Unruly PF cadres comprising mostly youths have attacked NDC President Chishimba Kambwili during a live radio programme on Power FM in Kabwe.
The cadres stormed the studio and disrupted Dr Kambwili’s interview.The cadres stormed the studio around 10:00 Hours just when Dr Kambwili was making his concluding remarks.
They forced their way into the studio by breaking the door, demanding that the programme be stopped immediately.
A fracas ensued between the cadres and the NDC team leading to some radio station property getting vandalized.
Police only arrived at the scene 40 minutes after the fracas began despite Kabwe’s central police being located close to Power FM studio station.
The officers failed to arrest the PF cadres who were still at the premises despite NDC media director Emmanuel Malite telling them that they had trespassed and vandalized property, among other things.
Police instead offered to sneak Kambwili out of the studio.
And Dr Kambwili has condemned the thuggery behavior of the PF cadres insisting that the police were afraid to act on cadres.
He accused President Edgar Lungu of sending same the same thugs he sent to beat up protesting council workers to attack him during the radio program.
“PF cadres broke into the Power FM studio insulting and threatening to kill me all because I was on radio, the PF cadres who were armed tore down window panes and broke the radio station property. These are the same thugs Lungu sent on council workers whilst he was in Kabwe at the time of the attack. President Lungu must know that thuggery has no place in our politics and in 2021 he is gone,” Dr Kambwili said.
“You fired me from government because you fear me, you removed me from parliament because you fear me, and now that I am in the opposition you are arresting and attacking me every day. What a coward!”
Dr Kambwili added, “Face me politically not using unruly cadres and police officers to intimidate me. Despite little bruises here and there I am safe and sound. It’s just extremely sad that Lungu has decided to use violence on his opponents.”
“First they went and beat up council workers, today they came to stop the program, unruly behavior; police have been called but they are nowhere to be seen because they have been threatened. What happened in Sesheke has sent shivers to the police, so wherever PF is involved; making noise or causing violence, police cannot move in because they are scared of losing their jobs, they have got families to feed,” he said.
“But I think by and large what the people of Zambia need to do; is to remove these people. I have said on this issue of saying leaders are stealing, I am ready to die. These people, what they are supposed to do is to stop stealing; that’s so. Once they stop stealing, then there will be no problem. But if they continue stealing and when we talk about their stealing, their cadres come to attack us; I am ready to be attacked, even to die on behalf of the people of Zambia. We cannot continue running a country where it’s free for them to steal public resources and when we talk, you bring unruly cadres. For me, I will not be that coward.”
And featuring on the radio programme, Dr Kambwili insisted that there was too much thieving in PF and that party needed to be voted out.
“You were just suffering together these people in government including the president; today they are supper rich and they are giving you hand outs. That won’t be tolerated under Kambwili’s administration. Someone came here and lied to you that he had opened Mulungushi textile, but as we speak, it is closed and now they are even chasing you from the street while they are enjoying your money which they are stealing.”
Kambwili stop dragging Edgar in your issues. That is being stupid and foolish. You are grown up CK. Also mind your language. You are just showing us how illiterate you are by always insulting Edgar. Tell us your manifesto.
Kambwili…everyone Zambian knows your dirty tricks….you organized this yourself stop fooling Zambians….Playing games just to gain popularity…this trick is old Dr Kambwili….try something else….HH tried this trick several times and it never worked….please try something new
Lock all these cadres up … Kambwili has his democratic right to exercise his 1st Amendment Rights as well as the 4th Amendment Rights and no one should disrupt those.
Only when he breaks the law is he supposed to be reprimanded and that’s the police not unruly cadres. This is one reason why Mwila should go.
He seems to be at the centre of such uncouth measures and in this 21st century no one should be allowed to lead and exercise these stone age kind of politics.
Epo mpelele,
You are an idiyooote
Kambwili is enjoying what he promoted when he was information minister. Ask post newspaper reporters, he was on their case with threats. Let him handle it like a man, not like a street prosti.tute
These are the same thugs that jog with Lungu every weekend.
