Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mopani Copper Mines to re-start mining operations this Wednesday


Mopani Copper Mines has announced it is to re-start mining operations this Wednesday and issue a notice of its intention to place the mining operations on care and maintenance after 90 days.

Early last month, the mine defied Government directives by proceeding to place its Mines in Kitwe and Mufulira under care and maintenance and sending 11, 000 workers home citing low copper prices on the international market and reduced international mobility caused by the coronavirus pandemic outbreak.

Mopani Copper Mines Public Relations Manager Nebert Mulenga has confirmed the development in a statement issued to the media.

Mr Mulenga said constructive discussions have taken place with the Zambian Government after its Mines in Kitwe and Mufulira were placed under Care and Maintenance early April 2020

He explained that during the 90 day period, Mopani will continue to engage with the government on potential solutions to it’s current challenges.

He added that the health and safety of the workforce and surrounding communities is the Company’s top priority.

Mr Mulenga said Mopani will engage with its employees, relevant contractors and local communities regarding the restart of operations.

He said Mopani remains committed to supporting its community projects, hospitals and schools.


  1. Reject the new application and liquidate their shares GRZ. They are upto no good. Look at KML, did they ever close?? They were even awarding workers on labour day.

  2. Our people, we are still looking into this matter and be rest assured that we will ensure a favourable outcome for our people. Long gone are the days when we would bend over backwards for a mere multinational company. There are others who can run the mine if mopani do not reach agreement with us. For now we continue engaging them. Kz

  3. just a public relations stunt, these have made up their minds, They are going. And since we don’t have leadership in this country, it just makes the situation worse

  4. @ KZ
    Where will you get $4bn for them to go? Who else will come run the mine……? The Chinese? No western company will touch your a.sses.
    KCM is slowly grading to a stop in the mean time with ….. PF stoog running the show

  5. This is what has let the country go to the dogs, grade 7 dropout lab assistants as presidential advisor….. you think people just go after they have spent $4bn?

  6. Engineer that is why your arrogant regional party doesn’t win elections and will never do so. You look down on anyone with less qualifications because you think a paper is what determines someone’s success. Well guess what , a lab technician is now serving his country in one of the highest posts in government. Meanwhile you with your 20 degrees what have you achieved? Even the most successful people in world will tell you that qualifications don’t make you successful. We have highly educated useless f.o.ols. for example people like you.

  7. @ Kaizar, never mind some people with speeches full of hate, this is what happens when people anticipate failure for others but fate says otherwise and you become successful. Keep rising my friend!! You’ve done well for yourself and your family. Haters will be just that!! Cheers.

  8. @KZ apa wasosa very good ad wise. This country won’t be developed by people with degrees, never. Even developed countries haven’t developed without those without degrees, they hv done so as a team. If we be as a team we’ll develope bt in Zambia, degree holders think they are the super being to develop this country, never.
    Moreover, many of them twama leakage Ultima degrees, no wonder they fail to perform. Zambian engineers ma rubbish.

  9. I hope the CEO of Mopani was released from the state orchestrated kidnapping which is totally illegal.
    He must be free to visit his family in Australia.
    The PF have turned Zambia into a Gangsters Paradise.

  10. Ok I don’t like pf and KZ but I have to give it to this ka thug KZ, he is too quick and very sharp. I now understand why lungu keeps him. He needs this guy to win elections. This ka man is dangerous. Just look how he has managed to argue the indefensible. I will take kz as my lawyer any day. Only a criminal can defend you against criminals.

  11. @ Disappointed Zambian,
    Lets look at facts….. where was the country when Mwanawasa and Band were presidents with educated people?
    Where is the country now with a con Lawyer as a president and a grade 7 lab assistant as an advisor?

    Show me one country in the would which has F.ool in government which is doing well?
    Bakolwe you need to respect isukulu.

  12. Engineer nakana, me I have humble education but I am running successful company. Not everyone has opportunity to get education but also not every educated person has sense or ability to be competent in their role. The people that I find a challenge in my company are the educated ones. They lack people skills and are arrogant. I have fired many over years. I respectfully do not agree with your point.

  13. It looks like it is KZ vs the entire lusakatimes bloggers. Kz takwata ama paper but he has managed to out debate all of you. This guy is a beast. I like strong confident men, contact me ba KZ.

  14. It looks like Mopani got what they wanted from these incompetent fooools in Lungu govt…I can only guess tax breaks and swift repayment of VAT.

  15. @ the engineer, please share the workable solution for the crisis that we have at Mopani and kcm instead of undermining other peoples authority. The guys have not been in production for over a year despite employing thousands of engineers at both muf and nkana mine sites. Glencore being the worlds largest comodity traders have the enough muscle to fund big projects that will take their business froward. Tell us what they need to do before i explain a workable solution going forwrd.

  16. @ Chibolya

    Reading is very important and understanding what you read….
    Have you answered the question i asked?

    Let me quote for you in case reading is a problem….

    “Show me one country in the would which has F.ool in government which is doing well?”

  17. Engineer point of correction not all people with humble education are fools neither all learned people are as intelligent as you think.
    I have seen someone a typical villager in the remotest part of Zambia who in the early sixties could make a gun and indeed without degrees behind him or hanging on the walls of his house.
    I have as well known great inventors from the poorest of the poor to invent various machines , indeed school is good to attain however only a few have opportunity to go that far, school is just an aye opener some well educated characters have walked streets without finding a job because they have failed to create a job for themselves, I have seen kaponyas as you would like to call them rise up from nothing to where they have become managing directors of their…

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