Friday, October 25, 2024

Hakainde Hichilema is on record to Have Opposed President Sata on his Action Against Chief Chitimukulu


The United Party for National Development (UPND) has said that the party president Hakainde Hichilema is on record to have opposed the actions taken by the late President Michael Sata to degazetted His Royal Highness Chief Mwamba (Henry Kanyanta Sosala) of the Bemba people.  [ Lusakatimes 2014 article where HH showed his support for Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga II click here]

In a statement released to the media, the party said that it sincerely hoped that His Royal Highness Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga II was being misquoted by individuals with ulterior motives and ill-will to national unity, harmony and belonging together, as one people under our national motto of One Zambia, One Nation, and one nation, one people.

Below is the full statement

As already noted in our media brief yesterday, on the reported sentiments by Mwine Lubemba, His Royal Highness Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga II, that President Hakainde Hichilema is plotting to dethrone him once elected in the office of President of the Republic of Zambia. President Hichilema has consistently maintained the posture of non interference of government in internal traditional affairs of all chiefdoms across Zambia. These facts are in the public domain and consequently anyone can freely access the information.

However, due to passage of time and people easily forgetting these plain facts, and due to the fact that PF, in its usually modus operandi of peddling lies and consequently weaving a narrative that will suit its desperation to recover its speedily dwindling political fortunes, as UPND, we are compelled, though reluctantly, to bring out the facts and let the people of Zambia judge President Hichilema and the United Party for National Development.

During the administration of the Late Sixth Republican President, H.E. Mr Michael Chilufya Sata (MHSRIP), President Hichilema took it upon himself as a national leader to initiated freely, without favour or ill-will a possible discussion with President Sata, on is that were concerning to many Zambians on the direction the new PF government was taking on traditional affairs in the country. They was a growing animosity and antagonism by the new government then towards the Royal Highnesses around the country. This unhealthy and potentially destabilizing stance of the PF government was causing consternation in the nation.

Sometime in 2013, President Sata had degazetted His Royal Highness Chief Mwamba (Henry Kanyanta Sosala) of the Bemba people. However, sometime in mid 2014, after Bashilubemba had chosen Chief Mwamba (Henry Kanyanta Sosala) to become Mwine Lubemba, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu, and before his installation to the Chitimukulu throne, President Sata stopped the chief’s ascension to the throne by deploying heavily armed police officers at the palace.

Prior to his installation as the Mwine Lubemba, the Chitimukulu on 25 January 2015, events been spiralling out of control and on a path towards a showdown and possible confrontation with Bashilubemba. President Sata had declared that Henry Kanyanta Sosala should not masquerade as Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people, and told that much to the Daily Nation. “I have not recognized him. I degazetted Sosala as Chief Mwamba in 2013 and he cannot therefore be crowned as Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.” President Sata charged when he called the Daily Nation on 13 May 2014. President Sata said it was wrong for the newspaper to continue referring to Sosala as Chitimukulu when he was not recognized by way of a gazette notice authorized by the President.

Earlier in 2014, President Hichilema, having followed closely the happenings in Bemba land, in Lozi land, Chewa land, and other chiefdoms that were falling foul with the PF administration, and taking cognizance of the law of the land governing traditional affairs, the Chiefs Act, President Hichilema wrote to the President then (letter is provided below, that was leaked to the media by the PF government then), to provide guidance and calling on government to immediately cease interfering in traditional affairs in the country. President Sata retorted to President Hichilema’s letter telling Mr. Hichilema to appoint Henry Kanyanta Sosala as his Chitimukulu if he so wishes.”

That is why even today, President Hichilema’s position has remained consistent. For example, his opposition to the proposed Bill 10 amendments of repealing Article 165 on the Institution of chieftaincy and traditional institutions, of the Constitution, substituting it with extremely dangerous clauses that will rob the Institution of chiefs in our land of the deserved independence and respect. Suffice to say, if Bill 10 was what was attaining at the time President Sata degazetted Henry Kanyanta Sosala as Chief Mwamba, we wouldn’t be discussing this today. He wouldn’t have ascended to the Chitimukulu throne. However, President Hichilema is delighted to put it on record, that though the installation was delayed for over one year, in the good providence of God, on 25 January 2015, His Royal Highness was officially installed as Mwine Lubemba, His Royal Highness Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga II, the 38th Chitimukulu, and had the distinguished honour and pleasure to be in attendance and witness the colourful coronation ceremony.