They look very dirty though, not a good sight.
Henry I wouldn’t be suprised to learn that you are one of those f00ls who went to attack Kambwili. Did you listen to yourself when writing this trash? Please read through again and see the nonsense you written.
Edgar Lungu.. stop this foolishness. Leave him alone. He has the right to have ambitions and aspirations to become President.
I’m not a Kambwili fan but PF cadres acting under Lungu’s authority are marubbish. Lungu should grow up and stop bullying everyone he thinks is his enemy. Pilato cant sing a song and he is bullied. HH cant use the same road or he will be detained for years, Kambwili is always physically assaulted. Sean Tembo asks a question and he is detained for defamation.
And Lungu wants to pretend he is civil? Atase! In a democracy people have the right to speak and some of what they say will hurt you even if you are president but you dont harass them unless you are Idi Amin. Lungu wants us to believe he is as holy as the Pope. The hour has come to remove such tyrants
Kambwili we are interested in your manifesto and not the insults. We are fed up of listening to your insults. Edgar might be insulted as much as you can but the insults will not reverse his presidency or change the economy. Please sell your manifesto to the people of Zambia.
If Edgar Lungu is indeed the Commander in Chief, the thugs will be arrested and taken to court. That is what the rule of law demands.
@Henry, how does saying there is too much theft by PF become an insult? How does reminding the people of Kabwe that Mulungushi textiles remains closed despite Edgar promising otherwise. A lie will remain a lie even id told by the president!!
Which insults, the man is stating the truth. You are also dull because ECL is enjoying the $68 million alone.
I remember when Kambwili phoned ex-priest Frank Bwalya that he should remove himself from radio station. What followed was PF thugs pouring shake-shake on Frank.
Now Frank is on a best vacation one can get, ambassador in Australia. Doing nothing.
Our country is rapidly sinking into a criminal state run by thugs. Even the law enforcement officers are afraid to do their jobs. Ba PF please learn from the past and what has happened to others. Who would have thought Mubutu would fall? Gaddaffi? Idi Amini? Mugabe? All these people who thought they could just abuse their citizens endlessly and get away with it.. Mr Lungu please change your ways before it’s too late for you. I know that zambians look docile to you. That’s what Kaunda thought. That’s what Chiluba thought. They learned the hard way and so will you.
How come no one is arresting these bullies? People is our country okay ?
CK should be allowed to do radio interviews, press conference and the right to express himself. In this day and age, we do not need people (PF) shutting up other people. Tolerance and coexistence.
Allow people to judge CK on his self destructive trajectory of insults and foul language.
CK, kindly behave and as you sale yourself observe civility and respect for others. Slander is bad. If ECL fears you as you purport, why do you incessantly hail insults and derogatory words against your opponents. I will not lie to tell you when I tell you that I have never head ECL insult you, at least not in public.
These animal politics you want to bully everyone with will have you beat. Conduct yourself orderly or you will have yourself to blame.
When we tell you there is no leadership in this govt you think its a joke…they same people who were telling BUFFOON CK to form his own party: are the same people attacking him physically…this is why the likes of KBF is making sense for PF as we can not move forward with Chacha type of politics.
Shame on you LAZY LUNGU and SG Mwila…Shame Shame Shame Shame!!
Where is BUFFOON CK’s body guard who is always with him in pictures? This is the Zambia we will have after 2021 if these people return to govt…cadres will be above the law, they will have the powers as the Hitler youth or Hitler Jugend …I remember Sata used to go to every radio station and run his mouth no one including then MMD stone-thrower Bowman Lusambo was sent to disrupt him!
Zambians wake up!!
This violence needs to stop. All ECL has to do is go on television and warn any cadre who promotes violence that the full face of the law will follow them, the same way Levy Mwanawasa did. Unfortunately, we have a President who doesn’t even hold a press conference.
