Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia is in a crisis-Dr Sishuwa


Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.

Respected Academic Sishuwa Sishuwa has charged that Zambia is facing a major crisis.

Dr Sishuwa said the country has 60% unemployment with 70% of its population living in poverty.

He said the crisis in Zambia is also demonstrated by the extreme and generally uneven distribution of resources.

Dr Sishuwa who was trained at Oxford University in the U.K and now teaches at the University of Zambia said the high borrowing trends by government are signs of crisis.

He was speaking on Tuesday during a public discussion in Lusaka organised by the Oasis Forum at Kapingila House on the topic; Is Zambia In a Crisis?

Dr Sishuwa also charged that Zambia has an impoverished and useless middle only fit for hire by those with money.

The Academic observed that the nature of Zambian crisis started in 1980s but that it is the degree at which the country is degenerating that is worrying.

He stated that the social divisions emerging from the 2016 elections are a consequence of ineffective and inept government.

He observed that Zambia is in a crisis because most public institutions are deteriorating rapidly.

Dr Sishuwa expressed concern that key institutions of governance have weakened and that the civil society has being bought by the ruling elite.

He said the country has political party cadres who are beating policemen which is a sign of lawlessness.
At the same event, political commentator Laura Miti charged that says Zambia’s main crisis is accountability.
She said public accountability is almost nonexistent in Zambia.

Ms. Miti said those in power are preoccupied with clinging to power and that they think they do not have to account to their electorates.

She said Zambians are not angry enough to demand what rightfully theirs arguing that Zambians need a critical mass movement.

Ms. Miti said Zambians must be angry not with those in power but with that they are doing with that power.

Ms. Miti said Zambians today know more about 2021 than the real issues affecting them.

And Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection Director Fr. Emmanuel Mumba said the failure to correct the mismanagement of public resources year after year is a sign that Zambia is in a crisis.

Fr Mumba said the Basic Needs Basket has for the first time hit K5, 000 for a family of six which is also a sign that Zambia is in a crisis.

And ruling PF Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza said the fact that citizens are able to meet and discuss in that manner means that Zambia is not in a crisis.

Mr Mwanza said for the first time, Zambia has a minimum wage to help poor labourers live a decent life.

Mr. Mwanza said government is committed to improving agriculture by improving the performance of the E-voucher programme.

He said the country has 88 operational private and commercial radio stations adding that people are free to call in and say anything.

Mr Mwanza charged that the civil Society thrives on crisis which they use to write proposals.

At this point, the PF Deputy Media Director was booed off the podium by an audience which comprised mainly civil society actors and ordinary citizens.

Mostly those in attendance said they do not agree with Mr. Mwanza’s arguments that Zambia is not in a crisis. 

The audience also had prominent personalities such State House Spokesperson Amos Chanda, PF Media Director Sunday Chanda, NGOCC Executive Director Engwase Mwale and Water Aid Country Manager Pamela Chisanga.

At the same function, Law Association of Zambia President Linda Kasonde launched a new logo for the Oasis Forum and declared that “Watch Out” in closing the public panel discussion.

Ms. Kasonde said the consensus was that Zambia has a crisis of public accountability, a lack of citizen participation and poverty of leadership and that there is need to do something about it.

Dr Sishuwa Sishuwa taking some notes during a public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening
Dr Sishuwa Sishuwa taking some notes during a public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening
Panelists during a public discussion organsied by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Panelists during a public discussion organsied by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.
Members of the audience that attended the public discussion organized by the Oasis Forum in Lusaka on Tuesday evening.


    • It is not rocket science to see that Edgar Lungu has failed and is leading all of us to a cliff. Corruption, poverty, disease, unemployment and hopelessness has never been this high in this country as is now

    • Truly there is loss of innocence from the elite in Zambia. A luck of accountability has led to the decline of all institutions in the land that are tasked with service delivery. Booing of the PF member is yet another sign among the many even from within that party that have been expressed by the citizens. UNIP, MMD all ignored the masses and their downfall is such that they will never rise again…PF will never listen to us, paper trail will catch up with them…

    • Zambia is not in crisis, it’s PF which is in crisis. Where is their logo of a canoe? What is ubwato for in PF. Nothing make sense even that fist, what’s fist for these days?
      Change the PF logo too.

