Monday, June 3, 2024

Constitution Amendment Bill is Zambia’s grave digger – Sishuwa


Justice Minister Given Lubinda attending the National Dialogue Forum
Justice Minister Given Lubinda attending the National Dialogue Forum

The Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill of 2019 is the country’s grave digger, University of Zambia academic Dr Sishuwa Sishuwa has charged.

Commenting on government’s publication of planned changes to the current Constitution, Dr Sishuwa said the proposals were intended to perpetuate the Patriotic Front’s stay in power and embolden corruption.

“It is not even worth demonstrating the absurdity of each of the proposed Articles because doing so risks conferring upon them a seriousness they in no way deserve. The entire Bill is ridiculous and the worst amendment of the current century, both in terms of substance and basics. It is Zambia’s grave digger. Every proposed change punches you right in the face and is clearly intended to embolden the corruption and thieving ways of the self-serving elite class, at the heart of public life, laughably known as our government,” he said.


Zambia’s 2019 Constitution Bill

“A careful and dispassionate reading of nearly all the planned changes leaves one feeling as if Mr [Edgar] Lungu and his friends in power are winding up the country or intentionally setting up a strong foundation for the total destruction of Zambia as we know it. What is really unbelievable is seeing how professionals like Attorney General Likando Kalaluka and individuals like Minister of Justice Given Lubinda, who previously commanded genuine public respect, are backing all these changes, just for self-preservation.”

Dr Sishuwa said at the heart of Zambia’s democratic backslides and institutional deterioration are spineless professionals and individuals in state institutions.

“In a country that is in desperate need of role models, a country full of corrupt public officials and spineless professionals in state institutions, many may have previously looked up to Kalaluka and Lubinda as inspiring role models in public life. However, what Lubinda and Kalaluka have created in this Bill is the ultimate betrayal of public trust. Never again will many Zambians be disappointed by either of these two men because by giving life to this Bill, they have demonstrated their moral depravity without equivocation. Some may even say that, like the many people we have seen sell the country out for 30 pieces of silver, individuals like Lubinda decided which side of their bread was buttered a long time ago. There’s nothing he won’t do now in furthering the very ignoble things that the former Lubinda would have died opposing.

“Whatever changed and made Given Lubinda forget his principles, I am hoping that life’s many trials and temptations do not turn me into someone like him – a person I will no longer recognise someday. None of us is immune to that malady. Perhaps what is important is the capacity to sit down and reflect whenever we get a chance. It is those quiet moments that remind us of who we are and what we stand for. Also helpful is having a set of friends who are loyal enough to slap us back into reality whenever we stray so that we are not completely lost or end up like Lubinda and Likando who are evidently spineless or have deactivated their consciences”, he said.

Dr Sishuwa argued that Zambia’s public leaders were floating in a world of their own.

“Our elected leaders appear to have a disgusting affinity for disaster and the worst of humanity’s vices. To be sane and genuinely concerned about the wider issues in Zambia today is to invite pain. We must however resist this intentional effort by Mr Lungu and his friends to kill competitive multiparty democracy in the land of our umbilical cord. As long as the circle of good people keeps growing, we have hope. The burden of consciousness is responsibility. The moment we begin to take responsibility, we enter the realm of sanity. Irresponsibility in this case is insanity – and we suffer for it”, he said.

Dr Sishuwa feared that the planned changes to the constitution would pass unless civil society and opposition parties mobilised enough public opposition against them.

“I think the proposals will pass because both civil society and the political opposition are unable to mobilise sufficient public opposition which would instil, in the relevant politician, the fear to proceed with them,” Dr Sishuwa said.

” We have, for instance, independent MPs and lawmakers from the UPND, FDD and MMD who can save Zambia if they note enough public opposition to these planned changes. In the absence of clear public opposition, however, these MPs are likely to be the traitors who would betray Zambia by voting for these proposals in Parliament in return for either a few peanuts into their back pockets or a (deputy) ministerial position. The onus is therefore on those in civil society and opposition political parties to galvanise the public and compel MPs to reject the proposed constitutional changes”.