Boss, do you select the news to read? it is not long ago that Edgar said exactly what you are saying he should say. Bosses read all the print news before and after the sesheke fracas. The only one who I have not heard denounce violence is opposition president wamuyaya for UPND HH.
Your purchase a jet at $63M and failing to pay University lectures let alone student, isn’t that stealing of public funds for unnecessary expenditure? Was there anything wrong with the Challenger? Don’t also forget your $1m fire track and those useless ambulances plus that delegation that went to America to receive 3 fire trucks at the tax payers expense. Kwena Zambians you heads need to be checked. You with nothing once the World Bank & IMF return to audit our looted reserves come 2022, do you even have an alternative plan for income? Ku SA ba shoka
He was just interested in the commission as usual, I thought leadership is about solving problems rather than compounding them.
When they say that Kambwili insults, I don’t understand can anyone bring out a well quoted insult CK used on the ECL? Since when did a word ‘thief’ become the same as “nshatombapo bawiso” on a Zambian soil???
I have never met Kambwili in person. I only know him through the media. colleagues, I stand to be corrected.
When Kambwili was in government these are things he was doing to most Zambians especially those in opposition. The cadres are just doing what he ( Dr Kambwili ) trained them. I’m Tumbuka but in Bemba they say Lesa nimalyotola elyo futi mumbwe aitile impanshi shabwela shamububa. Zambians, lets not easily be cheated. Dr Chishimba Kambwili is a bad guy !!!!!!
Yes is bad guy I agree with but he is saying the truth. Truth remain truth whether said by bad guy or good one
If you say the or state truth without insults people will respect you. If you will mix truth with impunity, wild claims and a bunch of boastful connotations, you will hurt others and they will rain on you.
CK is reaping what he has always sowed, thanks we mutumbuka.
But I just hope he conducts his interviews humanely.
Thorn in the Flesh – BUFFOON CK can mix whatever he wants it up to the people to decide …its not up to unemployed hired guns t go and disrupt him..you mean people are not mature enough to make their own minds up? If you can not debate don’t join politics like that lazy bum in State House who can not even host a single press conference surely.
#Openness, I’m glad you know that Kambwili is surely a bad guy. Why is he telling us the truth NOW ? When he was in PF, to him, everything was fine. When he got fired he wants to tell us the truth. Remember What Nawakwi and the friends did. When FTJ wanted a third term they resigned from MMD. These are a few examples of leaders that our once beautiful Zambia wants to have. Kambwili did not resign. He was fired. Had he been in PF up to now ngatabwata bwata. We Zambians have a problem. we forget things easily and then turn to God to help us. So, Kambwili, Lungu and now KBF nibapompwe.
Zambian political cadres are as thuggerous and dangerous as the thug CK and you sick double gay. CK was a staunch cadre under Unip then under PF. Once a cadre, always a cadre.
Oh my world when a cadre becomes an MP then Minister then opposition leader.
Key: once a cadre always a cadre.
Nothing new here thug and cadre CK was met by PF cadres and thugs. What do you want me to say? Yes two wrongs don’t make a right. The ONUS was squarely on the radio station moderator. Thankyou!
Mr Henry it’s only in Private schools where you see a teacher pointing out the answer to a question. If you have been through real Zambian schools I believe it’s abstract reasoning you were taught.
So the manifesto is in everything he says.
It’s up to you to extract it
BUKALA BWANDI – So you are justifying the act. What about the property which has been broken? Should that property be broken because of what Kambwili did in that past?
That is why the whole exercise at Mulungushi conference centre (NDF) is a waste of time and resources. When those clergy men advised that there will be bloodshed in 2021 if the reconciliations are not properly conducted this is what they exactly meant. Action to stop violence speaks louder than those stupid gatherings at Mulungushi where they are sharing allowances.
Sir Mumba fimo fimo will tell you lets roll.
Who doesn’t know Kambwili insults?Though the insults are not in this article the truth of the matter is that he insults.Look here gentlemen,Kambwili is slowly towing the the line of failures and soon he be on the list of failures.Time to sale the manifesto is now,but the guy is busy talking about something irrelevant.Talk about the manifesto baba,we want to hear how you are to change this country,be realistic bwana.
