Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opposition Alliance dismayed by the decision of the Zambia Police Service not to arrest PF cadres for unlawful assembly


Alliance Chairperson of the Media and Finance Committees Sean Tembo
Alliance Chairperson of the Media and Finance Committees Sean Tembo

The Opposition Alliance says it has noted with dismay the decision of the Zambia Police Service not to arrest Patriotic Front members who staged an unlawful protest at Parliament this week , despite the Police acknowledging that the said protestors did not comply with the provisions of the Public Order Act, by giving notice, thereby making the protest itself illegal.

Alliance Chairperson Media and Finance Sean Tembo said the Alliance is aware that not so long ago, a group of civil society activists who staged a lawful protest at Parliament against the $42 million fire tender scandal, were quickly arrested by the Police, and taken to court, where they were subsequently acquitted.

Mr. Tembo says this clearly shows double standards and segregation on the part of the Zambia Police Service in their enforcement of the law, by favoring citizens who belong to and are affiliated to the ruling Patriotic Front, over the rest of the citizens who don’t.

He said by institutionalizing segregation on the basis of political affiliation in its enforcement of the law, the Zambia Police Service has breached the Constitution of Zambia.

He said it must be noted that the Zambia Police Service itself derives its power from the Constitution of Zambia and therefore, the Police cannot wantonly breach one part of the Constitution and then in the same breath, claim to be enforcing another part of the same Constitution.

“The Zambia Police Service must be decided on whether we are all going to abide by the Constitution of this Republic or we are not. We cannot have PF members as first class citizens who are above the law, and the rest as second class citizens who are subject to the law”, he said.

Mr. Tembo says the Zambia Police Service must also decide whether they are a state institution whose salaries are paid by taxpayers’ money, or they are a militia of the ruling Patriotic Front, in which case the PF party must pay their salaries.

HIfe said if the Zambia Police Service insist that they are a state institution whose salaries are paid by the taxpayers of this Republic, then they must henceforth start enforcing the laws of the Republic fairly and equitably across the board, regardless of the political affiliation of the individuals involved.

“It is on the basis of the foregoing that we in the Opposition Alliance demand, as we hereby do, that the Police immediately arrest all the PF members who staged an illegal protest at Parliament yesterday, as they are all well known”, he said.

Mr. Tembo said failure by the Zambia Police Service to arrest the culprits in question will be an indictment on the Police that they are not a state institution, but rather a militia of the ruling PF party who are only willing to do the bidding of the PF, and nothing else.


  1. No PF thug who went to parliament can be arrested. Kanganja would see it necessary to arrest a member of parliament who is visiting people but he cannnot touch those stupid PF thugs who went to disrupt parliament proceedings. The Minister incharge of thieves Kampyongo equally saw nothing wrong. Kanganja’s police failed to bring the issue of public order act but if it was the opposition who went to parliament today being weekend was going to be additional torture in filthy cells. Kampyongo and Kanganja do not deserve those offices they are PF cadres terrible let down.

    • Why Margaret is protecting her friends HH, Muna Hantuba and Valentine Chitalu for externalising of K700 million through Sanlam Life and Africa Life, disguised as reinsurance premium?
      Is the law not the same for big fishes?
      Why is she not allowing ZRA Transfer Pricing Unit not to move in and establish the facts, evaded tax amount, penalties, fines and interest by the troika of HH, Muna Hantuba and Valentine Chitalu?

    • Can we please protest against the Zambia Police for their selective application of the Law against those breaching the Public Order Act .

    • And the loot continues till today. HH along with his three evil big fishes have externalised over K700 million through Sanlam Life and Africa Life but no action taken for the economic sabotage act of this enemy of zambia bipolar persona?

  2. Zambia has turned into ANIMAL FARM PF better and the rest of Zambians in opposition bad. The once Zambia Police that changed from a force to a service has gone back to being a force for the patriotic front. The hostilities in our country is growing and the PF cadres have become a force that is answerable only to their party masters. they are untouchable. Zambia is crumbling at a fast rate and before long it will be a wild state that people will be afraid to visit or invest in. Aparty can be replaced anytime but not a country. Soon it will be listed as one of the countries NOT TO VISIT. iS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN bOKO hARAM AND pf CADRES? Cadres terrorising their own people so that they are kept in money. True CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY.

    • SOBOLIC,

      Hope Kanganja can understand that the police he runs is not for PF but for Zambians. He chews tax payers money yet he does nothing apart from being commanded by PF cadres like Steven Kampyongo and Davies Mwila.

  3. Your time will come baba if at you will ever form government. Those are privileges given to a ruling Party especially after being Sesheked!!!


  5. Yes, arrest the unruly idoits masquerading as party cadres, it’s too much of them disregarding the laws of the land. Kanganja and his appointing authority must sort these cadres out. If Kanganja does not act, the appointing authority must issue a directive. These cadre idoits have been a nuisance since PF came to power and there has been no sanity in the application of the PoA since then.
    I don’t have kind words for trib.als but this Sean Tembo is absolutely right with his example of the arrest of civil right activists for exactly the same offence at exactly the same location.

  6. By the way we all know that Hacks dislikes nsengas (no, “hates” is more correct), is this Sean Tembo a nsenga? If so his days are numbered, Hacks never forgives once he hates.

  7. Mr Tembo who told you that “ protesters had no permit “? You think that they are like you and UPND ,who believes in lawlessness? Follow the case properly.You are the same people mislead mass of people in Zambia.

  8. The P.I.G. would rather fire police officers for doing their job correctly than to arrest any of these PF cadres. Now with his threats to those officers in sesheke which police officer can even attempt to arrest these PF cadres.

  9. We need to reclaim our country back like the way we did with kaunda’s by air. Zambians people are peaceful and this continued assault on our liberties by those shielded from prosecution needs to stop. This lawlessness is affecting many things including investments who wants to invest in such a lawless place. ECL tame your cadres please before we give you a red card in the next elections

  10. Kwena these so called alliance fooools have all been reduced to think. The satellites have agreed to kill their tuntemba parties in favour of one big central party upnd. Just look at upnd trib.als, when they have an issue they speak as upnd, even Hacks the de facto leader of the alliance speaks as upnd leader not a member of the so called Opposition Alliance.
    Take Mr Sean Tembo, president of the Patriots for Economic Progress PeP, he does not speak as president of his own party but as Chairperson.of some idyotic sounding Finance and Media committee of the Alliance. Despite their denials befitting trib.als who do not think, it is clear that they have been swallowed by the party of fooools as Jay Gay calls the big upnd. Come 2021 Hacks will…

  11. …… Come 2021 Hacks will be allocating seats to each small in his own village and keep the big prizes in his strongholds. Talk about a plot, that is Hacks for you, smell the coffee!!!
    Ever heard of the term “Vizende ngako”? Eeh eh, Sean Tembo is one of them, Milupi is another, ooh and Mulongoti….yes the evacuated one…kikikikiki

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