Saturday, July 27, 2024

Experience Requirement on Job Adverts is Discriminatory-Gerald Chiluba


Gerald Chiluba meeting MMD National Secretary Raphael Nakacinda at the party Secretariat in Lusaka
Gerald Chiluba meeting MMD National Secretary Raphael Nakacinda at the party Secretariat in Lusaka

Southern African Student Union (SASU) Regional Executive Member Gerald Chiluba has called on youths attending the SASU conference in South Africa to declare war against job advertisements requesting for experience describing the conditionality as a new form of discrimination against youths.

Speaking from South Africa where he is attending the SASU summit, Chiluba who is also Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) National Youth Coordinator said the high levels of youth unemployment in the region calls for practical and realistic efforts and that one such effort was to fight the “experience requirement” which hinders young graduates from being employed.

He noted that parents send their children to school to learn and not to gain experience hence the condition to have experience was discriminatory against youths.

“As a way of moving forward, allow me to make a public call to my fellow youths to declare war against any job advertisement requesting for experience.

“We send children to acquire education and not to gain employment experience. The requirement for many years of experience is in itself a new type of discrimination against the youth and students who graduate from universities and colleges. The youth are already burdened with high unemployment and this is total discrimination against this generation of young people.”

SASU is a regional student organisation whose membership is drawn from national student unions from SADC.

This years theme for the summit is “Democratisation of Education: the prospects of free, quality and relevant education in the SADC region” and all 15 SADC countries are being represented by their national student union with ZANASU representing Zambia.


    • It is sad that a student thinks he knows how things work in the real world, or why experience is vital in some skilled jobs.

      In this boy’s world, we would have heart surgeons being employed without experience.

      Young man, people without experience get employed everyday.

      Just focus on getting your qualifications and stop complaining and making noise, like you do not have course work to complete.

  1. Well it is important to engage people with experience, unlike “Bonehead Mushota” who claims to have a PHD and yet cannot reason sensibly!!!

    • This student should join PF.

      Only in PF do you find roles being filled with people that have negative or zero experience. And we have seen the results.

      Please spare us this noise young man.

  2. But how would u acquire experience if your are not engaged in the first place as a graduate? Most companies are selfish in this regard.This makes us feel useless as graduates, more like u can’t contribute anything to a company as a graduate.

    • Just work harder to try and get a job. It is not easy for anyone getting a job, but most smaller companies have tight deadlines to meet so they employ experienced staff. The fact is there are not enough jobs in some fields to swallow up all candidates. In fact, some fields will always employ people with no experience…like in engineering, software, army, medicine, teaching and nursing. So maybe instead of complaining, try these fields.

      Everyone that has a job now did not have experience at some point.


  4. U5 has no experience. Thats why he keeps lossin.

    Cornelius Mweetwa has a experience as unzasu president

    U5 experience is privatization. He will sell all to ma remaining gov’t assets and send money to Panama

  5. Experience is a great attribute which cannot be removed from job adverts.Most of the companies are afraid of employing inexperienced cadre of employees owing to the financial drain that can be incurred.Companies have no time to start teaching employees work related issues.They would rather employ someone who has experience than someone who will be a cost their financial statements.
    An experience person is an asset to an organization.We fail to qualify to world cup because in most cases we use players who are inexperienced. An inexperienced employee will be distort a company’s progress because of being incompetent.That is why there is internship so that one gains necessary experience.

  6. I have seen many people with very impressive educational qualifications but without the experience struggling to get things done that those without qualifications but with experience do without breaking a sweat. People without experience will often panic, breakdown and sometimes cry under similar circumstances, those with experience will excel.
    Of course experience isn’t everything and it doesn’t always work, but there is a lot to be said for people who always know the most efficient route from point A to B, because they’ve traveled it so many times before.
    Imagine hiring a lawyer who’s never been in court a single day but has excellent qualifications. You wouldn’t hire such a lawyer because you know he doesn’t have relevant experience.
    Find ways to attain experience not what…

    • cont’d
      Find ways to attain experience not what you’re saying.
      There is an old wise saying ‘experience is the best teacher’.

  7. The problem with today’s youth is they want to own a mansion and ferrari one month after being employed. Everyone has to start at the bottom, gain experience and work their way to the top – you cannot expect to be hired as a Manager without experience… The youth of today think that they are owed something be everyone and that everything must be given to them instead of working hard and proving yourself first !

  8. This young man is very naive. The majority of employees in any company have to have experience. When you produce a product you cannot use inexperienced people because the product has to perform as designed and made. When someone spends their hard earned money to buy a product they are entitled to gain from the purchase. A smaller number of employees with no experience are recruited to fill the pipeline as experienced people die or leave. That is the way it works all over the world. WHen Zambia gets to have more companies there will be more jobs for inexperienced people to start in. Otherwise Take a technical course and start your own business like welding gates or making furniture where you do not need as much experience. Again – technical training will give a better start without…

  9. Some pipo seem to have taken this personally.I don’t see why this shouldn’t be pursued or supported.I think it has a prospect of reducing unemployment levels in our Country.This is a positive cause so i don’t see why it should be objected.Because even just getting internship is hard enough,worse off job on training!!! Most of my friends have clocked three years without internship not even ka job on training.Its not easy for everyone out there.Its easy to forget about the plight of others when you are already comfortable or if u had it easier.

  10. We don’t need experience for the development, what we need today is new idear that can bring development not experience that bring low input in the management. coz the pipo with this experience u talk about some of them have failed to perform well in some institutions where they have worked.

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