Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let’s not play politics with our children’s future


Felix Mutati at the launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province
Felix Mutati at the launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province

MMD President FELIX MUTATI has called on citizens to supplement Government’s efforts in improving infrustructure which services communities.

He said Government has so many needy areas that require immediate attention and can not do everything alone.

Speaking when he visited Mukosa Secondary School in Mungwi, where he inspected a community project which he has made contributions towards the construction of a 1×3 class room block and has pledged to see the project through to the end.

MUTATI said citizens should provide a helping hand to Government and help raise the standards of service delivery in communities.

He said he had promised to complete the school project when he was still a Cabinet Minister after being approached by the project coordinator and that he would ensure that the class room is completed before March 2019.

The MMD leader pledged to mobilise more resources from well-wishers and deliver quality works on the project so that pupils could access quality education within their reach.

“There can be no meaningful development in the absence of education and this is why we saw this initiative by the community to be important and worth supporting and this is why we will ensure that it is completed by March next year. As I go to Lusaka, I will ask my friends to support it,” he said.

MUTATI further said there is no need to play partisan politics over the plight of the children’s future.

He said by ensuring that children access secondary education, there is a move to prevent the girl child from teenage pregnancies and early marriages.

“Ignore those who specialize in preaching sermons but let us embrace those who are action-oriented, ” MUTATI said.

And speaking on behalf of three other traditional leaders, Headman Mukosa paid tribute to the MMD leader and his team and reiterated the need for unity of purpose towards the project.

“We are grateful that this project is slowly becoming a reality. The community has done exceptionally well thus far and it is good that you have come to our aid,” he said.

“He caitioned against anyone causing confusion in the area adding that those who have resources and are willing to help, there are 23 hectares for other developmental projects and invedtors are free to partner with the community,” headman Mukosa said.

MUTATI later met residents of Mukosa Village Community to continue with his country wide mobilization in a show of mature politics to ensure the party MMD is sold to every Zambian citizen

He told the residents of mukosa community that Zambians were fatigued with politics of insults whi h can not improve their lives.

Later in the day the MMD leader was in Luwingu District where he met with party officials in his effort to consolidate the party membership and recruit new members.


  1. Mature politics,indeed ! You and Sinkamba are mature politicians, keep it up. others are heading to court again, this time in parliament. They have said nothing about the controversial taxes on mining companies, but wait the moment the gvt makes a final resolution on this you see how they will rise up to gain political millage out of it

  2. If this was a game of football, Denis Liwewe would say “here goes Mutati attacking from the left wing and Kalaba attacking from the right wing, the red Machine HH attacking from the centre with all the support of the rest behind, HH turns three hundred and sixty degrees now PF is in trouble, its a goooool, the Red Machine has scored a beauty. PF has been puled apart right, left and centre. they are no match for the opposition, here comes another wave of attack and the red Machine dribbles past limp Lungu, fire, its a goooool, Lungu has been left behind tagging at the red Machines Jersey. Lungu is Limping off the pitch, he has given up its a walk over.

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