Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mastercard enters agreement with Zambian company – Updated


A Zambian company specialized in financial technology has signed a partnership agreement with MasterCard, a leading global electronic payment provider.

ProBASE Limited Chief Executive Officer Roy Muyelu signed on behalf of his company while MasterCard Division President-Southern Africa, Mark Elliot signed on behalf of MasterCard.

Speaking after signing the partnership agreement at a ceremony held at Melrose Arch in Johannesberg, South Africa, Mr. Muyelu said the partnership will enhance the facilitation and adoption of e-commerce growth in Zambia.

Mr. Muyelu said the business partnership with MasterCard will lower the cost of businesses involved in e-commerce in Zambia due to integrated payment platforms.

He added that the partnership will enhance government revenue collection through e-taxes and e-tolls as the company was currently the provider of the electronic payment systems that public institutions and other private players were using in Zambia.

Mr. Muyelu expressed confidence that the partnership with MasterCard will bring into the country leading international brands and standards that would facilitate cost effective methods of transaction.

He disclosed that MasterCard has committed to invest a significant amount of money in his company to facilitate technological support and training for members of staff.

Mr. Muyelu said MasterCard will provide training for his members of staff regarding latest technology and enhanced e-commerce security.

The signing ceremony was attended by Embassy staff who included First Secretary Trade Mande Kauseni the board Member Mr. Ngenda Nyambe, Chief Operations Officer Chola Bwalya and the ProBASE South Africa Business Development Officer Rowena Chordries.

MasterCard is a leading international payment system company providing its customers worldwide and region through its parent MasterCard incorporated.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations Naomi Nyawali.


  1. That is why lungu and his PF band of thieves can do nothing about FIC.

    If the tempered with FIC , world banking services and global payment systems will be restricted in Zambia.

    • Very clever these MasterCard guys. they dont believe it will succeed, so dont want to incur any cost of travel to Zambia. Instead, they invite the Zambian company to sign a deal in Pretoria. No cost, no problem.

    • @max, Pamela did not steal $400,000 but only $40,000. The bank manager connived with other employees to add another zero and share the $360,000

    • When you physically steal $4000 or $4,000,000 from the bank the crime and punishment is the same…this is why I said she is foooolish to destroy her life over such little money

    • Should we believe this story? When it tells us some lies?
      Speaking after signing the partnership agreement at a ceremony held at Melrose Arch in Pretoria,
      There is no Melrose Arch in Pretoria!

  2. Mr. Muyelu said “the business partnership with MasterCard will lower the cost of businesses involved in e-commerce in Zambia due to integrated payment platforms.” But we already have Visa doing exactly that. Probase is just trying to promote its brand. And oh, mastercard is already in Zambia through Airtel Money.

    • I doubt you have a Mastercard Credit Card / Debit Card to say that…when visited Zambia I was hit with slightly higher charges Visa has Zambia it’s back pocket…I am surprised they didn’t join the party sooner.

    • Donkwe….At times it’s best to keep quite if you don’t understand something. I am sure you went to UNZA…

    • @Jay Jay. Yes Visa is slightly expensive and that’s because they have been the monopoly.
      MasterCard is a typical american company, who at time when they were approached by several African banksl refused to invest and do business in Africa because they believed it was still a backwater. Visa on the hand took the risk and invested in Africa. There’s a reason why for years Visa has been the largest card payment company in the world (they are only second to UnionPay, but still first in the world) – Visa is always willing to invest. Visa has been for longest time tried promote to promote a cashless society. Mr Muyelu say’s MasterCard will promote govt revenue, what will they do different from what Visa is already doing?
      @ I love Zambia. If and when I don’t understand something, I ask…

    • @ I love Zambia. If and when I don’t understand something, I ask questions. When or if I understand, I ask for clarifications. I didn’t go to UNZA, I actually wish I did.

    • Dokowe – So why are you contradicting yourself and disagreeing with what Mr. Muyelu is saying about reduction in the cost of doing business?

    • @JayJay. I’m disagreeing on the fact that they will make no difference in enhancing govt’s current revenue collection methods but will however just share the same and/or split customers of Visa. It’s why I asked what they will do differently.

    • Dokwe – What does a firm that facilitates electronic funds transfers throughout the world …enhancing govt revenue collection!!

    • Imagine someone who was living in a two room rented shack four years ago is now a philanthropists handing out free snacks.

  3. I am surprised these companies and the govt are not pushing all out for cashless handheld Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS or POS) to capture the black market. The govt should be challenging the commercial bank to issue basic current accounts with zero monthly charges … in other countries you can go to fish and veg market and pay everything by card..

  4. Reminds me of Pamela’s US$400,000 theft. This money is just too little to be arrested over and as an investment maybe its fine. And knowing women and girls for that matter its just a matter of time. Very soon she will be cornered. Just the thought of getting arrested over US$400,000. If its cyber theft it could make sense not physical stealing its nonsense. There is a possibility that she could have stolen far much less than the stated amount. And someone at the bank just ceased the opportunity to help himself or herself with free cash before reporting the matter to the police unless they are too honest to the level of Yesu.

  5. Roy, am very proud of you! You’re indeed a leader, an entrepreneur and ICT expert. Wishing you only the best. You’re making Zambia Proud, indeed. The sky is the limit! Zambia needs more entrepreneurial minded people like you who will even venture into mining of gold profitably in Vubwi, copper in Mushindano, etc. and create employment, pay taxes, contribute to national growth. It’s about time for a new generation of Zambian to get awake to the realities of our time. What is it that foreigners see in our country that we cannot see? Zambia is not poor but very rich!
    GOD bless you, GOD bless Zambia.

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