If you listened to the interview you would have heard him talking about using the $377 million for Ndola airport instead of on farms in each province that creates jobs and wealth (just $10 million for each province), he mentioned cloths that should be made in Zambia are all made in South Africa. He also talked about the number of cars in Zambia yet we do not manufacture cars in Zambia. So please listen to his interviews and not make baseless statements. That head on your shoulders is not a decoration.
CK will fight corruption and that’s a good manifesto
You can’t go around insultng an incumbent President and expect to get away with it. You basically insulting the wisdom all the electorates who voted him into office. Be intelligent and man enough to campaign on real issues instead of whipping up visibility using inflamatory language.
How is telling lungu that he is a corrupt violent thief an insult ?
Let lungu deny this then we will call it an insult , but the corrupt violent thief lungu does not deny this …..who are you to call it an insult ?
How dare you accuse the m0r0ns who voted for this utterly dull president as being wise. Fyonse fipuba.
Did talking about 377 million for Ndola airport instead of investing it in farms in each province that creates jobs and wealth an insult? Did taking about cloths that should be made in Zambia instead of South Africa an insult? . Did talking about about the number of cars in Zambia yet we do not manufacture cars in Zambia insult? Even if he was insulting the president, was it lawful for cadres to attack Kambwili? Are you justifying what the cadres did?
Just wait with your president in 2021. Kuno Roan we are headed to Kitwe and Mufulira so that we will teach PF a lesson. Baya saana ba koswe aba.
What is an insult?
A pejorative (also called a derogatory term, a slur, a term of disparagement) is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative connotation or a low opinion of someone or something, showing a lack of respect for someone or something. It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard.
From the above insele are not insults, but names of body parts and certain actions like sex etc. Only when translated to Zambian languages are them turned mu nsele. Example penis in English is not an insult but describes a body part; translate this to Bemba (ubukala) it is classified as an insult how.(pure madness) Ubukala lishina fye that is there for identification of a body part chapwa. Icha kufyalilako chi sungu ke insele, tekupena fye nomba lol
Thuggery met with thuggery.
ECL is above petty politics, he can’t play to the gallery. Mature politics.
There lies the difference between CK and double h besides experience. CK plays it dirty, filthy and cowardly. Normal people will debunk CK’s rhetoric.
The chap in a nigerian gear on one Sunday Interview decimated the entire Tonga clan and reduced them to ruble. Only a few chaps spoke against him. He felt emboldened. The win in Roan Constituency made him all the more emboldened. Comparing to rotten apples:
What could be the common things between CK and double h? Treachery, yes – level; Diarrhea mouth, no CK is more filthy; Spookiness, yes; Deviousness, yes; Insulting, no ck is more insulting; IQ, no CK is more naive; Power hungry, yes – level; Lies – equal. Envy and Jealousy -…
…- level and Bitterness, level. Said what?
Thorn …. you are just a cheap corrupt PF cader to be justifying this violence….
Let lungu and PF answer with real job creation and exports not with violence
In short CK is inviting trouble. He will get killed one day. Just my feeling.
Look, if you know of someone, a friend or former friend, you know is a actively stealing or you actively witnessed stealing or suspect stealing, the only normal thing under law and order to do is formerly seek the audience of law enforcers vis, Police, ACC, or DEC if you suspect laundering so he ends up in court then jail if convicted. That is the normal thing to do. Backflash, villagers who came to the city went on the rooftops to warn the neighborhood on witchcraft practices suspension. That was a nuisance. This former lawmaker knows what to do. This is just a popularity stunt. And if he is feared as he suggests, why not wait for 2021? Obstructionist.
Thorn is the A$$ … i always under estimated your shallow reasoning. Property of a private radio station has been damaged by unruly thugs located near a police station and no arrests made and you are there yapping about CK. Kambwili is not even an issue here, the biggest issue is the trend and precedence being created by PF leadership. This my friend has a huge potential to disrupt peace in the country.