He said the public mood was likely to shape the attitude of MPs towards the Bill. Dr Sishuwa implored members of the public to fight PF impunity on Constitutional issues.

“If the opposition or independent MP sees that the public is extremely outraged by these proposals and the public’s opposition finds expression through civil disobedience campaigns and massive protests that show citizens’ disapproval of this Bill and their determination to uphold constitutional liberties even in the absence of cooperation from the police, that MP would definitely be influenced to side with the people. The same is true for ordinary police officers who may be unleashed by the cowards in power to suppress the protests. Each one of these officers has an active conscience, a natural progressive outlook, a tremendous sense of solidarity with the people, a great hatred for injustice, oppression, poverty and anyone who abuses public interest and the people”, he said.

Zambia’s 2019 Constitution Bill

“If the officer arrives to find thousands of Zambians outside State House or Parliament demanding the scrapping of this constitutional amendment bill, there is no way he or she is going to open fire on unarmed fellow citizens who are protesting against the pain of betrayal and in defence of his or her own fundamental interests. If anything, the police officer or the soldier is likely to both defy anyone who orders him or her to use force against such defenceless citizens and join them instead because the police or army officer’s moral principles, their dignity and honour, their political maturity, tremendous awareness and courage, their discipline and incredible selflessness compels them to always act in accord with the interest of the nation, of the struggling and oppressed people, to stand against those who abuse or betray the people.

“So, the public mood is contagious. The kind of civic and political leadership that Zambians need is one that should generate the required public mood. We must find ways of communicating and linking our struggles with those on the ground. Once we have triggered sufficient outrage in the ordinary people, they won’t need any help to turn up en masse at the gates of State House or Parliament in protest against these depressing constitutional changes and to camp at the site of demonstrations until the Constitution Amendment Bill is withdrawn. That is what it means to fight for a cause”, he said.

Dr Sishuwa said seeking to become president of Zambia was not a cause.

“A cause is a conviction, preferably one whose expression promotes the interests of the many and in whose pursuit we are prepared to give up anything including our very last breath,” Dr Sishuwa said.

The UNZA researcher warned against the emerging trend of “a civic activism that is largely confined to social media”, saying mass protests provided a more effective strategy of communicating dissent.

“We must inspire ordinary people, the grassroots, to be involved in social activism. I worry that many of Zambia’s most prominent actors in civil society and the political opposition, with the exception of Chishimba Kambwili, are elitists who have failed to connect their agenda on constitutional reform or political change with the demands or concerns of the grassroots. It is precisely because our approach to social activism and organising ordinary people is elitist that Mr Lungu and his friends in power, for instance, get away with murder on so many instances”, he further pointed out.

“Even more worrying is an increasing tendency by many in civil society and even the political opposition to rely on Twitter or Facebook to express their outrage at the disgraceful conduct of the ruling elites. In general, social media has the capacity to raise awareness, to serve as an important platform for mobilisation and it is that potential that explains why authoritarian leaders are ever so keen to block it in certain instances. However, I fear that social media is slowly becoming our primary platform for contesting the deplorable actions of those who preside over us. We must rid ourselves of this emerging virus of ‘Tweet and like’ only activism. Twittering or liking another’s tweet may create an illusionary or false sense of activism. Yes, ideas have power and the transmission of those ideas has the potential to affect public opinion, but I am not very sure that Twitter is the most effective way of reaching ordinary Zambians. I would rather our civic and political leaders go to the people, provide the correct information about the consequences of these constitutional changes on their lives, and make them sufficiently annoyed to act primarily in defence of themselves or their interests”.

Attorney General Likando Kalaluka
Attorney General Likando Kalaluka

Dr Sishuwa regretted the silence of Zambia’s intellectuals on important national subjects such as constitutional reform. He urged those in public universities to emerge from lecture halls and share their knowledge with causes and communities that need it most, arguing that their silence on public discourse makes them complicit in Zambia’s ongoing destruction.

“The task of the public intellectual is enormous. Their responsibility is not only to speak truth to power; it is also to speak truth to us, the public. For who calls us out on our excesses as a society, if not the public intellectual?”, he asked.

