Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa Cleaning the CBD in Pictures



Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa and Mr. Mwewa admires Ubusaka T-shirt shortly after receiving it from Lusaka mayor at Samson building during the Cleaning of the Central Business District under the theme Ubusaka
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa and Mr. Mwewa admires Ubusaka T-shirt shortly after receiving it from Lusaka mayor at Samson building during the Cleaning of the Central Business District under the theme Ubusaka


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa interacts with a marketeer at Samson building during the Cleaning of the Central Business District under the theme Ubusaka
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa interacts with a marketeer at Samson building during the Cleaning of the Central Business District under the theme Ubusaka


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa showing journalists the uncollected waste and blame his offices for not collecting the waste when they are given everything needed to keep the waste out off Central Business District
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa showing journalists the uncollected waste and blame his offices for not collecting the waste when they are given everything needed to keep the waste out off Central Business District


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa pushing the bin during the Cleaning of the Central Business District whilst other staffs helps
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa pushing the bin during the Cleaning of the Central Business District whilst other staffs helps


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District


Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District
Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District


Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District
Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District


Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District
Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District


Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District
Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District


Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District
Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs collecting waste during the Cleaning of the Central Business District


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Lusaka City Council Police and others Staffs Cleaning the Central Business District

Pictures Courtesy of ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS


    • Umunwe umo tuusale inda, waste of time, give councils the money and they will do their job not you Sampa, its just window dressing, bet all the rubbish is there today now that the cameras are gone.

    • What has the colour got to do with it. In Zambia why do you always want to spot a mistake in everything. Why not talk about the dirty been collected.

    • That’s the Mwewa guy who abuse women street vendors. Watched him been coached by Mulyokela about the need for recycling.

    • Sampa people didn’t vote for you to be collecting garage but to use tax payers’ money to hire gabage collectors.
      Where is the money for gabage collection?

    • This is good and what alot of people don’t realize is it’s the impression that counts, keep up the great work Miles and continue to lead by example but the best example you can give is to remove all luxury SUVs from your council fleet sale those vehicles and use that money on parks and play grounds for the kids, refuse collection plus drainage digging and road repair.

    • When did garbage collection become a mayor ‘s job? The moment the mayor failed to manage The civic center’ s staff. A mayor cleaning the streets means no one is doing the mayor ‘s job because the mayor is doing the garbage man’ s job. And you reporters who cover him are just encouraging incompetence because garbage collection is not about posing for cameras. Sampa can’t do a good job collecting garbage cos his qualifications are for a different job.

    • Go to the same place next week rubbish will be heaped on there…thats because council directors use tge trucks for ferrying cement and bricks to their illegally acquired plots!!


    • This is not Pull Him Down syndrome. The president and defense forces cleaned up Lusaka last year. The mayor and his people should have continued that great attitude of work, displayed by the head of state and gallant men and women in uniform.

    • Indeed this is not ‘pull him down’. The change in mindset we need are…1: Have leaders who think strategically and long term. Have others have said, what Sampa is PR stunt, short-sighted and meant to win political mileage. Do you think those workers and trucks will be there tomorrow to collect the same garbage when Sampa and the cameras are not there? 2. A change in culture by the majority of Zambians who just throw anything and anywhere without care. Sometimes this happens because there is no garbage bins place (something Sampa can rectify easily). Sampa and LCC can contribute to this mind-shift in cleanliness by developing and running a professionally designed awareness and education campaign. They should not wait for cholera only for them to think of educating the masses.

  2. This is admitting failure in management. There are so many layers of managers, supervisors and general workers below the Mayor who should ensure that the city is clean. For the Mayor to be cleaning the city without dismissing or, at least, castigating non-performing individuals shows lack of management skills.

    Sorry, this doesn’t impress me.

  3. This drama does not make me smile .Where there is proper management Sampa and Chiseya seya shouldn’t be doing this .

  4. There’s another hopless pompwe like lungu taking an opportunity for cheap politicking to show he is working after tiyali sokomolad him from his ritzy parties with that over flooded kabwe roundabout …..

