Saturday, July 27, 2024

Masiye Wilfred Banda is the new Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Home Affairs


President Edgar Lungu has sworn-in Masiye Wilfred Banda as a new Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Home Affairs. Mr. Banda served as Director for Specialised Audits and Consultancy in the Office of the Auditor-General and the National Audit Office prior to his appointment.

Speaking during the swearing-in ceremony held at State House in Lusaka today, President Lungu said Mr. Banda is a seasoned civil servant, having worked in Government for 24 years.

The Head of State said Mr. Banda’s promotion is a well-deserved and commendable achievement for a public service official. President Lungu expressed confidence that the new Permanent Secretary of Home Affairs will carry on the mantle from the late Dr. Chileshe Mulenga who passed on last week.

He said Government is in a hurry to deliver quality services to men and women in uniform under the Ministry of Home Affairs across the country.

President Lungu said Government is also working hard to improve conditions in Correctional facilities to reduce over-crowding as well as construct modern housing units for the officers.

The Head of State said he expects Mr. Banda to work even harder to contribute to the realization of these goals. President Lungu said the position of Home Affairs Permanent Secretary is critical to the enhancement of democracy and good governance in the nation.

And speaking to journalists after the swearing-in ceremony, Mr. Banda thanked President Lungu for appointing him and that he will carry on with the various projects left by his predecessor.


    • When I was young I used to watch a cartoon CLYDE on znbc, one character’s famous words was” JUST AS I SUSPECTED”.

    • PF Will win again. Because our opposition is very very weak. Apart from vote splitting, they just dont know what to fight for. They dont know how to make an impact on citizens. Most of the time PF does wrong things but the opposition doesnt know how to correct them. Shouting a few words and waiting for 2021 is a losers’ strategy. Make an impact now. Challenge unfair government rulings or decisions in courts, Have 24 hour interactions with citizens via internet media, newspapers, TV and Radio stations. Sponsor your own newspapers; MMD had its businessmen sponsoring The Post in the 90s. Have shadow ministers who offer alternatives each time the ruling party’s cabinet blunders. Ma politics yo embekeza election nivamu 20th century ivo.

  1. 6 months before elections, Lungu says he is in a hurry to develop the country.

    Where has he been all this time?

    Is the country better off now than when he took over?

    Are Zambians happier now?

    Only Lungu and his corrupt friends would think Zambia is better now.

  2. There is no merit on this appointment and always looking at color, aka ni ka black or ka red!

    Worst leadership ever

    PF must go!

  3. The meaning of development to this government has been lost. Development means infrastructure were they over price & eat the bigger part of the money & deliver a cheap quality product. Everybody will school you that in a free economy govts biggest investment & development is in the human capital. Bcoz it the people that develop the country. Not focusing on housing the police so they can be used in 2021 to beat up the opposition once they steal their votes. This govt does not know the police. They are also people who are suffering together with everyone. Ask kk, in 1987 they stood by while people looted. Wait, you will know them

  4. Still no appointments for Antonio Mwanza, Isaac Mwanza, Tayali , nothing for Sunday Chanda yet again!

  5. It’s really sad that in Zambia tribalism is practiced publicly with impunity. Even if one wanted to support the PF under the circumstance you can’t. This leadership cannot come from God, it’s the leadership ordened by the devil to oppress other tribes. It’s a failed state. You cannot have appointments coming from two tribes in a country of 72 tribes. It’s a shame. Very evil people dividing a great nation. Nothing to admire about this leadership and pray that one day Zambians will have courage and wisdom to throw this party with a corruption project into the bin and erase this part of history in the books of Zambian politics. These are the lost years

    • Its really sorry to see how you are keen on brainwashing fellow Zambians. If Zambia has 72 tribes then you should start seeing all of them. Because now you only see two or four because that is what you want to see. The Eastern Province doesn’t have one tribe but more than 10 tribes including, Tumbuka, Chewa, Nsenga, Chikunda, Kunda, Soli, Ngoni, Biza, etc but you count us as one of 72 tribes so that you can tribalise your arguments. Even the Bemba speakers are grouped as one tribe when they just share dialects but not kingdoms and culture. If you group these as one they will defeat you because they are in the majority. Just battle outside tribalism

