Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cornelius Mweetwa has been condemned for disrespecting Vice President Inonge Wina


Choma Central UPND Member of Parliament Cornelius Mweetwa has been condemned for disrespecting Vice President Inonge Wina by calling her shallow and shameful.

Authentic Advocate for Justice and Democracy Public Relations Director Samuel Banda tells Smart Eagles via telephone that his organization is disappointed and saddened with Mr. Mweetwa with the way he attacked Her Honor the Vice President Mrs. Wina’s character.

Mr. Banda says the Vice President deserves respect from every citizen regardless of their ethnic background, political or religious affiliation.

“The Vice President is not just the leader of this country but she is also a mother of the nation, hence she deserves respect from every well meaning Zambian citizens,” he said.

“Zambian people should not trust people who do not respect their elders. It is worth noting that respect is both a virtue and value everyone must strive to practice. Disrespect of national leaders and elderly in society is not only alien to the African culture, unZambian, but also unacceptable in a Christian nation like Zambia.”

He added that it is sad that the MP has also refused to take responsibility for what he did by failing to apologise to the Vice President.

“What kind of a leader is he if he can’t apologize for doing something wrong? To be a truly effective leader, you must lead by example. True leaders do not disrespect their team but support each other,” he stated.

“As Authentic Advocate for Justice and Democracy we urge those abusing the freedom of expression and the media by persistently attacking the character of their leaders to desist from doing so. Yes we have the freedom of expression but we should know how and when to express ourselves and in a respectable manner,” said Mr. Banda.


  1. LT editors, rgis not news worth at all. Tgis Inonge Wina is fond of issuing inflammatory statements against opponents and no one condemns her.

    This Samuel Banda must find ways of fundraising his NGO and not a, situation when they broke start lining up for government funds.

    PF must go!

    • Maybe Matibini reads insults to her wife to. That’s not the way to treat a woman, even though she is a widow.
      Condemn the PF Speaker Matibini, the man is a DISGRACE. He spent 25 minutes reading insults to Bo Ma Inonge Wina, and he repeated words of Cornelius 17 times. Ba Inonge was sitting there receiving insults from Matibini helplessly. Most MPs were sinking in their chairs in shock of what Matibini was doing to the widow.
      At some point Cornelius tried to stop your Matibini that its enough…. But Matibini added 3 more insults. Cornelius was standing there respectfully. He refused to be involved in mistreating a woman of good standing in from of him. We know Cornelius Mweetwa, He can only say things on radio, not in person to his respectable mother Inonge. But Matibini deed .

  2. PF, the opposition UPND have found your weak spot: You want to be praised and feared and worshipped Kings Malembe style. No Sir!

    I would be equally offended if the government of the day pointed a finger without an ounce of evidence the way they did. Your solution is to tell the nation how 50 people perished through mob attacks arising from gassing, in a State where there is a Police Service? Or at least admit the incompetence of Kanganja and his cronies. Or admit the incompetence of government.

    Boooooooo Madam VP.

  3. PF, the opposition UPND have found your weak spot: You want to be praised and feared and worshipped Kings Malembe style. No Sir!

    I would be equally offended if the government of the day pointed a finger without an ounce of evidence the way they did. Your solution is to tell the nation how 50 people perished through mob attacks arising from gassing, in a State where there is a Police Service? Or at least admit the incompetence of Kanganja and his cronies. Or admit the incompetence of government.

    Boooooooo Madam VP. Tell the nation what happened with the gassing.

  4. PF, the opposition UPND have found your weak spot: You want to be praised and feared and worshipped Kings Malembe style. No Sir!

    I would be equally offended if the government of the day pointed a finger without an ounce of evidence the way they did. Your solution is to tell the nation how 50 people perished through mob attacks arising from gassing, in a State where there is a Police Service? Or at least admit the incompetence of Kanganja and his cronies. Or admit the incompetence of government.

    Boooooooo Madam VP. Tell the nation what happened with the gassing!

  5. What the old h@g said was hogwash. Why should anyone apologize for pointing out a shall statement.

    She said that the gassing was cause the an opposition party looking to achieve regime change.

    People have died because of gassing and her boss has remained quiet on this serious matter of terrorism. Then she comes to try to play politics.

  6. You cannot argue anything sensible with that emotional outburst, typical of UPND – no wonder they can’t debate bill 10

  7. These are the mistakes our leaders in UPND make just as we approach Elections. We do not seem to have a coherent stratergy to win us elections. Our leaders think being combatant and miltant will bring elections. That was Sata’s strategy. Ba HH what is our strategy??? Insulting Inonge will not help us. If anything it will subtract. Ba Jack Mwiimbu’s millitant approach and disrepect for Lungu is not the answer. If this the path we have take towards 2021 I am afraid we are headed for another defeat to PF. We may even come third distance to Kambwili.

  8. What do you expect from these bantustan savages?? Uncouth and uncultured, how do you disrespect an elderly woman like that?? In our African culture Mrs. Wina is his mother!!

  9. These Banyamulenge are really tormenting us. Its high time government deregistered this backward terrorist party and put its cult leader in jail for a long time

  10. Respect is earned not lobbied for. Ubufumu buchindika umwine. Meaning respect for the chief starts with the chief him/herself (the way the chief conducts him/herself). The crowd she hangs out with and statements like support bill 10 to stop PF cadres from attacking radio stations; says a lot about her self respect & calibre

  11. The terrorist party is the one that storms radio stations to beat up people. Only one party does that and the police fear to arrest the terrorists.

