Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Joe Malanji Deception: Episode Rwanda


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

Before we analyse the latest deception engineered by the Patriotic Front (PF), let us summarise the key allegations at the heart of the Zambia Rwanda Terrorist financing scandal.

Note that none of the below is intended to imply any measure of guilt on the part of any individual, but merely an analysis of information available in the public domain.

The testimony by Major Callixte Nsabimana also known as “Sankara” alleges the following:

– President Edgar Lungu gave Paul Rusesabagina $150,000 out of a total pledge of $1m towards the end of 2017. He further offered the rebels the ability to operate freely in Zambia.

– The president allegedly sympathised with Rusesabagina for the treatment he had to endure under the Paul Kagame regime. Rusesabagina had great respect for the president due to the help / support he had offered fleeing Rwandan businessmen.

– In early 2019, Nsengiyumva Appolinaire met with the President to discuss further support for overthrowing the Kagame regime.

We, therefore, have FIVE key players in this saga:

  1. President Edgar Lungu – the only Zambian Citizen alleged to be involved
  2. Major Callixte Nsabimana also known as “Sankara” – FLN leader, has already pleaded guilty to charges laid against him for attacks in Rwanda.
  3. Paul Rusesabagina – Another alleged FLN leader last known to be based out of Belgium with a trucking business in ZAMBIA setup in the late 90’s after fleeing Rwanda.
  4. Nsengiyumva Appolinaire – A Rwandan living in ZAMBIA operating an SME.
  5. Kayumba Nyamwasa – former Rwandan military chief, arch enemy of Paul Kagame, exiled in South Africa and accused of Terrorism in Rwanda. Despite an arrest warrant, brags about being able to visit Zambia often and has allegedly been seen visiting Zambia often lately.

Joe Malanji does not feature on this list, and therefore is most likely unaware if any of these allegations carry weight. He is merely acting on instructions.

MAY 2019

As part of the trial in May 2019, Sankara alleged the involvement of high ranking intelligence officials in UGANDA and BURUNDI. Meanwhile the RWANDAN PROSECUTION alleged funding for this rebel group came from Rwandan refugees living in countries including ZAMBIA. Recruitment was also alleged to be happening in ZAMBIA.

Therefore, the initial allegations of terrorism financing and recruitment happening on ZAMBIAN soil came from the Rwandan prosecution, and by implication, the Rwandan authorities. The Zambian authorities did not/ have not respond to these allegations.

Around the same time, the Zambian Financial Intelligence Centre lays bare a case of terrorism financing that occurred in 2018, with funds flowing from Zambia to a state where terrorism activities are prevalent. The known individuals involved were linked to terrorism groups in that state. The case was transferred to “competent” authorities for further investigation.

DECEMBER 2019 to MAY 2020

In a complex web of transactions, ZCCM forms a joint venture with little known Sudanese investors (Karma Mining) for ZCCM to obtain a minority stake in a gold processing venture. In a transaction that appears to have failed basic due diligence measures, particularly due to Sudan being a known state sponsor of terrorism, as well as appearing of the sanctions list of the USA, UN, EU and UK. The sequence of events behind this transaction implies political connotations, and appears to have been forced onto ZCCM by the political elite.

A further venture was agreed into with Array Metals, who have exploration rights to $400m worth of Gold in Mumbwa. The players behind this group are Ugandans with no previous known gold mining experience. These Ugandans have suspected links to the political elite in Zambia and in Uganda, and officials are known to have business dealings with a UN sanctioned General from South Sudan.

The above two transactions, which leave the Zambian people with minimal benefits, coincidentally appear to be linked through the players and nations involved.

Refer to link for details of this matrix submitted to and ignored by ZCCM >>

JULY 2020

As part of Sankara’s sworn testimony in court, startling new allegations are made, as summarised above.

The PF Government in a series of confused responses initially denies the claims without responding directly as to why the allegations cannot be true.

They then secretly (but exposed by eagle eyed citizens) send Joe Malanji as an envoy of the President to meet with Rwandan authorities. He returns and issues another uncoordinated and non-sensical statement saying that the Rwandans are equally surprised by the allegations, that they are not credible, and that Sankara had never travelled to Zambia. Bilateral relations remain intact.


