Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Edgar Lungu arrives in Egypt for State Visit


President Edgar Lungu talks to Egyptian Agriculture Minister Abd Almnaem Albna on arrival at Cairo International Airport in Egypt
President Edgar Lungu talks to Egyptian Agriculture Minister Abd Almnaem Albna on arrival at Cairo International Airport in Egypt
President Edgar Lungu is in Cairo, Egypt for a three-day state visit at the invitation of his Egyptian counterpart President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

The plane carrying President Lungu touched down at Cairo International Airport at about 14:00 hours Zambian time.

President Lungu was welcomed by Egyptian Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Abdel Moneim El Banna , Minister of Foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba, Minister of Agriculture Dora Siliya, Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Margret Mwanakatwe, Zambia
Army Commander Lieutenant General Paul Mihova.

Zambian Ambassador to Egypt Major General Topply Lubaya and Egyptian Ambassador to Zambia Ragaai Tawfiq Said Nasr were also on hand to receive the President.

President Lungu is scheduled to hold bilateral talks with his counterpart President EL-SISI and sign a number of memoranda of Understanding and agreements which include tourism and Health.

The two Heads of State will then grace the Zambia, Egypt business council forum before visiting the Suez Cannel fisheries Establishment.

President Lungu is also scheduled to tour the Arab Industrial Park, an economic zone as well as learn how the tourism sector is flourishing in Egypt.


And Zambia’s Ambassador to Egypt Major General Topply Lubaya has confirmed that President Lungu is also expected to grace the Zambia-Egypt business council before visiting the Suez Cannel fisheries establishment.


General Lubaya says President Lungu is scheduled to hold bilateral talks with President EL-SISI and sign a number of MoU’s and agreements which include tourism, youth sports and Health.


He said Zambia and Egypt enjoy warm bilateral relations which will be further strengthened by President Lungu’s visit.


General Lubaya adds that the two heads of state will also grace the Zambia-Egypt business council before visiting the Suez Cannel fisheries establishment.


President Lungu is also scheduled to visit the Arab Industrial Authority and the economic industrial zone as well as learn how the tourism sector is flourishing in Egypt.

The Head of State will then meet Zambians living in Egypt before concluding his official business.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu shares a light moment with the Vice-President Mrs Inonge Wina at Kenneth Kaunda International airport before he left for Cairo, Egypt for a three day working visit at the invitation of his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house 14-11-2017.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu shares a light moment with the Vice-President Mrs Inonge Wina at Kenneth Kaunda International airport before he left for Cairo, Egypt for a three day working visit at the invitation of his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house 14-11-2017.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu shares a light moment with the Vice-President Mrs Inonge Wina at Kenneth Kaunda International airport before he left for Cairo, Egypt for a three day working visit at the invitation of his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house 14-11-2017.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu shares a light moment with the Vice-President Mrs Inonge Wina at Kenneth Kaunda International airport before he left for Cairo, Egypt for a three day working visit at the invitation of his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house 14-11-2017.
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Egyptian Agriculture Minister Abd Almnaem Albna on arrival at Cairo International Airport in Egypt
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Egyptian Agriculture Minister Abd Almnaem Albna on arrival at Cairo International Airport in Egypt
President Edgar Lungu receives a bouquet of flowers from 10 year old Mutinta Hambulo on arrival at Cairo International Airport in Egypt
President Edgar Lungu receives a bouquet of flowers from 10 year old Mutinta Hambulo on arrival at Cairo International Airport in Egypt


    • but why does he look down like that. thats not humbleness bupuba ubu nomba. a minister look more convicted than this our president. what nonsense is this ba edgar. keep your head up muletusebanya!!!!

    • @Nostradamus
      You are talking about us friends of Edgar! I have just spoken to him, he is addicted to flying, its not deliberate he can’t help it but he is looking for medicine ,, medicine from luapula didn’t help him,,,and he says its also assisted corruption not corruption, for now he is not guilty

    • He thinks by looking on the ground and pretending to be shy ..looks humble or he thinks he is in India…really laughable this lazy clown is!!

    • I dont understand these negative voting if someone is merely wishing a safe trip, do you want him to have a worst trip ever, I thought we just had a day of national prayers and reconciliation ?awe sure, things are changing pa zed.

    • The nonsense of dance at the airport should stop come on we are in 21st century?? Lungu your mentor is gone so cut your trip short. Also rethink about your 2021 bid. For your family to live in peace, don’t even try coz you will be chased like Mugabe’s. Leave a legacy than being forced to vacate the seat..

    • My brother, Zambia is living through wasted years.Totally wasted years under a cluessless person. That demeanour on arrival at Cairo makes me cringe as it reflects someone totally uncomfortable in his skin. Sad that elections are still very far away. We need confidence and sharpness in that office compared to the timid meagre, and incompetent shame that is occupying it.

  1. They even sent a minister of agriculture to welcome him. But when any president visits Zambia, Edgar runs to the airport to greet them. He should learn from these trips.

  2. Looking down like that is a sign of having no confidence in yourself. Putting oneself down as if you are below others and you want their help….. true or not true , body language experts ?

    • That is a trick lungu employs to brainwash PF kaponya supporters ati he is humble…not knowing he is only thinking of corruption and his bank account.. ..

    • Nevermind him Lazy tin was so so eager to fly at 30,000 feet …he forgot he was going to Egypt and thought he landed in India hence the Hindu gestures!!

    • The humble cowering trick he uses all the time , the other trick he uses is the bible in his back pocket ready to call for national prayers when things get hot…..

  3. Lungu has gotten addicted to official pomp & colour at KKIA ceremonies,the challenger jet and official state banquets.
    Now lets see him try to enjoy the bare bone poor man’s version of all these in Misisi and Chibloya.