“Those in academia must link up with the social movements that are struggling for the creation of an alternative and just society. They should empower the grassroots with the simplified, incriminating and enlightening knowledge of what is going on, revolutionary knowledge that explains why things are the way they are. Ordinary people in our townships and communities cannot act in the absence of sufficient understanding, or as long as they think that those in academia, civil society and the opposition are pursuing their narrow selfish interests. What is needed is to establish synergies with these social networks, to build strong ties and alliances with the grassroots, to make them feel the pain and see the need to sacrifice anything including their very short and miserable lives in support of a particular cause or their total redemption. Ordinary Zambians must be made to understand that without their open outrage, full participation and liberating action against these harmful constitutional changes that would institutionalise a de facto one-party state, corruption and the theft of public resources, they and their loved ones are only guaranteed one thing: a premature occupation of a cemetery plot any day soon”.

Zambia’s 2019 Constitution Bill

Dr Sishuwa said the solutions to Zambia’s problems including constitutional reform require mass action and intellectual leadership.

“There are those who say that academics do not offer solutions, but knowing what is happening and determining what is wrong does not automatically mean that one must have answers to the problems they identify. The solutions to our multifaceted crises are not in one head because they require a combination of theory and practice – the activities of the masses as they liberate themselves guided by true knowledge,” said Dr Sishuwa.

“Our crises need both theoretical and concrete practical actions together, simultaneously. Usually those who demand ‘answers’ forget this dialectic. What we need is emancipatory theory, emancipatory vision moving together with liberating mass action. One without the other cannot do. Pious thoughts offered as solutions that do not incite mass action amount to idle theoretical exercises, which is a middle class and liberal academic pursuit. Liberating action without emancipatory theory and vision amounts to mobocracy, vigilantism, and aimless and worthless expenditure of human physical energies. Both lead to suffering, pain and ruin. We must think and act, and understand that at the heart of every progress is an idea, most likely generated by an intellectual before someone acted on that very idea. The thought must be the action and the action must be the thought”, he said.


Zambia’s 2019 Constitution Bill


  1. Zambia’s constitutional amendment is being mutilated and dismembered by these very selfish politicians.Let’s send the thing to the Zambian people for referendum,

    • Because of constant campaigning by the PF, they forgot that there ought 2b times whn u need to act as govt by recognizing your duty to embrace the opposition. Now that there’s a constitution that needs amendments, they hv suddenly realised that they need the opposition to pass the amendments in parliament. And the opposition will tell them ” u want our support? Perish the thought “.

    • It would have been helpful to state what is wrong with the proposed amendments. For example what is wrong with increasing the time for the Presidential petition from 14 days? This article raises not one single issue but demonising individuals. Character assassination can never be the theme of any writing aimed at helping find a solution. We need to learn as Zambians to be issue based rather than personal. No one human being is perfect but we will find ourselves more influential if we focus on sharing knowledge about issues rather than bringing each other down every time we have a platform. God Bless Zambia

    • Empty long article ranting about how you feel about the rest of the Zambian populace.
      Hiding under it’s not worth itemizing the ills of the proposed amendments and that pointing out what’s wrong does not mean you know what is right. Who does that?
      How can you say something is bad if you don’t know what is good?

      Next time deal with the contents of the bill not mob psychology. If you don’t know what is right go back to school and redo your doctorate thesis Mr Sishuwa. I’m afraid to call you Dr because of the statement that you don’t know the answers to your own questions.