    • There is a serious lack of accountability, when they say 5million United States Dollars or K50million went to so and so ministry it just ends there, we are not told how this money was spent! You’ll hear that of the K50million kwacha the same ministry bought 20 Latest Hilux Luxury SUVs at a cost of K500 thousand each (that’s a total of K1million already spent on nonsense) the rest goes to paying salaries, wages and allwances of which the lions share goes to the Minister, his Deputy and 2 PS’s! What nonsense!!!

    • @Nostradamus
      True zambia is not in a criss,,PF is in a drank criss! Imagine having a drank driver in a criss driving a buss with passengers,,,,,

    • I was very happy to see Sishuwa yesterday and to hear him speak in first person. I used to think he is an old man; kanshi he is just a wise young man. My female colleague and hero Laura Miti was as usual fantastic. For me she is one of Zambia’s modern day freedom fighters. Even Antonio Mwanza was not bad though he sometimes came out as arrogant. By the way, how did Mwanza end up on the panel of speakers instead of Bernadette Deka? Anyway, thumbs up to the Oasis Forum. We need more of such talks

    • The tragedy is that even the opposition are only pre-occupied with clinging to their respective “powers”. No one is willing to have new ideas and new more enlightened hands to take the helm no matter how many times the masses reject them. No freshness can be expected even when they come to power…if they ever will. The other tragedy is they keep recycling from on party to on other no new idea flows what so ever. Its really sad

    • When a leader stands up in public and says, ubomba mwibala alya mwibala, Just know that its a failed state, Simple Zambia needs help NOW. Whoever voted for EL should hold their heads in shame.

    • Meanwhile the utterly lazy thing in State House has declared 4 day holiday ..when other countries are trying to hit their targets as the Financial year comes to an end.

    • The situation is reaching a breaking point. Hunger and poverty could finally come to our rescue, by imposing sanity on us, thus helping us to think and reason.

    • We have people that only see crisis…gloom and doom. They dont know HOPE. Just well bent on negativity. Lungu is not my favorite but some silly broke so called academia can only see crisis. Come on now.Sishuwa please find something better to do

    • “the country has 60% unemployment with 70% of its population living in poverty” – The Doctor should give us a summary of his report to substantiate these claims. This will enable us participate intelligently.


    • Arnold – If you can not participate with the information above surely how can you engage if in-depth info was provided.

    • @Arnold

      Zambia is also ranked number three in the world as the hungriest nation. It sits at the bottom rung of the world’s failed states, like Somalia, South Sudan, DRC, Chad, Afghanistan, etc. Yet the country enjoys relative peace, has abundant natural resources. But its cursed with mediocre leadership. Only in Zambia you will find a dedicated career thief being happily elected president. The depressing stats above consequently become inevitable, naturally.

    • Just a bunch of lazy basta1ds sitting there wanting to create a crisis out of nothing. I have visited Zambia 3 times in the last 2 years and every time all I am seeing are impressive improvements.

      And for the Jesuit Fathers, we know which side of your bread is buttered and yours is nothing but a highly organized spy mechanism hell bent on creating crisis so you have increased funding from the Catholic Charities at the Vatican.

      You and your Franciscan Sisters are the most lethal undercover agents the world has ever seen and you are being warned ~ your ways and trails are not easy to follow but despite your sophistication, our smart intelligence officers have their eyes on you.

      You will be exposed so stop it … just stop it and please don’t plunge the most celebrated democracy on…

    • Continued…

      You will be exposed so stop it … just stop it and please don’t plunge the most celebrated democracy on the continent into a fireball for your own monetary objectives and blood thirst rituals, we not oblivious to your schemes.

      Here are the facts:

      1. According to the United States State Department, Zambia is the strongest democracy in Africa, a sign of stability not a crisis.

      2. According to Moody, Standard & Poors, Fitch all respected Clearing Houses for international credit rating give the smart people a stable outlook, a sign of stability not a crisis.

      3. The Brookings Institute ranked Zambia a smart choice of Foreign Direct Investment, one of the best three on the entire continent a sign of stability not a crisis.

      4. Inflation has been lowest in Zambia…

    • Continued…

      4. Inflation has been lowest in Zambia down to the single digits since 1979 in the last 5 years a sign of stability not a crisis.

      5. For the first time since 1996, interest rates are going down, meaning the cost of long term credit facilities within the country is improving, in the short term it means the cost of capital is being leveraged and local manufacturing grows on the cost of local capital, a sign of stability not a crisis.

