Saturday, July 27, 2024

Clergy Men sinning willfully -Nundwe


Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe says it is the desire of government to see a pedigree of the clergy that are bold in doing the right things and not sinning willfully.

Speaking when Kitwe district pastors fellowship hosted him yesterday, Mr.Nundwe pointed out that the trend has tarnished the image of the church and that there was need to curb mercenary clergymen.

He noted that majority of the witchdoctors had abandoned their makeshifts on the roadsides and are hiding behind the veil of the church.

He said the practice in some churches by some clergy was a mixup of the Christian doctrine and the witchcraft practices.
Mr.Nundwe stressed the need to empower church bodies so that they can regulate the clergy and compel them to do the right thing.
He has since warned the residents in Kitwe to be alert and not be deceived by fake pastors. Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary has noted that there is no dignity for the churches to fellowship in school class rooms.

Mr.Nundwe assured the clergy that gathered at Oasis in Kitwe, that his office will engage the local authorities in the province and see to it that there was a component of flexibility to ensure that established registered churches have access to land.

And District Pastors Fellowship Chairperson Bishop Raddy Lewila appealed to President Edger Lungu to consider including the clergy in Kitwe under the Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund (PEIF).

Bishop Lewila said it was the desire of the church that the empowerment initiative was extended to registered churches to uplift their living standards.

He also mentioned that a number of registered churches were facing challenges to accessing land due to exorbitant charges by the local authorities whenever new areas are opened up for development.

He disclosed that only 1% percent of the population of registered churches in the district owned land.

He has appealed to government to revist the fees attached to accessing land in the districts.

He added that it was the proposal of the Kitwe pastors that the national dialogue, peace and reconciliation be facilitated by the church.


  1. If the pastors act contrary to what they preach, and Catholic priests are at the head of child molestation, maybe it is time to conclude that they know that the religion they represent is fake? Just thinking… If the people who know best about God’s wrath and the heavelny reward are at the forefront of breaking the same divine law, what should one think?

    • To every genuine article, there’s a counterfeit. The fact that PS Nundwe has pointed out wolves mascarading as sheep does not mean all the sheep have been mauld by wolves.

  2. Sad that a politician can teach morality to the clergy….Is he at a higher plane than the Clergy…. Or is it pride with the current leadership that they know it all…. let PF lose and he lose his job.Will he address the clergy and tell what he is saying now?
    Sometimes to be truly humble is to be mindful of what you say or do…. I dont trust these politicians

  3. These are mere human beings. Jesus Christ warned against the Pharisees behavior but advised that the people obey their teachings. It’s a case of do as I say not as I do.

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