what’s the fuss all about?
He got it from Zambia badonki, and shipped it to Paradise.
It doesn’t matter Ms Wina , what HH has done is not illegal and plenty of other leaders around the world are in the same boat.
Maybe i misread but i thought resigned from that company six months after it was registerd . Does it say he still has accounts today.
Madam wina was complicit in the illegal/immoral actions that gave ECL the presidency in Kabwe.
Terrible, njimbu et al was it immoral or illegal. If it was not one then it was the other.
Soon we will have Swaswata mobile network for the great king.
Where is Khaliki? We could have been reading great satire of the main happenings in Zambialand.
As much as we think about HH being named in some paper, we constantly think about inflated price for Fire Trucks bought by PF government. Madam Wina, we are equally juding you and your government on that serious scandal. If it is in the western world madam Wina could have resigned on moral ground because it is considered unethical for a public officer to support daily robbery like in a case of fire tenders.
This use by date woman politician has been quiet on the killings of the innocent by PF. She has been quiet on the maize gate scandal. She has been quiet on the fire gate scandal. She has been quiet on the ambulance gate scandal. She has been quiet on the auditor general report. Now she wants to judge a hard working man who has been doing business. What an old hypocrite grand grand ma.
HH has caused too much pain to Zambians particularly in Copperbelt. I don’t believe that he will ever campaign freely in CB.
HH is self centered Tonga bull
He will given the selfishness in pf now.pf has killed itself when the pf crowd expelled CK and resurrection of mmd lusambo and the likes. It looks simple now, but wait and see, especially from 2019.That’s the time you will see that CB has ditched former pf.Bring him back unconditionally.How people or provinces celebrated when CK was overthrown in favor of the overthrow?It was only a few people, especially from true pf members.Those who jubilated where heavily bribed!!Fyenu ifyo ngatamumfwa!!!!!
John McDonnell calls on Queen to release financial records amid Paradise Papers TO DAY FRIDAY 10/11/2017
The Queen must open up her full financial records to the public in the wake of revelations about her investments in the Paradise Papers scandal, Labour has said.
In an exclusive interview with The Independent, Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said information that showed the Queen had invested millions in an offshore tax haven proved “the culture of tax-avoidance” has “permeated everywhere”.
He said the monarch’s advisers had badly embarrassed her, and in particular demanded an apology of the Tory cabinet minister ultimately responsible for overseeing her finances, Sir Patrick McLoughlin.
Mr McDonnell’s words came as he prepared to make a speech setting out how the Government…
Government may have lost out on £37bn from dividends in privatised companies – which he promised to nationalise in the first five years of a Labour government.
Queen’s investments are fully “audited and legitimate”, adding that she “voluntarily pays tax on any income she receives from the Duchy.”
But the Shadow Chancellor said: “It just demonstrates that there’s a culture that has been developed even amongst advisers to the Queen that this is acceptable.
“The whole culture needs to change and that’s what we’re challenging.”
Asked whether the Queen’s full financial records should be made public, Mr McDonnell told The Independent: “I publish my income tax returns, I think we should be open and transparent with everyone. Jeremy does the same. We expect Theresa May and Philip Hammond to…
do the same as well.”
Pressed again on the financial affairs of the Queen, whose officials do publish some tax data, he added: “I think we should have complete openness and transparency for everybody that level in society – yeah.
“It’s not a matter of forcing it, I do it voluntarily. We’ve said everyone earning over a million should publish their income tax. Why not?”
On a wider scale, Mr McDonnell said the overall revelations were “shocking” and said individuals have “got to realise their moral responsibilities” to pay for essential public services. “I think more and more people are beginning to recognise that there’s a strata of society that actually don’t accept their moral responsibilities.
“There will come a time in this debate when we will force through proper reforms. The…
issue we’ve been campaigning on for the last two years is to ensure the transparency of trusts – publication of beneficiaries.”
Elsewhere in the interview, the Shadow Chancellor also said that on Saturday he would deliver a speech at an economic conference in Lincoln, claiming that private companies have paid out £37bn in dividends to shareholders since 2010. He will say that the money could have been invested in public services as he restates Labour’s plan to nationalise key British utilities and infrastructure.
The Labour research – conducted in consultation with the independent House of Commons Library– shows that in 2017 privatised firms paid out a total of £4.8bn in dividends.
According to the analysis, since 2010 more than £10bn has been received by National Grid shareholders,…
You AMA Pepa, HH is smart in investing money. He got paid for his consultancy services just like your Sata got paid when his money was taken from him. Those who stole were in government like Lungu’s cadres who have invested in Arab countries. I have invested mine from hard work too.
I feel we are missing the bigger picture here. When you see your children start going to the neighbors house to have food, the sober response is not to scorn the children but rather find out what the neighbor is offering which you are not. When you see citizens start investing in other jurisdictions such as Bahamas, find out what those countries are doing to attract investment and learn from them. Agreeably, the Zambian tax system is so punitive that the only businesses that can thrive are those run by properly connected people. This is the reason the PF campaigned on the platform of lower taxes and many people bought into their ideas though the practice appears to be different from what they committed.
