Saturday, February 15, 2025

Government to pilot the Simplified Registration System to formalise entrepreneurship in the informal economy



President Edgar Lungu says Government will this year pilot the Simplified Registration System aimed at formalising entrepreneurs in the informal economy in order to help boost their incomes to meet various household needs.

President Lungu said that a baseline survey on the prevailing minimum wages in the various sectors has been done and will help in the revision and determination of the minimum wage for among others domestic, shop workers and general workers.

The Head of State has since directed the Minister of Labour and Social Security and Social Partners to expedite the revision of the minimum wages as quickly as possible.

Speaking when he graced this year’s Labour Day celebrations, President Lungu said that the PF Administration has an ambitious 7NDP for the period 2017 to 2021 to enhance creation of decent job opportunities in Zambia.

President Lungu said government has put in place a number of strategic interventions such as the development of value chains to support young entrepreneurs in both urban and rural areas to add value to local products.

Mr Lungu said government has been providing women and youth led projects with technical and financial support to boost their businesses and will continue to do so to facilitate industrialization, economic diversification and job creation.

The Head of State cited the Mumbwa Ginnery project which has created over 24 thousand jobs as well as the CEEC funded soya processing plant in kasama which was operationalized in 2017and has since created over 1,000 jobs for the farmers who are growing soya beans.

President Lungu said the Nakonde milling plant which is now the largest milling company in Muchinga province is another success story under the value chain programme which has also created over 1, 000 jobs for farmers.

President Lungu said government is vigorously promoting the growth of cooperatives as a business model and expanding their scope beyond agriculture into other growth sectors such as manufacturing, tourism and financial services.

The President said government is implementing the work based learning programme for youths and school leavers to smoothen the transition from school to work life through internships and apprenticeships.

Mr Lungu said that this years’ Labour Day theme of “building partnerships for sustainable national development through decent job creation and social justice” places emphasis on the need for workers, employers and government to collaborate through strong ties and linkages.

Mr Lungu said there is need for the country to recognize the sacrifices being made by low income earners in the country and ensure that their potential is harnessed to help contribute to the sustainable development of the country.


President Lungu pointed out that the marketeer in Sioma, salon owner in Kaputa, nurse in Serenje , miner in Maamba and others all need special recognition due to their immense contribution to the national development.

The head of state said government places great emphasis on the need to strengthen partnerships and synergies which will help foster the creation of decent jobs to support national development.

He said Government, the labour movement and private sector need each other to tackle unemployment and poverty levels by growing the economy and providing decent jobs.

President Lungu has since assured of government’s commitment to realise and safeguard the actualization of policies and programmes aimed at creating an enabling environment to achieve partnerships for economic growth and job creation.

President Lungu said government will continue to develop an inclusive and participatory community atmosphere at work in line with the 8th goal of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, on creation of decent jobs for our people in order to protect jobs and promote social protection of workers.

He said government is working with its cooperating partners to develop a policy on occupational safety, health and wellness and several legislative reforms have been undertaken in the employment and labour sectors aimed at harmonizing and modernizing the various laws .

President Lungu challenged the labour movement to effectively execute its role in ensuring that workers’ rights are protected without compromise while educating the membership to also play their part in enhancing productivity.


  1. That is what we need to be hearing…progress and solving challenging in the structure of our economy. Long overdue!

    • Where are the 1 million jobs that were promised? If this were achieved , poverty levels in Zambia would reduce by over 50%.

    • I think that’s a great idea. I fail to believe you would police the minimum wage, when employers are at liberty to employ employees who they perceive to be cheaper when coerced.

      An employee certainly in a throes world county will not report their employer for paying them a minimum wage, they risk losing their job ofcourse.

      Just putting a little realism in these policies.

      That’s right, I hold a PhD.



    • Why not implement those useless ideas in your home-country Malawi?

      Achimwene, you’ve destroyed our economy with your reckless borrowing & looting. Soon Kwacha will start the bleeding exercise.