    • Dear academician Dr Ci sure sishuwa kindly resort to writing books for your long articles. While at it, behold that nothing is constant in this world consequently if there is something that has drawn deafening debates in this country is the methodology and roadmap or case for Constitutional review. This will continue.
      Staying away from the process does not make you right. An intellectual you seem to be, you chose to stay away from a platform you would have contributed massively. We have a Costitutional court now, whatever team Dr. ECL puts across will be constitutional for Concourt interpretation.
      The Bill you are trashing is a product of the Zambian Parliament whether UPNDEAD, NAREP, NDF stayed away or not.
      At least I saw FDD, RP and other progressive parties participate. Calm your…

    • As usual, very poor and biased writing. To say everything in the proposed amendments is bad is being biased and fuolish to say the least. What is bad with extending the time in which presidential petitions should be heard from 14 to 30 days?
      Real doctors would start by highlighting the positives and then propound the negatives. I pity people that follow sush disoriented characters.
      Does it mean all the lawyers that were at the forum that proposed these amendments were less educated or intelligent than this writer? The answer is no, he is purely a sympithiser of the opposing. I rest my case!!!

    • This Amendment Bill makes sad reading everything is all about PF control and increasing expenditure…even Mayors will be powerless, they will even introduce Deputy Mayor and Deputy Chairperson…they want to clip FIC wings …surely how can someone with legal background like Lazy Lungu subscribe to this nonsense

    • The question Sishuwa should be answering or the case he should be stating is: What is WRONG WITH THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS? Not telling us what he thinks is wrong, or has gone wrong, with certain individuals involved in the process.

      Tell us how these AMENDMENTS will destroy instead of build our democracy. And as an academician, proposing alternatives to what you disagree with about the proposed amendments would add value to the discord than PERSONAL JABS at individuals. This is what disappoints many of us about you the so called LEARNED ONES in Zambia. If it is not Prof Ndulo, it is the other Prof based in RSA, Linda Kasonde and others ranting about Political grievances. Now you!

      Please educate the masses first than trying to mobilize them to fight against stuff they don’t even…

    • The question Sishuwa should be answering or the case he should be stating is: What is WRONG WITH THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS? Not telling us what he thinks is wrong, or has gone wrong, with certain individuals involved in the process.

      Tell us how these AMENDMENTS will destroy instead of build our democracy. And as an academician, proposing alternatives to what you disagree with about the proposed amendments would add value to the discord than PERSONAL JABS at individuals. This is what disappoints many of us about you the so called LEARNED ONES in Zambia. If it is not Prof Ndulo, it is the other Prof based in RSA or Linda Kasonde and others ranting about Political grievances. Now you!

      Please educate the masses first than trying to mobilize them to fight against stuff they don’t even…

    • Yambayamba – Everyone should read what this man is writing here and when I state that he is a PF sympathizer he takes offense…are you so daft that someone has to draw it for you with crayons? have you not read download link? You pretend to sit on the fence yet smooching with PF on the side like that rat Tayali…have some integrity …Linda Kasonde has been rewarded with a position in an International organisation far from empty tins like you who put your stomachs before their country. Why dont you mention which amendments are going to improve your so called democracy instead of posting five paragraphs of nonsense.

    • Sishuwa seems to have run out of shelf life. Nothing he has written here epitomizes the decry he’s purporting as a privy of two individuals one being Lubinda and two being Lukaku.

      To make matters worse, there’s a real diametrical disconnect between what is flawed with the Amendment Bill and the individuals mentioned.

      Furthermore, Sishuwa seems to forget that these two were simply participants at the forum which he could have attended to positively contribute to reforms he so wishes could have been enshrined in this same Amendment Bill.

      The 64 trillion dollar question is why didn’t Sishuwa attend the forum and why criticizes the Amendment Bill now when he could have been vocal proactively as opposed to retroactively now??

      Sishuwa Is Not So Sure … Heaven help us all.


    • Agony is calling others docile and urging them to stop expressing outrage against the excesses of a sitting government using social media when you yourself are still using social media for the same purpose.

    • I really look forward to Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa’s second homecoming to lead the way in mobilising Zambians against the PF government on the streets of Lusaka so that he helps us “the docile ones” to move away from social media activism.

    • @Jay Jay 1.7, 1.10, 4.1, 5.1, 21.1, 26.3…..yet you have the audacity to complain about three little paragraphs in my post? And you are so daft to even notice that it is the same comment repeated twice. I have also politely asked you before to do me a favour and skip my bl0ody comments. I don’t need your approval or affirmation for my opinions or who I am. My comments are NOT meant for simple minded wannabes like yourself.

