Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chief Mwanachingwala’s Fly Whisk was seized by Airport Security Personal in India-Kapijimpanga


Mwanachingwala with a Fly Whisk
Chief Mwanachingwala with a Fly Whisk, a symbol of Power as a Chief, at his Palace

Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga says Chief Mwanachingwala of the Tonga people of Southern Province did not lose his Fly Whisk, a symbol of power, at the Zambian Mission in New Delhi contrary to assertions by his brother Pinalo Malambo.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga says the Fly Whisk was not handed over to any diplomatic staff but was seized by airport security personnel in Chennai, Tamil Nadu State in 2016 some 2, 161 kilometres from the capital Delhi, when he was in India for medical check up.

She says being in possession of a FLly Whisk breached the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 (As amended up to 1993) Chapter V, Trade and Commerce in Wildlife Animals; Animal Articles and Trophies No. 43 (c) 3.

She says the Chief did not pass through Zambia High Commission in New Delhi as he entered and departed from Chennai some 2, 161 kilometres from the capital Delhi.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga says a Zambian Diplomat visited the traditional leader during the time he was in hospital long before he was discharged and departed India as is the usual protocol.

She says the Mission, through the Honorary Consul of Zambia to Chennai engaged authorities in Chennai Tamil Nadu, to negotiate for its release but efforts proved futile as the Chief did not have a certificate of ownership.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga says the assertions by Chief Mwanachingwala’s brother Pinalo Malambo as quoted by the online media have the potential to tarnish the name of the Mission especially that the seizure was witnessed by the Chief, his spouse and the Chief’s Retainer.

She says the incident is regrettable and that efforts are still being made especially that Indian Government is good at keeping records of seized items.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga says Zambian diplomats like any other Zambian value the rich traditions of Chieftainship and would not in any way act contrary to the norms and customs that govern Chieftainship to an extent of touching a symbol of rulership.

She says the Mission continues to extend courtesies to their royal highnesses with gratitude in a professional manner each time they are within India for medical tourism.

Chief Mwanachingwala’s brother Pinalo Malambo is quoted by the online media suggesting that a diplomat at the Zambian Mission in New Delhi was given a symbol of power, Fly Whisk, which was not given back to the Chief.

This is contained in a statement issued to the media by First Secretary Press and Tourism at the Zambian Mission in New Delhi, India, Bangwe Naviley.


  1. We should ban chiefdoms in this country.No wonder Tanzania banned them.Just consider the reasoning of this one he carries a ka whisk to India for what?In fact let his subjects chase him if the useless whisk means so much to them.And they normally habitually betray their subjects during elections you will hear that chief intwenokani says all his subjects are behind candidate X.No wonder we are not moving forward,ban the chiefdoms i propose…

  2. This was funny and disrespectful of the Indian customs officials. They wouldn’t confiscate a relic from any European Royals but they have the audacity to do it to an African chief. On the other hand, it would have been reasonable for the diplomatic authorities to arrange for the chief to pass through the High Commission as it is fitting.

  3. Iwe Niine Chale. No money to pay for his flight to new Delhi for nothing.
    Q. Why taking with him such things as he was seeking medical treat NOT touring India


  4. “She says the Mission continues to extend courtesies to their royal highnesses with gratitude in a professional manner each time they are within India for medical tourism.” The mission ni wopusa kikikikikiki.

  5. But that whisk was poached from Zambia and has nothing to do with India. He just went there for medicals. Anyway even chiefdom’s are just a waste of time and space we need our freedom. Just abolish chiefdom’s – too much bewitching each other over who becomes next chief.

  6. Chiefs should remember they are only chiefs in their respective kingdoms. Once you leave your area and especially out of the country you are just a mere traveller who should abide by all international travel rules and regulations.

  7. Kikikikikikiki! These Indians are so discriminatory. Yet they have similar traditions there. Do we ask their Sikhs to leave those head dresses at our airports? We should learn each other’s traditions in this global village we live in.

  8. @Nine Chale. This whole fiasco would have been avoided had his royal highness alerted relevant govt. channels about his travel. They would have advised him accordingly.

  9. You are here, talking ill of chieftainship……let’s as people for once stand for what we are, which is that Chief are very very important people of our culture and heritage…just because we are using a foreign governance system, which am not sure it’s brought as much goood, other than for us to move abuse of collective ownership from chief to Cabinet, should not b reason to start walaaa walaaaa, Chiefs this Chiefs that….India, please respect our heritage and give back our Chief his wrisk…and Govt, stop these lame excuses of no, he doesn’t have certificate of ownership, give him this dame thing and let the Chief, have his honor back….#utuntu

  10. Can these Indian Guys confiscate any item from the Queen of Britain?
    Secondly, the Chief entered India with the item, they were supposed to give the Chief the item at the exit from India.
    Thirdly, I see that this item has now lost its value and power, it has overstayed in wrong hands, let our people down Southern there just make a second thought.
    Fourthly, India believes more in Juju, idle gods, aren’t they keeping the item for another aspect?
    Lastly, Africans, when are we to worship GOD in truth, than depending on animal tales as power of authority, real power of authority lies in JESUS, no matter what portfolio, JESUS is Lord, Amen.

  11. Comment:The issue of to do with chief Mwanachingwala loosing his instruments of power to a foreign nation is crucial. The fact is that, there is no standardized rule when it comes when and where to use the symbol of authority whether outside or within our country Zambia. The instrument of power eg. the flying whysk is spiritual. A Chief ought to consult the ancestors to confirm when and where to use it. Exodus 4:4 explain to us that; God gave power to moses through the symbol like a rod(stick) the stick could turn into a snake. For Moses to pick the snake back to his hand; he had to pick it by the tail. Today, traditional authority is just there for the sake of keeping heritage only; the greatest symbol of authority is Jesus Christ who can be kept in our hearts.

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