Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Clergy Consultative Forum concerned at the falsehood being spread around bill Number 10


The Clergy Consultative Forum has expressed concern over some sections of society allegedly spreading falsehood regarding Constitution Amendment Bill number 10.

Team Leader of the Forum, Elvin Nasilele, says many people who are opposed to the Bill 10 are merely being deceptive, as they were part of the National Dialogue Forum (NDF) that produced the document that contains Bill 10.

Pastor Nasilele, says he wonders why political party representatives, who appended their signatures to the Siavonga Resolutions that were tabled at the NDF, are distancing themselves from Bill 10.

He called on the Church to speak out and correct the falsehoods because it has the duty to ensure that the will of the Zambian people is upheld.

And a member of the Clergy Consultative Forum, Antoinette Phiri, said the Church needs to ensure that the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation does NOT just reflect in the preamble but needs to sit in the articles.

Doctor Phiri said the clergy must start engaging Members of Parliament on issues such as Bill 10.

And Bishop Raphael Silwamba, another member of the Forum, has assured Zambians that the contentious clauses that were part of Bill 10, have been addressed in the Parliamentary Select Committee Report.

Bishop Silwamba said contentious clauses that sought to re-introduce positions of deputy ministers and others such as the removal of retirees from the payroll before they are fully paid their benefits and the coalition government, have been removed from what will be tabled in Parliament.

The three were speaking in Livingstone at a sensitisation meeting, with the clergy, on Bill 10, the Parliamentary Select Committee Report on Bill 10 and the constitution making process.

During the question and answer session, some clergymen expressed fear that parliament may ignore the report of the select committee and table the contentious Bill 10.


  1. Who is paying for these “sensitisation” meetings? These so called clergy must side with the pipo of.Zambia and not be PF surrogates.

  2. PF the worst government and the leadership in zambian history. you will be known for that. let pf pay all retirees. the clergy are now behaving caders, side with the people not pf. that bill 10 is not going anywhere we know your tricks. clergy becareful, may be you have received ka brown envelope now you change goal post. twala mfumamo muli fake. KZ you will what happens pf will be no more. even a day old baby knows that this time around you wont rig. HH or KALABA.

  3. Cheque book politics, instead of letting the people’s desires stand they are busy bribing the corrupt clergy so they can cling to power. Don’t allow them. If they change the constitution and bring in Deputy Ministers you can forget about changing the government, they will have all the votes they need in parliament and any legislation they can dream of will pass wether the people like it or not. We can thank these morons for assenting the 2016 constitution to remove the deputy ministers’. They only realised late when they couldn’t master the numbers in parliament. It was too late the horses had already borted. Don’t give them an inch!!

  4. “Church needs to ensure that the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation does NOT just reflect in the preamble but needs to sit in the articles.”
    Finally, someone has realized that Article 8 in the preamble actually contradicts the “bill of rights” in Article 19 in the main body of the constitution.
    Seriously the constitutional mess created by the Christian nation clause(Article 8) needs to be cleaned up.
    For once let the people decide on this issue through a referendum. Fredrick Chiluba refused to take this route cause he new the outcome.Politicians brought this Christian nation thing for political reasons.
    Remember,the “bill…

  5. This nation should review the role of the church and fake men of god.What is so Christian about this nation where men get a hard on upon seeing a baby in diapers and defile them,whilst leaders loot with reckless abandon as Sumaili and her ewually demented f00ls cheer them on.I hope to leave to see a day we shall have a leader who will champion the whole Christian Nation nonsense which was bequeathed to us by a thieving president

    • PF will lick its would for subjecting people to such harsh conditions. Bill 10 is not a good bill in its entirety. The bill simply is intended to insulate PF thieves when they are kicked out of government. Bill 10 is a cleverly sugarcoated bill with some clauses that seem good to hide the clauses that favor this evil thieving government. If the committee agrees that some clauses are bad and rejected by stakeholders will the rejected clauses be removed from the bill? Or has the bill been edited already to remove the bad clauses?, if so show us. Should the bill still be presented to Parliament in it’s old form then just know that PF are just pushing the bill for their own agenda and not the interest of the masses in Zambia. Zambians be warned.

  6. how much were you paid to spew this drivel —- just because you are foolish don’t think the rest of Zambians are !! The whole lot of you are thieves, liars and will do anything possible to keep the positions you have whether it be government or clergy !

  7. Thank you pastors. The sad part is the opposition donkeys believe these opposition failures religiously. As you have put it, they append their signatures at the Siavonga resolution then rush to spread falsehoods that the same document is bad.

  8. The new president of zambia should remove this nonsence clause “christian nation thing”, Nazareth were Jesus was born have not done so. this is politiking nowonder we have problems all over. Dont play with God. PAY RETIREES forget about bill 10. Clergy be careful you are loosing direction. this dialog was to reconcil HH and ECL and the clergy this was your duty now you have changed goal posts. shame on you. be on peoples side say no bill 10 or you are becoming pf carders. clergy tell ecl to pay retirees.

  9. @time: ECL has proposed a reform to the pension system by putting all existing pension companies and outlawing private ones. Following the Saturnia debacle where former BP employees haven’t been paid since 2001, it’s about time. Have you read bill 10 before you comment about it??

  10. PF will lick its would for subjecting people to such harsh conditions. Bill 10 is not a good bill in its entirety. The bill simply is intended to insulate PF thieves when they are kicked out of government. Bill 10 is a cleverly sugarcoated bill with some clauses that seem good to hide the clauses that favor this evil thieving government. If the committee agrees that some clauses are bad and rejected by stakeholders will the rejected clauses be removed from the bill? Or has the bill been edited already to remove the bad clauses?, if so show us. Should the bill still be presented to Parliament in it’s old form then just know that PF are just pushing the bill for their own agenda and not the interest of the masses in Zambia. Zambians be warned.

  11. It’s not only Satunia – GRZ has failed to pay pensioners for 25 years+ so what gives your and your failed GRZ a special right over something you have failed to do yourselves?
    Take that log out of your eyes before you talk about Satunia!

  12. Don’t listen to these Pay as You Talk Pastors that have sold their evil souls to the ECL PF Govt!
    It’s ECL paying them huge allowances to go around our country spreading falsehood so they are agents of the devil themselves.
    How many times are you going to be deceived by this PF Donchi Kubeba Govt? You’re already paying high taxes, high fuel prices, hefty mealie meal prices, so suffering miserably! Now the same devil has hired Evil Pastors to cheat you again. Just send them away those mother fckg evil Pastors.

  13. Clergymen turned politicians – or is it bootlickers? The likes of @ Zambian citizen are quick to support – in their role as an appendage of the rogue State wrongly using religion to hoodwink the populace. How representative, firstly, was the so-called NDF? Right thinking people know it’s one of the PF’s orchestrated maneuvers for self-preservation and invariably a path to more repression. Mixing the State with religion has been used before, and is still used in some parts of the world, with disastrous consequences. It would appear the ‘men of the cloth’ are also eager to nibble the crumbs from ECL’s banquet table. Instead of strengthening institutions to be more independent to deal with the breakdown of processes and accountability, the road is to further weakening them for the…

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