      To cement my earlier post, I will leave you with a quote attributed to the late First lady of United States, Eleanor Roosevelt: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” And this is exactly the worry some of us have for people like Sishuwa and his ilk. By discussing people instead of issues, they reduce themselves to…

    • This constitution amendment is nothing but a scheme to indirectly turn Zambia into a party state like China.

      If this passes then next just before 2021 elections PF will pass another amendment to increase the term to seven years from 5. Then change to 10 to match China.

      Lungu and his cohort have stolen too much to hand over power for fear of prosecution.

    • Continue….

      SMALL MINDED beings despite the titles (Dr This, Dr That, Dr “filling in the blank”) in front of their names. These are the people you expect to elevate the discourse above what feels like “blind cadreism”. But I guess this is expecting too much from our so called Zambian “Drs”. And I know such things don’t matter or bother UPND sycophants like yourself!

  2. You are in a wrong job. Join politics. This article, like most of your writings, is to politically biased to come from an academician. And you are using UNZA time (for which they pay you) to do this!! Shame.

    • Old school, you indeed belong to the old school! I doubt if you have even read the article in its entirety, let alone the much hyped Constitutional Amendment Bill and the other two Bills. What I see today as an awful common tragedy is the widespread inaction by the enlightened on matters of public interest, matters that may negatively affect them whether they are currently employed by UNZA, State House or indeed any state institution. This, what Dr. Sishuwa refers to as “Complicity” is too glaring in our Zambian society to ignore. Old school, you may wish to know that it is a duty of every good and well meaning Zambian to speak the truth and oppose what is wrong regardless of who employs them. This is what is known as sacrifice because in the course of critiquing your paymaster you risk…

    • A solitary call shrouded in self belief greed. That’s all it is.
      There has been calls for a Referendum, a Constituency Assembly, a National Constitutional Conference in a bid for a Constitutional Review before. ECL gave you a an NDF supported by the bill you currently trashing. Looks like Zambians enjoy antagonistic behavior. Only a Referendum could satiate your desires but look at how awfully you dragged down the previous call for a Referendum.
      We should not be discussing the NDF Bill, rather the NDF resolutions headed for Parley. If you don’t like the resolutions, let democracy play it role in parliament.

    • Ati Old School, you should call yourself “Old F00l”.This is a University Lecturer in Social Science, it is part of their job.You old people have really let the nation down, look at your president watching the daughter flaunting money/donations. Clearly he does not care about his own children’s future.Where will that naive girl run to when the father is out of power?How can we expect you to care about the nation if you can’t even care for your children?Constitution to you is a tool for self preservation.

  3. The only reason i miss open dictatorship rather than the silent one like this. In this fake democracy they justify everything by majority of numbers. Do they hear divergent views no. Then We have abena Sishuwa not knowing how sure he with his stance When he wont encourage us to protest but want us to keep reading his message from the comfort of our beds. CRY MY BELOVED ZAMBIA

  4. @old school sishuwa is doing his job to speak for the voiceless and his beloved country what about you?My grandfather had a poster in his office which read”hottest spot in hell is reserved for people who witness injustice but keep quite”

  5. Thats why we should just subscribe to open dictatorship than this fallacy of democracy were people,s views are always shot down with majority of numbers. Not just sure on sishuwa,s stance though on not supporting protests but enjoy his articles on the comfort of our hideouts.

    • Lazy Lungu will make sure there is no FIC Trend Report next year and 2021 – beyond …just like he has AG Report.

  6. The Article is too long but analytical and informative. If this Bill is passed by Parliament then Zambia will become a Constitutional Dictatorship and ECL and his PF Party will Rule Zambia for the next 10 years. The Bill is designed to preserve the Status quo, continue with their Corruption and above to ensure ECL and PF stays in Power. If this Bill is passed then Zambia will become a Disaster under a Corrupt PF Dictatorship. The Zambian Economy will collapse under this ECL/ PF Dictatorship. The MPs that will vote for this Bill will become victims of ECL Dictatorship later. To be warned is to be forewarned. The writing is on the Wall.

