Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu arrives home from Japan visit


President Edgar Lungu having a light moment with Vice President Inonge Wina on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu having a light moment with Vice President Inonge Wina on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit

President Edgar Lungu has arrived back home from Japan where he had gone for a three day working visit.

ZANIS reports that the presidential challenger carrying the Head of State touched down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in the early hours of today at 05-00 hours local time.

Whist in Japan, President Lungu met investors that have promised to invest in key sectors of the economy such as agriculture and manufacturing in her effort to increase productivity in key sectors of the economy.

The Head of State met the Japanese Emperor Akihito and held a bilateral meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe where some bilateral agreements will be signed.

President Lungu was also accorded a dinner and attended the Zambia -Japan Business Forum.

The Head of State was accompanied by Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe and Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Ronald Chitotela. Others who accompanied hi are his aides; Presidential Spokesman Amos Chanda and Political Advisor, Kaizer Zulu.

President Lungu expressed optimistic that a number of investors are willing to invest in the generation of electricity away from hydro power.

He however, is of the view that there many areas of cooperation that Zambians and Japanese have not exploited.

He also addressed Zambians in that country with a pledge that his government wants to industrialize the Zambia’s economy for the benefit of all Zambians.

The visit by the Zambian leader strengthened the partnership between Zambia and Japan including collaboration for the success of the TICAD VII which will be held in August, 2019.

He was received at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport by Vice President Inonge Wina, Defense Chiefs, Tourism and Arts Minister Charles Banda and his Health and Lusaka Province counterparts Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, Bowman Lusambo, Secretary to Cabinet Dr. Roland Msiska, senior government and PF Central Committee members.

President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Vice President Inonge Wina on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Vice President Inonge Wina on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Vice President Inonge Wina on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Vice President Inonge Wina on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Vice President Inonge Wina and Service Chiefs on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Vice President Inonge Wina and Service Chiefs on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state
President Edgar Lungu on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on his arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Japan state visit


  1. Well back home Sir!!
    10 opposition “tutemba” party leaders ploting to support Kainde in 2021 and trying to incite Zambians to protest about what they called a “third term” by you!!Sadly for them, Zambians ignored them 100%.These dull opposition leaders thought that Zambians will PROTEST like they did againts FTJ CHILUBA’S THIRD TERM FAILED ATTEMPT!!Little did these losers know that majority Zambians are in agreement with the concourt judges as we know too well that ECL never ruled for 3 years or more,the period called a TERM!!!

    • Lungu’s foreign trips are suspicious.
      – The reason for the 2016 trip to Israel was revealed to be signing $400 million loan for his Missile-proof jets
      – 2 trips to Swaziland in a pace of 2 weeks revealed the mansion bribe from Inyatsi Roads Ltd

      Anyway the Japanese are not corrupt like their cockr0ach neighbours the Chinese. We need Leaders in State House NOT Dealers.

    • This s so backward, why does an 80yrs old VP ( with a horde of cadres ) go to line up to greet the humble President each time he comes back from a trip?

    • Lungu’s foreign trips are always suspicious.
      – The reason for the 2016 trip to Israel was revealed to be signing $400 million loan for his Missile-proof jets & to sell ZCCM-IH to himself through a Shelf company called Sapir International. They even had no shame to visit Jesus’ tomb afterwards.
      – 2 trips to Swaziland in a space of 2 weeks revealed the mansion bribe from Inyatsi Roads Ltd

      Anyway the Japanese are not corrupt like their neighbours the Chinese.

      We need Leaders in State House NOT Dealers!!

  2. “ONLY A TONGA MUST LEAD UPND” Says Ackson Sejani. Welcome back home our beloved and God given president, we will definitely give you another mandate in 2021 to rule us up to 2026 when we shall decide who should take the mantles from you, no chance for HH and his tribal grouping until 2071. God bless you Mr. President and long and healthy life for you.

  3. Just thinking,which ministry would Mr.Prs Lungu would have been serving if late Sata didnt die? or was he going to be dropped just like what he did to Mutati?

  4. mmmmm…just got my bonus today and BOY the deductions were flabbergasting. And i thought all my hard earned money goes to these guys. Life is hard…

  5. Welcome back home our President, seeing you in the pictures looking healthy. Chikubabe HH and the tuntemba parties. HH just contest as MP for Sesheke

  6. Authorities should make sure the grant monies to the University of Zambia by the Japanese is not in form of cash! The thieves in the cabal will be on the look out to lay their dirty hands on it. They are on record for having stolen British, Irish, Finish, Swedish and German aid in the past.

    • Agogo should go into retirement, she is a sale out one would have thought she learned a lesson from Mrs Banda in Malawi who stood up against tyranny

  7. Let the president tell the nation what he went to do in Japan. Make a press statement, pictures of welcoming ECL do not tell the whole story. Let the people hear.

  8. When was the last time this man spoke to the Zambians about the issues affecting this country. Anyway, more taxes next year

  9. Very wasteful tradition of having these high govt officials all trooping to KKIA to waste time/resources to see off/welcome the president.