As UPND, we sincerely hope His Royal Highness Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga II is being misquoted by individuals with ulterior motives and ill-will to national unity, harmony and belonging together, as one people under our national motto of One Zambia, One Nation, and one nation, one people.


  1. Just shut up, he was just opposing Sata not that he was against the action but he saw an opportunity to divide Bemba Kingdom stretching from Mpepo , Chikwanda to senior chief Mwamba and Nkula respectively. His Chief is Mukuni for to him what ever Mukuni says is biblical truth

  2. This is really poor PF propaganda , also with alot ignorance ,let Govenment focus
    on solving the main mismanagement challenges you have caused than these nosense

  3. They easily forget because all that they do is to find a lie at present to cover up the past misdeeds whilst forgetting about the future…. twalibeshiba.. KUYA BEBELE

  4. Please don’t listen to that kid M0nday Ch@nda!
    He is a pathological liar, who thinks with his belly & t@k0 & is realising the P.F Gravy Train is soon coming to a halt!
    After that ninjala yeka & providing wife services in Prison as he & his thieving McPherson brother have a lot of unsolved cases /misdemeanours that will be opened once P@kunya Funkutu is dethroned @ the ballot box.
    Lastly P.F.KUYABEBELE!

  5. Please don’t listen to M0nd@y Ch@nda. The parasite is a pathological liar & it has dawned on him that the P.F Gravy Train is soon coming to a halt!
    This guy M0nd@y does not use his brain but t@k0 & be11y to reason & after his beloved P0kuny@ Funkootu is soon 0u2ted via the ball0t, M0nd@y & his th!eving brother M@cph3rs0n will have all their misdemeanours /crimes exposed & prosecuted, as they won’t have the drunken Alph@ & 0meg@ of Grand Corruption to shield them. M0nd@y will be busy providing w!fe services in Prison, remember this post.

  6. Mwebantu nefishili fyaku believa sure? Why would HH make the King of the Bembas his enemy just before elections? Nangu nibu Chimbwi noplan teifi iyoo. Politicians will try to manipulate people by all means. Ba PF behave. Naimwe bene ba UPND be more practical.

  7. No amount of damage control will help matters. Mwine Lubemba complained about Lukuku and Mucheleka insulting him, the Zombies at UPND secretariat including the perpetual liar Akainde were mute. Muzaona.

  8. PF has no institutional memory. How can they accuse HH and UPND of dethroning Chitimukulu when he wrote to President Sata asking him to stop interfering with the traditional process of appointing Chiefs in the Country? Sunday Chanda just writes falsehoods b4 researching the issue. HH’s letter to President Sata in 2014 vindicates him. Sunday Chanda should hold his head in shame. Paramount Chief Chitimukulu should not be misled by PF Propaganda.

  9. How can (HH) be so reckless just before elections? He says he’s rich but he has a poor image. Mutinta has failed to groom him.

  10. UPND media house has cost another election for Akainde Ichilema Kaponya (HH) aka Bally Matore.
    Who will lead the opposition UPND post 2021 elections defeat?
    They even fought tooth and nail against increasing the election petition period to 30 days. Akainde is going mad.

  11. Bally should find time to go and visit him, elderly people like visitations especially impromptu ones, when you don’t visit them often they start insinuating things that are neither here nor there, especially if your brother just visited them recently.

  12. PF can accuse anyone of anything……The sad part is that even when the police station was attacked by their cadre, they will concoct any funny stories and they think anyone will accept their reasons……. A wicked person will not rest till he either maim, destroy and kill anyone on his path
    My Paramount chief was be wary of this PF

  13. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    The 2nd being they are supposed to work with government of the day which changes hands between different parties from time to time.
    This is indeed a sad day for Zambia… the corrupt and tribalist Chitimukulu has sold his soul and the entire Bemba chiefdom to Lungu. He used to pretend and hide his hatred for HH and UPND and now I see why Sata couldn’t trust him. I have lost the last and little remnant of respect I had for him.