  7. …your job and consequently your bread and butter. My late Prof Chigunta once said the problem with society today, the Zambian society included is that “Society has become like a mega sewer system with heavy particles; matter that may be of substance and useful pushed or simply allowing itself to sink to the bottom while the light, smelly and useless substance is always pushing, forcing itself to the surface and polluting the entire space with its foul smell”

  8. Now this really sounds like a rant by Sishuwa, whose analysis of issues I respect by and large. We are relying on the likes of him to provide an insight into the absurdity of the proposed amendments in great detail but he instead states that “It is not even worth demonstrating the absurdity of each of the proposed Articles because doing so risks conferring upon them a seriousness they in no way deserve. ” Surely if the absurdity will affect the general populace, it is worth pointing out sot that we, the great unwashed, can keep our guard up and keep looking out. The Devil is in the details, Sishuwa and we are relying on intellectuals like you to bring these to the fore and not just talk in general about how bad something will be without providing details. This has been a disappointing…

  9. Shishuwa is a known UPND cadre and hence has a subjective mind due to group think mentality typical of the UPND…The Bill has some progressive clauses the other clauses which should have been fought at the NDF but you decided to boycott…

    • Whether Shishuwa is Upnd or not is immaterial. The issue is what does the proposed constitution bill say? He has as much right as anybody to express himself.
      I wud however have appreciated a “blow by blow” analysis of the implications of the proposed changes.

    • @Fwanya, I do not agree with you. I have followed Shishuwa’s political commentaries since the pre-2011 election when the guy was extremely critical of MMD and RB. At the time, people said he was PF but he continued criticizing the Sata and PF even after they won. I think he has been consistent at highlighting the excesses of the party in power and we need more Zambians like him, especially bopunzila. We should not brand people as PF or UPND based on their names or because they criticise things we support. Expose the irrationality in the guy’s argument and we will listen to you. Calling dissenters names is bad debate.

  10. Zimbabwe did not just happen. Two things…fear and bogus patriotism. These two created poverty and then dependency on old Gabriel Mugabe for 30 years. I see this happening.

  11. This is expected from useless UPND cadre. You are learned but without widom young man. More over you have no repect for the elder just like your own god in your party. You think you are the only chaps who better than those who sat discussed the changes in the Constitution.

    • In the analogy of the septic tank, such, your views are consigned to the floating top. Reason properly and find common ground in public discourses such as this one!

    • @Haamukoma, I do not agree with you. I have followed Shishuwa’s political commentaries since the pre-2011 election when the guy was extremely critical of MMD and RB. At the time, people said he was PF but he continued criticizing the Sata and PF even after they won. I think he has been consistent at highlighting the excesses of the party in power and we need more Zambians like him, especially bopunzila. We should not brand people as PF or UPND based on their names or because they criticise things we support. Expose the irrationality in the guy’s argument and we will listen to you. Calling dissenters names is bad debate.

  12. Sishuwa, apart from ranting and raving against the constitutional amendment, can you please get to the point that Zambians should stand up against in the proposed amendments? Not every one has the time and patience to read a long winding article. I you have a valid point, you can make it in a few words.
    University lecturers in Zambia are too theoretical



  15. Let these issues not end at blogging and responding to what this academician has written just on this platform. Docility is a crime even when you can fight back you choose to sit and make those in power look like Engels. We fought white colonial rule not because those people were white, its because they took away our birth rights in our God given land of our ancestors. Its becomes worse that now your fellow black man and relative, friend and associate should be the one bringing apartheid in disguise. PF self preservative will kill this country. The economy will collapse. I agree with Dr. Sishiwa where are the elite of this country, students, trade unions, where are you. Time to speak is now rather than allowing the devil to run away with the gospel.