      6. The US Government has built the largest Embassy in Africa in Lusaka and placed regional ambassadors under the Lusaka directorate a sign of stability not a crisis.

      7. The Chinese Government are building the first branch of their Central Bank in Africa in Lusaka a sign of stability not crisis.

      8. For the first time since 2000 the…

    • Continued…

      8. For the first time since 2000 the CBO Report shows that the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise now have a much higher disposable income than before. That’s the reason you are seeing all these new malls being built because consumption is increasing another sign of stability not a crisis.

      9. Despite not having our own national airline at the moment, tourist visitors to Zambia have increased beating Zimbabwe and Malawi combined for the first since independence, that’s stability not a sign of a crisis.

      10. Nearly 20,000 people fled their homes in DRC and could have gone elsewhere in Africa but chose Zambia another sign of stability not a crisis.

      11. The Professor sounds like another guy I know pulling numbers out of his as**** and cannot substantiate them. All…

    • Continued…

      All the info above here can be verified, I ask him to give us his sources; another sign of stability not a crisis because in a crisis you have no time to verify anything.

      Why does the Microplus Group of Companies have all this data and more? Because we are getting ready to invest billions of dollars in various sectors of the Zambian Enterprise and we have done our own homework.

      Are there problems among the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise? You bet there are!!! Can we do better??? Heck yeah!!! Is there corruption and/or allegations thereof??? You betcha!!!

      But none of these point to a crisis, this was a gathering of lazy basta1ds with nothing better to do. If these attendees had just turned their negative energy into innovation, investment, creativity and…

    • Continued…

      If these attendees had just turned their negative energy into innovation, investment, creativity and self improvement, their net response would have contributed more to our Gross National Product than this nonsense.

      On January 20, 1961, John F Kennedy move not only America but the entire world when he said and I quote “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. End of quote.

      The majority of people who usually gather for such nonsense are people with nothing under their sleeves just looking for what their country can do for them. The dynamics need to change, even here at Lusaka Times.

      We need a paradigm shift!!! No single country has held World dominance for ever but to do so its citizenry takes the lead but contributing…

    • Continued…

      We need a paradigm shift!!! No single country has held World dominance for ever but to do so its citizenry takes the lead but contributing personally, working hard to create posterity.

      In the 1st Century the Romans ruled the world, the 5th Century the Greeks took over, in the 10th Century the Spaniards took over and ruled the longest until the 18th Century when the British took over and declared themselves as the United Kingdom of Great Britain … by the way there’s nothing great about UK.

      But in the 19th Century and towards the 21st, the United States Of America is King. When the American empire is gone, wouldn’t you want Zambia to rule the world, even if it’s ten centuries in the future?

      With f0000lish gatherings like this, my pessimism tells me, not a million…

    • Continued…

      With f0000lish gatherings like this, my pessimism tells me, not a million years but the optimism in me says, heck yeah!!! Stop creating something out of nothing here. There’s no crisis in Zambia, only manageable problems.

      Let’s roll … Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us ~ B R Mumba, Sr

    • I am sorry why do random characters just spring up from nowhere and start making crazy utterances. Gullibles even give such a guy an audience. I don’t care if the guy is from Oxford, Harvard or MIT. Zambia has been in a crisis since Lungu came on the scene without a vision or agenda. Now we have a chap coming on the scene telling us what we already know! It would help if he came up to tell us that he was dislodging the man without a vision! Dr Sishuwa is no better than the country he has suddenly realised is in a crisis!

    • Well cited. Though what do we do to correct or come out of this crisis. Its only we Zambians who should find solutions to this. Why fall short of just telling our leaders that they have failed and some should resign.

    • @Ba Zambian Citizen … Endita mukwai.

      In fact I should have added another point to this.

      12. The Russian Government working with the International Atomic Energy Agency are building the first nuclear plant in Africa in Zambia. The IAEA doesn’t sanction such projects in countries with instability … another sign of stability not a crisis.

      There you have it … I challenge any of those attendees to constructive debunk any of the above with facts and intellectual honesty not the hallucinations we have gotten used to.

      Times is long gone for useless group think and wanting to contribute to national development only using politics.

      The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise are above that and each one of us need to start contributing using our stations not wait until we are at…

    • Continued…

      The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise are above that and each one of us need to start contributing using our stations not wait until we are at State House and run this country together collectively.

