Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Prime TV Reporter now Accuse ZESCO MD and Officials of bribery to Retract the Story


President Lungu with Zesco managing Director Victor Mundende and Energy Minister Dora Siliya
FILE: President Lungu with Zesco managing Director Victor Mundende and Energy Minister Dora Siliya

Prime TV Reporter reported behind the story Njenje Chizu has now accused ZESCO  Managing Director Victor Mundende and his two officials of trying to bribe him to retract the story blaming the Government for load shedding and not climate change.

Appearing on Prime TV, Mr. Chizu said that he stood by his story and he was amazed at how officials from ZESCO trying to deny his own story and instead accuse “some people” of having created the video.

Mr Chizu further said that the two officials from ZESCO offered him a job at ZESCO  in a town of his own choice either Lusaka or the Copperbelt in exchange of him admitting that the story was doctored.

Mr. Chizu also said that when he met Mr. Mundende in his office, the ZESCO MD  threatened that he should aim at reporting issues to make peace and not stories which will make him watch his back.

Mr Chizu said that he recorded all the conversations and gave it to ZESCO officials in case anything should happen to him.

Appearing on the same Prime TV Program, Analyst Mark Simuwe said that there was corruption for a cover-up by the persons who made him a job offer and that the two ZESCO officials can be dragged to court, adding that with recordings, the reporter has what he described as a good case



    • There is absolutely no story to write home about.
      The h²’s media house is trying so hard to be relevant. What hogwash! Shame!

    • What kind of cases should ACC pounce on then? This is a classic case, they should raid Zesco and Prime TV. Your ACC has to wait for State House’s instructions?
      Why is Mudende now become a PF member? A man with hard balls keep to his words, Medende said what he said. and the Journalist has kept his balls on each side they belong, he is not changing the story.

    • Let’s be proactive, ALERT CPJ on this matter, our memories are still fresh on October 2, 2019, CPJ marked the one-year anniversary of the murder of Saudi journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi with a candlelight vigil in Washington, D.C., outside the Saudi Arabian embassy. On September 26, CPJ filed a brief in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia asking the court to release documents regarding Khashoggi’s murder and the “duty to warn” obligations.

  1. Let sleeping dogs lie. Prime TV, trynna so much to be relevant.

    I don’t see why this UPNDEAD TV house is so obsessed with this story.

    Looking at the negative publicity Prime TV engages in day in day out, they want to appear relevant. You shy away from bribes you receive from your sponsor h² and now tryna make an elephant out’a an ant.

    Okay Mundende blamed Government for loadshedding. Deal with it.
    My take is that the blame is on both Government and Zesco.

    • Its not about blaming someone, but who is telling the truth. If Chizu is lying in his report, Zesco should drag Chizu to court and vice versa. This will make people tell the truth.

  2. On the 13th July 2018 Lake Kariba water level was 486.90 meters above sea level, in excess of 90% full and one and a half years later, it is empty, in excess of 10 meters decline in water levels. On average the level only drops about 3.5 meter per year, both evaporation and electricity generation. We want to know who stole all our water?

  3. What are you waiting for? Prime TV should start circulating that conversation that their reporter had with Zesco officials so that we hear for ourselves who is telling the truth. Njenje said it himself that he recorded that conversation. Nothing is as stubborn as the truth

  4. Can this be reported to the right authorities with your evidence rather than trying to be a celebrity on TV. Follow the right channels so that justice

    • Which right authorities? You mean your puppet ACC and DEC? Social media is the way to go mudala. Most people have phones which they can use to access news and the push of button wherever they may be.

    • Justice is going through load shedding with PF , we are still waiting justice from the court order for ministers to pay back salaries earned when parliament dissolved…….

    • You are a terrorist and not fit to comment on this blog.

      You will surely account for your crimes and that day is soon to come

  5. Good that there is a recording then post on social media.

    But it should NOT be sounding like the one you posted prior no

    Wonder Victor Mundende is refuting it and when I studied it for

    sure it was not clear enough and convincing.