  6. PF Will win again. Because our opposition is very weak. Apart from vote splitting, they just dont know what to fight for. They dont know how to make an impact on citizens. Most of the time PF does wrong things but the opposition doesnt know how to correct them. Shouting a few words and waiting for 2021 is a losers’ strategy. Make an impact now. Challenge unfair government rulings or decisions in courts, Have 24 hour interactions with citizens via internet media, newspapers, TV and Radio stations. Sponsor your own newspapers; MMD had its businessmen sponsoring The Post in the 90s. Have shadow ministers who offer alternatives each time the ruling party’s cabinet blunders. Ma politics yo embekeza election nivamu 20th century ivo.

  7. Lungu chagwa , kaponya president , do you know that tribal balancing is very import and that’s what created peace in kaundas time.All your advicers are fooling you and are not telling you what is on the ground. This is now tribalism band 7. .For you to win hearts from southern and other provinces you should have appointed permanent secretary from that region or any other region to show that you love them,Lungu and your party have made Bembas,Ngonis being insulted day and night and labelled tribalists because of the mistakes you have been making.We are all zambians .Ama elections yena namupona ba Lungu.Just start preparing what to say in the courts from next year.

  8. Lungu your administration is full of errors which your office pretended not to see and you have failed to rectify and work on them .Secondly, you have failed to learn what zambians want because your government is compromised and is full of unnecessary weeds , (Carders ( Kaponyas ) who have been advising you all the time and they know your love holes and you are too scared to displine them in case the spill the beans. We are d1ispappointed with your administration for allowing subordinates think and make decisions for you.Major issues pertaining to the security of the nation you decide to send a kaponya to sort the problem for you like recently you sent Malanji to go and and see Kagame on your behalf and the nations behalf and yet when it comes to commissioning silly projects…

  9. Lungu your administration is full of errors which your office pretended not to see and you have failed to rectify and work on them .Secondly, you have failed to learn what zambians want because your government is compromised and is full of unnecessary weeds , (Carders ( Kaponyas ) who have been advising you all the time and they know your love holes and you are too scared to displine them in case the spill the beans. We are d1ispappointed with your administration for allowing subordinates think and make decisions for you.Major issues pertaining to the security of the nation you decide to send a kaponya to sort the problem for you like recently you sent Malanji to go and and see Kagame on your behalf and the nations behalf and yet when it comes to commissioning silly projects…

  10. Wako ni wako umodzi kamanyokolola! This tribally bigoted SOB does it openly now, bloody hell, Zambia is not going to be turned into a Nyanjastan, otherwise we are seceding, period!

  11. Thank you, Polytricks. There’s just no substance in the opposition strategy. Let’s look at an area like education, what plan do they have for the country?? Nothing!!! There message is just corruption, corruption, corruption. Nothing more.

  12. Upnd, the largest opposition, hasn’t had internal democratic elections to change and choose fresh leaders since 2006!! Hh and his hardliners handpick loyalists to all positions. It was Kambela Mazoka who ran a professional and democratic systems on merit that had an effective shadow cabinet that formulated alternative policies and wholesome national ideas that were inspiring. Ba bally?? Iyee, chabulanda…a total dictator who expects total loyalty and worship from those he has rewarded with positions.

  13. Zambian Citizen

    CK and KBF expressed ambitions for the PF leadership……

    what did lungu do to them ???


  14. Spaka chikopo-I will not repeat the same answer over and over. Entertain yourself in your f.0.0.l’s paradise and let reality pass you by. There are better things to do this morning than bickering with a diasporan dingbat!!

  15. You are busy booing and insulting him when he visits you but you want him to feel that you can work with him? Stop this non.sense. You are contributing so much to the very poor performance of this government because of your very use.less attitude. When he picks somebody with an Eastern name it is tribalism? So, Kebby Mbewe is an Easterner? How many Easterners hold senior positions in this Government?

  16. We were already sure that the Appointee will come either from the North or East. Never from South or West!
    One Zambia, One Side!


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