Joe Malanji’s statements make no sense at all! It does not tally with the Rebel statement. This is why:

  1. Sankara never said he traveled to Zambia. He said the people who met the President were Rusesabagina and Appolinaire. These two individuals have irrefutable links to ZAMBIA. Can Malanji deny that these individuals have no Zambian links or have never visited Zambia?
  2. The Rwandan prosecutors themselves alleged involvement of players on Zambian soil. How can the Rwandan Government contradict themselves by saying the claims are not credible.
  3. Would the Rwandan Government be prejudicial and ignore the court case and allegations to clear Zambia of any involvement before the trail is concluded and judgement is delivered?
  4. What incentive would Sankara have to dream about the president’s involvement? How would Sankara even dream about individuals like Appolinaire being in Zambia?
  5.  Why has the Rwandan Government been mute on the matter? Why have they not issued their own version of the meeting with Malanji or atleast confirmed the Zambian version as accurate?
  6.  Why has Rwandan media not even reported this meeting and the contents thereof?
  7. Rwandan and Ugandan relations are strained. Zambian relations with Uganda are strong, and politically connected individuals between the two countries are involved in Zambian Gold. Is there a connection or is this a coincidence?
  8. Why is Zambia sending investigators if there is nothing to worry about? They should simply move on since they claim to have been cleared by the Rwandan Government.
  9. Why has Nyamwasa allegedly been allowed free entry into Zambia when he is on Rwanda’s most wanted list?

The reality is that Malanji may have misled the public with his version of events at the meeting with the Rwandan Government.

Sources in the Rwandan Government indicate that the actual discussions vary significantly from what we have been told. Zambia has been told to do more to prove that they were not involved. Hence the Rwandan Government has not yet issued its official position, and hence the panicked dispatch of Malanji to Rwanda.

It is also important to note that Kayumba Nyamwasa, former Rwandan military chief, arch enemy of Paul Kagame, has been allegedly allowed free movement into Zambia despite an arrest warrant. This has been noted by the Rwandan authorities as well and requires explanation.


The challenge the people of Zambia have with the current government and leadership is a matter of trust.

Why can’t the government be open and honest with the public so that we remove the need for all this speculation?

If the government was so confident that the matter is a non-issue, as per the tone of the official statehouse statements, what was the need to sneak out senior officials into Rwanda for discussions.

Even if the president is innocent in this, how can we be confident that one of his many friends and associates has not used the name of the president to commit crimes? We have heard this over and over again from the PF. This is the reason why it is important that the president ensures he surrounds himself with people of good reputation and standing in society.

Why is it that the word “terrorism” keeps popping up in Zambia. First it was the FIC report, then ZCCM Gold Scandal with links to Sudan, a country sanctioned for state-sponsored terrorism, as well as Uganda, a country mentioned as part of this plot and now sponsoring of terrorism in Rwanda.


We propose the following:

  1. Can the government sue the accuser in the courts of law?
  2. Can they ask the Rwandan Government to issue a statement in defence of Zambia and validating the statement made by Malanji? Do they understand the ramifications for this country if there is even a bit of truth in the claims?
  3. There is a clear CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The President through his Minister cannot lead investigations into himself for these allegations. Therefore, we propose that a cross member panel/committee be set up in Parliament to lead the investigations. Parliament shall then hold Government to account should any of the allegations be proven. Failure to allow an independent parliamentary committee to investigate will raise red flags and create mistrust.

The people of Zambia deserve answers and we demand answers now!


  1. In zambia they have given pistols to cadres, therefore this one it has not come as surprise but we knew it that in future will have such problems, because these guys they like power.

  2. Anthony and UPND wants this country to go to war with Rwanda. You can’t do that all in the name of wanting power. God deliver the UPND.

  3. This is the type of thought process in UPND. This hogwash actually has the blessings of one Kaponya (HH) aka Bally Matore

  4. Ba UPND twapapata. Spare us from what you want to cause. I used to support you because I thought u wer real and now this nonsense? What really do you want to do to this country?

  5. Young man just shut up. Your analysis is myopic and misdirected. It shows your lack of knowledge on the politics of the great lakes and Zambia,a role in peace building in the region.

  6. When the Police and security wings call u to help with investigation, you will begin to say they are harassing you. But this is the security of the nation. Would u tell us how many times those characters you mentioning have been in Zambia?

