Saturday, July 27, 2024

Political Parties Direct ZCID Board To Meet Church Before Presidents Meeting


Political Parties Meeting
Political Parties Meeting

Political parties have directed the Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID) to revert back to the church to iron out their differences so that there can be progress in the national dialogue.

Speaking to the media shortly after a consultative meeting for Forum for Political Parties outside Parliament ZCID Board Chairperson Nathan Mulonga said the parties had unanimously agreed that the two stakeholders should iron out their challenges before the meeting slated for 18th.

Mulonga said the members had given the board a mandate to re-engage the church and ensure that the agenda for political parties is achieved.

“Our members have given us a mandate to go and re-engage the three Church motherbodies so will be reaching out to the church to tell them what our members are saying.

“It was an open meeting. You heard their demands as members of ZCID. They have stated that we have got an agenda as political parties and that agenda should not be clouded with what we initially agreed as political parties and that’s the agenda we as ZCID are going to engage the church on.

“We believe that it is good that we had this discussion ourselves as political parties and at the end of the day you have seen that we have come out united on what we want regardless of which political parties we come from,” he said.

Ealier the in the meeting the members agreed that there will be no alteration of the date of the National Dialogue which was set for 18th Jan, 2019 but that ZCID Board re-engages the Church to ensure that the two stakeholders harmonise their working relationship.

The working relationship between leaders of Three Chourch Mother Bodies and ZCID Board has soured after seemingly agreeing to work together.

But on 27th country was subjected to bikering in the media as the two stakeholders issued statements stating a position on a meeting which was to be held on 28th December 2018.

The ZCID had stated that the meeting was postponed owing to the fact there was no working template for the two stakeholders but the Church over ruled ZCID and went on with the meeting which was snubbed by the ZCID members including the Republican President Edgar Lungu.

The three Church leaders went further to announce 18th January 2019 as the date for the launch which they have said they will go ahead with or without the participation of ZCID.

ZCID has however indicated that they are ready to participate in the dialogue provided the two stakeholders agree and harmonise their working relationship and sign an MOU as well as agree on the structure of dialogue.


  1. The Church claims God has given them a mandate to lead the dialogue. These opportunists amaze me. They hide under a being they have never known or who doesnt speak to humans. This whole world is in Satan’s hands as the Bible says and the Church is just a conduit for the devil to play part in worldly politics. Moment ZCID gave up its rightful role to these agents was a time it should have folded or play along with the devil.

  2. No ZCID no dialogue, full stop, I say.

    The 3 church mother bodies are abetting the objectives of the so called political alliance led by trib.als who just want to embarass the President by not recognising him as such when they meet. Dialogue does not serve the defeated ego of Hacks, he knows that he cannot win any election, for him it is just media exposure.

  3. The church is genuine but the people who run it are dishonest. Look at DRC, just because the person Fayulu the Catholic Bishops wanted has lost they have disputed the results. What more if it was Kabilas man who had won. Many atrocities including wars have been instigated by those who run churches.

  4. ZCID is a dishonest ensemble. The church should have nothing to do with. Advise to church: engage ZCID at your own peril!

  5. Before any dialogue can happen in the nation, the ZCID and the 3 CMB needs to be reconciled. How can the church preach about reconciling the nation when they are at war with the ZCID?

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