Thursday, September 12, 2024

HIV, Malaria vaccine trials approved


The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved the trial of an HIV vaccine and Malaria control to be undertaken by the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) and Macha Research Trust respectively.

NBA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lackson Tonga said the permit granted to CIDRZ is for conducting research trials on the safety and immunogenicity of HVTN 120/ALVAC in Lusaka while, the malaria control will be done at Macha Research Trust, Choma in Southern Province.

In a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday by NBA Communications Officer Sandra Lombe, Mr. Tonga said his authority approved the permits following the two applicants meeting the required set standards tabulated in section 18 of the Biosafety Act No. 7 of 2007.

“The NBA Board, during the 4th quarter meeting for the year 2017, approved the permit application for CIDRZ. The vaccine trials will be conducted in Matero, Lusaka and the permit is valid for three years,” said Mr. Tonga

He said CIDRZ’s Phase 1 clinical trial will evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the genetically modified vaccine ALVAC-HIV (vCP2438) in healthy HIV-uninfected adult participants.

Mr. Tonga further stated that the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the NBA met in August last year and was satisfied after reviewing the application as having met the expected safety threshold demanded by collaborating partners such as Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority and the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee.

He said Macha Research Trust will carry out research in a contained facility at the Research Trust on Malaria control prospects with engineered symbiotic bacteria from mosquitoes.

Mr. Tonga further noted that the Authority had reviewed all applications it had received in 2017 and those that met the required guidelines and standards had been issued with permits while, others had been requested to submit further details to allow for thorough risk assessment.


    • Sondashi will have to sell his patent to Big Western Pharma for a few bronze who will package it then apply for a swift approval from NBA. We have too many brainwashed people in our society!!

    • You are blind how can you see the light…the same monster who created the disease comes back and says I have a vaccine and you rejoice.
      Wake up and study about self…wake up from your docility!!

    • You are already lab John Whites …the fact of the matter is they dont want you population to increase if they wanted an HIV vacine would have been on the shelves long ago…like Ebola, the minute some white person got it in the US the quickly found a vaccine, if it only affected us we will still be dying today.

  1. But the question are who are the manufacturer of this vaccine and what interest do they have out of the countries just to come and carry these trials in Zambia? why didnt they carry these trials in their countries? we know there have been many cases where the these monopoly companies cant do clinical trials theirs countries bcoz these trials are not safe they choose poor countries where humans dont count, Africa woke up. Do your own research and go and conduct clinical trials in western countries if you will get it. Can you give us more details, we want to know who is sponsoring these clinical trials.

  2. Who is the manufacturer of these selfsame vaccines? Africans should be very cautious of the medicines…rich Westerns dont like you when are you going to get that through your heads, you give your people these drugs and you see them have fertility issues as set effects….surely why would anyone take a Malaria vaccine?
    Your own Scientists like Sondashi have pending patents but National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has ignored them…this is the same way this NBA will be approving legalised marijuana painkillers from big pharma when it was right at our door step.

    Wake up!!

    • Get your facts right you jay Jay chatter box…Sondashi is not a scientist. He has just picked up a few herbs which he learned from traditional folklore…that’s guesswork

    • Who is a Scientist then…why do you look down on herbs where do you think they white dust-coat scientists get their ingredients


  4. The first brain that was washed was done by Hazaluza Hagain on a tribesman. Many more from the clan followed. They are so washed that today they act as parrots to whatever the evil man says, it is okay in their kingdom!

  5. And you get angry when Trump call you s***hole countries. You accept any vaccine trials on your people when you have been warned several times that these vaccines have fatal ingredients in them. When thousands of people die, all they’ll say is simple Sorry!

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