    Really Unbelievable and shameful!

  14. Is this website struggling to cope with overwhelming comments…? Otherwise, don’t invite people to leave comments!

  15. Let’s pass Bill 10, as proof UPND supports All chiefs, because it will help them by clarifying their duties. That’s how to show approval of all chiefs. They want the Bill, if you oppose it, then you oppose them, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    Prove your respect for the Royal House of Chiefs.

  16. PF have been caught with pants down, HH has never in political life attacked any chief in Zambia.

    He understands traditional leadership very well and besides be attacked by the same chiefs sponsored by PF dimwits he has remained silent all time

    PF must go to hell with your propaganda.

  17. We want to hear his position about what Patrick Mucheleka has been saying recently, that’s what we want to hear. We’ve taken it that the UPND have endorsed Mucheleka’s assault on Mwine Lubemba, if they haven’t let them take action against him

  18. Mwa sensela ilyo kawa.Where were you When Lukuku and Mucheleka insulted the chief? UPND like shooting itself in the foot at a critical time like this.2021 is next year and uwafitala aka imwena says HH.

  19. Upnd are still losing elections whichever way. I have the results already. Let me know if you want see them

  20. Upnd are still losing elections whichever way. I have the results already. Let me know if you want see them xxx

  21. Upnd are still losing elections whichever way. I have the results already. Let me know if you want see them. I will strip if upnd win

  22. So what if chitimukulu was insulted ??

    Is he god ?

    To hell with him……

    That is the problem with you Africans , worshipping people like Gods , some can’t be booed , some can’t be told off …..


  23. But zoona this ka chief is myopic. No chief in Zambia tskes off his gown like Sosala. He is always walking in newspaper naked with his underwear. Iwe ka Sosala”Chiefs dont go to the beach” wake the fack up & regain the little respect Zambians have of Chiefs or i ll slap u myself.

  24. Damage control. You shouldn’t have let Mucheleka issue that statement, oval headed twit. It’s already in record and your hate and tribalism for bembas is out in the open. Forget about the bemba vote, just like the way Mwanawasa destroyed MMD and lost Copperbelt, Luapula, Northern, so too it shall be with you hh. Just like the way you insult FTJ instead of respecting him, it’s apparent you have hate for bembas hh!!

  25. KZ is obsessed with winning Elections. Its all about ECL and PF retaining Power in 2021. Now that the lifejacket (Bill 10) in the Lubwato (Boat) how is the Boat going to sail safely in 2021.What is PF’s campaign message after failing Zambians for the last 4 years? The Economy is in dire straits, Corruption is rampant and Covid-19 is ravaging. So PF has messed up the Economy and needs to be voted out of power without fail. PF is scheming to postpone the 2021 Elections on account of Covid-19. This plan must be thwarted. We the youths are anxiously waiting to Boot out of power this Corrupt PF Govt. No amount of rigging will save PF in 2021. They are going whether they like it or not. Kuyabele!

  26. The !sd!0+$ the upndeads have tried by all mean to win elections.
    They have tried on their own and they have failed.
    They tried tubena mutale and mucheleka, they failed.
    They tried a pair with election winning GBM, damn, they failed.
    Now they want the chief. Is it a wrong button. My guess is that they are gonna fail. Terribly at that.

  27. PF are serial propagandists. Today with their Chief Chitimukulu allege UPND and HH wanted Mr Kanyanta Manga II dethroned as Chief Chitimukulu – really, overwhelming evidence exist that its HH personally who objected to what late president Sata wanted to dethrone Chief Chitimukulu. – Mulekwatako insoni. Yesterday PF propagandist said HH was in government incharge of privatisation and privatised Zambian assets including mines, when other, Valentine Chitalu, Dr Mathias Mphande ( now Bemba chief ) were ministers incharge of privatisation in MMD government under late president Chiluba- mwebantu Mulekwatako insoni. I would cease to be a Bemba

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