Saturday, July 27, 2024

Health Minister cautions International media to report facts and not injure Zambia’s prospects


Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya
Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya

The Ministry of Health has cautioned International media to report facts and not injure Zambia’s prospects.

This follows a story carried by The Sun, a UK Tabloid insinuating that the Duchess of Sussex pulled out of a visit to Zambia due to Zika concerns.

Health Minister, Chitalu Chilufya has emphasised that Zambia has never had any recorded case of active Zika Virus.

Dr Chilufya told Journalists at a briefing that the mapping by the World Health Organisation -WHO- on Zika Virus excludes Zambia from the belt of those countries with the Virus.

He said government through the Zambia National Public Health Institute has a strong vector surveillance system in place and is able to detect any disease outbreak.

Dr Chilufya has assured all travellers and the public that the country is safe and has no Zika threats.


  1. Don’t trust gossip type media. They only try to make money by running fake stories from questionable sources.

    • Just sue them and demand alot from demages they ‘ve cost to the nation. Zambia lost millions of dollars which she was going to gain from tourism and all you do is a simple caution. Hit them harder and close down all private media house in zambia and blame them for forcing you to do it. Thats the other way of cartelling fake news.

    • I don’t expect these arrogant guys to apologize but the bottom line is they call themselves United Kingdom of “Great Britain”. Meanwhile, there is nothing “Great about Britain”.

      Really laughable …

  2. Just sue the stu—pid paper.they think Africa is full of diseases.I hate such behavior.This is reason we telling u to develop our country.we are not respected as if we don’t think.Even ka avarage white guy would think blacks are stupid coz of use—less politicians we have in Africa.Let us learn to build our countries bane ba politians.Even when u steal invest in your country.Set up manufacturing companies .We need to grow as a nation

  3. I think this boy can run a country better. PF under current leadership is a joke of a century. Unfortunately they have no capacity to sense dangers.

    Am a non partisan political consultant and patriot.

  4. If this was prime TV or Mast newspaper, even Lusaka Times or any other Zambian independent Media the government would have taken them to task, Police courts etc.. Now Government Sue these guys so that they don’t do it again, what are you scared of?.. How will the world know that there is no ZIKA virus in Zambia. When you sue them it will be in the British Newspapers even on BBC and other News media houses around the world about how this African Country has sued a British newspaper and it will be good advertisement for Zambia.Those who never knew where Zambia was will know and will research on Zambia it will bring in even more Tourists and investors in the country. Any publicity is good publicity, you have to take advantage of this situation ba PF government, don’t just talk ACT, who…

    • They were very careful in the way that they published their article. Whilst their article would scare anybody with intentions of traveling to Zambia because of potential ZIKA virus, they did not state that their is ZIKA virus in Zambia. What they said was the expectant Duchess did not accompany the Duke on the trip abroad because of the fear of the ZIKA virus – and they state that the Duke is traveling to Zambia. So, implicitly all they are saying is that there is ZIKA virus in Zambia – but can you win such a case? See what I mean?

  5. CONT… don’t just talk ACT, who will even publish this story apart from Zambia media houses so Sue them everyone will publish and tell them to retract #UTUNTU

  6. .If this was prime TV or Mast newspaper, even Lusaka Times or any other Zambian independent Media the government would have taken them to task, Police courts etc.. Now Government Sue these guys so that they don’t do it again, what are you scared of?.. How will the world know that there is no ZIKA virus in Zambia. When you sue them it will be in the British Newspapers even on BBC and other News media houses around the world about how this African Country has sued a British newspaper and it will be good advertisement for Zambia.Those who never knew where Zambia was will know and will research on Zambia it will bring in even more Tourists and investors in the country. Sue them everyone will publish and tell them to retract #UTUNTU

  7. These colonialists are straight racist’s. Don’t welcome him here. Michael Sata told George Bush never to come back to Zambia again and he has never been here ever since. Tell this so called Prince living rent free from stolen minerals and wealth his ancestors took from Africa to never come here again. The Baby the wife is carrying is not even his. it belongs to Meghan’s American boyfriend.

  8. It is so sad to have anyone peddle lies like that about our country. If what the health minster said is true, then a step must be taken a step that would make those liars pay or retract their statement ! #UTUNTU

  9. It been long since urban filth diseases like cholera and dysentery ravaged countries in Europe and north America, am sure they mistakenly thought zika is another name for cholera or Ebola, instead of solely depending on znbc find time as govt to at least do some press briefing twice in a month, invite international, private and public and interact with them,than always issuing statements on airport runways.

  10. Caution the media houses? Engage the police? Sue? Lies? What childish nonsense!

    Reporting the Duchess pulled out of visiting Zambia because of CONCERNS for Zika is not the same as saying she pulled out visiting Zambia because there IS Zika. Simple. People are allowed to be concerned, especially expectant mothers.

    Was the the decision overly cautious? Perhaps, but it is what it is. Mountain meet molehill. Better for Zambia, I’m sure, would be for the (Hon) minister and others here to focus on building the country’s reputation than to whinge about things like this.

  11. What prospects were injured by Henry Charles Albert David leaving his wife behind? Prospects are injured by the perennial outbreaks of cholera in Zambia. Not Zika!

  12. This Megan girl must have heard from the so-called Royal family about how the western world including the UK have done in the past, especially with viruses like Poliomyelitis, HIV and many others that were prevalent in former British colonies and NOT any other countries in Africa hence, she’s trying to prevent her baby inside her tummy from catching such virus from African countries like ours – simple. I would do the same myself if l were pregnant by not venturing into thre Congo DR with the new Ebola outbreak currently prevailing, l would STAY AWAY…

  13. Zika is only a worry to pregnant women, but cholera affects all. What’s the reaction to reports of typhoid and cholera outbreaks in Zambia?

  14. why do y’all care so much about this?
    she’s pregnant and is looking out for her unborn child …which y’all should do including what you put in your body and where you go
    yeah there’s never been a case of zika in Zambia, but it’s transmitted by mosquitos so they are just erring on the side of caution
    it’s not gonna have any effect on the people planning to visit Zambia
    the minister should roll up his sleeves and go to work, I believe it’s almost the start of the rain season in Zambia, so they should have started unclogging the drainages and cleaning to prevent water stagnation and such
    why do you guys care so much about stuff like this… harry’s visit? when it comes to the west, Zambia suffers from major inferiority complex. be proud, put your heads into work and do you,…

  15. I don’t trust thieves like this man he has done harm to health sector bwana you’re good at business. Look out net thrown on your head soon our will be in the POT. Too much corruption that’s why every media is after you who knows mayb they are right never trust these guys

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