  6. We have heard the recording why are you apprehensive? You try to bribe a journalist with a job for publishing the truth? Why are you following him if at all what we saw on TV is doctored as you claim? Even educated people have joined the bandwagon of bribes and corruption, the cancer that is rife in PF.

  7. Victor Mundende is a fool, no wonder his name means “in jail” in my language. One thing is for sure though, if anything happens to Njenje, Mundende will be squared to blame and will be “Penzared” one time. And the chap is so poorly spoken, how did such a fool become Zesco MD? No wonder loadshedding in Zambia will never end! Kunya in the dark!

  8. Corruption and bribes are the order of the day in this PF government. They won’t admit even when caught with pants down. How do you try to bribe someone if you’re innocent? It is good the man is circulating it online, because even if he went to the authorities that man was also going to bribe the police or whatever authorities that be. These PF cadres have no shame, just admit than making a f00l out of yourself trying to defend and please Jona meno meno. You are on the chopping board when the next government takes over and you will be remembered for all this load shedding

  9. Leave the guy alone. Anything happens to him with all this circulating on the ever watchful social media PF would have decampained themselves. PF party of bribes to hide their incompetence, why didn’t you ask your own PS for infrastructure or buildings to retract his assertions on the alick nkhata flyover bridge? Just consentrate on working on the economy kwasila.

  10. Leave the guy alone. Anything happens to him with all this circulating on the ever watchful social media PF would have decampained themselves. PF party of bribes to hide their incompetence, why didn’t you ask your own PS for infrastructure or buildings to retract his assertions on the alick nkhata flyover bridge? Just consentrate on working on the economy kwasila not threatening people who stand up to you.

  11. Just how of curiosity,why was this story only reported on Prime TV,where they the only reporters in attendance or the others were bribed before they released the report?
    Am sure such an event has many reporters from different media houses in attendance.Something is not adding up here.

    • Also,just thinking,why would the reporter give the recordings to the Zesco team instead of the lawyers?If those employees are loyal to their MD,they can make the recordings disappear and claim he was telling lies even if he may have a recording they can later claim it is doctored just like they are doing now.

  12. Am not sure I follow why VM is moved by this story. My understanding is that he narrated an incident that occurred soon after he became MD. He decided to implement a project that “ministry officials” could not endorse as they had no authorization to support. He ‘put his job on the line’ and launched. However the report that went out said he had blamed GRZ for the failings in power generation which is not true. Hichilema picked a half truth claimed he was vindicated by the MD to blamed pf for blackouts. Then panic set in. You said nothing untold VM relax, calling the journalist trying to change the story will get you in trouble…

  13. The story has been blown out’a proposition because of a political stunt brought in by h² and his stooge Mark Simuwe.
    The two wolves have hijacked the good story and together with the reporter have given it political connotation.
    That’s how come Mundende is worked out for nothing. He said nothing wrong; him and Government have failed on the energy front. The politics tribal h² and Simuwe have attched to this story reveal four things 1) The reporter is working for the h² media house. 2) H² and his stooge are rightfully gaining political capital. 3) Mundende said it right and now boobooing in the process. Let sleeping dogs lie! 4) The reporter is caught in the web.

  14. There is no Justice to talk about Ba KZ under Jon@ who willfully mislead his incompetent government to overstay in government so that they continue receiving trolley loads of wages and allowances . If justice prevails ,these incompetent ministers should by now have paid back tax payers allowances and wages they earned for being in office illegally .

  15. PF sycophants here are still burying their heads in the sand. Why not let the truth be told. Anything not in their favour is blamed on HH or Prime TV. What kind of thinking, if any, is that?

    By the way, the only reason the ZESCO MD is terrified is because of the PF ‘allegiance or nothing’ culture that has been created. He should simply have explained why he said what he said. If the bribery story is true, it means he has even dug a deeper hole for himself.

    The climate now is that if you steal or are corrupt, you are fine – if you say something that the GREAT LEADER will not like, you are doomed.

    “I will offer you a job in a town of your choice” potentially increasing the number of non qualified Cadre leeches sucking the lifeblood out of ZESCO.
    Only in Ch@k0lwa’z Dununa mw!b@la sh!th0le incompetent Buff0on Republic.

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