  12. Gogo Wina said “gassers” were involved in “Regime Change”. This means Gogo Wina is blaming Opposition Parties for being involved in Gassing and Rituals which led to 51 people losing their lives in Zambia. Does Gogo Wina have evidence on these wild allegations? Hon Mweetwa made comments on the VP allegations at Diamond TV during an interview and not on the Floor of Parliament. So why is the Speaker ordering the MP to apologize for a comment Hon Mweetwa made outside Parliament? Are MPs in Zambia being gagged by their Speaker of Parliament? Being an MP doesn’t deprive that Person of his/ her rights to free speech, worship,protest etc? The Speaker of Parliament is violating the Rights of MPs including Hon. Mweetwa. This must be resisted without fail.

  13. And i can guarantee you ,he ll never apologize. Once these people said enough is enough, it is jst that. Zambia is going to be on fire now and it’s happening to early. Big fire….i see alot of practical deaths from both sides. Cos UPND wont apologize i can guarantee that.

  14. Who is asking for an apology from Mr Cornelius Mweetwa?, thought apology should be to the Zambians for having killed 50 people by gassing without arresting the culprits. Government of Zambia must apologise to the nation.

  15. By his refusal to apologise for the demeaning remarks he made against the Vice-President, Mweetwa has effectively decampaigned the UPND for next years’s general elections. Mrs Wina occupies not only the second highest position in the land but she is also a mother and grandmother who deserves respect from young people like Cornelius. I am surprised, nay shocked, that some bloggers here have even supported him. However, I am comforted by the fact that those who have supported him are the usual UPND yes-men who will support anything a UPND leader says, even if it is wrong. Mark my words, UPND has not scored anything on this and HH is quiet, meaning he supports his MP. I pity him,

  16. I don’t support the character assassination by this Mweetwa guy but I don’t agree that the
    Vice President is not just the leader of this country but she is also a mother of the nation,
    When was she given this mother of the nation title and by who? Just look for reasonable arguments to defend her not cobbling up any nonsense from the skies.

  17. If they want this mother of the nation, father of the nation respect of calling them kanabesa mulopwe let them try traditional leadership and not Democratic political leadership.

  18. Mweetwa is just principled by standing with belief in what he had to say! If he believed he was right to say what he said why should anyone thinking with the heart judge him? The VP made a statement which drew a reaction how does one reverse a reaction when an action is done with?

  19. To describe a Statement by the VP as “shallow” and “shameful “is not an insult at all. The allegations made by the VP suggesting that “gassing ” activities were carried out by Opposition Parties for “Regime Change ” was not only outrageous but unsubstantiated and therefore “shallow ” and “shameful “. Hon Mweetwa’s comment was directed at the VP Statement and not to her as a Person. Hon Mweetwa made these comments during an Interview at Diamond TV. These comments were not made on the Floor of Parliament and as such we don’t see the need for an apology. Apologize for what? When a Person is elected an MP he doesn’t lose his right to freedom of Speech. The Speaker has no Power and Mandate to gag MPs outside Parliament. Depending on the punishment meted by the Speaker Hon…

  20. The VP’s status, age and other physical attributes have NO bearing whatsoever on whether the statement she made was shallow or not. Just because she is old and number 2 doesn’t mean everything she says makes a lot of sense all the time. The issue of gassing where people lost loved ones is not an issue to be taken lightly. The answer given by the VP was not very satisfactory to some of us who were affected.

  21. Very shameful statement from Mweetwa no wonder it will be very difficult for upnd to rule, a party which is very disorganized no vice president,no direction.What is wrong to opolozise when you make a mistake,he is not apologetic,sturbon, selfish, any thankful.Be careful upnd with this kind of politics you are practicing.

  22. If were you come from you don’t respect elders this is the kind of product we having today in Zambia.No human ethics,uncultured, young man with no direction but living under a curse.

  23. Mother of the nation!? Nanga Amwapeeling? Pa Zed people want to take their house behaviors into their service and public jobs. This is why things are not working mwe. Mweetwa was giving an opinion and you take a few innocent words and call them insults. What is wrong with being shallow in your opinion? Mwandi Colonelio osacita citeci palibe cimene wa ifya!

  24. MWENSO NIMFWA, SAYS HH…as Mufulira taxi drivers, residents beat up unruly PF cadres
    By Charles Tembo in Mufulira]
    UMWENSO ninfwa, Zambia chalo chesu bonse, says UPND President Hakainde Hichilema.
    Meanwhile, taxi drivers and members of the public in Mufulira on Friday went on rampage and beat up PF cadres who had stormed Mafken FM radio in an attempt to disrupt a radio program which featured Hichilema.
    Hichilema said this on Friday afternoon when he featured on Mafken FM radio in Mufulira and Radio Icengelo.
    He said there was no need to be scared of any threats because the police have to arrest criminals threatening others.
    “Zambia is one people who are a family, fighting for the common good. Mwenso ninfwa (fear is a sign of death), Zambia chalo chesu bonse (country for all of us)…

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