    • That’s why I find it laughable when I hear Maggie spewing nonsense about austerity measures bearing fruits…hiring a private jet to go to and from Tokyo for three days alone is close to $1milion add on expenses and these foools wasting fuel to see off this lazy bum…that’s alot of money enough to build schools in rural areas.

  10. The president address the nation the National Assemble 3 times in a year to cover on all nation issues.

    The president has a minister of information to address other day to day nation issues. He also has a powerful press aid to handle the press issues.

    The PF has the SG, Deputy SG and the party spokes person to handle media issues. In addition the PF has a well functional media team led by Sunday Chanda.

    So why do you expect the president to be holding press conferences everyday with all those media structures highlighted above.

    • and u think it is fashionable not to address the nation for almost three years really sometimes be honest with your self even when you support

    • He wants to continue ruling but he does not want to address us nor does he want to hear us …yikali,cant work boss…you cant choose to have your cake and also eat it,advise him you are the ones misleading him…

  11. Us who watch ZNBC we saw and know the number of meetings handed by the President in Japan.

    Dont waste time on watchdog.

    We know that president attended alot of business meetings to invite investors in Zambia.

    We also saw Zambia being Given grant of 500 million yen to improve school of vet. at UNZA

    A very fruitful meeting by the president and his team.

    Good job Mr. President, you have my vote in 2021.

    • Is been given money to a dept that has been under Japanese Sponsorship for 30 years an achievement? how much money did this govt spend on 42 firetrucks that alone would have been enough to make the whole UNZA self sustaining and have enough to buy 42 Scania Trucks direct from the manufacturer.

  12. 5am! For goodness sake. People waking up or not even having slept, just to welcome someone’s return. A huge resource wasting entourage, at that. Why not make your way quietly back to state house?

    • Imagine an old woman like Bo Inonge waking up in the morning to go and see this smiling fool ..all he could have done is arrive and jump on a helicopter to State House!!

    • Imagine an old woman like Bo Inonge waking up in the morning to go and see this smiling lazy foooool ..all he could have done is arrive and jump on a helicopter to State House!!

  13. Seriously, what could Freedom Sikazwe and others like him have contributed on this trip except to be rewarded with a foreign trip for loyalty by the leader? A clear waste taxpayer’s money!!

    • Lazy Lungu is one of those chaps who surrounds himself with dullards, cheerleaders…he is insecure when he is in the presence of intelligentsia or powerful heads of State…this is why he was exposed at EAZ dinner where he cracked those tribal jokes he would have got away with in the presence of Kz, Freedom and other tins!!

  14. In the most productive countries presidents come and go without farewell or welcome delegations because they are busy doing work. I cannot imagine how much manpower is wasted by highly paid people doing unproductive things. These ar the same people saying Zambians have a low work ethic. They will never end these practices because they have never lived or asked other leaders how they travel.

  15. Mushala was a member of the UNIP who , prior to Zambia ’ s independence, was sent to China for guerrilla training with a view to coming back to overthrow the colonial government. Legend has it that upon his return , Zambia was already independent . His wishful dreams were diminished and he became disgruntled .
    Mushala’ s adoption of a military strategy was a direct consequence of the increasingly authoritarian and unpopular nature of UNIP ’ s rule during Zambia ’ s First Republic which ran from the independence day in 1964 up to 1972 . The increasingly manifest failure of the independent Zambian state to fulfil its people ’ s expectations of national social and economic development fired Mushala’ s rebellion. The brutality of the one – party state and the allegedly “Communist ”…

  16. Continued %%%-
    Alledged communist “orientation” of the UNIP government in addition to the lack of hospitals , roads , education and other social infrastructure fed people ’ s malcontent with UNIP . Mushala and his supporters consistently acted and saw themselves as the spokesmen of the neglected peoples of the North- Western Province at the same time UNIP saw itself as the spokespersons of all Zambians being the elected unit .
    Even though Mushala was fighting what he and many people thought was a local cause, the immediate local antecedents and the origins of the Mushala rebellion are not to be found in present – day Mufumbwe district among the Kaonde people he hailed from but are to be sought in the tension between UNIP and supporters of Katanga among the Lunda people of the…

  17. Continued %%%%-
    Lunda people of the neighbouring district of Mwinilunga in the early 1960 s . This strategically important area of Mwinilunga , a salient British region wedged in between newly – independent Congo ( just emancipated from Belgian rule) and Portuguese Angola , was one of the few Northern Rhodesian localities not to be won over by the radical version of nationalism espoused by Kenneth Kaunda ’ s UNIP before independence. “For not only did Mwinilunga abut the potentially explosive Zambian borders with the Congo and Angola , but the rejection of UNIP by the Lunda of the district also militated against the party’ s sustained efforts to present itself as the sole legitimate embodiment of the blossoming nation and to portray the ANC as a moribund tribal organization , limited to…

  18. Continued %%%%-
    to portray the ANC as a moribund tribal organization , limited to the Tonga- speaking areas of the Central and Southern Provinces . ” ( This gives you insights to the current portrays of UPND as regional to Southern , Northwestern and Western and PF ( like UNIP ) , to Lusaka , Eastern , Northern and Copperbelt . These issues are history and nothing new)

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