Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu leaves for the Copperbelt


President Edgar Lungu greets Newly Appointed ZAF Commander Lt.Gen.David Muma shortly before his departure to Copperbelt at City Airport

President Edgar Lungu has left for the Copperbelt Province for a two day working visit.
The President left aboard a Zambia Air Force (ZAF), plane at about 09:15 hours at City Airport.

He is accompanied by Presidential Affairs Minister, Freedom Sikazwe and his special Assistant for Press and Public relations Amos Chanda.

On hand to see off the President, was Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa, Senior Government and Patriotic Front (PF), party officials.

According to a programme made available to ZANIS, the Head of State is expected to conduct a ground breaking tour of the Kafulafuta Water System Project in Ndola.

Meanwhile, The Head of State has said that the Anti-Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcement Commission and other State Agencies should be left to conduct their job.

He urged all stakeholders to allow the investigative wings to conduct their jobs without outside interference.

And Assistant for Press Amos Chanda has disclosed that contrary to other media which is claiming that State House has sold part of the land near state house, the land in question does not belong to state house.

Mr. Chanda said the malicious insinuations about state house selling land to an investor and building a skyscraper is totally false and very irresponsible.

He disclosed that the former Community Development and Social Services Minister, Emerine Kabanshi has written to the president that she is not in any way connected to malicious social media reports that have been attributed to her, in fact she has not spoken to anyone.

Mr. Chanda said the former Minister thanked the president for according her the opportunity to serve in his government and she remains a committed party member.


  1. Amos isn’t giving answers on who sold the land near State House, and Who is the developer of the same. The ordinary people are raising petinent questions with regards to security of State House and head of State. It’s like allowing your neigbor to be peeping in your bedroom.

    • Utumatobo… We told those chaps who think by drums and alcohol to othink with the head. As usual, tribalism overuled their ability to think. Mwamoneni nomba. Zambia is the next Zimbabwe. You will be selling vinyo vanu for one dollar

    • Ba Edgar you should have gone to Luapula where poor people were swindled of Social Cash…. And feel tensions of firing there beloved Kabanshi?

    • Lungu is a Jerabo he feels more comfortable on the Copperbelt especially during such times ….at least there he will be surrounded by his thieving murderous friends .. . Unfortunately the ghosts of those “Scavengers” that died on the Black mountain won’t give him much peace.

    • “..The Head of State has said that the Anti-Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcement Commission and other State Agencies should be left to conduct their job.”
      This is a joke!!!!

      Wasn’t he the first person who contacted the ACC/DEC, now that we highlighted how doing that was wrong and how that would be interpreted to interference, he then changes his mind and now says Zambians need to leave these agencies alone.

    • Iwe ka reporter don’t say ” President Lungu LEAVES…” The guy is president of the whole of Zambia, now you make it sound like he has left where he belongs to visit a foereign land…. No wonder everything in Zambia is skewed in favor of Lusaka

  2. Zambia is bigger than EL. All those that challenged him in 2015 have been silenced. He gave them fake jobs

    Even fr has been de mobilised.

    Let us arise as a great nation and REMOVE him. Let concourt block EL.

    Just a days in a crisis look at the dollar. And the chandas are there telling us all is well. Are we kids. Do you still want Lungu you people

    Remove EL with his Chandas.


    THESE ARE GANGS fighting for the nation al cake.

  3. Instead of reassuring he country via a televised address icho ku copper belt mukunwa whiskey, useless Jonathan Kamwendo, yeti wikale iwe Pompwe.

  4. Lungu is a corrupt theif, and corrupt theives don’t appear in front of press to answer questions and placate the nation’s anxieties ….

    • HH is a CORRUPT TRIBAL THIEF who leads a CORRUPT TRIBAL TONGA party which will NEVER be in power in Zambia no matter what happens. We can hold elections even today and CHILDISH would lose HAGAIN. He is UNELECTABLE, UNLIKABLE & UNWINNABLE.

  5. This man cant be normal or he is just properly installed in cuckooland. Someone tell him that the shift has occurred and he has lost the trust of the people because of his corruption and ineptitude. It game over!

    • The problem HH has is that he is a President of the TONGAS first. Nothing wrong but he is a TRIBAL COALITION OF THE WICKED. And right there, that is were the problem lies. He will never be president but you can keep on HALLUCINATING with him, nothing wrong with that too. I am glad the more you lie, the more you alienate yourselves to the voters. It will come to bite you HAGAIN in 2021 because we all know that UPND is a TRIBAL H-ORGANISATION now using Mapatizya Formula which will NEVER work HAGAIN.

  6. On the road again. How many so-called ‘working visits’ kanshi? It’s not long ago that he was on the copperbelt. Is it a wonder that he doesn’t have time to sit down and read reports.
    Ati ‘ground breaking tour’ of a water project. Whatever that means. How about allowing other officials for a change to conduct the tour while you call a press conference at State House to brief the nation on the ongoing 101 issues – and might I had, to answer some REAL questions?

  7. Please pipo….leave Lungu alone.
    No matter what happens, its not UPND that will form govt.
    Zambia is not blind to the insults by the tribal party.

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