On the otherhand, imagine it was NDC or any opposition cadres who attacked Sunday Chanda in a similar manner, we would have seen live ammunition being discharged and potential loss of life.
You cadres you need to think beyond politics and respect the rule of law.
Change your nuppie and get that yoyo from your mama to play with before you wish to engage with me toddler.
Kid, in an African context when a snake enters your mattress on the bed you sleep, guess what will happen to it.
No no no that may be tough for you, stick with me there kid, will you?
Lets go this way, when the UPNDEAD infiltrated Prime TV, it resulted in a huge loss of business for almost 1 solid month for poor Prime and stakeholders under the suspension.
Now come back. When a Radio programme presenter gets so swallowed in the rhetoric from a guest, they forget the role of interview moderation. Right in there lays potential and actual trouble. Thumbs up to Radio Phoenix, they have mature presenters and interviewers. You gotta be a grown @ss to digest…
… to digest this. And don’t pull that freedom of expression sh!t, you hear? How dare you sit there pooping on yourself? Get your nuppie fixed.
Pay this cheap violent corrupt cader , thorn no mind…..or ask him about the state of the economy
Savages lead by a savage who pretends to be a humble christian..
There is no one in-charge …
You wrong , lungu knows full well and directs this violence…..he has no answers to questions asked of him
Dr. CK,
There is a say ” A thief always thinks veryone is stealing”
It would be nice for Dr.CK to tell the nation how the presidents steal and who assist them to steal.
Dr.CK bought Luanshya land belonging to Luanshya golf court. The question to CK is ” How did he get the Land?” The CK estate flats he was building. ” Where did he get the funds? Show the nation where he got the loan.
Dr.CK says they are stealing because that’s what he was doing and now he is annoyed with the president because the people who were giving him money have stopped since he is nolonger minister. He has no influence for the contracts period. Do not be cheated fellow Zambians. Epo mpelele
Ck has denied stealing , in public , even lungu failed to arrest him on stealing
Now let lungu also deny in public that he is a corrupt thief
This is not even about what CK said. Why are some people turning a blind eye to the continued lawlessness exhibited? Not only by the thugs, but by those entrusted with keeping law and order, now afraid to act. Who will protect YOU when they next come for you? It is the breakdown of processes, systems and the lack of a political will to do the right things that we are referring to.
Even ECL has his head in the sand – when has he ever robustly condemned, ordered or taken real action to curb this violence? It probably suits him that he has hired guns to intimidate and beat up his ‘opponents’.
Ck is a good man amichita ububi
I missed something here, what was the ruling by PACRA about the activities of CK with regards to the NDC? Has the issue been resolved? if not, then both the attackers and chishimba Kambwili are thugs who should be dealt with by the law. Surely, we sometimes tend to be overzealous and involve people that are not supposed to be involved in some issues. ECL is head of state with all the responsibilities which most of us will never understand until we become one. Then he is supposed to be following this loud mouth Chishimba Kambwili where ever he goes? very sad. Let the police follow those who are bordering on breaking the law.
The police can not do anything to the violent PF cader thugs who are brutalising people and damaging private businesses
CK is right president sent them to destroy his life.let oppositions speak louder for the people of zambia.anyone supported the cadres for this you are *****s
Ck was the comander of thugs when he was in pf,he is reaping what he sow,epo mpelele
Thorn in the Flesh – Sir with due respect what is the level of your education? Do you think attacking a radio station and breaking properties is lawful. If Kambwili has done something wrong is that the work of cadres, when we have police and judiciary?
Really laughable..please dont waste such titles on empty tins like thorn in the a@$
I have said my own.
Do you live in Zambia? If you do, have you studied the mess cadres like kid double jay create?
Where you born yesterday?
I have heard Zambian cadres publicly, on camera, threaten to rape a renowned female politician and nothing was done about it. Grow up and face it.
I have said my own.
