Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rising temperatures will push millions of people in Africa into poverty and hunger unless governments take swift action


Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report detailing progress and pathways to liming global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Responding to the report, Mr. Apollos Nwafor, Pan Africa Director of Oxfam International OXFAM said:

“Climate change has set our planet on fire, millions are already feeling the impacts, and the IPCC just showed that things can get much worse. Settling for 2 degrees would be a death sentence for people in many parts of Africa. The faster governments embrace the renewable energy revolution and move to protect communities at risk, the more lives and livelihoods that will be spared.

“A hotter Africa is a hungrier Africa. Today at only 1.1 degrees of warming globally, crops and livestock across the region are being hit and hunger is rising, with poor small scale women farmers, living in rural areas suffering the most. It only gets worse from here.

“To do nothing more and simply follow the commitments made in the Paris Agreement condemns the world to 3 degrees of warming. The damage to our planet and humanity would be exponentially worse and irreparable.

“None of this is inevitable. What gives us hope is that some of the poorest and lowest emitting countries are now leading the climate fight. We’ve moved from an era of ‘you first’ to ‘follow me’ – it’s time for the rich world to do just that.

“Oxfam calls for increased, responsible and accountable climate finance from rich countries that supports small scale farmers, especially women to realize their right to food security and climate justice.

“While time is short, there is still a chance of keeping to 1.5 degrees of warming. We must reject any false solution like Large Scale Land Based Investments that means kicking small scale farmers off their land to make way for carbon farming and focus instead on stopping our use of fossil fuels, starting with an end to building new coal power stations worldwide.”

Climate impacts in Africa:

Natural disasters such as droughts and floods have been thwarting development in the African continent. Fluctuations in agricultural production due to climate variations along with inefficient agricultural systems cause food insecurity, one of the most obvious indicators of poverty. The 2016 El Niño phenomenon, which was super charged by the effects of climate change, crippled rain-fed agricultural production and left over 40 million people foods insecure in Africa. Without urgent action to reduce global emissions, the occurrence of climate shocks and stresses in the Africa region are expected to get much worse.

  • On 5 July this year, Africa is likely to have registered its hottest reliable record temperature in Ouargla, northern Algeria, of 51.3C (124.3F).
  • There is mounting evidence that higher temperatures linked to climate change have worsened drought and humanitarian disaster in East Africa, including last year’s drought which left over 13 million people dangerously hungry.
  • Even at 1.5 degrees of warming, climate impacts in West Africa would be devastating. Wheat yields could fall by up to 25 percent,[iv] and at 1.5 degrees Lagos in Nigeria could become a newly heat stressed city like Delhi in India.
  • In sub-Saharan Africa 1.5 degrees warming by the 2030s could lead to about 40 percent of present maize cropping areas being no longer suitable for current cultivars, and significant negative impacts on sorghum suitability are projected. Under warming of less than 2 degrees by the 2050s, total crop production could be reduced by 10 percent.
  • At 2 degrees of warming heat extremes never experienced before could affect 15 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s land area in the hot season, causing deaths and threatening farmers’ ability to grow crops.
  • If global temperature rises by more than 2 degrees by the end of the century, by 2050 this could see daytime temperatures in North Africa (and the Middle East) rise to 46 degrees on the hottest days, which can be deadly.


  1. What can PF-government do about it, they can’t even manage social cash.
    Maybe abena HH and Sinkamba will do something, let’s wait and see in 2022.

    • Well, in Zambia, millions of people have already been pushed into poverty by our corrupt thieving government.

  2. It is Good withdrawing His presence from this world due to increase in sin and lawlessness and all this legalizing homosexual that is causing the climate to go heywire. Repent you sinners and devil worshippers. This has nothing to do with science.

    • Please explain. How does homosexuality affect the climate?

      I tend to agree that your post has nothing to do with science.

  3. The PF government is running out of excuses for mismanaging the economy hence can’t wait for any natural calamity to use as a scapegoat. The economic noose is tightening and the general populace is diminishing each minute as a result they are consolidating the security measures to clap on any soul that cries foul.

  4. The existential threat of climate change cannot be overemphasized. Climate action requires a coordinated approach especially in the transformation of the energy sector that has depended on fossil fuels since the industrial revolution. The energy sector is a major green house gas GHG emitor a a focal point for climate action. Taking no action is no option!

  5. Malabish, our climate has been changing for donkeys years. If they are serious about the environment then why are they still allowing companies to produce plastics, why are they encouraging the chopping down of trees in countries like Zambia? Is it Zambians buying mukula trees? Just scaremongering to secure funding in my view.

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