  16. For God’s sake Dr.Shishuwa please your long article short have been even shorter and convincing if you analysed issue by issue. You article is not on issue but on Dr. Lungu and his government. Please remember your employer gave him the honorary doctorate degree and if you are not comfortable to call him ‘Dr’ then resign. What’s wrong with us Africans?? You lived here ( abroad) not long ago and you know how Africans are treated generally and for me it’s shameful to just condemn for the sake making fellow Africans stupid. Open your eyes, they’re human and therefore offer ideas within necessarily looking down on them. Are you suggesting all the people who drafted it including the learned chairman Professor, are not wise, they all wrote to promote Lungu. You’re a doctor not a cadre…

    • ECL may hv been awarded an honorary doctrate by UNZA. Not something to make me lose my sleep. When I see ECL talk to the press @ airport tarmacs, I see no evidence that the man is driven by any respectable body of ideas. I see no evidence that he’s willing to spend a few minutes with those who disagree with him. I just see evidence of a man bent on causing maximum pain on those who disagree with him.

  17. Has someone just woken up to the fact that the forum debate was in town? Time for smart politics.Boycotts? Not smart.

    • Yet when it comes to persecuting corrupt Ministers everything is super slow…they even continue working whilst they are being investigated

  18. My question is, where were you when all this was being deliberated upon? This reminds me of the fact that Dr has to have a passion for the subject that he is qualified for and that he ought to mix with the rest in order to come up with progressive ideas. Yes, where were you? Do not just be a Dr by tittle.

  19. If someone opposes PF,he is UPND and if its the other way round, that is a progressive move. Learn to get points from any article before naming someone “a cadre”. You are also cadres of a certain political party. I think you all know the party u belong to.


  21. GIVEN LUBINDA, was once seen as Presidential material, but now he is on the wrong side of history and will pay dearly for his betrayal of the trust the Zambian people had in him.

    • PF should go and it is going,they cant even smell the coffee. Does PF realise that they are alone in the region?Congo has woken up,Tanzania is Magufuli land,even achimwene has woken up, Zimbabwe is talking to IMF and they are being funded,Mozambique has woken up dont talk of Namibia and Botswana, Angola is even pursuing thieves.How does this hapless lot brought to power by a functional illiterate hope to remain in power,who will allow them to continue looting…

    • Clearly you dont know this coward Bo Lubinda…just go and ask Wynter Kabimba who used to step on him!!

  22. Well articulated, Sishuwa. I may disagree with bits of zeal in some parts, but as a whole it sums up most of what Zambians are today and what needs to be done. Like it has been said so many times, the biggest tragedy is not the evil regime you end up with, but its perpetuation through your inaction or silence.

  23. Judas Iscariot was bribed with 30 pieces of silver.
    Some UPND MP’s and independent MP’s will be bribed by 30 brown envelopes.

  24. We are tired of ranting by this Sishuwa.Why doesn’t he just form a political party or UPND.
    He doesn’t even seem to know the basics of blogging and communication.

  25. What is wrong about….
    (l) establishing the Drug Enforcement Commission as the Anti Drugs, Economic and Financial Crimes Agency and redefining its function as a national security service;
    Whats wrong about….
    (a) revising the Preamble in order to reaffirm the Christian
    character of Zambia;
    (b) revising the principles and values of the Constitution;
    (c) revising the electoral system for elections to the National

    We are sick and tired of being sick and tired of “academicians who are not experts and can not actually think…

    • 1.You see nothing wrong in the introduction of tax on Pension and gratuity
      2. Removing Pensioners from the payroll and wait for years for their pension while poverty strike them like a thief.

      Totally absurd!!!

  26. The article would have been a worthy contribution to the Zambian discourse if the writer had been more candid by pointing out the ills or atleast some of the ills of the ammendments. But going wild and wholesome criticisism of the exercise that had a wide range of participation is robing the Zambian people of the wisdom they need from the so called enlighted citizens. The impression one gets is that the author has scores to settle with a few people in Govt, but cannot do that without criticising the whole lot. The net result or effect of the article is a shear waste of ones time.

  27. Oh Lord! How many of us have read the current constitution and the amendments being proposed to it? My advice is for all loving Zambians to do so urgently to get insights. The current constitution is far better the way it is without the proposed amendments. If this proposal go through, Zambia will go down in history as a democratic dictatorial regime (DDR), regardless of who is in power. We have an opportunity to preserve our current democracy. Let’s not trivialize this issue, it is a serious one! Whichever side you may be, this must concern ALL of us!