The other issue i want to bring out is that the Zambian political and business landscape is so hostile to the opposition and citizens (Zambian) especially those with divergent views to an extent that one risks loosing the hard earned money in a blink of an eye. Here the best example i can think of is the demise of the POST due to purported “failure” to settle tax obligations. If the tax system was citizen and business friendly, the post would still be thriving. We have other examples of businesses that have gone under due to political fixation. Where is late BY’s Chibote Group of Companies?, where is GBM’s Arizona? What has happened to Rajan’s finance bank (of course you will say its part of BankABC but i see it as a clever way of beating the system). Remember how RB repossessed…
I am not a sympathizer of HH and neither do i support immorality but i want to speculate that if HH had invested all his money in Zambia, i can certainly state that he would not have lasted this long in opposition because by now he would be broke. And its funny how we play double standards. Today we stand on an anthill asking HH who has never presided over the public resources and has traceable business acumen to account for his money and we are turning a blind eye to people presiding over the resources with unclear source of wealth, strange isn’t it? who is immoral between the two?
The launch of the petition by one under5 without accompanying evidence and expecting that to trigger the laying off of the President of a country and subsequent coup detat must surely rank as one of the biggest blunders in political strategy in the history of Zambia.
Surely the meticulous planning of this blunder must be the only explanation and criteria for that so called “Freedom Award”.
Because how else does one explain the obvious disdain for under5’s “self centred” motives by Stephen Sackur barely 4 days after he received the “award”. One would surely expect praises from Stephen Sackur and others in the west like they do to Nobel Peace Prize Winners. But instead to be labelled self centred?
Cargill are in the paradise papers and CARGILL and IDC are in partnership with projects and management so therefore the PF government is directly linked to a company that has been cited in the paradise papers expose.
Does the current govt know of this and has there been a check of their compliance with tax legislation since it has been in zambia since 2006.it recently purchased palm oil business of zambeef
I’m waching a bbc paradise papers leak, it’s all dirty which means Upnd god has stolen from us and hide the loot in Bermuda and Isle of man islands. To avoid arrest.check bbc now.
Terrible at 31 again your limited thinking capacity has gonevof on a tangent….you are obviously a government operative paid post inflammatory statements that the international community is sipposed to believe.
Terrible u are a new boy on the block the international community have been observing the press releases from zimbabwe and sth africa for years. Why do you reckon zimbabwe has sanctions if international community was listening to statements of paid operatives. You have no skills because u are too obvious. Get your handlers to retrain you
@41Masalamuso, you cannot even get your numbers correct, how do I know that I am dealing with someone who knows what he is talking about? How do I, Terrible, debate with such like characters, “know it all while knowing nothing” under5-like characters?
Idy ot i find your have a Facebook account i turn you into a pillar of salt, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, illovo,Glencore they are also in paradise, you holier-than-thou pf nzinini, list of businessmen Carlos slim, George soros, HH, mr morality terrible are you going to stop using Facebook?
Terrible if you are using Facebook, just know you are also in paradise, mr holier-than-thou pf cadre.
Part 111 of the Financial Intelligence act talks about prevention of money laundering activities terrorist Financing ad other serious offences including espionage HH HAS CLEARLY LAUNDERRED PRIVATISED MONEY HERE and the BIG DATA available indicates its from PRIVATISATION
Like the queen he can not prove source and domicile of those funds invested and at what rate the consultancy fees where consultancy fees are ………….% + or – of contract value otherwise they become a payment in KIND and must be subject to disclosure
He must be called to explain
By secretly investing offshore and under declaring his assets, HH is evading tax. Tax evasion is a crime. Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) and Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) should investigate this case. If found guilty, HH’s assets should be forfeited to the state, and he should face a jail sentence.
He and is his Granthornthon are a fraud You have fake partners in Nike Indians outright fraudsters some even held the helm of highest ZICA Others immediately left for Dubai and living large
A careful review of the consolidated fee Incomes or Net of fee incomes by principal source of income in Granthornton over a 30 year period can not explain the paradise See the fees on merger engagements such as implementation of infamous on SAP accounting package at revenue authority, ZCCM mutondo House “privatisation luanshya” engagement, Audit of PRP an Zesco audit fees combined and other smaller fee engagements on their statements See the Net worth of HH then and net the…
the paradise add the gross value of his animals, houses and farm.
That is why one consultant ZCCM , Corporate strategist , in luanshya and ZCCM board meetings describes HH as a fraud star who should be charged with highest treasonable charge He often catalogues him as the fraud of consultant he has ever worked with during his time as a mining strategist
His already known cash and bank equivalents outlives his economies above lognormal
The strategist catalogues how he schemed and made the paradise He is a fraud and leaving a fraud seeking cover and protection behind UPND to avoid scrutiny He dose not realise that he is banned to ever become a…
a Zambian President because people know He is a fraud and often referred that a classic case of failed Zambian Privatisation Programme man He undervalued those assets that should have been overvalued and impaired those that had life and bootstrapped the liabilities to simply cash in the fair values He had two different calculators ad failed to give reasonable basic evaluations to his employers to lead
Its was intentionally negligence and fraud well schemed to paradise
or review from 1987 Granthornton earnings and reinvestments and see the taxes and offshore reinvestments
Its all a scandal and fraud pointing to privatisation of companies It was all a song using these Kafue consortium , avim . binani and reap off to paradise
He is a confirmed fraud as confirmed by ZCCM loyalists, consultants, global mining consultants including IMF and World bank They traced the cash in hand to this paradise
The panama papers are linked to Satanism. The money is shared under water. They don’t drink coffee when sharing the money. They drink blood. Why do you think UPDN insists on red colours? It’s blood.
Be careful Zambians. The writing is on the wall.