    Why are there no systems in place ??

    Just wait, next it will be lungu , lusambo and ka mwale taking an opportunity for cheap photos after rubbish piles up again….

    • He can’t fire any one , just like hopless lungu.

      They need these cheap photo opportunities to show they are working………

  5. The d0gs have come to Lusaka!
    This is not a sustainable strategy! You can’t be the garden boy for the entire Lusaka!
    Can someone take Miles through his job description please! He is embarrassing us!

  6. While this may seem like a good thing to do as a Mayor, you must understand that Waste Management is a serious business that continues to thrive well in developed countries. It’s none of a City Mayor’s business to start exposing himself to pathogens by pretending to collect garage in a bigger city like Lusaka. What is required is deep mindset shift by coming up with Strategic Policies (long term) that would make Waste Management a viable business in Lusaka. Seek expert advice, public buy in and come up with long term solutions for Lusaka. Lusaka City has been growing at a fast pace and will continue to aggressively do so. This challenge entails putting in place good policies and plans to make Lusaka clean and livable city. Proven methods waste management practices do exist across the…

  7. “…Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa showing journalists the uncollected waste and blame his offices for not collecting the waste when they are given everything needed to keep the waste out off Central Business District..”

    Looks like everyone is now copying corrupt lungus strategy for cheap points to show they are working…..

    No system in place does not bother them, belive me, lungu and his gang need these cheap photo opportunities to score points and make the PF rats on LT start sontaring ati hard working humble …….

    • @ Spaka
      Ati PF Rats on LT!!!!!!! really LOL. What a fitting description of the likes of KUDOS and company.

  8. The crowding should be stopped. Instead they should be told to start cleaning up where they are. So that we can see properly where they have cleaned. Otherwise, it’s like a political rally and yet it’s a clean up campaign.

  9. This exercise is a worthy cause. His excellency the president had shown us Now let us get to work. HH must also show that he wants clean environment for his supporters not just at his new Kasama home. I think Zambia has reached a critical mass of those who have realized that we need a clean environment like anywhere else in The developed world. Those throwing rubbish should be made to feel ashamed one way or the other.

    • As much as people can dispose rubbish responsibly, people also pay taxes and land rates, there needs to be a regular cleaning regime ……lungu and his gang can not seem to organise anything.

      And to think $17 billion has just been spent ??

  10. Politics of fullishness to say the least.. this kind of leadership I the reason our continent is lagging behind.. we love it so Much to do things with cameras working… struggle do relevance is the sign of a weak person.. Mr directionless beacon sit down with technocrats who will tell you the right and lasting solution to this problem..

  11. Alright, this is good but bwana Mayor please put up sustainable systems and all this fighting in reaction will be thing of the past. Depolitisize the councils, recruit professionals, boy you will see the difference and all credit will accrue to thre Government in general and specifically you the mayor. Please dont shy away from counsulting even those you dont know facially. Amano mambulwa.

  12. Unsustainable exercise reinforcing the wrong social culture.Mr mayor this is admitting you have huge systemic failures of organization,management ,resource allocation and lacking vision. Stop this micromanagement its making things worse actually.

  13. Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa and Mr. Mwewa admires Ubusaka T-shirt shortly after receiving it from Lusaka mayor at Samson building during the Cleaning of the Central Business District under the theme Ubusaka

  14. Why not using English only for the T shirt title ? Because have just understood the word OPERATION, the other one I can’t understand the meaning.

  15. Cleanliness should not be politicised!!!!!!!! The local authorities should have all the resources to maintain cleanliness in the city. The country has high unemployment rates in the world so why not empower young people form cleaning firms to get contracts from the council?????It does not excite us to see the mayor in action when his job is to manage the city of lusaka at another level!!!!!grow up imweeee!!!!!

  16. Deal with PARKRITE in-charge of collecting park fees in LUSAKA CBD AND WHERE does the money collected Go!! Should be used for CLEANING lusaka – not this PHOTO opportunity RUBBISH.

    MAYOR deliver real CHANGE

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