      There can only be one president at any given time; the next elections are 2021 and right now whether we like him or not that man is Edgar Chagwa Lungu and he needs our support.

      When times comes if his ineptitude prevails, we get the privilege to remove him and put someone else. That’s the beauty of living in a democracy as opposed to a monarchy.

      We can always get rid of bad apples and if the bad apple is the people’s choice we live with it until we can constitutionally change to the next one.

      In the meantime, we don’t stop developing our country, we don’t…

    • Continued…

      In the meantime, we don’t stop developing our country, we don’t become anarchists because that’s unpatriotic and if we don’t get the leaders we want shame on us because “We The People” run our own destiny with the choices we make.

      That’s the Civics of Presidential politics whether we like it or not. So, every Zambian who wants to point what a bad deal we have with one finger, four other fingers are pointing back at you asking what you didn’t do right to end up with the choice you now have.

      Channel your energy into positivity and you will always have better outcomes ~ B R Mumba, Sr … in other words, learn to turn your lemons into lemonade.

    • What crisis you idi.ots? How come its just these desperate tribalists from the southern province party, undp facing the do called crisis? Dont be lazy expecting handouts.Mwanya yaminyokolani njala and 2021 you are lozing again.

  1. The country is doing very well but there is room for improvement. At economic level, inflation is low, balance of trade is stable, energy supply is also stabilizing. A cash crisis in unheard of in the country. At political level, political parties are canvassing freely. Universities are reopening because cholera has been brought under control. It is clear the country is working, albeit below full capacity. The habit of pouring plenty of scorn on the country is unjustified. What is needed is a culture of problem solving. If the fire engine is broken, then report the matter to competent authorities. Employment creation is better served by supporting infrastructure, including roads and reliable energy. Remember to choose the political party with the best manifesto.

    • Well said DOCTOR KASONDE! But how come this dr sishuwa is coming out like that? And accountability does not need a MASS MOVEMENT. The Oasis F should go and seek audience with govt about their conclusions from their gathering and stop in-sighting the masses that because the minimum wage is below K5,000 then zambia is in crisis. ZAMBIA’S CIRCUMSTANCES ARE VERY DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF ZIMBABWE, S.AFRICA, ETHIOPIA AND DRC. So stop being opportunistic and face our problems together.

  2. Zambia is not in crisis. it is the mind set of the people who want everything done by the Government. Put them in power those how are saying Zambia is in crisis they will do nothing but enrich themselves. there is too much talk in Zambia than Action. Faith without works is dead. Talk without Action is dead

  3. I was very happy to see Sishuwa yesterday and to hear him speak in first person. I used to think he is an old man; kanshi he is just a wise young man. My female colleague and hero Laura Miti was as usual fantastic. For me she is one of Zambia’s modern day freedom fighters. Even Antonio Mwanza was not bad though he sometimes came out as arrogant. By the way, how did Mwanza end up on the panel of speakers instead of Bernadette Deka? Anyway, thumbs up to the Oasis Forum. We need more of such talks.

    • These are just use.less job seeking undp cadres. The so called crisis only exists in the minds of these use.less and lazy bums expectibg hand outs.

  4. The dogma ‘crisis’ could be a figment in the minds of people with hidden agendas. Otherwise government is trying to change things for the better. Yes accountability is missing in most government systems but the Auditor General’s reports and the new Act on financial what what could address this deficit. People, no need to be so pessimistic, you only live once and for once show your patriotism by working hard in what you are required to do in order to bring about meaningful change in your country!

    • YES indeed they are trying to mkake things better. By buying scania fire trucks at 42million dollars and giving all contracts to chinese and pf members.
      How can you look at such blatant theft and say “they are trying”. probably because you are not feeling the suffering of our brothers in kanyama, and other slams or in the rural areas . You don’t see the thousands of women who have to give birth in mud huts because of no health facilities
      or the ones that die in child birth . Or the thousands of children who cannot go to school

    • @Barabus: This ‘hidden’ agenda unfortunately is well known. These people, most of them from the Oasis Forum, are well known characters who made names for themselves fighting FTJ’s third term bid. When their champion Levy died and power changed hands, they were left out and are desparate to take it back with a “user friendly” president they can control. These characters were ringleaders in Fred M’membe’s post newspaper and have now grouped up behind hh and are doing everything to make PF look bad at every opportunity. Which public institutions have deteriorated?? Total hogwash being perpetrated by bitter people who ended up on the losing side. You are spot on, Brabus.