      Please go back to Mzuzu where you belong.

    • People where’s is ba HH? He’s been quiet after losing the past elections. Where’s the big man anyone knows?

    • Sometimes it is just good to be honest Mr Humbly Dumbly this should have read “Zambia to increase Tax base by capturing informal sector” this is just another way of putting it. Not a bad idea or approach but when tax payers money is just used to enrich a few and burden the majority then I would rather the status quo remains

    • Economy is down boss… increasing salaries will simply get more pipo retrenched. And there goes your dream of increasing employment.

    • .. Registration system to formalise entrepreneurship in the informal sector? This is just a strategy to increase the tax base. The taxes on the average worker have become too unbearable; high PAYE, new health insurance tax, borehole tax, toll gate tax, increased TV levy, increased electricity tariffs, increased water tariffs etc. So they have to either find new sources of taxes or introduce more new taxes. So they are going with the former, hence the need to capture the informal sector in the registration so as to tax them. Simple.

  2. Well said Mr President. Other devil agents are busy organising meetings with international organisations to discredit ZAMBIA, Mr President is busy developing ZAMBIA. They claim to be popular but fail to win even a local government election in their own strong strong holds. They preach Armageddon while Mr President is preaching love and hard working spirit. When they lose elections, they always find excuses. Indeed UPND and HH in particular cisushi pwi pwipwipwi .

  3. How are you gonna formalize street vendors /tuntembas trading in unapproved shacks ? Does LCC approve shacks for taxation ,registration and health certification?

    • The utterly lazy dingbat Edgar thinks everyone is on black mountain…simplifying is pointless if you have no access to funds and guidance..this is where the banks need to place a role and provide free basic current accounts, this would be a win-win for everyone as more people from the black market will come on board.

    • .. Registration system to formalise entrepreneurship in the informal sector? This is just a strategy to increase the tax base. The taxes on the average worker have become too unbearable; high PAYE, new health insurance tax, borehole tax, toll gate tax, increased TV levy, increased electricity tariffs, increased water tariffs etc. So they have to either find new sources of taxes or introduce more new taxes. So they are going with the former, hence the need to capture the informal sector in the registration so as to tax them. Simple.

  4. As we are talking about jobs…Ba Lsk Times FYI Zimbabwe Govt have started issuing licenses for the growing of Cannabis at USD 50,000 for medicinal and scientific uses. Lesotho are doing the same. With more countries such as Rwanda, Uganda also starting this- by the time we in Zambia to the same the market would’ve been saturated and we will not be able to maximise on revenue. These are some of the areas that can give this nation large returns and help reduce joblessness. Israel is a ready market for medicinal Cannibus and so to are many European markets! Medicinal Cannibus has proven to be an effective remedy in the fight against cancer, skin aliments and weight loss in HIV patients.

  5. To my knowledge, even the current minimum wage is still being abrogated by many many companies all because the labour office is crippled

  6. we have people on this blog who are so evil that their language is sleazy. their thinking is cheap……… their analysis very archaic……. they idolise their leaders as small gods…… what a nation…………… Zambians never support wickedness or evil rulers…. Kabila of Congo DR must not be entertained in Zambia…… A rulers who drinks alcohol is evil and dont support him……………… In heaven they wont be beer drinking

    • Just like there will be no Lusakatimes in heaven, meaning no blogging from your side lol

  7. We know PF has become so unpopular now that they want to use the age old gimmick of increasing minimum wages to increase their popularity. And add to this the additional benefit of higher wages =higher taxes meaning more money for them to dubiously purchase more fire tenders.

  8. I knew Animo Farm would be barking Hagain! And I was right! Well done GRZ for developing this country and staying focused to the disgrace of Three Satanic Mansions’ group!

  9. The biggest hindrance Zambians have is access to affordable finance to grow their businesses, even at as high as 40%/annum funds aren’t still available because govt mops up everything in treasury bills. Please control govt borrowing if you want to see private sector growth. Otherwise you’ll continue talking without any positive results

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