  7. When the Police and security wings call u to help with investigation, you will begin to say they are harassing you. But this is the security of the nation. Would u tell us how many times those characters you mentioning have been in Zambia? Please UPND overzealous cadres, don’t set this country on fire with your News Diggers

  8. Edgar Lungu and his clueless cadres are quick to comment without properly understanding what is at stake here.

    This issue needed Edgar Lungu to meet Paul Kagame himself and give us reasonable assurance that both side understand each other.

    You can’t send foreign affairs minister to meet the foreign head of state on such an important issue.

    This Malanji of yours if Edgar Lungu wanted to establish a proper communication channel must have been met with his counterpart that a foreign minister of Rwanda.

    This kabova president of yours thinks he dealing with political opponents. That is disrespecting at highest level.

    They photoshopped the pictures tell us all his well.

    PF must go!

  9. I was like ‘I should vote for UPND next time’; then I read an article like this and I am like ‘has this got the blessing of top UPND leadership?’ This is truly disappointing. So for you only war between Zambia and Rwanda would suffice.

  10. Very brilliant piece of writing. The rebel couldn’t have just mentioned lungu of all people there is something fishy here.given even the way they have been running the country with threats and violence who knows maybe it’s true.

  11. Game over for pf, whoever will lead pf ll become a Kagame target. From now onwards….even Zambians might not be able to retire u in 2021 as Kagame may assassinate u, anytime from now. Cause once on Kagame’s list, always on Kagame’s list.

  12. The kind big irresponsibility being exhibited by UPND leaders is extremely worrying. This is the man HH has entrusted to be doing part of his media things and he puts this country at risky with such irresponsible writings. Don’t ignite fire which you will not manage to extinguish. You seem to have more info about the cartel of rabels, is it because the UPND is running with these rebels as international image builders for HH?

  13. In fact Paul Kagame has powerful intelligence unlike that of Edgar Lungu infiltrated by self made advisors like Kaizer Zulu the son Grey Zulu.

    There won’t be any war but just to eliminate one guy only.

    Edgar Lungu is involved in this saga because it is rumored the father was rwandese-Hutu.

    Only a drone to eliminate one guy is enough.

    PF must go!

  14. In my humble opinion, Lungu may not directly have supported this terrorism , but PF greed for money and corruption unwittingly entangled lungus name in this saga……

    Zambia is home to many ruwndese who fled the genocide trials, some of them guilty. Many of them are businessmen who have formed a powerful rich cartel in Zambia that is secretly against kigame

    ……… PF theives have been eating from this cartel and unwittingly entangled lungu.

  15. Talk is cheap. Your behavior ba UPND is now becoming unacceptable to the point that you want to risk all our lives. Ama soldier from Zambia have never fought in any war and u trying to expose this country to war. Now have lost faith in your politics

  16. To all non Cadres on this forum: Guys the pf cadre administering the comments section of Lusaka times is being paid to delete all non Cadre comments. Here is what u shd do to bypass it. Go yo email account & take any email address of any person & come back here, register a new email address & user name. Cos whay the cadre is doing,is that he blocks yo email & username together, but leaves all comments from cadres. So beat him at his own game.

  17. If there is something we must love, its our country first. Loving our country means loving ourselves; it also means loving our children and the future our children’s children. We must also cherish the peace this country has enjoyed.

    This author Anthony does not love Zambia. He neither loves his children and their future. His association with UPND has destroyed his good thinking about Zambia. The desperation to profile Hakainde by pitting Lungu and the Zambian people against Kagame and Rwanda must be stopped

  18. Talk is cheap. Your behavior ba UPND is now becoming unacceptable to the point that you want to risk all our lives. Ama soldier from Zambia have never fought in any war and u trying to expose this country to war. Now have lost faith in your politics as UPND

  19. Iam posting now using that same technique, and ve been using it since June when the cadre first blocked me & iam an I.T personel. Even better, go to the Government of Zambia/ Parliament website and get email addresses of all PF cadre ministers/councillors there, came back & register here using those emails & names( this way u remain untraceable too).
    It looks like the cadre is getting paid alot cos he is busy blocking every week, i can see him.

  20. Iam posting now using that same technique, and ve been using it since June when the cadre first blocked me & iam an I.T personel. Even better, go to the Government of Zambia/ Parliament website and get email addresses of all PF cadre ministers/councillors there, came back & register here using those emails & names( this way u remain untraceable too).
    It looks like the cadre is getting paid alot cos he is busy blocking every week, i can see him.

