Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government intensifies measures to curb criminal gangs


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo says government is extremely concerned with the rising number of criminal gangs and crime in some parts of the country.

Mr. Kampyongo explained that in the last few months, criminal gangs in some parts on the country have attacked innocent citizens injuring them and stealing their personal properties such as hand bags, money and cell phones.

The minister said this during a ministerial statement delivered in Parliament today.

He explained that in order to contain the vice, the Zambia Police Service has put in a number of measures which include establishing a task force to deal with the rising number of gangs and criminal activities in Kitwe district on the Copperbelt Province.

Mr. Kampyongo stated that motorised and foot patrols have also been intensified .

He added that the Zambia Police has also introduced public sensitization programmes especially through radio Icengelo in Kitwe, on the dangers of criminal gangs, the importance of reporting crime to the police and encouraging members of the public to identify and report youths involved in criminal activities.

The Minister explained that members of the public have also been encouraged to form and participate in crime prevention committees and associations within their communities.

He disclosed that measures by the Police to arrest the crime wave in Kitwe have so far resulted in the apprehension of 66 people for various gang related offences.

Mr. Kampyongo noted that the offences range from aggravated robberies to abductions, unlawful wounding, causing grievous bodily harm and conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

He added that there are also 16 gang related cases before the courts of Law in Kitwe of which 12 cases are in the subordinate courts while 4 cases are in the High Court.

Mr. Kampyongo stated that the robust response to gang crimes by the Police has resulted in a drastic reduction in gang related crimes in Kitwe.

He further added that community sensitization coupled with vigorous Police patrols have therefore helped reduce drastically the gang related crimes.


  1. Kwena this government is becoming a circus.

    The criminals themselves weeding out other criminals.

    The fact is this government has created an atmosphere in which criminal activity can flourish. And boy has it flourished.

    These guys have finished Zambia. There is nothing left.

    Finy0 fya ba nina bonse basakala mu boma. Musata ny0ko.

    • There’s usually a correlation between high unemployment, a lousy economy, lack of economic opportunities and the rise of criminal gangs. When young people begin to feel that the politicians don’t care about their welfare, when they feel marginalized by the government, they resort to criminal activities to make a living. So remember that as you think about the ways to tackle this rising crime problem, begin to also seriously think about how you can improve the economy, create jobs and other opportunities for these young people. Encourage them to go back to school using government funding. If your focus is only on getting rid of these rising gangs, you’ll miserably fail. Because you’ll just be dealing with symptoms. All those corrupt politicians stealing public resources that…

    • (Continued)… could’ve been used to improve the economy share the blame. Corruption breeds a bad economy. A bad economy breeds criminal gangs. So shame on you corrupt politicians. You’re partly to blame for this.

    • If I were a president I could fire the hell out the minister allowing gangs mushroom.
      In Shangumbo were Kapyongo is from, gangs even stone campaign helicopters, ask Maureen & Nalumango.

  2. Meanwhile in America , Rapper XXXTentacion was shot and killed during an apparent robbery Monday in Broward County, Florida, police said.The 20-year-old rapper, whose real name was Jahseh Onfroy, was leaving a motorsports store shortly before 4 p.m. when two men in a dark colored SUV shot and killed him in an apparent robbery, said Keyla Concepción, Broward County sheriff department public information officer.

  3. The rise of the criminal gangs and the pf recognized Jerabos are all related. These criminals are supported by the pf and the Zambia police force. They fund the party and the police offer protections.Kampyongo ,you are a criminal from Katondo street and the one leading these mafias on the Copperbelt.
    I doubt whether you will be able to deal with these criminals.

  4. Ka Kampyongo,
    how many ministers and advisers have been arrested so far?
    What about Endemically Corrupt Leader of criminal gang known as Plunderers Federation?


  5. Says Ka kampyongo, the Shiwan’gandu Helicopter ter.r0.rr1st Gangter / Warlord.
    Shiwangandu today is a NO GO AREA for anyone not in P.F, & this thick Brain has the audacity to call himself the Minister of Home Affairs of a “Democratic nation”?
    The calibre of leadership in P.F, Kaya!??
    Remember G.B.M, warned you ati, “Iwe Ka kampyongo, na wu ndaba”!!?

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