    • Damn, why is this guy always suspicious of something happening behind the scenes. It’s always either the imperialist is behind this and that, or he heard this and that bla…bla…
      If this was a hidden agenda, do you think your real VP Amos Chanda would have attended this function, really? Nope, both PF Media Director Sunday Chanda and Amos “Real VP” Chanda knew why they were attending. It’s just that some people are myopic and I think its good that they attended and got informed about what the real people are saying about the current state in Zambia. 60% unemployment with 70% of its population living in poverty??? Think about it. What is scary is the rate at which gaps are widening. So is it a hidden agenda to say these facts?

  5. Well lets look at it:
    1. We have a balooning debt that has the IMF refusing to lend us money
    2.We have gross mismanagement of public resources
    3. We have wholesale handover of prime land to Chinese
    4. All major GRZ contracts go to the Chinese
    5. The “digital migration” has been a scandal and disaster
    6. We have government officials implicated in the illegal trade of Mukula
    7. We have breach of government procedure in handling proceeds of Mukula. instead of remitting to control account 99 as per constitution, we don’t know where the money went
    8. Opposition parties are not allowed to hold public meetings
    9. Auditor general reveals an alarming misuse of public funds but no action against perpetrators
    10. We can buy a useless fire truck for 1million dollars and then insure it…

  6. insure it for 25thousand.
    11. We can buy ambulances for 300thousand from an unknown supplier when a reputed supplier like toyota quoted us at 70thousand

    12. We have the CEO of the ruling party- Davies Mwila- on record encouraging PF ward councillors to share plots in their wards
    13. We have independent media houses harassed or closed down for criticising PF.

    No no no, I wouldn’t call that a crisis at all. it’s all good

  7. 14. We have a President who complains that people say he is corrupt when in actual facts it’s the “controlling officers” in civil service. So who is the head of government? We see no action taken against the so called “controlling officers”. no one is fired no one is prosecuted. it’s business as usual.
    15. We state capture by AVIC international
    16. We have a man who is desperate to hold on to power beyond his limit. A man who even threatens the constitutional court if they rule against him
    16. We have a private lawyer Mosho, threatening the chief justice in the case of the post
    17. We have a compromised high court judge disregarding an instruction from the chief justice to recuse himself from handling the post liquidation.

    like I said, no crisis here.

  8. LT why are you not reporting on police flooding luwanshya on Saturday to block CK addressing his constituents who he represents ???

    • LT your silence on such and other issues of pf police violence like in sinda speak louder then your open support for PF…..

    • That was a lie by the Mast naimwe! Saturday most areas in Luanshya were flooded and authorities were busy finding alternative routes to reach certain locations which were cut off from others. No one saw these policemen you’re talking about. How about 108 teachers at kabulonga boys who are Tonga who have been victimized by PF? I’m sure you’ll believe it.

    • Ndanje

      Yes I believe the victimisation of teachers like I be live the lying chanda about a pf supporter being killed in lilayi by UPND…

    • Spaka like .tole……have u heard that 20 million tongas in Monze have been killed by Chishimba Kabwili.

  9. Antonio Yamunyoko Ngala should swap his wages with that of labourer to understand what it means when people rightly say the country is in a crisis .You cannot have a country were the police and ACC are being used to bully selected individuals by some ignorant fools who think Zambia is their company. Selfish individuals have acquired wealth which is beyond their means and Antonio thinks that that is normal.


    • Typical of cadres. When an academician says something that is critical of them, they say he is irrelevant and is a hired gun. When he says something that praises them, they trumpet it all over saying “look, even professor so and so has praised us…” No brains, no consistency, no morals.

    • Suwa suwa this doc should balance his arguements. One positive I see is that today Civil servant can walk in any bank with a paylip and get a loan (This never happened from 1972). Zambians are not running to Zimbabwe or Malawi to buy grocery like they did in KK days. But now the nationals from these countries come to Chipata and Lusaka. We have money on the bank. In some neighbouring countries one is told to wait for even two weeks to get part of the salary that would have been deposited by the employer. Never has the Kwacha/US$ been stronger that the ZAR or BWP. SUWA SUWA needs to be more knowledgeable than Laura Miti. His arguements must be different from those of cadres.

