Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government launches SI on hospitality industry


The Ministry of Tourism and Arts has today launched Statutory Instrument SI no. 14 of 20018 on accommodation and standards.

The main objective of the SI is to establish and improve standards in the accommodation subsector by ensuring that all accommodation facilities are registered and meet the minimum requirements and are subsequently graded.

Speaking during the launch in Lusaka today, Minister of Tourism and Arts Charles Banda said this will promote efficient service delivery and enhance the quality of tourism products and services.

Mr. Banda stated that the SI being launched is a culmination of extensive consultations and preparations that have gone on for the past few years in the quest to put in place a system that will stand the test of time.

He said the SI will serve as an effective marketing tool for promoting Zambia as a tourism destination of choice.

Mr. Banda said although they are launching the SI today, it is gratifying to know that the Zambia Tourism Agency hit the ground running since the grading system was transferred to them in late 2016.

He said the Tourism and Hospitality regulations 2018, is repealing and replacing the classification and grading system that was developed between 2008/2009 as well as the hotels Regulations Statutory Instrument no.21 of 1983.

Mr. Banda explained that the SI should have been effected in 2012 but was not implemented to due to some challenges that the ministry faced.

He pointed out that this is the more reason why the function of grading accommodation establishments has now been transferred to the Zambia Tourism Agency.

Speaking earlier Zambia Tourism Agency Chief Executive Officer, Felix Chaila said the initial focus of the ZTA will be to grade accommodation establishments.

Mr. Chaila said the SI has accommodated a broader scope in terms of the type of accommodation establishments which will be graded to include not only hotels, but also all other categories of accommodation establishments.


  1. How does one verify grading of hotels in Zambia?

    The truth is hotel standards in mother Zambia are below average. They are too expensive for nothing. The food is often mediocre, and service is very average. The whole experience is weird.

    I laugh when people say there are 5 star hotels in Zambia.

    There is an urgent need to improve. You get a better experience camping in a tent than staying at a Zambian ‘5 star’ hotel.

    I do know what I am talking about here.

    • Tourists don’t just stay in hotels, lodges etc. They also want to stroll in our towns’ streets. Is it safe or pleasant for anyone, tourist or not, to stroll say, on Lusaka ‘s streets? What do you think they say about us when they see garbage-strewn streets?

    • I fully agree.

      There is a significant need to catch up in hospitality excellence for Zambian hotel operators and this can only be achieved with mordernized infrastructure.

  2. The problem is anyone in Zambia especially Lusaka can start advertising their house as a lodge…most know nothing about hospitality business and are in for the “adulterers market” and some are just there to dupe and rob tourists with false advertising. The Hotel Catering Association of Zambia needs to do more with inspections especially conduct random discreet inspections.

    • You surely are good at seeing the wrongs before seeing the rights! Mapatizya formula dwells in your blood for real! Good job GRZ

    • Trouble is Sharon thinks it’s her country and the PF’s alone. I have actually asked “what do they think of us?” Look it’s as much mine as yours.

  3. Where is the SI on the minimum wage? Since the directive pronounced on labour day 1st May’18.Nothing has come up.

    • How can the have a SI on minimum wage when they are in the forefront of using casual workers …remember Fackson “Papa smurf” Shamenda he stated he would put an end to it but as usual didnt know what he was talking about

  4. Livingstone is a good example of the tourism industry in Zambia; i have stayed on Zim side and on our side; many tourists sleep on Zim side because our side is very expensive; they then just cross over to see Vic falls on our side;

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