Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government welcomes progressive contribution to Zambia’s economy


President Lungu
President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has called on the informal and formal sectors to fully participate in the country’s economic growth.

President Lungu said his administration is open to work with everyone both from the informal and formal sectors to ensure economic growth for the country.

The President said the informal sector which has about 80 percent of citizens is key to the growth of the country’s economy.

He expressed gratitude to the Zambia National Marketeers Credit Association (ZANAMACA) for organising the informal sector so that they can contribute to the economy of the country.

He praised ZANAMACA for reaching out to people in the informal sector who are mostly in markets and bus stations.

He said the informal sector has a huge potential to grow the economy hence the need for government to incorporate them.

The President was speaking when members of the ZANAMACA management led by its President and Founder Mupila Kameya called on him at State House today.

And ZANAMACA President Mupila Kameya assured President Edgar Lungu that the informal sector is now organised and ready to work with government and other stakeholders to contribute to the growth of the economy.

Mr Kameya said the informal sector which has over 6 million members is working to contribute to the growth of the economy by way of paying tax from the various businesses they are engaged in.

He said the association is working with the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) by collecting base tax from traders across the country.

He said marketeers are willing to pay the tax so that government can use the resources to provide services such as construction of roads across the country.

Mr Kameya stated that government will be able to make a lot of revenue from the K1 base tax from marketeers countrywide which ZANAMACA has been engaged to implement.

He disclosed that his association has embarked on a countrywide massive registration of marketeers and data collection exercise under the ZRA project and has so far managed to capture more than 17,000 eligible base taxpayers under the ZANAMACA data base shared with ZRA.

ZANAMACA has further appealed to the President to help the association organise an informal sector golf tournament whose funds will be channeled to the economic empowerment of women marketeers in the country.

Meanwhile ZANAMACA has commended President Edgar Lungu for launching clinics in the markets and bus stations.

Mr Kameya said the clinics will go a long way in helping marketeers, traders, bus operators and their families in accessing health care services.


  1. Pity the Marketeers were not given “kasaka kandalama”. They are being taxed instead of being given incentives to grow.

    • Folks!
      “The government’s job is good governance for everybody. My government will make policies; if you fit into it, come on board, or stay where you are. My job is not to spoon-feed anyone”,
      Narendra Modi

    • Who in his right mind would investing huge sums of money when Lungu and his thugs are busy taking money to the far East to create a safety net for them selves.

      I don’t understand why Lungu and his PF fail to understand simple logic that a country where it’s citizens ‘ freedoms are seriously curtailed poses a huge political business risk, the biggest enemy to genuine investment. Only mafioso investors would come to Zambia and invest under PF s madness.

      Even Zambians in the diaspora who had started pouring money during Mwanawasa have started running away and selling property before the economy crushes like Zim.

    • There is no way of explain why viable mines are now pulling out except that they are tired of being blacked mailed to pay Lungu and his crony’s money after which they get a bashing.

      CB will very soon be the first one to turn against Lungu completely. This is gona happen in a month or two from now.

      The very CBU students PF has removed from studying are busy mobilising on the ground.

      It’s simple.. Keep students busy with studies and worries about exams then they have less time to engage in active politics.

      PF is making the same mistake UNIP and KK made by closing Universities continuously , thereby forcing students to mobilise against the government. These students are now busy educating family members about how evil PF is.

      PF is a failed project.

  2. Registered 17,000 out of a potential 6million and he thinks he has made progress?! The same person he is reporting has allowed gangs to run markets,bus stations which are collecting millions from businesses owners illegally,crippling councils from providing services. He is even praising road construction which is a conduit for some to steal our resources!One he will wake up and realise that some leaders don’t mean well for our country!

    • Folks!
      “The government’s job is good governance for everybody. My government will make policies; if you fit into it, come on board, or stay where you are. My job is not to spoon-feed anyone”,
      Narendra Modi

  3. You can laugh mwee! This is like a comedy. So the same marketeers who will be paying K1 base tax also play golf or what? Want to organise a golf tournament from their K17,000 income? To top it all, now that markrteers have clinics in maaarkets, the families of marketeers will start accessing health services there in preference to clinics in their respective communities? A clinic at market where food is sold should be the latest pf innovation. What is this circus?

  4. Lungu is all over the place because he knows deep down that he is the only person standing in the way of progress.

  5. Progressive contribution starts with you and those you have employed to embezzle the Zambian economy. Progressive contributions starts with selling that $63m jet you are holding on to. Progressive contribution happens when money stolen from those tenders is recovered. Progressive contribution starts with you addressing the nation on national television. Progressive contribution starts with respect for the rule of law. Progressive contribution begins when you admit you have failed us……… Lets practice what we preach as a leader!!! PROGRESSIVE CONTRIBUTION STARTS WITH YOU

  6. Our foreign currency reserved Vs Government expanditure is embarrassing, least we forget deputy ministers are back and expecting a salary including allowances for brand new 4 X 4 plus fees to send their kids for school abroad. Levy Mwanawasa told us that, the problem with Zambians we forget easily, Brace yourselves for 2022 IMF debt collection….. That jet is already in use by those that drink with Edgar, it’s not for you or myself but those who drink with him, he is a joke

  7. The way the Kwacha is falling without restraint does not inspire confidence in this PF leadership, especially that there is only one leader in that party, and no one else takes responsibility, they all wait to be DIRECTED. Shameful, really!! And I pity the leader for at this rate, when the crunch finally comes, his colleagues will abandon him without any qualms.

    The only problem is that Hacks and his upnd and ALL their alliance partners including their latest one Chimbwili

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