    • Today councils, schools, hospitals, clinics and other government institutions have run out of parking space because everyone is driving. Yes unemployment levels have gone up and for obvious reasons. …the mines are only employing in core business departments. Unlike the old mines where every aspect job type was available today mines only employ people to do with production. A mine that had 2,000 employees who included even mealie meal issuers today only employs 200 people. We’ve failed to bring back manufacturing companies that thrived under Unip. No matter who’s in government things will continue getting worse if we all have to depend on formal employment.

    • @Ndanje,
      2000 employees Vs 200 now, so that is not an employment crisis, but its normal. Nothing can be done…”No matter who’s in government things will continue getting worse if we all have to depend on formal employment.”

      You have just described what a crisis is.

    • Ndanji

      “..No matter who’s in government things will continue getting worse if we all have to depend on formal employment…”

      Pleas if you have failed , don’t think everyone else will fail. Speak for your selves……that is the most useless statement I have read

    • @Spaka, Personally I don’t need help from government because I am self sustained. I am not a failure like you.

  11. What characterizes us as Zambians, is our inability to realize that we are in trouble, to tell our story and sing our song. At that, we seem worse than the chickens. It is the reason we are such a vulnerable and endangered species.

    • It is that too, which characterizes much of Africa. It is as though we are dumb, but not necessarily dumb fools, because a fool, however dumb, can talk and sing. We extradited Pilato who alone seemed to have had a propensity for it. Since his disappearance, he has suddenly gone silent, probably because, now his stomach is full, while ours are still empty.

  12. And now my comment is “AWAITING MODERATION,” which is a kind way of letting me know that it has been censured, not allowed to be read. Thank you very much for your kind gesture.

    • I will only comment when these people come out in open to offer practical solutions to the problems. As for my good catholic priest, I would like him to one day invite the biggest donors among his parishioners and ask them the source of their incomes. I say so because I know of a buyer on the copperbelt who paints the house of the priest, he pays a lot of money to the church and pays for the maintenance of the church generally. We know his salary cannot do all these things but the priest is very close to this person. I’m sure he gets more blessings than most parishioners.

  13. Oasis Forum, together with your professor are working with the opposition and trying so had to disregard everything the ruling party has been doing.

    I wonder what such a biased professor teaching at Unza. I now understand why students from Unza are half baked.

    What is the point of such discussion from the ruling party point of view?

  14. Its funny that only people with certain names and from a particular region can see crisis in Zambia.And the of the rest 70 tribes can see hope. ONLY 2 TRIBES can see crisis try to guess.Yes you guessed it right .

  15. Its very true the country is in a crisis. theres no way political leaders can be stealing govt resources in the manner they are doing with so much impunity and then they even boast about it . it’s very strange .thieves are openly showing off items bought using stolen money.PF cadres can beat pipo at will and they don’t get arrested. what kind of lawlessness is that?

  16. It is a once upon a time story, the lure of adversity that has deluded us. It is as though our very psyche is planted in poverty, or is it poverty that is planted in our psyche?

    • …the danger of having citizens crossing the Atlantic just to go clean white peoples bottoms and talk rubbish all the time!!…what a waste of human beings…

  17. Is this man a member of the Galu Watchers in Zambia? Respected by who? UPND? Zambia is doing great! The challenges we face are common to every nation! He is a friend to Prof. Hansengule and another Prof. in RSA who are both respected by a chronic losing party which never concedes defeat! Swa! Outside that party they have no respect at all!

    • Sharon seconds citizens motion because she is daily up white people’s backsides without gloves while she firsts lusting over HH…

  18. The party of delusions. The party of Hallucinations! The party of illusions. The party of under fives. The party of hooligans. The party that disregard laws and infringe on the presidential motorcade (In Mongu and Cawama). The party that conives with outsiders and trash what is their own. The party with a tribal agenda! In short, a uzeress party and itwill never be in power in Zambia! Never.

  19. In fact, I am reading about him only today! I do not know him and I am an academician! He is only in your heads where you respect him! We call this delusions or illusions!

    • Ati iam an academikiii……..hehehe even sexual preditor stalkers claiming to be academics hehehehe..

