Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government committed to provide clean and safe water for all citizens-President Lungu


President Lungu speaking during the groundbreaking of kafulafuta dam

President Edgar Lungu has reaffirmed government’s commitment in ensuring that all citizens have access to clean and safe drinking water by the year 2030.

The Head of State said it is disheartening to see how women and girls particularly in the rural parts of the country move long distances with containers perched on their heads in search of water, a scenario he noted will be reversed by government, to ensure that the commodity to taken to people’s door steps.

President Lungu was speaking yesterday afternoon during the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the Kafulafuta Water Supply System project in Masaiti district.

The Head of State noted that the water project is timely, as it will improve water supply in Ndola and the surrounding towns of Luanshya, Masaiti and parts of Mpongwe on the Copperbelt Province.

He affirmed that water resource management and development is central to sustainable growth and poverty reduction.

And President Lungu has stated that the Kafulafuta water project which is wholly funded by the Zambian government will cost a total of 449 million United States dollars.

The Head of State noted that the project is intended to improve the quality and quantity of raw water for treatment and use in Ndola, Luanshya and Masaiti will also result in the construction of water collection infrastructure and transportation pipeline system.

President Lungu further highlighted that the project once complete, will produce 125 million cubic meters of water to its beneficiaries and see the creation of jobs in other industries.

“Other benefits to be accrued from this project include improved health outcomes and increased business opportunities for local suppliers of goods and services through the 20% policy,” President Lungu stressed.

And President Lungu has echoed government’s resolve to counter the adverse effects of climate change which has continued to threaten the water sector by aggressively improving water supply and sanitation services in the country.

The Head of State further affirmed that government will continue to expand and develop water infrastructures such as dams.

President Lungu has also thanked the government of the Republic of China and other co-operating partners supporting various water supply and sanitation projects for this gesture.

The Kafulafuta water supply system project is being undertaken by China National Complete Engineering Corporation.


  1. Mitengo residential area has been there for over 12 years and there is still no running water. People dig their own boreholes which you want them to pay for the water they have by using their own efforts. Ati 2030!

    • True Christians learn something from the President : `committed to provide clean and safe water’, this is good, no doubt about it. But the lesson for genuine Christians is commitment to helping people to drink the Living Water from the Well of Salvation. Preaching the Word of God in season and out of season.
      John 4: 7-14.

    • Borehole tax is a control measure. Basically govt wants to know where people are digging these boreholes to ensure safety of our people.

    • This lazy idoit Edgar has no shame at all…he states that the project is wholly funded by GRZ but guess who he has allocated the contract to China National Complete Engineering Corporation, another state owned Chink company. Its surprising that we are spending half a billion dollars for this project when the US are doing the same and more including drainage, roads and sanitation with the same about of money in a bigger city.

    • “Other benefits to be accrued from this project include improved health outcomes and increased business opportunities for local suppliers of goods and services through the 20% policy,” President Lungu stressed.

      I doubt this President of Chimba is telling the truth about funding here…this project must be a loan and he is not being truthful as that 20% policy gives it away…someone please look into it, I can not trust this thief Edgar…even donor money they were telling people its theirs, they have no shame!!

  2. 2018 and you are still talking about supplying clean and safe water. A clear sign of the theft that has been taking place under pf.

  3. “….And President Lungu has stated that the Kafulafuta water project which is wholly funded by the Zambian government will cost a total of 449 million United States dollars…”

    “…opportunities for local suppliers of goods and services through the 20% policy,” President Lungu stressed….”

    Why 20 % policy if GRZ is funding this, I thought 20% Zambian is only for China sponsored projects ?????

    • Imagine this is unacceptable even our own money he gives contract to a state owned Chinese company …there are hundreds of engineering companies in Africa and the world who can undertake these works at less than that figure…he see nothing wrong as the Chinese are the only ones who are secretive and will give him his cut of that half billion dollars.

  4. Bwana ECL. Give room to another leader in Pf. Dont behave like hh.

    Pf is not short of leader ship material. I voted for you but honestly you have let me down

  5. Roads for Rats Sparks Uproar in Parliament – Daily Nation, 22 Sep 2018

    There was an uproar in Parliament yesterday wgwn UPND Bweengwa Member of Parliament, Kasautu Saiti Michelo, said the phrase One Zambia One Nation had changed to One Zambia One Chipata and roads were being made for people to sell rats.
    The lawmaker said it was disappointing that the slogan ……had changed to One Zambia One Chipata and roads were being constructed in areas where people sell rats.
    Mr Michelo, who was contributing to the debate on Presudent Lungu’s address to Parliament, said it was sad that some areas were being denied development and that the slogan One Zambia One Nation had seemingly changed to One Zambia One Chipata because of people of “Malawian origin”.
    ………..this generated cheers…

  6. ………..this generated cheers from the opposition (UPND) occupied benches much to the annoyance of PF members……..

    Not one comment from their leader Hacks! And they want to rule Zambia? No wonder their members are resigning en masse, even in Bweengwa itself.

    • That’s all this tin thinks does is talk about tribalism nothing irksome vessel every post everyday its the same thing revolving around the same subject I hope you dont have children you moron.

  7. For people with basic knowledge on project management the utterances are elusive and a diplomatic way of admitting failure during his term. Anyone with a detailed log frame matrix?

  8. This 2030 is the new “light at the end of tunnel”. It has incessantly been used as a substitute for actual delivery and it is no longer funny. Let’s just get citizen-centric; do a checklist of what the citizen requires and actually DELIVER. Actually deliver – without being reminded, or being jolted by protests or riots. Can we do that? Please?

  9. When others are talking of landing their crafts on Mars,investing in semiconductor industries and blockchain technology Zambia is still talking of having clean water in Masaiti?

    Lungu is leading us to dream small ,lower our vision and be citizens of low expectations.

  10. As #5.1 JJ says above, even a project that is funded by the Zambian tax payer ,only 20 % of work goes to Zambian companies and this corrupt theif lungu is even proud to announce that ???

    What a hopless corrupt rat lungu is , where is the empowerment ?

  11. Water everywhere but not a drop to drink. Hard to understand that we still can’t harness our own resources to develop simple, even just some third world technologies to exploit the commodity from our many rivers and lakes.

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