  28. As usual, very poor and biased writing. To say everything in the proposed amendments is bad is being biased and fuolish to say the least. What is bad with extending the time in which presidential petitions should be heard from 14 to 30 days?
    Real doctors would start by highlighting the positives and then propound the negatives. I pity people that follow sush disoriented characters.
    Does it mean all the lawyers that were at the forum that proposed these amendments were less educated or intelligent than this writer? The answer is no, he is purely a sympithiser of the opposition.


  30. Ever wondered why UNZA lags behind in everything and churning half baked graduates? It employs useless characters like this chushupu guy whatever his name is. The only thing he knows is opposing everything the Government comes up with.
    Zambia will not go anywhere as long as we give chaps like this platforms to spew nonsense on a daily basis. Zambia needs serious scholars who analyze issues that uplift the morals and integrity of the country and not poverty stricken ones who think and write based on their tribal inclinations.

  31. @John Chinena …. Its not a matter of being less educated or intelligent (though we can still question the intelligence) its a question of being unprincipled and compromised.

  32. People may read into the proposals what they want or have their opinions, but some of the proposed mind boggling changes refer to;
    – reaffirming Zambia as a ‘christian nation’ and removing the words multi-religion. What, then, is the place of other faiths when you at the same time proclaim freedom of conscience?
    – Provision for a coalition govt. where 50 plus 1 is not attained (this usually favours the ruling regime who can simply invite an ally for a merger)
    – Reducing the campaign period (effectively preventing parties with less manpower and resources from reaching all areas)
    – National Assembly dissolving on election day (remember the last elections? – Use of State resources till the end)
    – Civil servants to resign 2 years before elections before aspiring for political office…

  33. “No, the article is too long; No, he should written this and that!” C’mon, the author has expressed his views on the malaise, ineptitude and docility of the “Zambian enterprise” Having read the Bill himself in its fullness, and obviously having understood it’s implications..and observing the silence and inaction by the general populace, he chose to address the bigger devil not in the document under discussion, the devil in all of us who should and rightly so criminals by complicity; criminals by our inaction to act for the public good. Should anyone want any other view, let them read the bill and publish theirs on the rights or wrongs as contained in the bill. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the Kitchen. Likewise, if you can read lengthy interogative piece of writing, leave…

  34. to those who are not challenged by functional illiteracy who will understand when it is ideas that are being questioned or if indeed it’s our collective consciousness that is being interogated!

  35. I was recently looking for a loan and I couldn’t find a good deal anywhere. I went onto compare the market and Western Loan Finance popped up. I input my details and believe it or not, they called me back the same day and confirmed that they could authorize the loan. Hernandez was the person whom dealt with my inquiry and within 2 days I had the money in my account. He contacted me throughout the procedure to make sure everything was running smoothly and also gave me the best deal possible. They worked around my income and found me a suitable monthly price for the repayments that myself and Western Loan Finance were happy with. If you ever want a loan, I would totally recommend Western Loan Finance and to speak to Hernandez. His customer service skills were amazing and he did everything…

  36. The boys who accompany the King’s son to the circumcision camp will also get circumcised.

    And a rat blows warm and cool before it bites its victim.

    Those who do not appreciate Sishuwa’s write-up, know this:

    Any and every action is validated or invalidated by its intention. The pf , from the get go (August 2001), have never meant well.

    The whole constitution amendment bill is an exercise to manipulate the nation and perpetuate their wickedness and folly.

    Their intention is wrong and that is what Sishuwa is communicating.

    Therefore, we must get angry to fight, protest and struggle to stop their nefarious plans by any and every means necessary.

  37. To one and all who won’t appreciate this article wherein Sishuwa Sishuwa has been intensively quoted , I leave you with this quote from one of the continent’s preeminent public intellectual:

    “Only in Africa will THIEVES be regrouping to loot again and the youths whose future will be stolen will be celebrating it …~ Prof. Wole Soyinka

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