  21. Attacking the messenger does not help especially when you do not deal with the matter in question. Someone was mentioned in a court of law. What do we do about it? Should we just wish it away? Forget the Malanje blurbing, kuli nkhani ku Rwanda and Kagame is fuming.

  22. Ba UPND, you have reached this extent with your quest for power. No bane. U really are not hurting Lungu but our motherland

  23. My first username was “Vote Him Out” but u can clearly see how iam transitioning. Lets go guys, this is your forum also, you not here for free ,its tax money this cadre is using against you. In short ,u pay him to block u.

  24. The general public in Rwanda are pushing this matter to ICC and that’s where all the drama will end up.

    Your Edgar Lungu will be extradite to Hague for criminal justice next year.

    PF must go!

  25. And why are you so much concerned than the Rwandan government itself? Please stop your hallucinations and move on to the next topic.

  26. It was trickling in like tap water from a damaged valve. “We want FIC report”, shouted UPND. The hallucinations started way back. Now the water tank is full and PF opponents can involve Sankara to create despondency and spirit of dejection.
    Mr. Anthony Bwalya sensationally says president Edgar Lungs should have gone to Rwanda himself and NOT send his minister. He then contradicts himself by saying, the president can NOT investigate himself. This is a far fetched political cause bound to fail soon.

  27. Its shocking to read comments attributing to Anthony Bwalya’s article above as though issues raised are simply an imagination of Bwalya’s thinking?
    Fact check:
    – Trial going on in Rwandan government over terrorists in their country – the least Rwanda would want to go through again.
    – Zambia’s foreign affairs minister travelled to Rwanda – for what?
    – Rwandan nationals exist in Zambia both refugees and those wanted by Rwandan government
    – Uclear business deals of gold involving questionable foreigners and involvement of ZCCM a govt Co. on one hand and president Lungu on the other
    – FIC report does exist where it points Zambia’s tax money channeled to an organisation deemed terrorist operating in a named country
    All these facts exist. So, why panic stations when Bwalya is simply…

  28. So, why panic stations when Bwalya is simply telling the truth. As Zambians, we will ask Paul Kagame to deal with Lungu individually and others. Zambia is a peaceful nation and we have kept refugees for decades including Rwandans.

  29. The rumblings of Mr Anthony Bwalya have exposed his party, the UPND as a short – term cultural institution. How else can you describe individuals who have agreed in principal to handover ALL mining activities and big business to their foreign sponsors? This myopic focus on the next election will cost the UPND. This myopic political present-ism exhibited by Mr Bwalya on behalf of UPND can barely see beyond the next poll. They are like a kid who believes they can keep blowing up the balloon, bigger and bigger, without any prospect that it could ever burst. Think again Mr Bwalya.

  30. For UPND, information from State House is not official because they dont recognise the elected Zambian govt. Instead they recognise their appointed National Management Commmittee, provincial and District officials This confirms how undemocratic the party is and pose a threat to Zambias democracy.
    Let Bwalya assist with information by picking him up before this matter is feasted on by local political vultures NGOs and some political Priests

  31. Tough But True 

    “…….How else can you describe individuals who have agreed in principal to handover ALL mining activities and big business to their foreign sponsors?….”

    But all mines are already in foringe hands , did you not know ????? 

  32. This is the desperation of upnd and hh. These guys are willing to do anything to get power, even if it means risking a war with another country by false allegations. Now I hope all those that were pleading for hh to be released during treason charges can now see that hh is a big problem. Let him continue with this behaviour. All I will say is that he should remember that Zambia still has capital punishment of death by hanging.

  33. @Madilu system

    Kindly confirm: is it true Kaizer Zulu is Grey Zulu’s son as you have alleged?
    I had no nkling he could be Grey’s son. Somehow he has Grey’s fphysical eatures!

  34. UPND danderheads and sycophants are Sadists and truly are dogs…This is a worsed tribal group think mentality of typical UPND sycophants and zealots and enemies of progress who are led by Supreme leader HH of the UPND who has hidden the privatisation loot in the paradise papers because of his greedy and bitterness… Majority silent Zambians cannot vote for a sadist like HH…

  35. The author as information so please bring him aboard and let him help with investigation since he knows a lot about this allegation so that the minds of people are cleared.