  4. You see how other governments save money….no caders at the airport with women dancing and a line civil servant lining up to shake hands….poor el; just a minister of agriculture not even VP!

  5. See how these Arabs have done it.. it takes a huge amount of national resources for the president to travel to airport to welcome a president, ie security, fuel, protocol officials, etc etc, instead it costs the tax payer less for a Minister to go to the airport.

    I’m not saying Egypt is well run at the moment, but can we pay attention and start inculcating a culture of financial prudence and accountability when it comes to public resources..

    Imprudence and a lack of accountability are issues that future generations will quote from our period and say we did extremely poorly in this area.

    Anyway Bwana Lungu enjoy your Egyptian adventure and may it prove productive to the Zambian economy.

    • You just wait till that Airport with the dedicated VIP lounge area is completed…this lazy tin and his cadres will be going to the airport at 8:00 waiting a vistor’s arrival at 17:00hrs.

  6. Hmm I thought Mwanakatwe (RB MMD) had her seat disallowed in Lusaka central? And I thought Dora (RB MMD) was out for corruption some time back when there was that honest hardworking guy around… what was his name… SATA! Maybe Egypt has some spare radar systems to sell for strange prices in private meetings

    • Have you noticed that when Lazy Lungu flies with those ladies he never takes Old Hen Ester…watch this will read that she is in some far place Western Province donating maize meal and cash to villagers

  7. @spaka like lilo:
    Whatever is happening in Zimbabwe shall never happen in Zambia!!!our men in uniform are very happy and respect elected leaders!!!your HH will cry,cry until he releases blood from his eyes but still our soldiers wont do what those in Zimbabwe are doing!!Mugabe is a dictator like upnd’s HH so he deserves what has happened to him now as he thinks that Zimbabwe is his farm!!

    • Lungu is a student of Mugabe.. ..i hope he learns and does not try to manipulate the constitution to run another term.. …

  8. Why is an army commander with them. State vusit means head of state meets greets visiting head of state
    Njimbu its 2 am wed zambian time army has tanks in harare and shots have been heard
    The old guard of your sister party the zanupf have had enough of being infiltrated from within by those that didnt form or fight for the party
    Njimbu does it sound familiar to you. What was the coincidence of angola and zim envoys meeting ecl. Maybe we will know in the next day or 2.

  9. Some education for our ignorant U.P.NDonkey friends who have never governed and cannot learn from those who have;
    1. Different countries in the world have different protocols for receiving foreign VIPs. In Egypt, Angola etc etc the President receives his guests at the State House. The airport reception is a courtesy and not official reception.
    2. President Lungu flew to the KKIA fron state house. It’s actually cheaper and more convenient to do so than to disrupt traffic in the congested Lusaka roads.
    3. This is a visit that was originally postponed due to a terrorist incident in Egypt so the caring host President al Siisi asked his counterpart President Lungu to reschedule the state visit.
    4. President Lubgu IS the President of Zambia, otherwise it would have under5 paying the state…

  10. …the state visit.
    6. Have you read what the outgoing US Ambassador wrote about Zambia, its democracy, and its President? Exactly what Stephen Sackur said.

    Awe ifwe tulepepa ati ba Lesa ba basendefye umutende ba under5 (also known as “dead petition”), not ifi balesabaila and going through a slow, painful death.

  11. And for what reason would Zambia Army overthrow their Commander in Chief President Edgar Chagwa Lungu? The more likely scenario is military tanks surrounding under5 residence and leading under5 to the Guard Room ku nyowa, earlier in the year it was a group of policemen which led him to Chimbokaila…….kikikikikikikiki…. latest I hear under5 has fled to Paradise City to seek asylum…..kikikikikiki

  12. The President is in Egypt to “learn how tourism has flourished there.” My foot! My foot! My foot! There are a lot of intelligent Zambians who can put their heads together and come up with ideas of boosting tourism in Zambia. Did he have to fly thousands of miles to go learn that really? This regime is so wasteful

  13. How come invited by another head of state but ur welcomed by majority of ur own delegation, owm ministers and ur own army commander. Did u invite urself? Oh dear me!

  14. Terrible yoir handlers have got you for the morning shift after njimbu logged off.
    Good to see that helicopterscare cheaper than motor vehicles, i suppose that the presidential cavalcade will now be replaced by helicopters because they are cheaper to run and are less likely to be run off the road. Good thinking terruble to save taxpayers money,where does anybody say army overthrowing ecl.. think that is a Freudian slip.
    So the intelligence community has thought this possible. Thsnks for the thougts of the inner sanctum. Oh andvyour intimate knowledge of protocol. By way unless you are missing a finger after 4 comes 5 not six. Count them again to make sure. Alzheimers must have set in i keep telling you i do not follow upnd. put full statement of shultz

  15. Some amazing facts about President Lungu’s visit to Egypt.
    1. He has the largest advance party. This will definitely syphon the hard earned tax payers money.
    2. He is not received by the Egyptian president. If it was Trump or Zuma, he could have found his way to the airport.
    3. He receives flowers from a young Zambian living in Egypt. The common practice is to receive flowers from the indigenous child from the country you are visiting as a symbol of welcome.

  16. Minister of Agriculture, shows where Egypt has put you, Ba Lungu!

    The rest is up to you to judge, ukusulwa big time!

    At home, same same…

  17. The Egypt visit episode is just an illustration of many other trips that have gone by. Unnecessary, wasteful and a clear indication of how this government runs away from real work. “To sign a MOU, learn about tourism and see some fish?”. Yet he is accompanied by so-called agricultural and commerce ministers. What is the army commander doing there? To add further insult, he is received by an agriculture minister. That is how, protocol wise, they regard him and ‘attach importance’ to his ‘State visit’.

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