Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mines Minister Richard Musukwa promises Chingola Jerabos a mining dump site


Mines Minister Richard Musukwa at the meeting with the Japanese Officials
Mines Minister Richard Musukwa at the meeting with the Japanese Officials
Mines minister Richard Musukwa says he wants to give Chingola Jerabos a dump site if they organize themselves well.

Musukwa said the Chingola illegal small scale miners should reorganize themselves so that they can benefit like their counterparts in Kitwe.

Musukwa who is Chililabombwe member of Parliament said this when he met Chingola Jerabo leaders at his office.

He said Government can’t regulate an illegal entity, hence the call for self-reorganization.

He said for Jerabos to benefit from copper dump sites, they must move away from their bad behavior of causing chaos, intimidating residents or stealing copper from any mining firm on the Copperbelt.

“You cannot benefit from dump sites if as leaders of the group you encourage child labour or using force to break the Law. Government will not tolerate that.But Zambia has copper and it’s your birthright. Your Government wants you to participate and benefit not as scavengers but as a legal entity. You have genuine cause and your numbers are huge so Government is more than eager to work with you. I have talked to Nchanga Member of Parliament Chali Chilombo to provide that leadership,” he said.

Musukwa said that President Edgar Lungu has given stern warning to his Ministry and Police to firmly deal with any bad behaviour from jerabos.

He thanked the leaders for making effort of wanting to know how to benefit from the mineral copper deposits Zambia has.

And Jerabos leader Kasonga Kabaso the owner of Spax Mining said the meeting was fruitful.

Spax said Chingola group was eyeing Chingola Copper dump site.


  1. So T Hacks at his press briefing when he saw the rate of exchange, the fuel price, SCT,etc thought it was the right time for people to rise like in 1990? Well, strategy has backfired again.
    Zambians will never rise for him, they always look at his political birth in 2006 and other things that always come out of his mouth at the wrong time.
    The loss of a young life at UNZA has not helped either, no votes there batuumbu!!

    • Edgar Lungu and your Cabinet, please provide youth with credible jobs. Diversify economy by manufacturing and value addition to agric products. Develop tourism. Edgar, get a vision

    • Just tell me how some people qualify to be ministers. I am PF. This guy just talks believe me you. He is also the guy who mislead the whole nation that the black mountain was safe with no consequnces following, how I wish this was the developed world, he was not going to last a minute

    • The only political party to take over from PF is upnd but they behave like jerabos in chingola. This party they know nothing but insults, full of hate and everything wrong is Edgar. Please provide credible checks and balances on pf. Stop the nonsense of tribal issues, hate, pointing fingers at lungu, bring real issues to the table. If hh has failed, it’s just fair that he steps down but if he wants to continue he must be credible leader by providing good checks and balances on pf. But what we see now, is upnd behaving like jerabos just wanting to take over government with no plans. Come on Mazoka was better than that. Go back to corporate world hh and leave politics to real politicians. Otherwise what we’re seeing will continue if you take over government.

  2. A government of thugs. What you expect? They would rather kill a student and then appease thugs.

    • @NÈZ NEW EDUCATED ZAMBIA This is what upnd is good at, just pointing fingers like their symbol no proper check and balances on government. Jerabos of the highest order. Shame on you guys. Zambia is in deep trouble.

  3. Ba Hon. Musukwa, you have raised valid points. My hope is that we learn from best and worst practices of how the ‘Black mountain’ affair was handled.


  5. There go another random thinking models! You are trying to enshrine and legitimize jerabos thug community in Zambia. Such suggestions should not come from a cabinet of honorable men and women.

  6. So he acknowledges that they are involved in illegal activities? But he invites them to his office? With an offer? WTF is going on?

  7. Is Jerabo the new Mushanga seller? Hope not. Definitely doing well in the gap of the quagmire created by the current copper mining political economy. Given that Jerabos are definitely doing better money wise than the house nigger Zambian Mining Managers, isn’t the Jerabo model a valid alternative to ensure Zambians benefit fairly from their birthright copper?

    Ba Minister, work hard on the Jerabo concept, especially that it is utilising what these imperial mining companies have categorised as low-value mineralisations they can’t touch unless they get them without paying taxes. Jerabos spend big locally in lieu of taxes. They could pay for their own health & education too!

    • Fully agreed.
      In 2006, I profitably recovered copper from Mpatamatu and 18 shaft waste dumps in Luanshya. A concept which expats shunned! The cost was a variable component as the waste was used to fill plant capacity.

  8. This is a dununa reverse everyone it.”The Animal Farm situation”whereby only brainboxers are to enjoy.So,mr Mpemfu my dear cannot do that.The problem is that the people of Zambia voted visionless government(failure people) and give five years.

  9. Its indeed very clear the kind of jobs the PF is creating for our beloved children. They are clearing sending the youths to certain death. But at least we know that the Youths of Zambia are NOT lazy and are ever ready to earn their living through hard work like their counterparts youths in USA, China etc . Look at the jobs Trump (or what he is worth) is creating . The PF is Visionless and short sighted and are demonstrating to NATION that they can not tap into the asset we have in hard working youths who can contribute to the national growth without compromising their safety, dignity and lives.

    • “HH has created a lot of dung at his Namwala Animo Farm. Our Privatisation thief is our god! We love him!” Larry Mweetwa.

  10. In other words you want to create a society of scavengers who will make their living scavenging off the dump sites. This reminds me of the movie mad max.

  11. You know they will not behave well because that is their nature and offer them something that potentially will kill them or make jerabos kill themselves . This is irresponsibility of the highest order from an irresponsible government . Bring up new jobs like the ones you have given to your friends and relatives in Zambias foreign missions abroad . Zambia is being led by a vision less leader using a bunch of amateurs who are in there because of what they could get out of politics and not what they could give to politics and the poor suffering people of Zambia .

  12. This is shameful, the country is going backwards, from mechanised organised mining to just a lot of nonsense and thieving and the government makes it legal..

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