  36. I hv not posted anything on this report until now. But I hv observed that my blogging name “Nemwine” has been copied by someone, albeit with a question mark at the end. For that reason, I’m leaving this site for a while, at least in as far as posting messages is concerned. So whn u see “Nemwine!”, just know that it’s not your usual fellow blogger. Of course the host of this site knows the whole truth.

  37. But it looks like UPND never learns. Anthony Bwalya should be urgently picked by police for trying to endanger the peace and security of this country so he can explain what he is writing about.

  38. Now we know that the editor of this story is deeply involved in the fabrication of this story. You cannot say that in such a short time this story was heard, this newspaper has investigated and gathered all the details they have written.
    These are the people KK referred to in the song about care not to let enemies sell the Country….
    How can you be so desperate to sell your Country you want to rule…?

  39. This is a superb piece of documentation of characters and events against which no amount of crowded criticism will work. Unfortunately, some biased thinkers feel hit. Why not just give it what you think is your logical counter account?

  40. This is a casual observation I can’t fail but notice regarding Rwanda and Paul kigame..

    In every photo , even the one above , everything is always on point. That background display would put even the white house on notice.

    Unlike with lungu , you see upside down displays, banners with full kinks and folds…or lungu visiting markets selling food from the floor ……????

    Are Rwandans more educated than Zambians , are they more exposed to western culture than Zambians ???

  41. UPND do not jeopardise the security of our peaceful country. Your desperation for power sounds dangerous. Please spare us your confusion!!

  42. Being in Church on weekends and doing other things, PK Chishala said Lesa tabepwa ilingi alasebanya pamenso yabanthu. So what ever you do will come out. A guy can just stand in court and just mention your name from nowhere? Mwapya

  43. The Rwandan government has not issued a statement and that is a worry, the ones panicking are busy issuing contradictory statements. Now we hear the envoy works for our IDC, hand him over quickly so that he spills the beans.

  44. Wow! It seems Anthony has hit a raw nerve. All the hired guns have been asked to come out (using multiple names) and discredit him. Problem is, none of them even tries to refute what he has written. Sure he makes a speculative link but can you actually say that what he has written is untrue? Who is more dangerous to the nation – the one who is asking for a proper, unbiased investigation into these serious allegations or those who want to sweep everything under the carpet without even asking a single question? I’m sure our brothers from Rwanda would appreciate us dissociate ourselves through a thorough and transparent inquiry. By the way, we do love our country that is why we wish to expose whoever is funding terrorists and spoiling our name.

  45. Interesting to read the comments on this article. Stones and daggers going at the wrong bodies while the issue keeps fermenting until it pops all the dirty out. Why as a nation are we not interested in knowing the truth? If one asks questions, let’s provide the answers. It benefits no one if we throw stones at each other on this forum to deviate from the real issue. It is important to get the truth. I may be ignorant to the article’s content but I agree with one thing: let’s seek a response from govt so that the nations is spared. Otherwise, it will be sorry William!

  46. I’m impartial in whole this, but those who are talking about the risk of war between Rwanda and Zambia, how is that possible? We can talk about diplomatic crisis, but war? In my humble knowledge war can only happen if the involved countries share a border, which is not the case here. Can someone enlighten me? Of course Zambia has an upper hand in this because of the many rwandese living in Zambia, but there are almost no Zambian nationals living in Rwanda. So whatever happens Rwanda would never have an influence in Zambian internal politics. The cards don’t simply match.

  47. @Chenda, are comments directed at GBM since he seems to know slot?
    A few days ago he made the following statement – ITS HH WHO TOLD THE RWANDAN REBEL LEADER TO FRAME PRESIDENT LUNGU – GBM
    I tell you HH has a lot of money”
    I am 100% sure that its HH who convinced the Rwandan Rebel Leader Maj Nsabimana Sankara Calliixte to frame President Lungu with funding of his rebel group so that he can be kicked out of State House, Former UPND Vice President Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba has said.
    Speaking in Lusaka this morning, GBM said HH is the only Zambian who has more than enough money and influence across the world and there is no doubt he can maximise the same influence to frame President Lungu with serious cases so that he can be kicked out of State House.
    “I refuse to believe that Mr Hakainde…


  49. Guy all those that had grudges against ka Lungu, u can put your swords down pls. Cos Paul Kagame ll now directly deal with ka Lungu. Jst wait & see. Kagame is nuclear weapon in Africa. Soon things ll start dramatising as Kagame now ll make sure that Lungu dont become president, ever again.

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