Do you live in Zambia? If you do, have you studied the mess cadres like kid double jay create?
Where you born yesterday?
I have heard Zambian cadres publicly, on camera, threaten to r.a.p.e a renowned female politician and nothing was done about it. Grow up and face it.
For your own information, I blame CK as a cadre, radio moderator and PF cadres. All of them. If one of these camps were doing their job rightly, matters were not going to escalate to such dangerous levels. Call a spade, a spade. Unfortunately, truth hurts.
The PF cadres action and reaction of their bloggers unreasoning sentiments is a normal life. Its part of both their manifesto and constitution. CK has been attacked at the radio station ,but people are demanding the NDC manifesto. So where is the connection between the NDC manifesto and live broadcasting. Here the situation PF government gets $500,000=00 here the expenditure
1.45% that is $225,000:00 Oiling the Top leadership
2.35% that is $175,000:00 Working capital for the PF Secretariat
3.20% that is $100,000:00 Road construction etc
4.5% that is for the Directors/PS and others for arranging contractual efficient and other paperwork
This has nothing to do having a MANIFESTO,meanwhile China wants her money back
Chendabusiku – Please, Please, I beg you Sir, don’t expose your ignorance in public. Is it PACRA which deals with registration of societies?. Why do we comment on matters we so ignorant about? Your chizungu expression you have written, awe mwandi, I comment further.
When Defense Minister Mr. Davies Chama was S.G for P.F none of this nonsense of thuggery ever existed in P.F. This current 6 Point G12 secretary general running P.F is too shallow. Kambwili has never once been indicted by the Courts or summoned by the Police for calling the President a thief, he gets charged for meeting AVIC protesting employees, yelling at and Indian doing a job that a gazillion Zambians can ably do!! The trajectory we’re on is dangerous with this violence is bad and needs to stop!!
Surprisingly the so called pf carders only came to interrupt when the whole program content had fished. We listenex to the whole program only to hear that we have been invaded when kambwiri was saying bye to the host of the live programme. Sometimes you wonder.( it could be staged. Let the police invastigate.)Atleast if they had blocked him from addressing people on that program. It is a 1hour program from 09.00hrs to 10 hrs and it hard finised.Well food for thought. I am sure it is time we zambians start following up such cases to their conclussions. It shouldnt just end like this.lets follow it up and find the culprits.
#Me forgive Chedwaubulushi his comments is not matching the issue at hand. PACRA and Registrar of Societies the functions no where near or parallel.Furthermore,for one to appear on TV or Radio station one doesn’t need the authorization either PACRA or Registrar of Societies as long as one pays for the program . Its a private radio station its has nothing to with PF government development program
People , don’t be duped , lungu is fully aware of this violence and it is done with his humble blessings , since he has no answer for the rotting economy…….
If lungu wanted , he could end this violence with one phone call to kapoyongo…..
CK has a lot energy and I would say intelligent. Good orator too. I don’t agree with him on some of his utterances. If he indeed suspects the whole govt to be thieves, what will he put in place to minimise this scourge?
I would rather he shared on the solution to end this vice. Failure to help in ending this scourge or give a solution to this will see this country on its knees if indeed what CK is insuating is true. When CK finally lands the Top job, what will he find? Am sure if a mature approach is adopted, the government would listen to him. Being antagonistic is just a recipe for confusion. Even CK when maliciously accused of stealing has reacted harshly and insulted his accusers. Should I say he is testing the medicine of his making? I strongly condemn violence at all costs…
I remember how unruly CK was during his time in govt. Once he stormed ZNBC to stop them from airing a program. He also once made a claim about us tongas and Jesus concernig voting patterns. He made saveral threats to saveral perceived political enermis. Today he is on the other side. Let him get the taste of his brew so that next time he is in govt. again, he may just remember to hundle things differently.
Kambwili was VERY COMFORTABLE with such behaviour from P.F Cadres when he was sitting on Ba Jona Chakolwa’s lap & eating with P.F.
