Saturday, July 27, 2024

Man 49 goes in for 15 years for murdering wife


The High Court siting in Mansa has sentenced a 49 year old man of Chamalawa Village of Chief Mabumba in Mansa to 15 years with hard labour for manslaughter.

Before High Court Judge Mary Mulanda was Alick Malama who pleaded guilty to one count of Manslaughter contrary to section 199 of the penal code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

This was in a matter committed to the High Court for trial by the subordinate court of the first class for the Mansa District.

Facts before the courts where that, the accused did cause the death of his wife Mable Mulumbe who he brutally beat up and fled when he visited her at Mundolo Village on 17 September 2017. It was then than Mulumbe was later taken to her mother’s house in same area by concerned community Members where her wounds were nursed until she died three days later.

In mitigation the accused pleaded with the court to be lenient as he was a first offender and that he did not waste the time of the court in the matter.

But in passing judgment Judge Mulanda said she heard all that the accused said in mitigation but sentenced the accused to 15 years imprisonment with hard labour.


    • Lusakatimes please, spare us the embarrassment for once. MURDER in the headline, MANSLAUGHTER in the text. Do you guys even know which side of your face is your nose?

  1. So if you do not waste the courts time, no matter what crime you committed the court should be lenient with you. The sentence is very short.

    • He will still be strong when he comes out. Sentence is too short especially that the act was likely to have been planned.

    • The sentence has a minimum and maximum so the presiding judge can choose within this range. But women judges like to go for the maximum especially if you killed a wife.

  2. Rev sumaili you should be concerned with this and not divorce. Please encourage people to walk away if not happy. Churches marriage should not be for better for worse. It should be till happiness finishes.

  3. The difference is age of the Accused at 49, in this case the man is jailed for 15yrs because he never voted for us in 2016 but the other one is 6yrs cos he voted for us and we expect him in 2026 to vote for us again

  4. This is where religious minister can shine. encourage people to divorce and not to say for better or for worse such manners should come to an end. a man or woman should not be hooked to someone she/he does not love anymore. just part company kwasila. that way we shall save lives.

  5. “In mitigation the accused pleaded with the court to be lenient as he was a first offender and that he did not waste the time of the court in the matter” This is the most stupid statement I always hear from brutal individuals. After the law catches up with you, you want to hide behind the 1st offender stupid thing. You killed a person and you rot in jail. You should have just let that person go in peace instead of brutally battering her.

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