  20. I prefer intellectuals that provide solutions, and not those that expound on notes from their Thesis. Ba Monko are you in here? kikikiki

  21. Dr Sishuwa a bantustan who predicted that HH will win 2016 general elections with a wide margin,so we understand his political frustrations!!
    Yes Zambia is in crisis only in this sick and fake doctor’s mind!!
    This fo0l must be ignored by us all well meaning Zambians as he is Kainde’s frustrated cadre!!

  22. Only 4 in ten people are employed after spending $17 billion !!!.

    The PF rats stealing and driving airconed suvs will be ranting how well Zambia is doing buy the common man knows how hard life has become……

  23. Dr. Makasa Kasonde/BR Mumba,Sr

    My salutations! You are among the few and only sober – minded contributors to this discussion. Let me just say that I know this young man, Sishuwa Sishuwa, very, very well indeed. He is a brilliant and articulate academic in the History Department at UNZA. His major weakness, despite his impressive academic credentials, is his tendency to view most issues from an ethnocentric perspective. His utterances don’t surprise me at all because he rarely sees much that is positive about the current government. For as long as I have known him, he has been a dyed-in the wool UPND sympathizer.

  24. UPND is a crisis in itself. That is why it will never win any election. HaSpaka will stand as an MP in the tribal party on the convicted murderer’s spot!

  25. You can just tell from the name”Sishuwa Sishuwa”! Is it shortage of names or crisis of names! These are people who will never support whatever good a person or president who’s neither Lozi or Tonga is doing! Tribalism is embedded in their blood! Whether you like it or not Zambia is doing very fine its there for all to see, not to imagine! International organizations have rated Zambia highly democratically, socially economically etc! Its like that foolish former president of Nigeria who forgets that Nigeria is more unstable Zambia, just because he’s a Nigerian he doesn’t want talk ill of his country, despite the Book Haram crisis! But some foolish Zambians talk ill of their country, where they leave peacefully, without any semblance of Book Haram! Be pround of your country you will…

  26. Divergent views are what democracy thrives on. But it is tested in the ballot box the numbers speak for themselves and this is the reason why HH decided he will attack the numbers even with his minority MP numbers he still claims he won the elections. coming to our fellow academician from UNZA he can call anything a crisis even things that are clearly NOT that is all party of this strange thing called Democracy. HH was asked what would you do if he were a finance minister” he mumbled like no one’s business” the reason is that he has no clue what to do if he were a finance minister let alone as head of state. Ask him about the economy he will blame everything on Lungu because the only way for HH to get to state house is to scandalise the occupant at state house. So HH is a “street kid”…

  27. … So HH is a “street kid” until Lungu vacates state house. One would understand why HH would pretend to know it all but when asked specific questions he is totally lost because his goal is only state house and nothing else. He would pay anyone to discredit ECL as long as he gets what he wants.

  28. I would probably listen to the debate if Sishuwa was not a upndeez cadre. Respected academic? Would be one if the whole world did not know that Sishuwa is a upndeez cadre. Crisis? Of course that is what upndeez are praying for in a misguided attempt to get h.h into state house, but sorry guys the only Independence Avenue to state house is the ballot in 2021. And clearly you are not doing too well to prepare for 2021, people are just fed up with upndeez by the time we get to 2021 it will still be 3.5 provinces with a reduced majority and nil votes in northern, muchinga and eastern provinces.

  29. It’s depressing how some bloggers can only respond to a debate issue on party or tribal lines. That is part of an indication of crisis. Not ready to be objective and unselfish. Some, like BR Mumba argue from a very superficial cosmetic level. By the way, we are talking about NOW and what is being experienced by a lot more people in a country with potentially abundant resources that can be equitably distributed. Not HOPE and tomorrow. For how long have we cheated people about ‘tomorrow’? Don’t look at shopping malls. Look at the levels of poverty, life expectancy, education, health – the quality of life for most.
    Many a nation in history, with outward appearances of wealth through appropriation of land and spiraling unvouched expenditures by a few, have eventually succumbed to the…

  30. Truly they is no accountability and transparent in PF..Too much power hungry and politics without moral principles…….. however unemployment levels in PF government are high and only cadres are employed by the gvt….truly the boat is moving upon the waters with great winds and powerful waves that may overturn the pf boat….

  31. Comment: What is the way forward for this mid management and unaccountability in Zambia???
    What’s there for us the people to do, coz the government won’t do it for us.

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