Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Anti-Corruption Commission to review 2012 ACT


ACC Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono
ACC Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has reaffirmed its commitment towards strengthening the Anti-Corruption Act Number 3 of 2012 in order to make it more effective.

ACC Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono said the desire of the Commission is to see that the 2012 act is strengthened further, in order to benefit the common Zambian.

Mr. Moono told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that plans are underway to start the process of reviewing the legislation.

He said the commission will follow the laid down procedure when strengthening the Act such as writing to the Ministry of Justice and the Law Development Commission that also plays a critical role in the process.

And Mr Moono has assured that the commission will communication is made to the relevant authority, in order to commence the process of revising the ACC 2012 act.

“Our desire is to see that the Anti-Corruption Act number 3 of 2012 is strengthened and that is our desire to see that happen. We have not yet started the process of strengthening the Act as you might be aware we need to write to the Ministry of Justice and Law Development Commission which is also critical in this process, Mr. Moono Said.

He further disclosed that the ACC is currently using the ACC Act number 3 of 2012 which was preceded by the amendment of Act number 38 of 2010.

During his ceremonial opening of the 3rd session of the 12th National Assembly on 14th September 2018, President Edgar Lungu emphasized that government remains keen to fighting Corruption by putting in place stringent measures such as reviewing the Anti-corruption legislation.


  1. Just close that ACC, those who are genuine can be employed in ZP.
    For example, if I asked that Moono what he did last month which deserves September salary will he answer? Just transferring his salary to his account sounds like crime on which the accountant can be charged.

    • The ACC will continue to be toothless until parliament makes it an independent agency, beyond interference from corrupt politicians. The director of the agency can be nominated by the president, but vetted and confirmed by parliament. And then make it that only parliament can fire the ACC director by impeachment process. The president should not have power to fire the ACC director, even though he can recommend to parliament that the director be fired for valid reasons. But it should be up to parliament to asses the president’s recommendation and either reject the suggestion or go along with it. Also make sure that the director is well vetted, and has the right academic qualifications to do a good job. A masters degree in criminology and prior law enforcement experience should be the…

    • … minimum requirement . If you do this, it’ll be a huge step in making the agency effective and independent. Anything less than this is just one big joke.

  2. ACC you have outlived your usefulness. I think within the austerity measures announced by government this institution should be disbanded and money saved can then be channelled to other areas.The function of the Acc can then be taken over by police or DEC.

  3. You can still arrest criminals corrupt, why hide behind new legislation? Worse the ACC is referring to the presidential speech as cover. Mrr President please get an output from ACC and not giving the lazy bums an excuse. Anyway they are probably corrupt themselves and in the pockets of corrupt politicians that is why they cant perform.

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