Kambwili would always be hostile, & threaten to shut the same media houses he’s now running towards to spread his “democratic message”
Some of us who don’t see party, or play belly politics warned, Kambwili is creating a rod for his own back, which in time will come back to bite.
Just dig out archives of our commitments on Kambwili, when he was high & mighty in P.F.
Look @ Godfrey [email protected] Bw4m.b@.
u dogs Mufulira kitwe Ndola chingola Kalulushi no go area for is dog Kabwili copperbelt is for Pf if u want to try one day
Violence begets violence. Kambwili is the man we saw haranguing an Indian employee for doing nothing but his job. He is living by the sword he created himself.
So now he knows what it feels like and hope he will stop politics of aggression and put his point across honestly and with respect for his fellow politicians in PF, especially His Excellency President Lungu.
THAT PICTURE! The face of the patriot, challenging Kambwili for his disrespect for democratically elected fellow politicians …..is pure gold. That’s good photography if there is a good print that’s in focus.
Kabwili was the master when it came to cadres harassing innocent citizens when he was in government . He created these monsters so he should not complain. I have just had a test of the ruling party supreme in the last ten days over my piece of property I own in one of these shanties, where a party cadre threatened to unleash boys from city market on me, as for the council they dance to the tune of politicians lest they lose there jobs. In short what I’d happening to Kabwili is what our politics have generated into. The cadres run supreme. Come 2021 if this kind of hooliganism by cadres, I ain’t voting and someone might just lose by one vote.
Kambwili is simply an id1ot!!!The kind of politics being practiced by CK and his evil team is very retrogressive.Presidents world over are respected.Kambwili insults president Edgar Lungu with impunity and allowing him to continue on this path would be very bad.Only tribal UPND cadres celebrate CK’s nonsense because they have short memories!!
Bravo to few Kabwe PF cadres who sorted Kambwili out today.How i wish he was beaten severely so that he can stop his nonsense!!!Michael Sata was alone and he is gone forever until Jesus returns,so Kambwili will never be Mr.Sata!!Politics of provocation are dangerous to our peace.Nowonder,the police mostly do not allow our opposition parties to campaign freely because what they do if given space is to insult ECL’s Govnt anyhow!!!ALL WE WANT IS…
Kambwili is most stupid politicians with no morals and manner.He closed the post when he was minister of information using his own head,feet’s and hands .Today he has no where to go and air his message and blame the Republican president after being fired for miss representing the govt and gross incompetence he is always ranting rubbish against the Republican president.Stupid man learn to respect the presidency.
The winning of Roan does not mean u are popular the loss by pf was as result of lack of coordination between PF national leaders and grassroot structures otherwise u would have lost.
Ba pf at least be ashamed. What do you want to turn our country into? Please my fellow citizens let’s all say no to this rubbish please this is our country not for lungu na pf. Enaf is enaf not anymore. It can’t be true that all that oppose you are bad or insult you.
What’s wrong with you all.in the very first place you’re are the ones whose looking stuiped and leackless, course the people you’re talking about their busy making money well you are busy pocking one another grow up ladies and gentlemen.i see no sense in every one of you by exchanging words well others are busy enjoying life what change does it make when you exchanging words nothing just stick to what you know and what you’ve to do when the time comes that’s all fellas.
Former President of Sudan and his entire government transported like cows to prison… Nothing in life is permanent.
Let the wise learn from other countries.
Kambwili is now reaping what he was sowing some years ago. This is the same Kamwili who stormed a radio station some years ago and harassed some opposition party members who were being interviewed. Kambwili is also good at that kind of politics. He has tamed his tongue for now because he is in the opposition. The real Kambwili will manifest when he is given the opportunity to lead the country
All radio stations should employ armed security men to protect their investments. There are no more police men and women to protect Zambians and their properties. The people we see in uniforms are ba kamalonda for pf. They are not allowed to protect anyone who is not a pf cadre, if they do they get fired. Zambians should find ways to defend themselves. And stop all these complaintake here!